May 3rd, 2008 Edition It's another jacked up crowd set for another solid CWA show as the camera does the usual pan around the audience prior to us hearing "Evolution" by Korn and seeing images of Tommy Purr, 6Pac Dudley, Hoshi Yakamoto, Kannon, Eli Ryder, Frank Merritt, Vesuvius and Jack Spade before we head to ringside where Henry Lesher is with Ricky Simms, all set to call tonight's action. Kindred/Orlock vs. NADP "All Hallow's Eve" by Type O Negative plays as Kindred and Orlock step out onto the stage, the crowd giving them a loud chorus of boos. They don't look towards the crowd, both of them looking into the ring as they make their way down the ramp. Kindred circles the ring while Orlock makes his way onto the ring apron. Kindred pauses at the announce table and pauses to nod towards Henry Lesher before he makes his way to his corner and steps up onto the apron next to Orlock. Ricky Simms - What the hell was that? Henry Lesher - What was what? Ricky Simms - He nodded at you. Henry Lesher - Kindred has always been a fan of mine. As Kindred speaks to Orlock about the upcoming match, their music fades and we hear "Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill as Dex and Rex Cooper make their way onto the stage where the crowd greets them with a loud cheer. They tell the camera they are going to be tag champs again as they make their way down the ramp towards the ring. They then pull themselves onto the apron and climb through the ropes into the ring before they talk over who will start the match. Dex nods as he steps out of the ring while Orlock steps through the ropes to represent his team while we see Vesuvius making his way down the ramp, late to the match. Ricky Simms - Vesuvius is out here late. Henry Lesher - Oh, like that's any of your business. The bell sounds and Rex Cooper locks up with Orlock. Rex then shoves Orlock backwards and gives him a series of forearm upper cuts that send him to the ropes. Rex then whips Orlock off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block, but neither man moves. Orlock then grabs Rex around the throat and sets for a choke slam, but Rex head butts Orlock and then gives him a fireman's carry into a side slam before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Orlock. Rex then stands Orlock up, whips him into his corner and Dex gives him a right hook to the jaw before Rex gives him an atomic drop and then a reverse neck breaker to the mat where he again tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Orlock. Ricky Simms - Orlock needs to make the tag here. Henry Lesher - He needs to focus on the task at hand more. He is so close to being a champion. Rex tags in Dex and then they gives Orlock a double vertical suplex before Dex goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Orlock. Dex stands Orlock up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Orlock instead kicks Dex in the face and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Orlock then stands Dex up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a big boot to the chest that sends him back down to the mat. Orlock then drags Dex to his corner where he tags in Kindred. Kindred enters the ring and starts putting the boots to Dex while Orlock looks to Vesuvius outside the ring for advice. Kindred then stands Dex up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a shoulder block that sends him to the mat. Kindred then climbs to the second rope, leaps off and misses with an elbow drop when Dex rolls oput of the way before using the ropes to quickly get to his feet. Dex then stands Kindred up, whips him into his corner where Rex gives Kindred a right hook to the jaw and then Rex rolls Kindred into a school boy for the pin attempt. 1...2...3! NADP get the win this week. Ricky Simms - That punch from Rex knocked Kindred out cold. Henry Lesher - Closed fists are illegal. They clearly cheated. Dex and Rex high five one another inside the ring when Orlock attacks them in a rage. As they fight Orlock off, Vesuvius enters the ring and gives Dex Cooper a chair shot across the head before missing with a swing at Rex who ducks it. Orlock then spears Rex to the mat while Vesuvius smiles, the chair in hand. He raises the chair with the intent on using it again, but he gets chop blocked down by a charging 6Pac Dudley and then Anarchy Inc. scatters while 6Pac helps Dex and Rex to their feet. Ricky Simms - Vesuvius was trying to injure NADP, but 6Pac made the save. Henry Lesher - Yeah, NADP needed their Hornswoggle to make the save. Backstage we see Shannon Skanes with Ray Dees. Ray Dees - Shannon, I understand you have an announcement to make. Shannon Skanes - People are asking me about the CWA schedule, the change to Saturdays and things of that nature. I just wanted to get something out there, too. Tommy Purr made me a cash offer to host Bitchslap again. Ray Dees - That was controversial last time, to say the least. Shannon Skanes - Of course it was. Everything means controversy around here. Ray Dees - So, you're going to give him the reins again? Shannon Skanes - *sighs* I am making an announcement, Ray. Thanks for that. Ray Dees - Well, I was just... Shannon Skanes - The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Ray. Anyways, yes, the last week of May, we will once again see Bitchslap! I'll be updating the rest of the schedule as well. Changing days to Saturday has forced us to change a few things as venues that were available for a Tuesday show aren't for a Saturday shpw, that kind of thing. I know, why don;t you finish this for me? Shannon walks off and Ray smiles nervously for the camera. Just as he is ready to speak, we return to the ring. Eli Ryder vs. Frank Merritt "Rise Above This" by Seether plays as Eli Ryder makes his way onto the stage, the crowd giving him a warm response. He makes his way down the ramp to the ring, slapping hands with a few fans at ringside before he makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and then "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle plays as Frank Merritt comes out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp, scowling towards Eli Ryder inside the ring. He then makes a full lap around the ring. Merritt then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring where referee Steve Blake calls for the bell to get action underway. Ricky Simms - This is the first time in months Frank has actually made an entrance instead of ruining his opponent's. Henry Lesher - He doesn't ruin them. He adds awesomeness to them. Eli and Frank move in to lock up, but Frank kicks Eli in the gut and then whips him off the ropes before giving him a backdrop to the mat. Frank then gives Eli a knee drop to the forehead and goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Eli Ryder. Frank stands Eli up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting both men down. On the three count, Eli kips up to his feet and Frank uses the ropes to start pulling himself to his feet. Eli lands a series of punches to the head on Frank and then whips him off the ropes before giving him a backdrop right over the top rope and out to the floor. Eli then drops and rolls himself out to the floor and gives Frank a series of double axe handle smashes across the back before whipping him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Eli then rolls Frank into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2... Frank gets a foot on the bottom rope. Ricky Simms - Eli is really taking it to Frank here. Henry Lesher - Not for long. Frank's awesomeness is going to kick in. Eli stands Frank up and takes a thumb to the eye from Frank who then rakes Eli's eyes on the top rope before giving him a punch to the throat. Frank then picks Eli up and gives him a power slam to the mat before going for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Eli. Frank then stands Eli up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline to the mat. Frank then starts putting the boots to Eli as we see Max Cameron making his way down the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. Frank stands Eli up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat and then he takes notice of Max Cameron at ringside. Ricky Simms - Max is probably not out here to root for Frank. Henry Lesher - That's a safe bet. Frank has a few words for Max Cameron and then turns his attention back to Eli. Eli gives Frank a jawbreaker and then whips him into the corner buckle where he gives Frank a shoulder block and then goes for a monkey flip, but Frank pushes him away and then gives him a brutal kick to the head before he has a chance to regain his balance. Frank then picks Eli up over his shoulder and tries to run him head first into the corner, but Eli slips off the shoves Frank into the corner before giving him a backslide into a pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank while we see Max applauding at ringside. Eli then stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick that knock Frank backwards and Merritt then falls through the ropes and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - The action in this match has been excellent. Henry Lesher - You can thank Frank for that. He is the star. Frank gets to his feet on the floor and finds himself face to face with Max Cameron. Max has a few words for Frank and Frank answers with a clothesline to the floor on Max Cameron. Frank then grabs a chair from under a fan in the front row, sending them to the floor and Frank slams the chair across Max's back. Frank then tosses the chair aside and rolls himself back into the ring. A rested Eli Ryder greets Frank with a clothesline to the mat and then quickly jumps to the top rope and then lands the Disasterpiece on Frank before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2...3! Eli Ryder gets the win over Frank Merritt. Ricky Simms - Frank took his eye off the match, got distracted with Max and he loses as a result. Henry Lesher - That's a disaster for sure. Max is a jinx to Frank. Frank should have a child with Maxine to prove a point. Ricky Simms - How the hell does that prove a point? Henry Lesher - Max sucks. Ricky Simms - What the hell are you talking about? Henry Lesher - Frank is a superior man. His offspring would be ready to beat Max inside the ring within a few weeks of birth. You have to allow a few weeks for training. Ricky Simms - You are a sick, sick man. Eli exits the ring and checks on Max Cameron for a moment until he sees the EMTs coming down to look at him. Eli then heads up the ramp as we look backstage where Vesuvius is with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Vesuvius, you are the unquestioned leader of the CWA. What do you have to say to that idiot 6Pac? Vesuvius - Crystal, I am shocked and dismayed at what we have seen this week. 6Pac must be taught a lesson. Next week, that lesson will come. Crystal Braun - The CWA faithful want to know that you're okay. Vesuvius - Crystal, nothing can stop me. Now, I am stepping aside to allow Kindred and Orlock to dominate the ring. I have had a long and successful career, but I have a match left in me and it's next week. Crystal Braun - The fans will be very lucky to watch you wrestle again. Vesuvius - Six man tag action, MSK against Anarchy. Crystal Braun - It will be amazing watching you destroy the competition again. Vesuvius - It will be your pleasure watching my dominance, hearing my music and seeing me rule the squared circle once again. Vesuvius exits the shot and we head back to the ring. 6Pac Dudley vs. Hoshi Yakamoto "Hero" by Ozzy Osbourne plays as Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way onto the stage where the crowd gives her a warm reaction. She starts to make her way down the ramp and speeds her approach to a run before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. She jumps to her feet and then jumps onto the second rope where she poses for the crowd before she jumps back down to the mat and then her music fades and we hear "Southtown" by POS and 6Pac Dudley comes out, the Aerial title above his head and the crowd gives him an equally loud ovation. He then reveals that he is carrying his hockey stick wrapped in barb wire in his other hand and smiles as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - 6Pac said he was bringing that to the ring. Henry Lesher - And no one cares. 6Pac places the stick next to the ring steps and then pulls himself onto the apron before jumping over the top rope into the ring. Referee Mark Davis then calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. 6Pac moves in and locks up with Hoshi and then shoves her into the corner buckle. 6Pac then gives Hoshi a hip toss to the middle of the ring, but she lands on her feet and she gives 6Pac a kick to the gut and then gives him a bulldog to the mat. She then stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and he leap frogs her and then gives her an arm drag to the mat where he places her in an arm bar. Hoshi quickly gets to her feet and gives 6Pac Dudley a knife edge chops. She then backs 6Pac into the ropes which forces a break of the arm bar. Hoshi then knees 6Pac in the gut and then whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Hoshi kips up to her feet and then stands 6Pac up and whips him off the ropes before missing with a clothesline when he ducks it before giving her a swinging neck breaker to the mat where he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Ricky Simms - This is the standard fast and furious match for the Aerial title. Henry Lesher - It's the standard crap between two horrible people. 6Pac stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and both wrestlers dropkick each other down to the mat. The referee starts to count them both down, but on the three count they both jump to their feet and then they lock up in the middle of the ring. 6Pac shoves Hoshi into the corner and then gives her a knee to the gut and a vertical suplex to the middle of the ring. 6Pac then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a clothesline to the mat before he goes to the top rope. He leaps off for a flying leg drop, but Hoshi rolls out of the way and then she uses the ropes to get to her feet. Hoshi then places 6Pac into a headlock and then gives him a springboard bulldog to the mat before she goes for the pin. 1...2... 6Pac rolls a shoulder out. Ricky Simms - I thought she had the win there. Henry Lesher - That makes you an idiot. Hoshi stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and he ducks a clothesline before giving her a knee to the back and then a drop toe to the mat where he applies a sleeper hold. Hoshi immediately grabs onto the bottom rope to force the break before he really has the hold cinched in. Hoshi then rolls herself out to the floor to regroup, but 6Pac rolls right out after her. He misses with a clothesline when she ducks it and then she gives 6Pac a series of knife edge chops that back him into the railing. He then lands a forearm upper cut and then whips Hoshi shoulder first into the steel corner post before giving her a German suplex to the floor. 6Pac then stands Hoshi up and rolls her into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi rolls a shoulder out and 6Pac slaps the mat, telling the referee that was a three count. Ricky Simms - I can't believe she kicked out. Henry Lesher - I can't believe this crap is still going. 6Pac stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes
and she steps out of the way of a boot from 6Pac and rolls him into
a small package for the pin. 1...2... reversal by 6Pac 1...2...3!
6Pac retains the title with a hard fought win over Hoshi Yakamoto!
The crowd cheers as 6Pac rolls out to the floor and grabs his title
belt from the timekeeper. He starts to make his way up the ramp
while we look backstage. Eli is walking through the hallway when his
cell phone starts to vibrate. Eli checks it to see Kira Yakamoto has
sent him a message. It tells him to meet him outside the arena and
hurry because she is in danger. Eli rushes out the nearest exit
doors, Only to be knocked down by a hard shovel shot to the back of
the head. A couple more whacks with Eli down puts him out cold.
Looking up we can see Kannon with a sadistic smirk on his face and
holding a shovel in his hand. Mr Rivers walks up with Daniel McCoy
who is holding onto Kira Yakamoto. Kannon vs. Tommy Purr "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry plays as Tommy Purr is led towards the ring by Mrs. Robinson. The crowd cheers as he makes his entrance and he has a few words with Mrs. Robinson at ringside before he pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. His music then fades and we wait on Kannon. Ricky Simms - I guess Kannon isn't at his spot yet, what with the event we just witnessed backstage. Henry Lesher - I love this. A Yakamoto was beaten inside the ring and one was psychologically scarred outside of it. This has turned into a good night and Tommy is out here to give us all a happy ending. Ricky Simms - You might want to rephrase that. Henry Lesher - Why? Ricky Simms - Never mind. As Tommy paces inside the ring, we wait for the entrance of Kannon. Tommy has a few words with Mrs. Robinson about the delay and she just shrugs as the crowd starts to grow restless with the delay. Just as they start to boo, we then hear "Voices" by Disturbed and Kannon comes out, though that just makes the booing louder. He is still in street clothes as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He is grinning from ear to ear with Mr. Rivers close behind him. Kannon makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring where he tries to stare down Tommy Purr. Referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell and the two men circle one another. Tommy tries to shoot for one of the legs on Kannon, but Kannon kicks him away and then gives Tommy a series of elbows to the chest that back him into the corner buckle where the referee asks for a clean break. Kannon takes a step back and then kicks Tommy in the gut before giving him a double under hook suplex to the mat where he goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - I admit this Kannon guy scares the hell out of me. Henry Lesher - Well, he's a man so of course you're scared. Kannon stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a shoulder block to the mat. He then grabs Tommy around the throat and indicates he is going for a choke slam. He stands Tommy up and Tommy eye gouges him and then gives him a series of kicks to the gut before going for a bulldog on Kannon. Instead, Kannon picks Tommy up and gives him an atomic drop and then he sets Tommy for a power slam to the mat, but Tommy escapes the big man's grasp and then Tommy shoves Kannon through the ropes and out to the floor. Tommy then takes a few steps back and waits for Kannon to stand, then dives through the ropes for a cross body that sends Kannon falling backward into the steel guard railing. Tommy gets to his feet and boot chokes Kannon before he has a chance to stand. Tommy then stands Kannon up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring, barely beating the count out. Ricky Simms - Tommy is doing well here, despite the size disadvantage. Henry Lesher - It's not how much you have. It's what you do with it. Ricky Simms - What the hell? Tommy stands Kannon up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges straight into a big boot to the chin from Kannon who then climbs to the second rope and delivers a clothesline to the mat on Tommy from there. He goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy kicks out. Kannon then gives Tommy a two handed choke on the mat while the referee warns him about a possible disqualification. Kannon releases the choke in time to avoid losing the match in that manner and stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a shoulder block to the mat before he then picks Tommy up and gives him a power slam to the mat. Kannon then stands Tommy up and whips him through the ropes, out to the floor. Kannon then drops to the mat and rolls himself out to the floor. He then picks Tommy up and runs his back into the steel corner post. Kannon then rolls Tommy back into the ring before rolling himself in where he again tries for the pin on Tommy. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - Tommy just won't let himself get pinned here. Henry Lesher - He takes a licking and keeps on... Ricky Simms - Enough, for the love of God, enough. Kannon stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a shoulder block when Tommy leap frogs him. Tommy then headlocks Kannon and lands the Tomcat on him and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Kannon rolls a shoulder out. Tommy then stands Kannon up, whips him into the corner buckle and then perches himself on the second rope and rains down punches to the head on Kannon while the crowd counts them off. He reaches ten and Kannon grabs his legs, pulls him out of the corner and gives him an inverted atomic drop and then a head butt to the mat. Kannon shakes off the punches Tommy gave him and then indicates to the crowd that he is ready to finish this. He stands Tommy up and places him in a bear hug. Ricky Simms - This is the Locked Up. Tommy had better reach the ropes here. Henry Lesher - I don't like his odds, but I love his... Ricky Simms - For all that's holy, don't finish that thought. Frank Merritt slides into the ring behind Kannon, grabs him into a headlock and gives him a DDT to the mat as the referee calls for the bell. Frank then boot chokes Kannon while Mr. Rivers enters the ring and he starts brawling with Frank while Tommy rolls himself out to the floor. Frank then throws Rivers over the top rope and out to the floor before Merritt rolls himself out of the ring and he grabs the headset right off Ricky Simms' head. Frank Merritt - I don't know who the hell this Kannon guy thinks he is, but there is only one monster in the CWA and that's me! I softened up Eli for this fat bastard tonight and he's taking the glory? He thinks I am going to let him beat my tag team partner? I make Overdrive work. I am the star! Screw anyone who gets in my way! Oh, and Max is a complete bastard. Seriously, Max is a total bastard. I really hate Max Cameron. Tell Max to fuck himself. He tosses the headset at Ricky Simms while Lesher stands and applauds Frank. Frank then walks with Tommy towards the back while Rivers and Kannon look unimpressed inside the ring. Ricky Simms - The FCC will be calling after that tirade. Henry Lesher - I have never been so happy. Ricky Simms - Doc... are you crying? Henry Lesher - So very happy! We fade to black on Kannon inside the ring, pondering what sized box he will stuff Frank Merritt into after he is done with Eli Ryder. |