March 26th, 2006 - Boston, MA

Hoshi's Haven

The ring is covered in a pink, plush carpet with two tall pink armchairs and lots of stuffed animals. Surfing With The Alien by Joe Satriani starts as Hoshi walks out to the ring, dressed in a tight, short, white evening dress and a diamond necklace looking the epitome of glamour. Hoshi crouches through the ropes and grabs a mike.

Hoshi - Good evening Bean Town!

The Bostonian crowd cheers in approval.

Ricky Simms - The crowd giving Yakamoto a white-hot reception.

Henry Lesher - ..for thine is the power…

Ricky Simms - What are you doing?

Henry Lesher - Praying for a lightning strike in the ring.

Hoshi - Well tonight, Hoshi’s Haven brings you my beloved little brother, Akira.

Akira walks to the ring. Only 3-foot-tall he walks up the steps and clambers into the ring accompanied by Tanja. Hoshi crouches down to her little brother.

Henry Lesher - No.

Hoshi - Hi Aki! How are you.?

Henry Lesher - No, no.

Akira - I’m good.

Henry Lesher - No, no, no.

Hoshi - You sure you’re not scared.

Henry Lesher - No!

Akira nods.

Hoshi - Okay…wanna give your sister a hug?

Henry Lesher - NO!!!!!!

Akira hugs Hoshi as Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani starts as Kira Yakamoto proudly struts out. Akira starts to walk towards his other big sister but Tanja grasps his shoulder stopping him.

Kira - Hi Hoshi, hi Akira. Hi bitch. I’m really looking forward to our match on Sunday. And I wanna tell you something. You think you’re so great because you’re a manager. Well I’m a manager too.

Shadows Of War by Loudness begins as blue strobes begin to flash as two people make their way out to the ring. One a large, obese man the other a slender young woman both of Japanese ethnicity. Hoshi is beaming ear-to-ear.

Hoshi - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Takashi and Miki Yakamoto, The Zaibatsu!

Takashi and Miki walk into the ring as Hoshi hands them both microphones.

Hoshi - So you guys here to stay?

Miki - Might be.

Hoshi - It’s nice to see Kira having someone to manage.

Takashi - I agree. This make us a happy family at last.

Hoshi - I couldn’t agree more.

Miki - Good for you.

Miki unleashes a vicious kick to Hoshi’s stomach. As she whips her into the corner, Takashi runs at her and hits Hoshi with a Stinger Splash! Hoshi collapses unconscious onto the canvas as Akira starts to cry.

Ricky Simms - This is so unfair! Poor, poor Hoshi!

Henry Lesher - Ha! Finally some guys in that family I can cheer for! It's not a lightning strike, but I can cling to this for awhile.

Tanja leads Akira out of the ring to safety.

Kira - *imitating a chicken* Bak bak bak bak bak bak! Look at little Tanja. You scared widdle baby Tawnya?

Tanja rushes back into the ring but before she can tackle Kira, Kira grasps Tanja’s hair and slams her head first into the canvas. As Tanja writhes on the mat Takashi climbs to the top of the rope and screams “450!”

Ricky Simms - This is wrong! This is just wrong! She’s only a child!

Henry Lesher - Do it Takashi! Do it! It will teach her to stay out of the ring.

Suddenly a man in a leather jacket and jeans runs out and hits Takashi over the head with a lead pipe. Takashi just turns around and snarls as we see who the assailant is.

Ricky Simms - Bart Phillips! Bart Phillips to the rescue!

Henry Lesher - Dammit, just when it was getting good.

Bart finally manages to fight Takashi off the turnbuckle and chops him, until he dropkicks the large wrestler over the top rope and out of the ring. Miki and Kira soon follow while Bart tends to Hoshi, who’s slowly coming around and Tanja who’s wide-eyed and breathing heavy.

Kira - You’ll pay for this Tanja! YOU…WILL…PAY!

As this segment wraps on that note, we see the opening credits of tonight's show, "Keine Lust" by Rammstein playing as we see images of Rated R, Jason Knight, Phil Castle, Tommy Purr, Simon, Nameless, Rodd Gordon, Total Darkness, Bombshell, Gerard Angelo, Maybon, Parker Davis and Sal Clemenzo before we go to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are all set to call the action tonight.

Total Darkness vs Ring of Power

"Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails plays as Shannon Skanes and Kathy Smith make their way out from the back to the cheers of the crowd. They are half way to the ring when Black Lightning and FUBAR race out from the back and attack them with a double clothesline to the back of each of them, sending both face first to the floor. FUBAR then drags Kathy to ringside, stands her up and then slams her head onto the apron before rolling her into the ring. FUBAR enters the ring and the bell sounds to make it official.

Ricky Simms - The tag team champs have gone to the dark side. Air Canada is apparently no more.

Henry Lesher - I just wish that meant these guys were gone, instead of them dressing in black.

FUBAR stands Kathy up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick that sends her to the mat. He then tags in Black Lightning. Black Lightning enters the ring and gives Kathy a series of double axe handles across the back. He then picks her up by the hair and slams her into the corner buckle face first. Black Lightning then stands Kathy up, whips her to the opposite buckle and then gives her a backdrop from there to the mat. Black Lightning leg drops her across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kathy Smith as Shannon Skanes reaches their corner.

Ricky Simms - Where's Myst?

Henry Lesher - No one cares. I just want this over. A lightning strike, and I mean real lightning, not that idiot Canadian in there. A real lightning strike would be good right about now.

Lightning stands Kathy up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then gives Lightning a bulldog to the mat. She then rolls to her corner and tags in Shannon. He quickly jumps through the ropes and greets Lightning with a right hook that sends him back to the mat and then gives a charging FUBAR a backdrop to the mat before kicking him right back out of the ring. Shannon then stands Lightning up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a round house kick that sends him down to the mat. Shannon then stands Lightning up and gives him a sling shot suplex to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... FUBAR breaks it up by pulling Shannon off of Lightning and right out of the ring. We then see Vesuvius and Kelly Buchanan marching towards the ring.

Ricky Simms - This isn't a good sign.

Henry Lesher - It is to me.

Shannon and FUBAR trade rights and lefts on the floor. FUBAR thumbs Shannon in the eye and then tries to whip him into the steel steps only to have Shannon reverse it and he slams FUBAR shoulder first into the steel steps. Shannon then rolls himself into the ring where Lightning greets him with a knee to the gut and a DDT to the mat before he tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Shannon. Kathy starts arguing from the apron with Kelly. Kathy jumps down off the apron and Vesuvius gives her a vicious clothesline to the floor before he and Kelly start putting the boots to her. Referee Mark Davis pays no attention to it as FUBAR then climbs the ropes and gives Shannon a flying cross body block. He and Black Lightning then stand Shannon up, whip him off the ropes, gives him a double knee to the gut and then a FUBAR climbs to the second rope while Lightning maintains a headlock on the former GWO owner and then they give him a spike DDT to the mat before Black Lightning then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Total Darkness gets the win.

Ricky Simms - Referee Mark Davis saw what was going on, saw the double teaming, and did nothing about any of it. He robbed Shannon and Kathy this week!

Henry Lesher - Stop pretending anyone cares at this point, Rick.

As the tag team champions exit the ring, we see Vesuvius and Kelly rolling Kathy into the ring. They stand over Shannon and Kathy and smile while the crowd starts a "GWO GWO" chant. We then see Anthony Hicks making his way towards the ring with a table under his right arm. He has a sadistic smile on his face as he slides the table into the ring. Vesuvius sets up the table while Hicks steps over the top rope into the ring. The crowd's booing gets louder as Vesuvius picks Kathy Smith up and places her on the table. Vesuvius then climbs the nearby ropes and smiles towards a crowd that hates him right now. He leaps off to put her through the table, but Hicks pulls her off the table and Vesuvius goes through it. Hicks then shoves Kelly down and she exits the ring quickly. Hicks then picks Vesuvius up and gives him a power bomb through what's left of the table. Hicks then leaves the ring nodding his head while medical staff rush to the ring to attend to injured persons here.

Ricky Simms - I didn't see that coming. Hicks has turned against AW!

Henry Lesher - We were actually watching, Rick. We know what happened.

While this mess is cleaned up, we look backstage and see Ray Dees with Halloween Jack.

Ray Dees - Jack, last week Sal challenged you to a Buried Alive match. Do you accept?

Halloween Jack - Raymond, Sal Clemenzo is a sore loser. I have beaten him before and he just keeps coming back for another beating.

Ray Dees - But do you accept the match?

Halloween Jack - If Sal wants to be embarrassed, I don't see why not. I'm fine with destroying him again.

Ray Dees - Any comments on what just went down inside the ring?

Halloween Jack - Hicks never measured up for us anyways. Vesuvius will destroy him next week. AW is just weeding out the posers from the real wrestlers.

Ray Dees - Well put, Jack and best of luck to you.

Halloween Jack - I won't need it, but thanks.

Tommy Time

“Lovefurypassionenergy” by Boy Hits Car plays in the arena as the lights go out throughout the entire building. The crowd is on its feet as Tommy Purr makes his way out to the ring, pointing in the air to the fans for the latest installment of “Tommy Time.” Tommy enters the ring as the lights in the arena begin to return to normal and the music fades out. The crowd is still cheering as Tommy smiles brightly.

Tommy Purr - Weeeeeelcome, ladies and gents … to the return of “Tommy Time”!!!!

The crowd erupts as Tommy continues on.

Tommy Purr - Now, not to knock Shannon Skanes or anything … but last week when we saw the return of “Shannon’s Corner,” well, for me personally, it left a lot to be desired. Sure, we saw the great Sal and his girl Serena come down and chit-chat … but where was the drama? The excitement? It sure as hell wasn’t in the ring during “Shannon’s Corner” last week, that’s for sure. That’s why I’m proud to have my talk show back on the air … any time is a perfect time for “Tommy Time” to steal the spotlight … and we’ve done that in the past where visiting guests such as Hoshi, Kosmic Kitty, even Jesus himself have left a vivid impression with us. Tonight … is no different. Tonight … my guest is a man who is at the center of controversy. Yeah, Sal and Serena are back … [Tommy twirls his finger in the air and rolls his eyes] … yippee-skippy … the real issue that everyone is talking about is the manner in which my guest won a series of matches to become the number one contender for Rated R.’s championship at “Blind Rage.” That’s right kiddies … tonight … my guest is none other than the former G.W.O. World Heavyweight Champion and the man that’s facing both Diego Alvarez and Ryan Yorke at “Blind Rage” … SIMON!!!

The crowd is on its feet as “Sold You” by Seether erupts over the P.A. system. Simon marches out onto the stage as lights flash throughout the arena. Tommy aggressively yells over the microphone.

Tommy Purr - CUT THE MUSIC!!!

The music abruptly stops as the crowd begins jeering Tommy. Simon smirks as he makes his way to the ring without his music, shaking his head. Simon enters the ring.

Tommy Purr - Sorry, Simon … but all I want to do right now is cut to the chase … not watch you pose and preen for the fans to some ridiculous theme song.

Simon approaches Tommy … the taller number one contender looking down on Tommy who just barely qualifies as a Light-Heavyweight. Tommy’s words come out … sounding sarcastic and accusatory.

Tommy Purr - Now, Simon … two weeks ago … during The Lethal Lottery … you became the number one contender for the World Title. Everyone’s been talking about it ever since … how you CHEATED to win the tournament. Any comments you’d like to make about cheating in order to reach your goals?

Simon leans in close to the microphone.

Simon - I. Didn’t. Cheat.

Tommy Purr - Well … I beg to differ. See, everyone in the entire world saw you cheat … everyone saw as Mark Davis initiated a fast count every time YOU pinned someone … including myself and Bombshell. Now, there is no love lost between myself and our Superior Champion – she IS used to be tossed aside by men after they pin her down – but the fact of the matter is that you SCREWED half of the competitors in The Lethal Lottery. How much DID you have to pay Mark Davis to help you sneak into the Title Match at “Blind Rage”?

Simon - For the last time, Tommy … I didn’t cheat. I have no idea why Davis made those fast-count’s – if you can even call them that. The way I see things, you’re just bitter because you failed to deliver “100% Purrfection.” The way I see things, you just didn’t have what it took to beat me.

The crowd is hanging on every word … torn between who to boo and who to cheer.

Tommy Purr - *Laughing* You think that? May I remind you that it was me who defeated you to become the undefeated Canadian Champion in the GWO?

Simon - And may I remind you that while you were relegated to Midcarder Hell, I was doing the unthinkable and beating Rated R. for his precious title. While you were busy fighting guys based on who was the prettiest, I was sacrificing my body to beat the toughest and the baddest in this business.

Tommy Purr - A lot of good it did us having YOU as locker room leader … after you became champion, the GWO folded faster than a double-wide roof in Hurricane Katrina.

The crowd boos at that comment.

Tommy Purr - Oh shut up, you all were thinking it! [To Simon] You know what’s worse than you being a cheater and a scoundrel, Simon? The fact that you’re also a liar. At least Ryan takes responsibility for his underhanded tactics. All you have to do is admit that you cheated … exactly how much DID you pay Mark Davis? Did you have to pimp out your reformed whore of a wife to get the wins in The Lethal Lottery?

The crowd is in shock as Simon angrily stares down Tommy … clenching his fists. The two are standing nose-to-nose … Tommy is unfazed.

Tommy Purr - “Oh, Mommy, help, the gorilla is getting too close to the cage again!” You stand here, Simon, with your muscles, your greasy hair, and your bad attitude from the depths of hell … and you expect me to be scared? You look like nothing more than a constipated ape … I should start calling you King Kong. The only difference between you and that other ape is that King Kong is the smelly ape that everyone actually likes.

The crowd is hot and starts chanting “FIGHT! FIGHT!” If looks could kill, Tommy would be 1,000 times dead right now.

Simon - *Seething* Back in the day, the only thing that stopped me from snapping your neck like a twig was the fact that you always had your little friends to back you up … right now, you have no one … McCoy is injured and the only people that would even dare to try and help you are nothing more than a bunch of talent less Divas. There’s nothing keeping me from making it so you have to compete with a wired jaw …

Tommy Purr - Then do it, Simon … hit me, beat me to a pulp … PROVE to me why you’re the number one contender.

The crowd continues cheering, waiting for a punch to be thrown. Simon backs off, smirking and eyeing Tommy.

Tommy Purr - That’s what I thought. You’re nothing but talk … you’re your own personal image consultant. The Simon I knew in the G.W.O. didn’t need to have the referee in his pocket in order to win a match. The Simon I knew in the GWO actually allowed his actions to speak for him … he wasn’t staying at home playing the doting father and the caring husband. Age has made you soft, Simon. Is that why you have to cheat? Is that why you have to have a fast-count in order to pin a woman 1/8 your size like Bombshell? Afraid you can’t get the job done on your own?

Simon rushes up to Tommy, the crowd exploding with cheers. The crowd boos when Simon does nothing more than lean into the microphone angrily, pushing against the smaller Tommy.

Simon - I WILL GET THE JOB DONE … AT “BLIND RAGE”! I will silence the critics AND my rivals … and when it’s all said and done Tommy … I’ll be the one crowned as champion. You can play entertainment monkey all you like, Tommy … but it’s not going to get you anywhere. Your stupid talk show … your trash-talking … your lame attempt at being funny … you’re nothing more than a sideshow attraction … while I’m the Main Event … the Superstar that everyone comes to see. The Superstar … that’s going to put Rated R. back in his place, right where he belongs.

Tommy Purr - And what will beating Rated R. accomplish? He’s just as watered down as you are … the Rated R. I was mentored by would’ve kidnapped your daughter by now … would’ve tortured Xandra to the point of insanity … but no … instead he’s lovingly watching his ditzy girlfriend while she shops for clothes. It’s pathetic … it makes me want to vomit … the fact that two wrestlers such as yourselves have become nothing more than mere shells of two would-be legends. You two used to COMMAND respect based on your presence and charisma alone … now, you two are nothing more than a joke in the locker room. Two aging lions trying to maul each other while your fangs are falling out. Now you two DEMAND respect … well, let me just wrap things up by mentioning that I spit on your DEMAND for respect … and I spit on YOU …

As Tommy finishes his sentence, he pulls back and launches a wad of spit into the face of an unsuspecting Simon. The crowd is fired up as Simon angrily wipes off the saliva from his face and goes after Tommy with a Clothesline. Tommy executes his Tommy Tuck Backbend as Simon lurches forward with his Clothesline. Tommy lifts himself back into an upright position and bolts out of the ring. Tommy backs up the ramp as Simon angrily destroys the “Tommy Time” set … tossing the sofas out of the ring and shattering the glass table with a mighty stomp.

Ricky Simms - Simon has gone nuts here! Tommy Purr has really pissed off the already fired up number one contender.

Henry Lesher - I LOVE IT!!! The old Tommy is back! It’s good to be in love.

Ricky Simms: Oh for crap’s sake.

Tommy puts his hands on his hips and mocks Simon who leans over the top-rope and curses at Tommy, demanding that he get back into the ring. Tommy brushes off his shoulders before flipping off Simon and sauntering up the ramp to the backstage area to the sound of “Lovefurypassionenergy.”

Ricky Simms - Now there'll be no hearing the end of this.

Henry Lesher - It's a great day for America.

Ricky Simms - No it isn't.

We look backstage and see Parker Davis entering the office of Phil Castle.

Phil Castle - By all means, don't knock.

Parker Davis - I'm Parker Davis, Castle. I don't have to knock. I'm here to make a demand.

Phil Castle - I'll hear it.

Parker Davis - Next week, at Blind Rage, De'Anton Maybon, future AW legend and myself, current AW God, want our shot at the tag team titles.

Phil Castle - What makes you deserve that?

Parker Davis - Either you give us the shots, or we meet you in the parking lot after the show.

Phil Castle - *smiles* A man of action. Tell you what? You've got it. I'll get the champs to sign on for that challenge. Best of luck to you because the champs are a little... unstable.

Parker Davis - That's how we like it. Make it happen.

Parker storms off and Castle looks amused more than anything by this exchange.

Simon vs Lara Jackson

"Instinct" by Arch Enemy plays as Lara Jackson makes her way out towards the ring. Simon is still inside the ring, still enraged at his exchange with Tommy Purr. Lara seems to be hesitant to step into the ring with an enraged Simon tonight. She stops at ringside and also takes notice of Mark Davis inside the ring to call this match. She has a few words for the timekeeper who shrugs.

Ricky Simms - The timekeeper doesn't name the referees for matches. That's the GM's job.

Henry Lesher - Mark Davis is a fine referee. He can call every match tonight if he wants to.

Ricky Simms - I noticed he is only calling certain matches and they all have bad finishes to them.

Henry Lesher - That depends on your perspective on the matter.

Jackson steps up onto the apron, then steps into the ring and she clotheslines referee Mark Davis down to the mat. Simon then attacks her with a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. Simon whips Lara off the ropes, gives her a shoulder block that sends her to the mat and then gives her an elbow across the throat. Simon then stands Lara up, whips her off the ropes and backdrops her to the mat. Simon then lands a leg drop across the throat on Lara and goes for the pin, but referee Mark Davis is still out of commission. Simon goes to shake Mark Davis to wake him and Lara rolls herself out of the ring to get a break from this onslaught. Simon sees her roll out, so he rolls out of the ring himself. Simon charges at Lara, but she ducks a clothesline and his arm wraps around the steel corner post instead. Lara then gives Simon a kick to the ribs and then smashes his face into the steel corner post before she rolls herself into the ring.

Ricky Simms - Lara Jackson is showing a lot of fight tonight.

Henry Lesher - I'm fighting to stay awake.

Simon shakes his head and gathers himself before he pulls himself onto the apron. Lara dropkicks him and sends him back to the floor. Lara then rolls herself out of the ring again. Simon gets to his feet and takes a knee to the gut from Lara and she tries to send him shoulder first into the steel corner post again. Simon stops his momentum and turns, giving Lara a clothesline to the floor. Simon then stands her up and rolls her into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Referee Mark Davis is finally showing signs of life as Simon stands Lara up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a shoulder tackle to the back. Simon then picks her up and delivers the 7th Sign as Mark calls for the bell to officially start this match. Simon goes for the pin. 1...2... *Lara gets a foot on the rope* 3! Mark Davis raises Simon's arm in victory despite the foot still being on the bottom rope.

Ricky Simms - What the hell was that?

Henry Lesher - That was a three count. Don't you realize that?

Ricky Simms - She had her foot on the rope.

Henry Lesher - If she was smart, she would have kicked out.

Ricky Simms - I don't think that would have mattered. It's safe to say we cannot trust the judgment of Mark Davis going into Blind Rage.

Henry Lesher - Simon already said he didn't cheat. Don't make him come after you now.

Simon exits the ring with his arms raised, but the reaction from the crowd is a little more mixed than it was for him even a few minutes ago. The fans know something is up and they don't like it very much. We then look backstage and see Noah Skanes entering the building. He is headed off by Joe Davidson, an interviewer we haven't seen in a long time.

Joe Davidson - Noah, to what do we owe the pleasure?

Noah Skanes - My father was attacked tonight. My mother's nowhere to be found. I have called her cell and got no answer. I am here to find out what the hell is going on.

Joe Davidson - But you're the CWA champion and you're not welcome here.

Noah Skanes - Ask me if I care. My CWA title doesn't mean anything here anyways. It's about my family.

Noah shoves past Joe in search for Myst and then we head back to the ring.

Kosmic Kitty vs De'Anton Maybon

"S.O.S. (Rescue Me)" by Rhiannon plays as Kosmic Kitty comes out from the back and into the spotlight where the crowd cheers her on. Kitty tosses Twinkies to the crowd from her basket and then hands the emptied basket to one little girl in the front row. She then rolls herself into the ring and waves to the fans, then climbs onto the second rope and blows them a kiss from there. She then jumps down as her music stops and we hear "Creep" by Radio head and De'Anton Maybon makes his way towards the ring, looking cocky as Parker Davis follows close behind, a chair in hand. Parker tells the camera we are looking at the next AW tag champs and then Maybon climbs onto the apron and steps into the ring where Kitty looks a little nervous.

Ricky Simms - The Kosmic girl might be in over her head here tonight.

Henry Lesher - Yeah, just by a mile is all.

The bell sounds to get the match started as Maybon moves in on Kitty. She side steps him and then puts her foot out to trip him. He falls and his throat lands on the middle rope. Thinking fast, Kitty comes off the ropes and delivers a 619 on Maybon! She then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out and the crowd groans, all of them set to see an upset here. Kosmic Kitty goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. Parker Davis calls out to her. She turns and tells him to go away, then turns her attention back to Maybon. Maybon is on his feet, grabs Kitty and slams her from the top rope down to the mat with ease. Maybon then climbs to the second rope and lands a double axe handle smash across the back of Kitty. Maybon then rolls her over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kitty. Maybon then stands Kitty up, whips her off the ropes and clotheslines her down to the mat. He again goes for the pin. 1...2... again Kitty kicks out.

Ricky Simms - Kitty's tougher than people give her credit for.

Henry Lesher - She's also a lot dumber than people give her credit for.

Maybon stands Kitty up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as she ducks it. She then gives Maybon a chop block that brings him down to the mat and applies an ankle lock submission hold on Maybon. Referee Francis Clarke checks for a submission, but Maybon simply kicks Kitty off of his ankle and she falls right out of the ring to the floor. Maybon rolls himself out of the ring and pulls the mats away from the concrete floor while Parker looks on and laughs. Parker tells Maybon to fix the Kitty. Maybon headlocks Kitty and then the lights go out. We hear thuds and a scuffle at ringside. The crowd cheers in anticipation of what might be coming.

Henry Lesher - Lights out again? They need to pay their bills on time for a change.

When the lights come up a few moments later, we see Maybon and Parker both inside the ring and out cold. Spray painted on their backs is the word "FUBARRED." The camera then spots the tag team champions escaping backstage with smiles on their faces. Kosmic Kitty looks dazed, but goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Kosmic Kitty gets a win with the help of Total Darkness.

Ricky Simms - Parker and Maybon might kill the champs for this humiliation.

Henry Lesher - Tell me she didn't just win that.

Ricky Simms - Afraid she did.

We head to the AW newsroom and find Charley MacAdam with his standard winning smile, ready to deliver the latest AW news to us.

Charley MacAdam - Hey there fans! Insurgence is once again a great show tonight, as always and this sets up Blind Rage next Sunday! No need to go gaga for Mania when you can fly into a Rage! The world title will be on the line when Rated R defends in a triple threat match with Simon and Diego Alvarez as the contenders! I also want to let you know they just announced Mark Davis will referee that match. We know what that could mean for the title. In other news, Sal Clemenzo and Halloween Jack will face off in a Buried Alive match! That should settle the score between those two. Also, we'll see the Superior title on the line when Bombshell faces Hoshi in a match where the winner is the first to tar and feather the loser. Hey. folks, I don't write them. I just read the prompter. As you just saw, the tag team champions have accepted the challenge set to them by Parker Davis and De'Anton Maybon in what should be a drag out fight next Sunday. New wrestler Victor Vice will be looking to make a name for himself when he squares off with demented reverend Mordecai Darius in his first AW action. Dwayne Kingston is unable to wrestle next week, so the Monarchy Title will be set for an open challenge. More matches could be added, so stay tuned! Anarchy Wrestling is the best and still getting better! How scary is that?

6Pac Dudley vs Diego Alvarez

"Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley starts to make his way towards the ring. He gets a warm reception from the crowd as he high fives fans on his way around the ring. He stops at the announce table and says a few words to Lesher and then jumps up onto the apron.

Henry Lesher - If he mattered, his insults might have bothered me. He doesn't. He will never matter.

6Pac tests the ropes inside the ring as his music fades and then we hear "Clash of the Titans" by Cypress Hill and Diego makes his way towards the ring. He high fives fans as well and gets much of the same reception as 6Pac did, if not louder. Diego stops at ringside and looks around the Fleet Center and nods his head a few times before pulling himself onto the apron. He ducks a clothesline from 6Pac and then shoulder blocks him through the middle and top rope. Diego then steps into the ring and referee Steve Blake calls for the bell. Diego rakes 6Pac's eyes along the top rope, then whips him into the opposite corner and gives him a dropkick for good measure. Diego then kips up to his feet and, a moment later, 6Pac does the same. They stand face to face and have a few words. 6Pac goes for a right hook on Diego, but Diego blocks it, whips 6Pac off the ropes and clotheslines him to the mat. Diego then knees 6Pac in the ribs and goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Diego then stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. 6Pac drops to one knee and then rams Diego face first onto his extended knee. 6Pac then headlocks Diego and gives him a bulldog to the mat before rolling him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... Diego kicks out.

Ricky Simms - Great action so far between these two fans favorites.

Henry Lesher - They're not my favorites. Of course, I'm hardly a fan of this show anyway.

6Pac stands Diego up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Steve Blake starts counting them both down. On the four count, both men kip up to their feet. The crowd cheers and they both nod. They lock up. 6Pac breaks that with a knee to the ribs on Diego, then whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Diego ducks it. Diego then gives 6Pac a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Diego goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Diego stands 6Pac up, whips him into the corner buckle and then hip tosses him to the middle of the ring. He places 6Pac in an arm bar from there. 6Pac quickly gets to his feet, reverses that and then gives Diego a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2... Diego kicks out. 6Pac and Diego get to their feet and start trading shots. 6Pac thumbs Diego in the eye, whips him into the corner and goes in for a shoulder block, but Diego steps out of the way and rolls 6Pac up for the pin. 1...2...3! Diego wins and quickly exits the ring.

Ricky Simms - Diego gets the win in a match that could have gone either way.

Henry Lesher - It's over? I fell asleep.

6Pac grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.

6Pac Dudley - Yo, Diego, I'll give ya props. You won, fair and square. I'll see you again. You're looking at a future champ here!

6Pac throws the microphone down and Diego continues his walk to the back, victorious this week on his way to the main event at Blind Rage. We then head backstage where we see Noah Skanes entering a locker room only to find his mother in the corner, hands tied behind her back and a sock stuffed in her mouth.

Noah Skanes - God, Mom! What the hell?

Noah unties his mother and throws the sock across the room. Myst rubs her wrists and spits on the floor.

Myst - This is out of control.

Noah Skanes - What happened?

Myst - That Kelly Buchanan bitch happened. Next week, Kathy brings some CWA people. Kelly brings hers. Your father isn't the only one who can have an old fashioned fight. It's rumble time.

Noah Skanes - Well, Mom, I'm on your side and I'm in Dad's rumble. It's time to remind people what brought them here.

Noah helps Myst out of the locker room and we return to the ring.

Hoshi Yakamoto vs Rodd Gordon

"Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way to the ring. The crowd cheers her on as she waves to them, tonight getting her shot at the Xtreme title. She steps through the ropes and then climbs onto the second turnbuckle and poses for the crowd. She then jumps off the second rope to the mat and waits as "Pride" by Damageplan starts to play and Rodd Gordon emerges from the crowd in street clothes and carrying a baseball bat. He rolls into the ring and misses with a baseball bat swing as Hoshi dodges it and the bell sounds. Hoshi gives Rodd a kick to the chin and then gives him a knee to the ribs and then dumps him through the ropes and out to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Xtreme title on the line, anything goes here.

Henry Lesher - I hope Rodd ends her before Blind Rage.

Hoshi kicks Rod in the ribs and then smashes his face into the guard railing. Hoshi then stands Rodd up, whips him shoulder first into the ring steps and then rolls him back into the ring before she enters the ring as well. She goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rodd Gordon. Hoshi then stands Rodd up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a handspring back elbow in the corner to the back of the neck. Hoshi then turns Rodd around and monkey flips him to the middle of the ring. Hoshi then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She leaps for a frog splash onto the fallen Rodd, but he manages to roll out of the way and she winds herself when she hits the mat. Rodd uses the ropes to quickly pull himself to his feet. He then puts the boots to Hoshi before grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to her feet. Rodd whips her into the corner buckle, knees her in the gut and then gives her a vertical suplex to the middle of the ring from there. Rodd then rolls himself out of the ring, reaches under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick and smiles.

Ricky Simms - Rodd really wants to make a name for himself as the Xtreme champ of AW.

Henry Lesher - If beating small Asian women is what he has to do, glad he started with this one.

Rodd rolls himself into the ring and comes face to face with Bart Phillips. Rodd hauls off to hit him with the kendo stick and Bart thumbs him in the eye and then clotheslines him over the top rope and out to the floor. As Bart heads out of the ring to continue his fight with Rodd, we see Bombshell rolling herself into the ring with Gerard's crutch. She drills Hoshi in the ribs with it and then kicks her in the face, sending her sprawling out of the ring. Bombshell then rolls herself out of the ring and slams the crutch over Hoshi's back five times and then reaches under the ring and pulls out a tub of tar. She pours it over Hoshi and then she reaches under the ring and pulls out a plastic bag she pours over Hoshi, feathering her and then she gives her a DDT to the floor. On the other side of the ring, Rodd Gordon whips Bart Phillips shoulder first into the steel corner post. Rodd then races around the ring and pins the tarred and feathered Hoshi. 1...2...3! Rodd retains the Xtreme title with some help from Bombshell. Bombshell smiles at the camera and says next week, Hoshi gets a bad case of deja vu. She then leaves, satisfied that her work here is done.

Ricky Simms - Damned Bombshell came out and cost Hoshi the match.

Henry Lesher - What about damned Bart providing a distraction? It was a hardcore match. He should have thought this through, but like usual, he didn't.

Rodd holds his title belt high and tells the camera he'll keep it around his waist, that he is the champ. As he walks through the curtain and into the backstage area, he takes a chair shot from 6Pac Dudley.

6Pac Dudley - Consider that a challenge, Rodd! Next week, Blind Rage, bring my title!

Ricky Simms - 6Pac is still in a bad mood after his loss earlier.

Henry Lesher - So he attacks Rod? That's like the US picking a fight with China and bombing Grenada to teach them a lesson.

Ricky Simms - I don't follow.

Henry Lesher - You never do.

Backstage we see Kosmic Kitty leaving the building. She has just got out the door when Maybon and Parker Davis approach her.

Kosmic Kitty - What do you want?

De'Anton Maybon - So tonight you got a little win at my expense thanks to Total Darkness.

Kosmic Kitty - I'm heading home. I don't want trouble.

Parker Davis - Maybe trouble just found you, Kitty. See, Maybon here is going to be the champ and losing to you looks bad. Your boyfriend has a match next, so we know he's busy. Maybe if we lay a beating on you in the parking lot, that might show AW they need to watch how they treat us.

De'Anton Maybon - You didn't have to pin me, Kitty. God knows you didn't deserve it. I didn't come here as the Anti Bully to be bullied by you.

Kosmic Kitty - *backing away* Please, leave me alone.

Parker Davis - We can't do that. Ricky Simms there calls me a bastard and I need to live up to my name.

De'Anton Maybon - We need to show the bosses in AW how serious we really are.

Noah Skanes - You need to back the fuck off.

Maybon and Parker turn and see Noah Skanes, Shannon Skanes and Anthony Hicks standing there, all holding aluminum baseball bats and not looking impressed.

Shannon Skanes - The Ring of Power grows, jackasses.

Tony Parizi - *as he enters the shot* See, this is how this is going to work. You two are going to let her go to her car and go home. We're then going to allow you to live.

Parker Davis - You'll regret this, you know.

Noah Skanes - You're not intimidating us, Parker.

Parker and Maybon reluctantly leave. They give Kitty a dirty look as they leave and Maybon makes a slashing motion towards his throat. Noah steps forward to Kitty.

Noah Skanes - You okay?

Kosmic Kitty - I am now, thanks.

Shannon Skanes - Time for the AW idiots to pay the price. Since no one will stand up for what's right, we have to go a little vigilante with it.

Noah Skanes - We could call ourselves the Vigilantes, couldn't we?

Shannon Skanes - I don't think we'll be doing that. Come on guys. We have a parking lot to patrol. Let's see if Vesuvius crawls out of hiding to face us.

Rated R vs Sal Clemenzo

"Halls of Fear" by Nino Rota plays as Sal Clemenzo makes his way to the ring. He is led, as always, by Serena Marcelli. He gets a warm reception from the crowd as he rounds ringside and even stops to have a few words with a few fans wearing Sal T-shirts. He then pulls himself onto the apron, looks around the arena and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He leans back against the ropes as his music fades and then we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R comes out to a loud ovation from the crowd. Sal shakes his head as Rated R makes his way to the ring. Ryan stops at ringside and hands his title belt off to the timekeeper and then makes his way up the ring steps and onto the apron. He has a few words with Sal before stepping into the ring.

Ricky Simms - A lot of history between these two.

Henry Lesher - Might have been my favorite feud in the GWO. Neither man gave a damn about the fans and there was a lot of blood involved.

The bell sounds and the two men lock up. Rated R pushes Sal back into the corner where referee Steve Blake demands a clean break. Rated R backs off and takes a knife edge chop from Sal who follows that up with another. Sal then gives Rated R an inverted atomic drop before then pulling the feet out from under him. Sal places the AW champion in a Boston Crab. Referee Steve Blake checks for a submission, but Ryan refuses to give up at this early stage in the match. Rated R reaches for the ropes as the crowd seems torn on who they're cheering for. Rated R pulls himself up from the mat and crawls on his elbows towards the ropes, extends his hand and grabs the bottom rope to force the break here. Rated R then pulls himself out of the ring to the floor. Sal Clemenzo follows close behind, grabs Rated R by the shoulder, turns him around and takes a head butt from the champ. Rated R then slams Sal's face into the guard railing, then does the same with the ring apron and then picks him up and body slams him to the floor. Rated R then rolls into the ring to break up the count and rolls right back out where he then lays the boots to Sal Clemenzo.

Ricky Simms - As expected, this gets violent fast. These two just don't like each other.

Henry Lesher - That's how it's meant to be.

Rated R stands Sal up, goes for the whip to the steel steps and Sal plants his feet and reverses it, sending Rated R crashing into the steps. Sal then picks Rated R up and body slams him to the floor. Sal then starts clearing off the announce table as the crowd cheers him on. Sal knees Rated R in the gut, then gives him an elbow to the back of the neck and then gives him a bell to belly overhead suplex that sends him through the announce table. Sal then rolls himself into the ring to break the count and rolls himself back out.

Ricky Simms - Another announce table bites the dust.

Henry Lesher - That was fun to watch.

Sal stands the now bloodied Rated R up, then rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Sal stands Rated R up, whips him into the corner buckle and then delivers a clothesline on him there. Sal then gives Rated R a T-Bone suplex to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Sal then stands Rated R up, whips him into the corner and misses with a shoulder block as Rated R side steps it. Rated R then headlocks Sal and DDTs him to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Sal gets a foot on the ropes.

Ricky Simms - Wow, a referee that sees a foot on the ropes.

Henry Lesher - Leave Mark Davis alone. He's the best official this company has.

Ricky Simms - This coming from the son of Satan.

Henry Lesher - Demitri Lucian has that honor right? How's the investigation into who ran him and his boys doing?

Ricky Simms - I think they have Zack McCracken on it.

Henry Lesher - Oh good God, he'll be interviewing stuffed animals about it.

Rated R stands Sal up, whips him off the ropes and Sal ducks a clothesline and then gives Rated R a swinging neck breaker to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Rated R kicks out. Rated R then gets to his feet and stands nose to nose with Sal again. Sal attempts a right hook to the jaw, but Rated R blocks it and then knees Sal in the gut before giving him a tilt a whirl back breaker and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Sal kicks out. Rated R then picks Sal up and gives him the Restricted and then goes for the pin again. 1...2...3! Rated R grabs the win over Sal Clemenzo this week.

Ricky Simms - Great win for the champ in a match that really could have gone either way.

Henry Lesher - I hope he enjoys this, because he isn't keeping the title next week.

As Rated R heads for the back, we see Vesuvius peeking out the back door into the parking lot. He sees no one, so he exits and quickly runs to his H2 Hummer. He fumbles with his keys and unlocks the door. He sits down behind the wheel and breathes a sigh of relief. That's when Shannon Skanes, Noah Skanes and Anthony Hicks pop up in the back seat.

Noah Skanes - Where we going boss?

Vesuvius - See, now... I.... I...

We then see the outside of the Hummer and hear a scream form inside as the Ring of Power proves to be a step ahead of AW again. That done, we look to Phil Castle's office where Max Cameron has just arrived.

Phil Castle - So you're Max Cameron. I heard about you.

Max Cameron - I want one more run inside the ring and I want it to be here. I want a match next week.

Phil Castle - You're in luck. I have someone ready for a match now that he's returned from suspension. Sign on the dotted line and you have yourself a match.

Max looks at the contract given to him.

Max Cameron - Nameless? He's back?

Phil Castle - Since you two both went against authority here the last time you were seen, it only makes sense that you square off and see who the smartest smart ass really is between you.

Max Cameron - Looks like I'm the underdog. What else is new?

Max signs and exits. Phil just smiles as he watches the buy rate skyrocket with that match signing.

Craven Broderick vs Tommy Purr

"It's Raining Men" by the Weathergirls plays as we expect to see Craven Broderick coming towards the ring. Instead, we find him and Tommy fighting in the hallway backstage. Tommy whips Craven shoulder first into a mop bucket, then picks up the mop bucket and slams it over his head. Tommy then stands Craven up, whips him into a nearby door and then slams his head into the wall. Tommy then picks Craven up and body slams him in the hallway.

Ricky Simms - I have my doubts this one will reach the ring.

Henry Lesher - This is great. Tommy's vicious again. This is just great.

Tommy stands Craven up, pulls him towards the entrance to the aisle that leads to the ring and Craven knees Tommy in the back and then slams his face into the arch way before then turning him around and giving him a spine buster to the floor. Craven then grabs the nearby mop bucket and pours its dirty contents onto the fallen Tommy Purr. Craven then slams Tommy in the chest with the bucket itself, and follows that up by standing him up and whipping him into a display case that shatters. Craven steps through broken glass, grabs Tommy by the hair and moves in as if to kiss him. Tommy thumbs Craven in the eye and then gives him an inverted atomic drop. Tommy then shakes his head and pulls glass from his hair. Craven then gives Tommy a super kick to the jaw and Tommy's head hits the display case again.

Ricky Simms - This is carnage.

Henry Lesher - This is poetry.

Craven picks Tommy up and places him on a table in the hallway. He two handed chokes him on that table before Tommy then thumbs him in the eye. Tommy gets off of the table, slams Craven's head into it and then picks him up and power slams him through the table. Tommy shouts down at Craven and security finally shows up.

Ricky Simms - This match is a no contest.

Henry Lesher - That's true. It is the hands down winner for tonight. These two really hate each other.

Security guards pull the two apart and they kick at each other and claw at each other while nearby wrestlers decide to jump in and try to split them up as well. It's total mayhem tonight as these two never even reached the aisle.

Ricky Simms - I don't know how we settle this!

Henry Lesher - Rematch! There has to be a rematch!

Ricky Simms - There might just be a rematch. Next week is Blind Rage! Fans, we look forward to seeing you all there!

We fade to black as Craven is dragged away and Tommy gets into a shouting match with one of the security guards.