December 18th, 2007

Montreal is rocking as the CWA gets set to put on its first pay per view in a very long time. The crowd cheers as the lights come up over the ring and we hear "I Wish I Had An Angel" by Nightwish. The pay per view viewers then see images of Frank Merritt, Tommy Purr, Jack Spade, Hoshi Yakamoto, Max Cameron and Myst before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are ready to once again call the action. "Deep" by Nine Inch Nails plays as Shannon Skanes then makes his way down the ramp to the ring. He has a smile on his face as he steps through the ropes, a microphone in hand.

Shannon Skanes - CWA fans, welcome to a grand night for the CWA. Tonight is more than the return of the CWA to Montreal. It is also the anniversary for my marriage to Myst!

"A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park plays as Myst comes out to a loud ovation from the crowd. She makes her way down the ramp and then makes her way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring. She embraces Shannon and then takes hold of the microphone.

Myst - You see, love does conquer all. I just want to make something clear. I may not be in the world title match tonight, but I have a vested interest in what happens there. I will be there tonight to see whether Frank can overcome the challenge of Tommy Purr or if he will remain the bride's maid yet again.

Shannon Skanes - I am wagering that Frank will fail... again. It's his destiny and it would be a grand anniversary present to us. Fans, any gifts you want to give to us tonight will be accepted. It must be great to be a part of history tonight.

Lady Eagle vs. Hoshi Yakamoto

Shannon and Myst then exit the ring to a mixed reaction and then make their way up the ramp. As they disappear behind the curtain at the back of the stage, we hear "Rise" by The Cult and Lady Eagle is walked onto the stage by Tough Eagle himself. He talks to her the entire way down the ramp while some in the crowd cheer and others have little reaction at all.

Ricky Simms - Eagle's protégé here tonight with the always popular Native Chief.

Henry Lesher - Popular? It doesn't sound that way to me, though you do like revising things to suit you and those you serve.

Lady Eagle makes her way onto the ring apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. She then does the splits in the middle of the ring while her music fades and then we hear "Poundcake" by Van Halen and Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way onto the stage and gets a loud ovation from the crowd. She then makes her way down the ramp towards the ring, slides under the bottom rope and then leaps to her feet. Referee Casey Braun calls for the bell and the two divas lock up. Hoshi then backs Eagle into the corner where the referee asks for a clean break. Hoshi backs off, only to take a boot to the gut from Eagle and Eagle then gives her a series of forearm smashes to the side of the head. Eagle then gives Hoshi a side Russian leg sweep to the mat where she then goes for the pin. 1....2.... kick out by Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - Eagle almost scored the upset there.

Henry Lesher - She scored an upset. I am upset that this is continuing. Real wrestlers are waiting to take the stage here. People are paying to watch this drivel.

Eagle stands Hoshi up and then whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Eagle then waits for Hoshi to stand and leaps through the ropes. Instead of landing a cross body on Hoshi, Hoshi ducks out of the way and Eagle crashes into the guard railing. Hoshi then stands Eagle up and rolls her into the ring before rolling herself into the ring. Hoshi then stands Lady Eagle up, whips her into a corner buckle and then giver her a monkey flip back to the middle of the ring. Hoshi then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She leaps off and misses with a frog splash when Lady Eagle rolls out of the way.

Ricky Simms - Nice avoid there by Lady Eagle.

Henry Lesher - Yeah, almost being as good as Hoshi is like almost being better than the Miami Dolphins.

Lady Eagle uses the ropes to get to her feet and then she gives Hoshi a series of kicks to the ribs. She then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat. Lady Eagle then picks Hoshi up and gives her a body slam to the mat and then lands an elbow smash to the throat on Hoshi before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi who then reverses the pin and cradles Lady Eagle's shoulders down. 1...2... kick out by Lady Eagle who then rolls herself out of the ring to regroup. She signals for a time out and yells at Tough Eagle when he informs her that there are no time outs here.

Ricky Simms - Apparently she still has a lot to learn.

Henry Lesher - She looks up to a failure. She has a LOT to learn. I mean, come on now. She would have been better off picking the Shmelky Brothers to mentor her.

 Ricky Simms - Oh, come on now.

Lady Eagle climbs onto the apron and continues to argue with Tough Eagle. Hoshi then grabs her by the hair and pulls her in over the top rope. Hoshi then gives Lady Eagle a series of kicks to the ribs and then whips her off the ropes and levels her with a clothesline to the mat. Hoshi then jumps to the top rope, poses for the crowd and then lands the Perfect 10 on Lady Eagle before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2...3! Hoshi Yakamoto wins the match over Lady Eagle.

Ricky Simms - Nice finish there by Hoshi as Lady Eagle was distracted.

Henry Lesher - Oh, come on. That can't count for anything. Lady Eagle? That career is over. Mark my words.

Backstage we see Shengee Shmelky with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - I understand you have an announcement to make.

Shengee Shmelky - Indeed I do. You see, there is something lacking in the CWA right now and I know what that is. It is missing what we call... Flava!

Ray Dees - Oh dear God no....

Shengee Shmelky - Oh dear God yes! The boy band from yesteryear will be back. At next month's Battle of the Warriors, we will see the wonderful return.

Ray Dees - But you suck.

Shengee Shmelky - Oh Ray, you know you cannot complete with the talent of Flava. Next month we return and we put the universe right. The planet needs a boy band right now. The world is made up of shaven Britney and exposed Lohans. The madness has to stop. We have to heal. I understand that only as Flava will we convince Britney to wear underwear. In fact, we invite her and K-Fed to come out and make peace.

Ray Dees - Isn't that a bit ambitious?

Shengee Shmelky - Did George Lucas let ambition have its limits? Did Stephen King give up his dreams? Did France ever surrender during the Second World War?

Ray Dees - Actually....

Shengee Shmelky - Peace will return. We can all heal when Flava returns. Don't give up your hope.

He then walks off while Ray is at a complete loss for words and we return to the ring.

King of the PPV

"Come Undone" by Korn plays as the ring has the three entrants for the King of the Pay Per View standing in separate corners. There are chants for both Jack Spade and for Vigilante. The bell sounds and the battle is on, the music fading as Vigilante kicks Kira backwards and then ducks a running clothesline from Jack Spade. Vigilante then gives Jack a Rock Bottom to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Vigilante then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. He has completely missed Kira climbing to the top rope and the younger Yakamoto leaps off and gives Vigilante a flying cross body to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante.

Ricky Simms - Fantastic action to start this one here.

Henry Lesher - Well, at least Vigilante can wrestle. Now people like Kira and Jack Spade can learn their place. It's certainly not at the top of the card.

Kira stands Vigilante up and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. She then turns and takes a spear to the mat from Jack Spade who goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kira Yakamoto. Jack then stands Kira up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a backdrop to the mat from there. Jack then gives Kira a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kira. Vigilante climbs onto the ring apron while Jack stands Kira up and then whips her off the ropes. Jack misses with a clothesline as Kira ducks it and then she gives Jack a reverse neck breaker. She leaps to her feet only to take a super kick to the jaw from Vigilante. He allows himself a grin towards the crowd before he stands Kira up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Vigilante figures turnabout is fair play.

Henry Lesher - He's right. She's trash and trash doesn't belong inside the ring.

Vigilante stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then runs in and both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Steve Blake starts counting them both down. The crowd seems split on who they want to get up first here. Outside the ring, Kira gets to her feet and then she rolls herself into the ring. She goes for the pin on Jack. 1...2... kick out by Jack. She then tries to pin Vigilante. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante. Kira then stands Jack Spade up, whips him into the corner buckle and then lands a spinning heel kick to the chest in Spade. She headlocks him and goes for a bulldog, but he instead picks her up and gives her an atomic drop the mat. Jack then gives her a knee to the spine and then an inverted DDT before he goes for the pin. 1...2... Kira gets a foot on the bottom rope, causing Jack to slap the mat and have a few words for the referee.

Ricky Simms - Jack thought he has eliminated her there.

Henry Lesher - I had really hoped.

Jack stands Kira up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a spine buster to the mat. He then takes a stunner from Vigilante. Vigilante then picks Kira up and gives her a Catch 22 to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Kira has been eliminated. Vigilante then picks Jack up, appears set to deliver another Catch 22 and is thwarted as Jack grabs the top rope and pulls himself off of Vigilante's shoulders.

Ricky Simms - Vigilante was going for the quick win there.

Henry Lesher - Why not? The title shot becomes his and he shows us why EOS really was the best faction around.

Ricky Simms - You hated EOS!

Henry Lesher - I did no such thing.

Jack and Vigilante start trading rights and lefts. Jack then thumbs Vigilante in the eye and then rakes his eyes along the top rope. Jack Spade then gives Vigilante a knee to the gut and then gives him a series of rights and lefts that drive him into the corner buckle where Jack then lands a series of kicks to the gut on Vigilante. Jack then picks Vigilante up and gives him a running power slam to the mat. Jack then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante. Jack then stands Vigilante up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Jack drops and rolls himself out to the floor as well. He stands Vigilante up and gives him a vicious knife edge chop to the throat. He then slams Vigilante's face into the steel ring steps. Jack then gives Vigilante a knee to the gut followed by an attempted DDT which Vigilante blocks. Vigilante then gives Jack a backdrop to the floor and then puts the boots to him. Vigilante stands Jack up and whips him shoulder first into the steel ring steps.

Ricky Simms - Brutal action on the floor right in front of us here.

Henry Lesher - It's a thing of beauty.

Ricky Simms - You hated Vigilante.

Henry Lesher - I always respected him.

Ricky Simms - No, you didn't.

Vigilante stands Jack up and rolls him into the ring before he rolls himself in as well. Vigilante then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Vigilante stands Jack Spade up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a round house kick to the chest that sends him down to the mat. Vigilante then signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this. He picks Jack up and goes for the Catch 22. In mid air, Jack shifts his weight and lands on Vigilante and both men lie on the mat in a small package pin. 1...2...3! The crowd cheers as the referee rolls out of the ring and explains what just happened to ring announcer Kelly Buchanan.

Kelly Buchanan - The referee has counted both men down so we therefore have a double winner. Vigilante and Jack Spade are both the number on contender for the CWA title.

Ricky Simms - That won't work.

Henry Lesher - Clearly Vigilante won.

Ricky Simms - Not according to the referee.

Henry Lesher - Oh he's just blind.

Vigilante rolls himself out to the floor and has a few words for Steve Blake. Jack Spade then rolls himself out to the floor and he starts arguing with the referee. Vigilante and Jack then start arguing about who got the pin here tonight. Security starts to head out to split these two up before things turn ugly. We look backstage where Frank Merritt is sitting in his locker room stall, his head down as Crystal Braun enters the room.

Crystal Braun - I was wondering if we could get a word from you on tonight's match.

Frank keeps his head down and doesn't react to her whatsoever.

Crystal Braun - You see, there has been a lot of talk about your record in the CWA and you never having won the big match. Has that been overstated?

Again, he doesn't look over at her.

Crystal Braun - Do you want me to come back later? I mean, I can do that. Hey, maybe you want to wish Shannon and Myst a happy anniversary?

Frank doesn't move. If we couldn't see his chest heaving, we would wonder if he was even alive. It is the most intense we have ever seen him.

Crystal Braun - So... no comment then.

After another failure to acknowledge her presence, Crystal slowly backs away from Frank and we head back to the ring for more action.

Max Cameron vs. Jack Spade

"Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron steps out onto the ramp. Security is pushing Vigilante up the ramp and he comes face to face with Max on stage. The two pause and even security seems to be at a loss here.

Ricky Simms - Oh man, there is so much history here.

Henry Lesher - That's an understatement.

Max then makes his way down the ramp while an evil grin crosses Vigilante's face. Max shakes his head as he makes his way around and the ring and sees Jack Spade inside the ring, still catching his breath from his match moments ago. Max takes the microphone from ring announcer Kelly Buchanan.

Max Cameron - I once wrestled more than once in a night and managed to dominate that ring, Jack. I managed to be the very best that night. Now, you're trying to wrestle tow matches in a row. You might be in line for a title shot, but you'll fail to get passed me and then I can appeal to the CWA powers that be to name me the number one contender. You robbed me of my chance to be the CWA champ when Purr was crowned. Now you pay. You might be tough, Jack, but you're no Max Cameron.

Max tosses the microphone aside and slides under the bottom rope into the ring where he is greeted with a stomping from Jack Spade while referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to get the action officially underway. Jack then stands Max up and places his throat over the middle rope, choking him with it. Jack Spade then releases the choke before the referee can reach the five count and a potential disqualification. Jack stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and lands a dropkick on Max, sending him down to the mat. Jack then goes for a rolling thunder on Max, but Max rolls out of the way and then does a kip up to his feet. Max then gives Jack a series of kicks to the head while Jack rolls himself out to the floor to regroup.

Ricky Simms - This is quite the grudge match.

Henry Lesher - Max is trying to take advantage of Jack being tired and I can't blame him. It is a sound strategy.

Max follows Jack to the floor and the two start exchanging rights and lefts. Max whips Jack into the guard railing and then he stands him up and whips him towards the steel corner post only to have Jack reverse it and he sends Max shoulder first into the steel corner post. Jack then rolls Max into the ring and then himself. Jack then places Max into a sleeper hold while the fans cheer him on. The referee checks for a submission, but Max refuses to give up. Mark Davis then lifts Max's arm once and it drops. He lifts it a second time. Max manages to keep his arm raised and then manages to reach out and grab onto the middle rope to force the break.

Ricky Simms - Great ring awareness shown by Max Cameron.

Henry Lesher - Oh, like anyone cares. Just bring on the main event already.

Jack releases Max and then whips Max into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block only to find no one home as Max moves out of the way and Jack then hits the corner buckle instead. Max then gives Jack a German suplex to the middle of the ring and then holds his shoulders down for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then gets to his feet, pulls Jack to his feet and then whips him off the ropes before giving him a big boot to the chest that sends him back down to the mat. Max then picks Jack up and slams him down to the mat before giving him a leg drop across the throat. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade.

Ricky Simms - Jack is running out of gas.

Henry Lesher - Oh, who cares?

Max stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and Jack then grabs the ropes while Max dropkicks the air. Jack then gives Max a knee drop to the forehead and then gives him a series of rights and lefts to the head and then gives him an elbow smash to the throat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Max then goes to the ropes and climbs to the top. He then leaps off and lands a flying elbow smash across the chest of Jack Spade before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then picks Jack up and runs him towards the corner buckle. Jack slides off, shoves Max into the corner and then gives him a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron.

Ricky Simms - Jack is managing to defy the odds here tonight.

Henry Lesher - It's only a matter of time, Rick.

Jack gets to his feet and Max gets to his feet as well. The two then start trading rights and lefts. Max then thumbs Jack in the eye and then gives him a pump handle slam to the mat. Max goes for the pin. 1...2... reversed by Jack Spade. 1...2...3! Jack manages to score the win over Max Cameron!

Ricky Simms - Against the odds, Jack gets the win tonight!

Henry Lesher - Oh, like winning twice in a night is a big deal. Maybe if they were both uncontested or something, then I would care.

Jack rolls himself out to the floor and raises his arms above his head. Inside the ring, Max appears to be stunned with what has just happened. He then rolls himself out of the ring and proceeds to give Jack Spade a clothesline to the floor. Max then puts the boots to him as the busy security comes back out now to pry Max Cameron off of Jack Spade and away from ringside.

Ricky Simms - Outrage has proven to be the night of Spade.

Henry Lesher - Oh, whatever, it shows how shallow the gene pool really is around here. Where's Rated R?

We then see Rated R on what appears to be a satellite feed from his home.

Rated R - Thanks, Doc, I knew someone would mention me sooner or later. You see, this company exists only because of me. I am the big star, the one this place needs to run. The fact is, I don't care anymore. I am not going to be a part of the CWA any longer. As much as it will destroy the fans and it will destroy Myst, I quit. The CWA has seen the last of me. Enjoy watching two complete and utter failures fight for my title. Enjoy spending your money to watch second level wrestlers with top level special effects. Enjoy the lousy present and future that Shannon Skanes will provide for you. I truly hate you all.

His image fades from the screen as the crowd boos.

Henry Lesher - It's nice to hear some truth around here for a change.

Ricky Simms - You believed that tripe?

Henry Lesher - Look, Shannon runs a terrible company and his marriage to Myst is a sham.

Ricky Simms - Rated R is a self important dick. I am not going to sit here and listen to his whining. This company is bigger than any one star.

Henry Lesher - Unless that star is the one and only Rated R.

Frank Merritt vs. Tommy Purr

"Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry plays as Tommy Purr is walked out onto the stage by Bombshell and Mrs. Robinson. He holds his title belt high while he makes his way down the ramp. Bombshell and Mrs. Robinson applaud Tommy as he then steps up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. The crowd gives him a mixed response tonight, though more are cheering than booing. He then hands his title belt out through the ropes to the timekeeper. The timekeeper then gives him a vicious upper cut to the chin and we see that Frank Merritt was there wearing a wig and a fake beard. He drops the disguise as he pulls Tommy from the ring and then he picks Tommy up and slams him on the announce table. Frank then climbs onto the ring announce table, places Tommy in a headlock and then gives him a DDT which drives him through the table to the floor.

Ricky Simms - So much for our table.

Henry Lesher - You can be such a whiner, you know.

Frank then pulls Tommy off of the table and rolls him into the ring. He then rolls himself into the ring and order Steve Blake to ring the bell and make this match official. Frank then goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy manages to roll a shoulder out. Frank then picks Tommy up and power slams him to the mat and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Frank Merritt then stands Tommy up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor before he drops and rolls himself out as well. Frank grabs a length of audio cable at ringside and then starts whipping Tommy across the back with it. Referee Steve Blake leaves the ring and warns Frank that he is about to get disqualified.

Ricky Simms - Frank has apparently snapped.

Henry Lesher - Look, he has been playing himself as the timekeeper all night, so don't paint him as being crazy. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Frank drops the audio cable, stands Tommy up and then whips him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Frank then rolls Tommy and himself back into the ring. Frank then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Frank then places Tommy's throat over the bottom rope and leans against the back of his neck. Frank tells the CWA champ to give up now while the referee counts towards a possible disqualification. Frank releases the choke in time to prevent that and then stands Tommy up and rakes his eyes along the top rope. Frank then whips Tommy off the ropes and gives him a knee lift to the chest and then gives him a vicious head butt that sends him back down to the mat. Frank then poses for the fans who are torn on whether or not they are cheering for him.

Ricky Simms - Frank is taking care of business so far in this one.

Henry Lesher - It shows how the element of surprise can work in your favor. Look what it did for him.

Frank stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in and delivers a vicious shoulder block followed by a spine buster to the mat where he again goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy kicks out. Frank shakes his head as he then pulls Tommy up from the mat. Frank then whips Tommy off the ropes and then gives Tommy a big boot to the chest that sends him back down to the mat. Frank smiles as he stares down at the fallen champion. Frank puts the boots to Tommy and verbally taunts him.

Ricky Simms - It looks pretty bleak for Tommy here.

Henry Lesher - Oh, like it matters. This match is a thing of beauty. Like your wife tells you, stop ruining it by talking.

Frank stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block, but Tommy manages to clothesline the charging monster instead. Tommy then lands an elbow smash to the throat on Frank and then follows that up with a series of forearm smashes to the jaw before he goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank Merritt. Tommy then stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spinning heel kick that sends him falling to the ropes where his arms become tangled between the top and middle rope. Tommy takes advantage of this with a series of kicks to the chest while the referee tries to untangle the challenger. Tommy kicks Frank right through the ropes and out to the floor once his arms become freed. Tommy then heads out after him.

Ricky Simms - Tommy turned the tables pretty fast there.

Henry Lesher - He is Tommy Purr. There is only one Tommy Purr.

Ricky Simms - Now you're kissing up to him again?

Tommy stands Frank up and then slams his face into the steel ring steps. Tommy then gives Frank a side Russian leg sweep to the floor. Tommy then stands Frank up and gives him a clothesline over the guard railing and into the crowd. Tommy then rolls himself back into the ring to break up the count and then rolls himself back out. Tommy then pulls Frank back over the guard railing and then locks him up for a DDT. Frank instead clears himself from that and then gives Tommy a backdrop to the floor. Frank Merritt then picks Tommy up and tosses him over the guard railing and out into the crowd. Frank then climbs over the guard railing and starts putting the boots to the fallen champion. Frank then pulls a chair out from under a nearby fan and picks it up while the referee reaches the ten count and calls for the bell.

Ricky Simms - This match is over. It's a double count out.

Henry Lesher - Oh, this is NOT over. Frank is not done with the CWA champ.

Frank brings the chair back with the intention of striking Tommy, but Bombshell manages to grab the chair at the last moment. Frank turns and lets go of the chair and then shoves Bombshell down to the floor. Frank then steps over the guard railing to ringside and grabs audio cable and starts whipping Bombshell across the back with it. Frank then starts choking her with it while Tommy Purr grabs the chair that Frank just discarded. Tommy steps over the guard railing and then clocks Frank across the back of the head with the chair. Frank releases the choke and falls sideways. Tommy then grabs his title belt off the floor and then he starts whipping Frank Merritt with it.

Ricky Simms - I get the feeling that these two have not seen the last of each other.

Henry Lesher - At last, Outrage lives up to its name.

Tommy Purr then has a coughing Bombshell roll Frank Merritt over and sit him up. Tommy clubs Frank in the forehead with the CWA title belt and then tells him that's as close as he will ever get to it. Tommy then leaves ringside with Bombshell and Mrs. Robinson. A bloodied Frank Merritt sits up and looks enraged as he turns and looks toward the retreating champion. Frank gets to his feet and heads towards Tommy Purr.

Ricky Simms - My God, Frank looks like a monster from a horror movie.

Henry Lesher - Frank IS a monster from a horror movie.

Frank rams Bombshell and Mrs. Robinson's heads together behind Tommy and, when Tommy turns to face him, Frank spits blood in his face and then gives him a knee to the gut followed by a clothesline to the ramp while the overworked security force comes out to break things up.

Ricky Simms - My God, what a way to go into Christmas!

Henry Lesher - This was a great present for me.

Ricky Simms - Fans, we will see you in the next couple of weeks for our holiday specials. I don't think Tommy and Frank will be exchanging cards anytime soon.

Henry Lesher - Frank might send him one telling him to go to hell and die.

We fade out on a shot of Frank picking fights with security members, trying to get at the CWA champ and his entourage.