Roleplay Information;
Passage: One
Record: 0 / 0 / 0
CEW Accomplishments;
Top Ten [1x] -
Event: Exile
Date: 07 / ?? / 07
Match: ??
Title: None
Stipulation: None

Fell Before His Feet;

- Soon To Come



[[ Fade in. ]]

[[ Cue the Cutting Edge Wrestling logo. ]]

[[ Mellow music can be heard. ]]

[[ The first thing we lay eyes on is the writing on the wall, we cannot understand what it says because it is written in Arabic. The floor is made of marble, the whole place is made of marble. The light is coming from flaming torches, all lined along the wall. ]]

[[ The music, it's more like moaning.. We cannot fathom out what is being said but, it leads us to believe we are inside some form of Temple. Footsteps can be heard, they are getting ever louder with each second which passes by. The camera turns around, that's when we see a man dressed in all white. He is slowly walking towards the camera, who he is isn't clear, Until.. ]]

[ Unknown ] PRAISE.. ALLAH!!

[[ The figure raises his hands and looks towards the ceiling. ]]

[ Unknown ] PRAISE.. ALLAH!!!

[[ Whoever this man is, he drops to his knees and he kisses the floor on which he just walked on. He does this two or three times, in which the music is still heard. ]]

[ Unknown ] I know now, what I must do.. It's.. become clear in my mind, that you set me a target.. ONE GOAL.. I will.. not.. let you down.

[[ He rises to his feet and that is when we see the identity of this man, it is Khosrow Daivari. He gets up to his feet and he stands smiling into the camera. ]]

[[ He walks past and into a separate room, when we see there is a statue situated right in the middle of the room. Daivari places a hand upon it, not saying a word. He just closes his eyes and bows his head, seemingly taking something from this certain statue. Eventually, he moves away and wipes his face. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I cannot allow it to go on.. anymore. I cannot allow Muhammad to.. do it all.. on his own.. I will battle those.. who continue.. to show prejudice towards us. It's always been this way.. American's fail to see.. we are just like them.. what makes us different?

[[ It seems that Daivari is getting more and more angry, we can sense it due to the tone of his voice. The more he continues, the more he thinks about the treatment he has received along with Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[[ He loosens his collar. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] No longer.. can people tell me.. that I am just imagining it. It happens every single.. place.. that I go, people look at me like I am an outcast.. like Muhammad is an outcast.. WE.. just like you.. are AMERICANS! We do more for this country.. than.. most people who CLAIM to be true American's. It's time for me.. to stand beside Muhammad.. TO FIGHT!

[[ What does this meant? Daivari doesn't seem to be making much sense, he is upset at something. We don't yet know what he is talking about. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Ever since.. September Eleventh.. Two Thousand One.. People have looked down upon.. not.. only me.. not only Muhammad but.. ALLAH! They want to blame him.. for everything that has happened.. they.. know nothing. How stupid can one nation.. possibly be? You think you.. know.. everything and that.. that.. is where you are wrong. I have had enough of the.. ignorance.. that people show.. it is now time.. to put everything into.. perspective.. I will be a soldier for Allah.. I will.. fight anyone.. who wants to get in our path.. in the path.. of.. The Jihad.

[[ The Jihad. ]]

[[ People will remember what happened before in other promotions, most notably Solid Gold Wrestling. These men cause havoc there and if we are to believe what Daivari has just said, what is in store for Cutting Edge Wrestling when these men are set loose? ]]

[[ Daivari brings his hands together in the praying position and looks up once again. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Insallah.

[[ Footsteps are heard once again, Daivari turns around with a rather worried expression upon his face. We watch as a shadow is cast, into the room walks a figure.. It's Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] It's time.

[[ Hassan is dressed in robes and we see Daivari nod his head slowly, a mix of excitement and fear in his facial expression. They both exit the room and enter the long corridor, Daivari looks at Hassan who is starting straight ahead not even taking notice. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Muhammad.. I am ready.

[[ A slight smirk comes across the face of Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] I know.

[[ With that, we watch as the two men walk up to the end of the long corridor and then disappear through another door as our scene fades. ]]

C.S Chalmers || xxTheDamnDealxx||
