June 24th, 2006

It's another packed house as the AW travels to St. Paul, Minnesota. The crowd has just taken their seats and there is a restless murmur in the air as they anticipate what might happen tonight. Their murmurs are the drowned out by "The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails and we see Shannon Skanes headed towards the ring, a microphone in hand and looking like he hasn't shaved all week. He makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through them into the ring, then looks around at the fans and hangs his head for a moment before he begins to speak.

Shannon Skanes - See, I have been in this business since 1984. I have been in this business as long as anyone I know of who isn't named McMahon. Still, the old crap is stirring up again. The old rumors and the old crap is starting up and I figure this is the time to cut through that and tell it like it is. That is what I used to do, remember? Buckle your seatbelts. Now I have spent countless hours building and maintaining this company lately. It's the same work level I was at in the old GWO and CWA. Thing is, the bigger you get, the more people are going to take shots at you. I realize that there comes a time to tell the truth and make up your mind.

He lowers the microphone and we hear a CWA chant starting from the crowd. He nods his head and manages a partial smile.

Shannon Skanes - Dwayne Kingston was a problem. He has put through some form of litigation which is meant to bar me from mentioning his name on this show. You know what? I really don't give a damn. I don't care anymore about him and what he might do now than the locker room gave a damn about whether he lived or died. Oh, that sounds harsh I know, but you people only saw him inside the ring. Now, with the amount of criticism heaped upon myself and my company, one thing has become clear to me. It's time for Shannon Skanes to step down.

The crowd boos and Shannon nods, tears welling up in his eyes.

Shannon Skanes - See, tonight I have to do what's best for the company. Last week, Wyatt Gibson came out as the new GM and people cheered. Get ready to cheer again. Tonight I give you the new co-owner of AW... Noah Skanes!

"Just Like You" by Three Days Grace plays as Noah Skanes comes out from the back and smiles for the cheering crowd. He makes his way to the ring and quickly rolls himself in under the bottom rope. He grabs the microphone from his father.

Noah Skanes - I have heard a lot of stuff being said about AW lately. All I can say is I am so very thankful for a father who is willing to hand me the reigns and trust me with this company after twenty years as the president. I was going to turn this down, but I know my father wants me to have this. My father has always been there for me and has always been the best to me. I couldn't imagine another man doing the job he did in raising me, clothing me, feeding me and leading me to this point in my life. My father...

Noah's sentiment is cut off when we hear "Du Hast" by Rammstein and see Vesuvius coming out from the back with a microphone already in hand.

Vesuvius - I cannot believe what I am hearing. No one is going to answer to some kid running this place with me! I won't recognize this change at all. I refuse and I'll go to the board and protest it.

Noah Skanes - What board?

Vesuvius - Look, I have half ownership and I have a say in this.

Noah Skanes - No you don't. No one does. I'm your new partner.

Vesuvius - No one will listen to a kid.

Noah Skanes - They'll learn fast, V-Man.

Vesuvius turns and leaves, shaking his head. Inside the ring, Shannon embraces Noah and the crowd cheers as "Just Like You" by Three Days Grace plays again. We then look backstage where Rated R is seen entering the building only to be headed off by Bart Phillips.

Rated R - Oh look, it's Mr. Hoshi.

Bart Phillips - Look, Ryan, I want to talk to you man to man.

Rated R - You would need to find one to replace yourself then.

Bart Phillips - Whatever, look, I know you're on some sadistic kick right now. I just want you to wrestle Hoshi, not go beyond that.

Rated R - *smiles* I was like you as recently as a couple of weeks ago. I tried championing causes and all it got me was a lost title. Don't waste my time, Phillips. Your little wife sealed her fate when she signed the contract to face me.

Rated R walks off and a clearly upset and angry Bart makes his way back to the dressing room.

Max Cameron vs. Elijah Ryan

"Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron starts towards the ring. The crowd greets him with resounding boos and he bows before them and then tells the camera Wren's days are numbered. Max reaches ringside and looks around at the crowd and shakes his head. He then makes his way up the ring steps and then into the ring where he then waits for Elijah Ryan. "A Blessing in Tragedy" by Darkest Hour plays as Elijah Ryan comes out to the kind of mixed reaction that a new wrestler gets. Ryan nods his head to the music as he makes his way to ringside and then looks up at Max Cameron inside the ring. Ryan then pulls himself onto the apron where Max then greets him with a clothesline that sends him back to the floor. Max then is instructed to back off by referee Joe Davidson or risk a disqualification tonight.

Ricky Simms - Max is showing his usual sportsmanship.

Henry Lesher - This is wrestling, not macramé.

Ryan gets to his feet and then pulls himself into the ring. The bell sounds and the match is officially underway. Ryan and Max start trading rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. Max whips Ryan off the ropes and Ryan ducks a clothesline and then gives Max a knee to the gut follows by a series of forearm smashes to the jaw and then whips Max into the corner buckle where he then delivers a series of shoulder blocks to Max Cameron. Ryan then whips Max to the opposite corner buckle and charges straight into raised knees from Max. Max then gives Ryan a clothesline to the mat and then boot chokes him with the aid of the ropes.

Ricky Simms - Good back and forth action here as Elijah Ryan shows some spirit.

Henry Lesher - Spirit? That'll win him a beauty pageant, not a wrestling match.

Max releases the choke, stands Elijah up and whips him off the ropes and then dropkicks him back down to the mat. Max then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Elijah stands, faces Max and takes a clothesline from the top rope. Max then gets to his feet and smiles as he looks down on Elijah and out towards the booing crowd. Max then stands Elijah up and then delivers the Contradiction and then goes for the pin on Ryan. 1...2...3! Max Cameron wins impressively this week over Elijah Ryan.

Ricky Simms - Good win by Max to build momentum for him.

Henry Lesher - Over who again? How is it a good win over someone we never saw before? He might be a bouncer from a local bar.

Max exits the ring and starts for the back. He then snaps his fingers and heads back to ringside. He grabs the microphone from ring announcer Kosmic Kitty.

Max Cameron - I am so very sorry to hear that Shannon Skanes has stepped down, so I sent something to.... oh, just show it.

On the big screen, we see someone delivering flowers to the office of Noah Skanes. Noah takes the flowers and drops them onto his desk and looks at the camera.

Max Cameron - Oh you have to read the card, kid.

Noah reads the card aloud before the camera.

Noah Skanes - My condolences on the passing of your father. It turns out he ran his career as well as he ran his company. There just isn't any room for failure in this business. Enjoy the next few weeks until you fail as well. I hear that kind of thing runs in your family.

Noah crumples the note up, but manages a smile.

Noah Skanes - You think you're so clever. See, I saw something done wrong a couple of weeks ago when Wren was suspended. That crazy bitch shouldn't have been suspended. She should have been escorting you out of the building on account of you being fired and all.

The crowd cheers as Wren leaps through the crowd and starts brawling with Max Cameron at ringside. She slams his head into the railing and then they start brawling their way towards the backstage area while the crowd cheers. We then look to another office where new GM Wyatt Gibson sits.

Wyatt Gibson - I have two things to answer tonight. First, Krayne wanted his little match with Tommy Purr to be one that has no rules. I have no problem with that, so consider it done. You two can kill each other for all I care. The second was one from Hoshi about a Twinkie on a Pole match. Hoshi, dear Hoshi, that match was invented by Reverend Darius and Kosmic Kitty almost two whole years ago now. It was an incredible match that, as I remember it, Kitty won. Now, I have no issue with granting you that match for next week at Uprising. That's my business to attend to this week. Enjoy the rest of our little show.

Hoshi's Haven

We cut to Hoshi, Bart and Tanja all standing in the ring. There are no decorations in the ring, just the trio all with solemn looks on their faces.

Henry Lesher – I uh, need the restroom.

Ricky Simms – You went during the break, five minutes ago.

Henry Lesher: I have bladder trouble, alright?

Ricky Simms – Sit down doc.

Hoshi Yakamoto - *talking to the crowd* C’mon now guys, settle yourselves. I’m really not very happy.

Henry Lesher – Now you know how I feel.

The crowd’s noise goes down ever so slightly as Hoshi sits atop a turnbuckle.

Hoshi Yakamoto – This past week has…has not been good. Last week, I was poisoned, hit on the head with a monitor and had to bare witness to one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. Look.

The giant screen starts to play footage from last week’s Insurgence.

Takashi Yakamoto – And it seem to me, you have contributed lots to what is current AW. You have two daughters, a niece and a son-in-law all in same company. How you do it?

Veronica DiAtella - Well I guess…

Yakamoto Takashi - *angered* I tell you how you do it! I tell you! By destroying my family. I have to be raised by mother, at thirteen I have to learn to be man of house, all because you couldn’t keep your legs closed. Well let’s see how you do as cripple.

Before Veronica can react Takashi sends her down to the canvas with a fierce clothesline. Miki gets up in Veronica’s face and starts slapping her whilst throwing out a few choice Japanese curse words. Miki signals to Kira who seems shell shocked and torn by the whole situation.

Ricky Simms – Poor Kira’s trapped. On one hand she has a family who’ve helped her reach her potential, but now they’re asking her to take out her own mother.

Henry Lesher - I’d know what I’d do. *starts chanting loudly* Kill the bitch! Kill the bitch! Kill the bitch!

Kira steps out on the apron and grabs a microphone. She then walks back into the ring and looks into her mother’s eyes.

Kira Yakamoto – What’s the matter mom? Does it hurt knowing your precious little daughter, sweet little Kira-chan isn’t gonna help you? Well, you could always get your favorite child to help. But…where is Hoshi? Aw, looks like no-one’s here to help you right? Aw…that’s too bad.

Kira looks right at Miki as the two half-sisters share a sick grin.

Kira Yakamoto – Because I am!

Kira then smacks Miki hard across the face and starts screaming at her. Takashi tosses Veronica out the ring, and a s Kira’s back is turned, Takashi kicks her through the ropes. The crowd boos very loudly as Takashi and Miki stand there proudly. Hoshi finally runs out from the back and glares at Takashi and Miki as she tends to her mother and little sister.

Henry Lesher: That was kind of fun to watch.

Ricky Simms: Why, you deplorable, detestable…

Henry Lesher: Stop it! You’re making me blush!

Tanja Michaels – Y’know what guys? I don’t know about you but I despise people who attack innocent members of my family. True me and my cousin, Kira have not always been best friends but nothing justifies what the Zaibatsu did to her and my aunt Ronnie.

Hoshi Yakamoto – So let’s hear it from the man behind this C’mon Takashi. Let’s sort this out.

End Of The World by Loudness begins as Takashi walks out to his disapproving half-sister. He stops halfway to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Henry Lesher - Can I go now?

Ricky Simms – No!

Yakamoto Takashi – Strange thing. I plan to come out here this week. You put stop to that. Now before you get ahead of yourself Hoshi-chan I have no interest in you. No I come to talk to brother-in-law.

Bart gets Hoshi’s mike and leans over the ropes.

Bart Phillips – I’m right here you son of a bitch.

Yakamoto Takashi – I see that. But, I not one who want to make your acquaintance.

Bart Phillips – Then who is?

Suddenly several police officers come out .

Ricky Simms – What the hell is going on here?

Henry Lesher – Officers! The kids were just hungry that’s all!

Ricky Simms – Huh?

Some of the police storm the ring pinning Bart down. They handcuff and stand him up. Tanja and Hoshi are slack-jawed over the proceedings.

Bart Phillips - *talking into Hoshi’s microphone* What the fuck is this Takashi!?

Police officer - *also talking into the microphone* Mr. Bartholomew Phillips, you are under arrest…for assisting the suicide of one Bishop Stone.

Bart Phillips – Bullshit!

Police officer – You don’t have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do.

The officers pull Bart away, and as he goes up the ramp Takashi spits in his face. Bart tries to go for Takashi but the officers pull him back. Hoshi is stood in the ring, tears running down her face.

Hoshi Yakamoto – Damn you Takashi! Damn you to hell!

Henry Lesher – I never liked men in uniform until now.

Ricky Simms – Did you absolutely have to say that?

Takashi looks in the ring, amused as he grabs his microphone.

Yakamoto Takashi – No, no, no. Still not good enough. I need more. See, like last time I caused two tragedies hurting Kira and your mother.

Tanja: You…BASTARD!

Tanja rushes out of the ring and goes for Takashi who grabs her throat. He stares into Tanja’s terrified eyes for a few seconds before lifting her and dropping her with a one-armed choke slam.

Yakamoto Takashi – There. That better.

Hoshi begins screaming at the top of her lungs as she holds her head in her hands and tears appear on the sides of her face.

Ricky Simms – Why that sadistic bastard!

Henry Lesher – See? Now why can’t the rest of the locker room just follow his example?

We look backstage and see Gerard Angelo with the AW title over his shoulder, heading into Noah's office.

Noah Skanes - What do you want?

Gerard Angelo - I noticed Uprising is next week and you haven't named an opponent for me yet. Is this because I am too good for anyone to challenge?

Noah Skanes - Nice theory, but no. See, I have known for weeks who you would face for that belt right there. I knew you would face the one man who has the most reason to want it from you.

Gerard Angelo - Rated R again?

Noah Skanes - No, with me running the company, Rated R's days of being champ are over and won't be back. No, the one person with the most reason to want that title from you is none other than Tommy Purr.

Gerard Angelo - *horrified* He hasn't done a damn thing to earn a title shot at me!

Noah Skanes - I guess we disagree there then, don't we? Have a great night.

Gerard mumbles to himself as he exits the office and we head back to the ring.

Xandra vs. Steve Hawkins/Vesuvius

"Cowboy" by Kid Rock plays as Steve Hawkins comes out, led by Corina of the Glamour Girls. He bows before the cheering crowd, one which recalls his days in CWA and UWN as a champion well. Hawkins strolls down to ringside and then has a few words with Corina before he pulls himself onto the apron and then steps into the ring.

Henry Lesher - Wonder if he's sober tonight.

Ricky Simms - You're terrible.

Henry Lesher - The guy's a lousy drunk.

Hawkins' music fades and then we hear "Mine Teil" by Rammstein and Vesuvius comes out to quite the opposite reaction that Hawkins got. Vesuvius has a few words with one fan in the front row on his way to the ring. Vesuvius then steps up onto the apron and steps over the top rope into the ring where he then stands face to face with Hawkins. The two of them start arguing while "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails starts to play and Xandra comes out to a mixed reaction. Both men turn and look at her and back off to their corner. They then start arguing over who will start the match. Vesuvius shrugs and agrees to let Hawkins start it, then Hawkins turns his back to Vesuvius and Vesuvius gives him a knee to the spine and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor where Hawkins' shoulder strikes the guard railing. Referee Bruce Miller leaves the ring to check on Hawkins and signals for medical assistance as Xandra stops at ringside and takes in what's going on. Vesuvius stands inside the ring with a smile on his face and beckons her into the ring.

Ricky Simms - Hawkins is hurting out here.

Henry Lesher - He should never have turned his back on Vesuvius.

Xandra steps into the ring and Vesuvius gives her a boot to the face. Referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell to make the match official while medical staff check on Hawkins who appears to have a separated shoulder. Vesuvius stands Xandra up, whips her into the corner buckle and then slaps her across the face and tells her to get used to it while the crowd starts a chant for Hawkins. Hawkins' arm hangs at his side while he is taken to the back and Vesuvius picks Xandra up and power slams her to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Xandra rolls a shoulder out.

Ricky Simms - I thought he had her there.

Henry Lesher - He will. She's just delaying the inevitable and not very well, either.

Vesuvius stands Xandra up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then trips the feet out from under Vesuvius. Xandra then gives Vesuvius a knee to the throat and then she heads to the ropes and jumps to the top. She lands a flying leg drop across the throat of Vesuvius and then she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vesuvius. Xandra stands Vesuvius up, whips him off the ropes and he shoulder blocks her down to the mat and then stands over her with a smile on his face. He lands a knee to the forehead on Xandra and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Xandra and Vesuvius slaps the mat. Vesuvius stands Xandra up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. He then drops and rolls himself out of the ring as well. Vesuvius grabs Xandra around the throat, picks her up and choke slams her to the floor.

Ricky Simms - This is sickening.

Henry Lesher - Vesuvius is reminding the world why he is called a monster.

Vesuvius then stands her up and rolls her into the ring, then rolls himself into the ring as well. He stands over Xandra and smiles. We then see Blair Drake making his way towards the ring with a steel chair in his hand. The crowd cheers and Vesuvius takes notice of him and then demands that referee Miller get Drake out of here. Miller leans through the ropes and tells Drake to leave while we see Steve Hawkins, right arm in a sling, slipping into the ring with a bat in his left hand. He slams it across the back of Vesuvius neck and then gives him a DDT to the mat before rolling back out of the ring. Xandra then drapes an arm across Vesuvius. 1...2...3! Xandra wins!

Ricky Simms - Xandra gets the win thanks to Hawkins. That's a shocker.

Henry Lesher - This stinks. Vesuvius was the better man and Hawkins cheap shots him.

Ricky Simms - Since when do you hate cheap shots?

Henry Lesher - I hate Xandra.

Hawkins and Blair Drake smile as they exit the arena together, an old tag team reunited tonight. We then look backstage and see Bombshell with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - Bombshell, I understand you're here for a challenge?

Bombshell - I saw Corina with Hawkins, so I am demanding that she answer my challenge, our challenge. I was STD versus the Glamour Girls next week. I want July 1st to be remembered as the day we ended their little group.

Ray Dees - Why the hate, Yvonne?

Bombshell - Let's just say this company isn't big enough for them and us to peacefully co-exist.

Ray Dees - You would think there would be room.

Bombshell - Ray, Uprising will see the end of them if they have the courage to fight us.

Corina then taps Bombshell on the shoulder. Bombshell turns and takes a clothesline to the floor from Corina who then yanks the microphone out of Ray's hands.

Corina - Challenge is accepted.

Corina then marches off and we head back to the ring.

Rated R vs. Hoshi Yakamoto

"Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way down towards the ring. She stops at ringside and has a few words with her husband Bart Phillips and he takes his place at ringside. She then jumps onto the apron, leaps over the top rope into the ring and waits while her music fades and then we hear the opening strains of "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R comes out wearing a BLPW T-shirt and throwing out T-shirts to the crowd. Most of those T-shirts are thrown right back at him while the crowd starts a "Rated R sucks" chant. He feigns that this chant hurts him, but then fingers the crowd before he steps up onto the apron.

Ricky Simms - I am shocked at Rated R's behavior and I would like to apologize to AW fans watching this.

Henry Lesher - If we have any left.

Rated R steps into the ring and the bell sounds to get the match underway. Rated R steps in and locks up with Hoshi. He then shoves her into the corner buckle and then gives her a hip toss to the middle of the ring. Rated R headlocks Hoshi and then shouts out at Bart Phillips. Hoshi backs Rated R into the ropes, then gives him an Irish whip. Rated R shoulder blocks Hoshi to the mat and then gives her an elbow smash across the chest, then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Rated R then stands Hoshi up, whips her into the corner buckle and then runs straight into a drop toe from Hoshi that sends Rated R face first into the corner buckle and Hoshi then rolls Rated R into a school boy pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Rated R as we see Bart Phillips cheering Hoshi on from ringside. Hoshi stands Rated R up, whips him into the corner and then gives him a hand spring back elbow follows by a series of well placed kicks to the chest and gut. Hoshi then headlocks Rated R and sets for a DDT, but Rated R picks Hoshi up and instead gives her a spine buster to the mat. Rated R then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - Hoshi showing a lot of fight here against the former AW champ.

Henry Lesher - Like that matters.

Rated R stands Hoshi up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a knee to the gut followed by a double under hook suplex to the middle of the ring. Rated R then stands her up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a spinning heel kick to the head and then goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Rated R starts having words with referee Mark Davis who answers simply with a shrug and says that it was a two count. Rated R then stands Hoshi up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Rated R then drops and rolls out of the ring to the floor as well only to come face to face with Bart Phillips. Ryan and Phillips have a few words on the floor while Hoshi gets back to her feet and then rolls herself into the ring. Rated R then clotheslines Bart to the floor and rolls himself back in as well. Hoshi lands a series of knife edge chops to the chest on Rated R, but he answers with a thumb to the eye and then gouges her eyes on the top rope while the crowd boos him louder. He puts his hand to his ear and says he can't hear them.

Ricky Simms - Rated R feeding on the crowd's hatred tonight.

Henry Lesher - Now he is ready to win back the title.

Rated R dumps Hoshi through the ropes and out to the floor. Rated R then rolls himself out of the ring and grabs the ring steps and asks Hoshi if she really wants to get embarrassed by his woman next week. He winks at Kosmic Kitty and slams the steps over Hoshi's head, causing the referee to call for the bell. Kosmic Kitty shakes her head, seemingly not approving of his tactics here this week. She announces Hoshi the winner by disqualification and then sits down while Rated R raises his hands high and then throws the ring steps down. He then makes his way to the back while Bart Phillips checks on the fallen Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - Rated R doesn't seem to care if he wins, as long as he hurts people.

Henry Lesher - That's the guy who used to drop people on their faces just for fun and how I missed him.

As Rated R disappears into the back, we look and see Noah Skanes in his office shaking his head. Freak then comes into the shot.

Freak, Himself - Problems? You hearing voices in your head too?

Noah Skanes - Uh, no, just watching Ryan on a tirade this week running over Hoshi.

Freak, Himself - Must be tough to watch when you're hearing voices.

Noah Skanes - I need someone to take Ryan down next week.

Freak, Himself - I'll take him down.

Noah Skanes - But he's been really dangerous lately.

Freak, Himself - I don't care. We're unstoppable.

Noah Skanes - It's just you and me here.

Freak, Himself - And we're unstoppable.

Freak hums to himself as he leaves the office and Noah looks baffled by the exchange.

Gerard Angelo vs. Leech

"Ink" by Finch plays as Gerard Angelo comes out, holding the AW title high to a resounding chorus of boos from an unappreciative crowd. He then starts strolling casually towards the ring, his ego apparent to all present. His ego doesn't hear Leech coming as the former NPA star attacks Gerard with a clothesline from behind, sending him face first to the floor. Leech then takes the AW title belt and starts whipping Gerard with it while the crowd cheers. Leech then tosses the belt aside like it was trash and starts putting the boots to the champ.

Ricky Simms - Leech showing the champion zero respect tonight.

Henry Lesher - Why should he? This company shows Leech no respect either.

Leech drags Gerard down the aisle to ringside and then slams his face into the corner post and then slams his face into the guard railing. He then stands the bloodied Gerard up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Referee Steve Blake calls for the bell to make this match official as Leech starts a two handed choke on the AW champ. Gerard thumbs Leech in the eyes in retaliation and then knees him in the gut before tossing him out of the ring to the floor. Gerard then uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet slowly. Gerard then sees Leech is on the apron, grabs him by the hair and pulls him over the top rope into the ring. He then eye gouges Leech before giving him a knee to the gut and then whips him into the corner buckle before giving him an atomic drop.

Ricky Simms - The champ coming back here against the demented Leech.

Henry Lesher - Let's see how long Leech toys with him before going for the kill.

Gerard gives Leech a swinging neck breaker and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Leech. Gerard then stands Leech up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Gerard looks to the crowd, but they greet him with scorn. He then stands Leech up, whips him into the corner and charges in, both men clothes lining each other to the mat. The referee then starts counting them both down. On the four count, Gerard kips up to his fight. On the five count, Leech sweeps the feet out from under the champion. Leech then quickly gets to his feet and starts putting the boots to Gerard Angelo. He then stands him up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. Leech then heads to the ropes and makes his way to the top, then leaps off for a flying head butt only to miss when Gerard rolls out of the way. Gerard then gets to his feet and then headlocks Leech and gives him a DDT to the mat. Gerard then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Leech.

Ricky Simms - I thought that ended it there.

Henry Lesher - Like I said, Leech is going to bide his time and then win it.

Gerard stands Leech up and turns him around and Leech hits Gerard in the face with brass knuckles he just drew from his trunks. The referee calls for the bell and Leech protests that he didn't do anything wrong.

Ricky Simms - Disqualification rules another match, but Leech seems baffled that an AW referee wouldn't allow the use of brass knuckles.

Henry Lesher - He's right. Rules in a place that has Anarchy in its name adds up to being pretty ridiculous.

Leech leaves the ring and heads for the back. We then look backstage and see Wren heading out for the parking lot. She steps out the door and right into a two by four to the face from Max Cameron. Max then stands over her.

Max Cameron - Keep your head up and your eyes open Wren! Things between you and me are just getting started.

Max then steps away and Rated R steps into the picture, a smile on his face.

Rated R - Random acts of violence always bring a smile to my face, especially when it's against someone who thinks they're better than me. Stay down Wren. You're in over your head this time. You don't have Flock or Frank Merritt to save your sorry ass this time.

Rated R walks away as Wren struggles to get to her feet, blood trickling down from her forehead. We then head back to the ring.

Freak, Himself vs. The Moose

"I'm Feeling Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers plays as The Moose comes out, the Superior title around his waist as a loud cheer greets him from the capacity crowd. He stops at ringside and hands the title belt to the timekeeper, checking to make certain it isn't Krayne this week. Moose then steps up onto the apron and then steps into the ring, testing the ropes. His music then fades and we hear "Bleeding Mascara" by Atreyu and Freak, Himself starts for the ring. The crowd is also cheering for him making this a rarity in a company full of rule breakers. Freak stops at ringside and also checks the timekeeper to make sure it isn't Krayne.

Ricky Simms - Moose won that title belt in part due to Krayne being the mystery timekeeper last week.

Henry Lesher - There is always an excuse for you.

Ricky Simms - We haven't seen Diego since then either.

Henry Lesher - Thank God for small miracles.

Freak steps up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes and referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell to get the match underway. Freak and Moose lock up. Moose backs Freak into the corner where the referee asks for a clean break. Moose backs off. Freak and Moose nod towards each other and then lock up again. Freak then whips Moose into the opposite corner buckle and then gives him a series of knife edge chops in the corner. On the eighth chop, Moose reverses places with Freak and then gives him eight chops to the chest in return. Moose then backs away and Freak face plants onto the mat. Moose then lands a leg drop across the back of Freak's neck and then rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Freak. Moose stands Freak up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Freak instead kicks Moose in the face and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Freak then goes to the ropes and lands a lion sault onto the fallen Moose before he goes for the pin. 1...2.. kick out by Moose. Freak slaps the mat, stands Moose up and whips him off of the ropes. Moose ducks a clothesline and then gives Freak a reverse neck breaker. Moose then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Freak who then rolls himself out of the ring for a breather.

Ricky Simms - Lots of near pin falls in this match.

Henry Lesher - Near doesn't count. I have told you this before.

Moose drops and rolls out of the ring in pursuit of Freak. Moose and Freak start trading rights and lefts on the floor. Moose slams Freak's face into the guard railing. Freak kicks Moose in the gut and then tosses him shoulder first into the ring steps. Freak then rolls himself back into the ring with the crowd torn on who they are cheering for here. Moose gets to his feet and takes a baseball slide from Freak. Freak then stands Moose up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Freak then stands Moose up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him onto referee Francis Clarke. Freak then stands Moose up, whips him off the ropes and clotheslines him to the mat. We then see Krayne jumping over the railing and grabbing the ring bell from the time keeper. He rolls into the ring and clubs Freak's knee with it and then gives him an upper cut to the jaw with it. Krayne then exits the ring.  Moose gets to his feet, oblivious to what just happened here. He then picks Freak up and delivers the Moosedriver and goes for the pin. 1...2...3!

Ricky Simms - That's two weeks in a row Krayne has helped Moose. Why? What does he have to gain with Moose winning?

Henry Lesher - Maybe he just hates Diego and Freak. Did you ever think of that?

Ricky Simms - Moose won't appreciate someone making him look like he can't win a match on his own.

Henry Lesher - If he was a real man, he would just appreciate the wins.

As Moose exits the ring and grabs his belt from the timekeeper, we look backstage and see Leech marching into Wyatt Gibson's office.

Wyatt Gibson - Match request is it?

Leech - No, I want an explanation for why AW is so damned conscious of rules. The fans want violence.

Wyatt Gibson - Yes, but there are rules to a majority of our matches.

Leech - I had Gerry dead to rights.

Wyatt Gibson - Regardless, you used a foreign object and that cost you the match.

Leech - I see a lot of people leaving this company. Maybe I'm starting to understand that better now.

Wyatt Gibson - You could always start your own? Oh right, you tried that.

Leech - You think you're so damned funny, Gibson. I'm out of here.

Leech storms out and Wyatt goes back to planning out Uprising next week.

Tommy Purr vs. Krayne

"Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives plays as Tommy Purr starts for the ring. He is by himself tonight as it is a hardcore match. He is half way to the ring when Krayne charges out from the back. Hearing him coming, Tommy turns and the two start brawling right there in the aisle. Krayne lands a series of elbows to the forehead on Tommy and then gives him an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline to the floor while referee Joe Davidson finally arrives to call for the bell to make this match official.

Ricky Simms - Lots of brutality here in this one.

Henry Lesher - Got to love the brutality.

Krayne grabs the camera from the nearest cameraman and rams it into the forehead of Tommy Purr before tossing it aside. Krayne then pulls Tommy to ringside and then picks him up and power slams him to the floor before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr and Krayne slaps the floor. Krayne then lifts the ring apron and pulls a table out from underneath it. Krayne sets up the table while an already bloodied Tommy Purr struggles to get to his feet. Krayne turns and takes a thumb to the eye from Tommy who then gives Krayne a Rock Bottom through the table. Tommy then goes for the pin among the ruins of the table. 1...2... Krayne just rolls a shoulder out in time. Tommy then reaches under the ring and pulls out a trash can. He slams it across the back of Krayne  and then grabs two more trash cans from under the ring and tosses them into it. Tommy then stands Krayne up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Tommy sets the two trash can up in a standing position, bottoms up. He then picks Krayne up and body slams him onto the trash cans, crushing them and injuring the back of his opponent.

Ricky Simms - Tommy showing a mean streak here tonight.

Henry Lesher - You got to love that.

Tommy stands Krayne up, whips him off the ropes and Krayne leap frogs Tommy and then gives him a hip toss onto the crushed cans. Krayne then rolls out of the ring and reaches under the apron and pulls out a set of steel chairs. Krayne then rolls himself back into the ring and sets one chair up. Tommy gets to his feet and takes a chair shot to the face and then Krayne gives him a chair shot to the gut, doubling him over. Krayne then gives Tommy a scissor kick that sends him face first onto the chair. Krayne then stands over Tommy and smiles. We then see Moose marching towards the ring with a frown on his face.  He grabs one of the table legs at ringside and rolls himself into the ring and then chops the knees out from under an unsuspecting Krayne. Moose then stands Krayne up, whips him into the corner buckle and then clotheslines him with the table leg. Moose then tells Krayne no one makes him look weak and gets away with it. Moose then drops and rolls out of the ring to the floor. Tommy then lands a rolling thunder on the fallen Krayne and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr gains the Moose aided victory.

Ricky Simms - Moose must have seen Krayne interfering in another match this week and came out to send him a message about it!

Moose starts making his way towards the back only to come face to face with Nameless. Nameless knees Moose in the gut and then gives him a choke slam on the floor. He stands over Moose while a shocked crowd boos him.

Ricky Simms - My God! Nameless! Nameless from out of nowhere!

Henry Lesher - Nameless is not a man. He is a form that can move in and out of our dimension and he just made a very shocking and surreal entrance!

Ricky Simms - I never saw him come out and we never saw him backstage. He's just sort of there.

As Nameless stands over the fallen Moose, we look backstage and see Bart Phillips pacing near Hoshi while medics look after her.

Bart Phillips - Is she okay?

Medic - Outside of a minor concussion... by the looks of things anyways. I think she'll be fine. We need to get her to the hospital for x-rays and a proper check up though.

Bart Phillips - This is insane!

Hoshi Yakamoto - I'll be fine, relax.

Bart Phillips - I'll get Rated R for this. I swear I will.

Hoshi Yakamoto - Just stay out of Ryan's way. He's insane right now, has been since he lost the title.

Bart Phillips - The man wants to mess with my wife.... he's got hell to pay.

Bart then helps the medics load Hoshi into the waiting ambulance and they drive off.

Tag Title Match

"Last Resort" by Papa Roach plays as Black Lightning and FUBAR start towards the ring, but they are already fighting with Dex and Rex Cooper. FUBAR slams Rex's head into the guard railing while Dex hip tosses Black Lightning right into the crowd. FUBAR and Dex then start brawling in the aisle, FUBAR giving Dex a knee to the gut and then a series of knee lifts before whipping him shoulder first into the guard railing. FUBAR then drags Dex to ringside and then rolls him into the ring as Freak hits ringside on a dead run and clotheslines FUBAR to the floor.

Ricky Simms - This is a mess already.

Henry Lesher - Well, that's a promising start, though I look at the three teams involved and hold our little in the way of hope.

Freak rolls FUBAR into the ring and then himself and referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to make the match official while Harmony Fallacia takes her place in their corner. Dex Cooper gives Freak a clothesline and then picks FUBAR up over his shoulder and runs him head first into the corner buckle before giving him a power slam to the mat. Dex then goes for the pin. 1...2... FUBAR kicks out as Black Lightning and Rex Cooper reach their respective corners. Dex stands FUBAR up, whips him off the ropes and FUBAR ducks a clothesline and then gives Dex a standing dropkick into Freak who rolls Dex up with a back slide into a pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Dex and Freak then rolls to his corner and tags in Harmony while FUBAR tags in Black Lightning. Harmony charges and ducks a clothesline from Lightning and then places him in an abdominal stretch. FUBAR then climbs the ropes behind her, leaps off and gives her a bulldog from there to the mat where Black Lightning then goes for the pin. 1...2... Rex breaks it up with a kick to the face on Lightning moments after being tagged by Dex.

Ricky Simms - This is some intense action here as all three teams show signs of having what it takes to win this.

Henry Lesher - Are you talking to me? I quit watching when Harmony showed up.

Rex stands Lightning up, whips him to the only neutral corner left and then gives him a series of knee lifts before picking him up and giving him a gorilla press slam to the mat Rex then lands a leg drop across the throat of Lightning and goes for the pin. 1...2... Harmony pulls Rex off of Lightning and then stands him up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. She then does a somersault splash onto Rex and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rex Cooper.  Harmony gets to her feet and takes a super kick from Black Lightning that sends her right through the ropes and out to the floor. Black Lightning then stands Rex up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spinning heel kick that sends him reeling into Total Darkness' corner where FUBAR gives him a head butt to the back of the head and Lightning then dropkicks Rex into the ropes where he becomes tangled. Black Lightning tags in FUBAR and the two of them tee off on Rex with a series of punches and kicks while the referee tries to free Rex from the ropes.

Ricky Simms - Solid teamwork here by Total Darkness.

Henry Lesher - Doesn't matter. I am not caring.

Harmony rolls herself into the ring and tags in Freak. Freak comes into the ring and kicks FUBAR in the chest, sending him out to the floor and then ducks a clothesline from Black Lightning and gives him an atomic drop out to the floor. He then takes a vicious clothesline from Rex Cooper. Rex tags in Dex and Dex steps over the top rope into the ring. He stands Freak up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a tilt a whirl backbreaker to the mat and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Freak as FUBAR rolls himself into the ring with a chair in hand. FUBAR is held off by the referee while Black Lightning rolls into the ring with a chair in hand as well and drills Dex with it. He rears back with it to drill Freak, but the referee pulls it from his grip and, as Lightning argues with the ref, Freak rolls Dex up. 1...2...3! Lightning pulls the chair from the referee's grip and then drills him across the head with it.

Ricky Simms - Referee Mark Davis takes a brutal chair shot after Freak and Harmony won the tag team titles! I get the feeling this isn't over.

Henry Lesher - Actually, I thank God it is.

Freak and Harmony escape the ring and grab the tag team titles and then start for the back while Total Darkness and the New Age Dogg Pound continue to fight amongst themselves.

Ricky Simms - These two teams hate each other so much, they gave Delirium the tag belts.

Henry Lesher - I hate them more than they hate each other. Trust me.

We fade to black as security rushes into the ring to split up the fight between the Dogg Pound and Total Darkness.

Ricky Simms - See you next week at Uprising!