NOVEMBER 27th, 2007
It's a packed house for another CWA event as Overdrive goes to the air. We waste no time as we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne and Jack Spade steps out onto the stage. Jack Spade vs. Tommy Purr As Spade bows to his fans, he is attacked by Tommy Purr and the two men start brawling while the fans cheer. The music stops playing as Tommy Purr gives Jack Spade a clothesline onto the steel stage. Purr then picks Jack up over his shoulder and gives him a running power slam to the steel stage. Purr then stands Spade up and gives him another clothesline to the stage before he then grabs him by the feet and drags him down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - Purr appears to be anxious to get this big match underway tonight. Henry Lesher - Who could blame him? From what I hear, this is all we have for these people tonight. Ricky Simms - I must admit that appears to be the case. Purr stands Jack Spade up and rolls him into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring where referee Mark Davis can finally ring the bell to get the action officially underway. Tommy Purr then stands Jack Spade up, whips him off the ropes and Jack ducks a clothesline and then gives Tommy a series of elbows to the jaw which drive him into the corner buckle. Jack then gives Tommy a hip toss to the middle of the ring and then places him in a full Nelson while the crowd cheers. Ricky Simms - Nice comeback for Jack Spade here. Henry Lesher - Oh like Tommy isn't toying with him right here. It's obvious that he's not in any real trouble. Tommy gets to his feet and refuses to submit to the hold when asked. Tommy then backs Jack up to the ropes which forces the break. While the hold is broke, Tommy elbows Jack in the ribs and then gives him a snap mare to the middle of the ring where he applies a sleeper hold. There is a chant for Jack Spade while Tommy fights to strengthen his hold on Jack, cutting off his breathing. The referee checks on a fading Spade, one who refuses to submit to this hold. Spade drops to one knee and then to both knees while Tommy Purr nods and smiles. Henry Lesher - See? Tommy knew this was coming. The match is his. Ricky Simms - He knew nothing, Doc. Jack is fading and the referee looks ready to ring the bell when Jack starts to get back to his feet. The crowd cheers as Jack then quickly backs Tommy into the corner, then turns and lays into Purr with a series of shoulder blocks in the corner buckle. Tommy Purr then gives Jack Spade a whip to the opposite corner buckle and charges right into a raised boot to the chin from Spade. Spade then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He launches himself for a flying leg drop only to find no one home when Tommy rolls out of the way. Tommy then wraps Spade up in a school boy pin attempt, complete with a hook of the tights out of sight from the referee. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr gets the win, not caught bending the rules by the referee. Ricky Simms - That was kind of a cheap win. Henry Lesher - A win is a win. Now, that means Tommy is the new number one contender for that champion we haven;t seen in three weeks now. This CWA sure has its act together. Ricky Simms - Hey, you're still getting paid. Henry Lesher - In food stamps. As Tommy leaves the ring and heads up the ramp, we hear "Deep" by Nine Inch Nails and the crowd cheers as CWA owner Shannon Skanes makes his way down the ramp. He passes by Tommy without a word, same for a retreating Jack Spade who gives the owner a dirty look. Shannon then rolls himself into the ring and gets to his feet, shaking his head. He already has a microphone in hand. Ricky Simms - This should be interesting. Henry Lesher - We have differing views on what is interesting. Shannon Skanes - Now I think I know how Shawl Michaels lost his smile. Now I think I understand why Ted Turner sold WCW. Now I think I understand why The Rock chose Hollywood. You see, wrestling is a harsh mistress. I have stood by and watched this company struggle this time around and it's gone as far as I can allow it to. There are a few boos mixed in with the cheers now as people grow uneasy as to where he is headed with this. Shannon Skanes - Where is Wren? Where is Max Cameron? Where is Rated R? Wasn't Freak coming back? 6Pac Dudley was supposed to be coming back, too. I thought Dante and Q might be headlining the comeback tales as well. Where is Sal Clemenzo? I mean, I can guess. He pauses and smiles before he nods. Shannon Skanes - Okay, let's guess. Rated R must have sighted Myst a few weeks back and wanted to take her from me so bad that he can't bear to be in my company anymore. Myst hasn't been spotted either, so she must feel the same way. Who knows how this affected Kosmic Kitty? Maybe she lost her meow? Max Cameron might have caught wind of a power struggle involving my wife and decided to step out. Frank Merritt is stoned somewhere, probably with BasketKase. Leech has been a whiny bitch and he won't be around either. The crowd has a mixed reaction and Shannon nods, starting to pick up steam. Shannon Skanes - Hell, where are Dragon and Ash, in the BLPW backwater? Really? My God, misuse rules the day there and people show it such loyalty. I am baffled as to why. Flock was made in the CWA. Oh, UWN introduced them to the world, but I made them fucking main eventers when other companies laughed them off. Dizz has been missing for a good long time now, probably won't ever come back which is a complete fucking shame. Hell, anyone seen Vigilante. Damn people, everyone hated him but he at least put in some fucking work! Ricky Simms - I think we're going to get pulled off the air. Henry Lesher - My God, I love Shannon. This is great. Shannon Skanes - My God, what's going on in this world? It leaves me with this. I have Hoshi, Tommy Purr, Bombshell, Kira, Jack Spade and Garth Rivers willing to bleed and sweat for this company. I have nothing but respect for these people. I mean that. In a downtime for us, they're here. They are putting in the effort. Next week, they get their reward. There is an open challenge next week, winner gets the world title. Wren hasn't been seen in weeks, so if she doesn't defend herself this week, she becomes an ex-champion. If you're listening, bitch, you had better find your balls. If you don't, you lose your gold. Ricky Simms - Doesn't he know we're live? The FCC will eat us alive for this! Shannon Skanes - One last fucking note here and I want to make this clear. I will be stepping into this ring next week myself. I am not calling out anyone in the back. No, I am calling out anyone who ahs a fucking problem with me. Show up next week and take your best fucking shot. Try to take me out. Air some years old grudge if you want, Dragon. Try to teach me a lesson, Leech. Dare to step out and speak the truth, Ash. Bring a cinder block, Dante. Do I believe anyone will show up and answer this challenge? No, I really can't see it. It looks like even Rated R is a cowardly bitch now. I never thought I would see the day. To those who support this company and entertain these fans, I thank you. To those who want to cut us down behind our backs, fuck yourselves. Shannon throws the microphone out of the ring and poses in the corner buckle while the crowd cheers. Ricky Simms - Well, that might be the end of the CWA on broadcast TV. Henry Lesher - My God, I think I came. Ricky Simms - I am going to be sick. |