title: 'The New Generation Gets to Shine'
starring: Randy orton, triple h, ric flair, batista and others
synopsis: The Destiny Foretaken


Full Name; Randal Keith Orton
Nicknames; The Legend Killer
Hometown; St. Louis, Missouri

the physical;
The Height: 6'5
The Weight: 265lbs
The Eye Color: N/A
The Hair Color: Black
The Nationality: American

the career;
The Inspiration: Cowboy Bob Orton, Bob Orton Sr.
The Occupation: Professional Wrestler
Years Pro: 5

the personal;
The Virginity: Was gone.. many many years ago.
The Turn Ons: Women; Championships; GREATNESSS
The Turn Offs: Unconfident sons of bitches
the Sexual Orientation: Straight
The Love Interest: To be determined.
The Theme Song: "Burn in my Light" - Mercy Drive

The Biography For Randy Orton;
Randy Orton has proven time and time again that he is truly one of, if not the, greatest shining star in all of professional wrestling today. Orton has cemented his spot in the record books as the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in wrestling history. And now in CEW, he hopes that along with Triple H he can make his mark as he always does and Kill Legends.

contact me;
Name: Craig Chalmers
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: England.
Years Roleplaying: 7+
AIM: xxTheDamnDealxx
MSN: uwa_brock_lesnar@msn.com

this roleplay;
the number: #001
The Title: ' Your Looking At Greatness '
The Stars: Randy Orton, Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista and others
The Plot: Destiny is coming
The Future: The Destiny that is The World Heavyweight Championship
The OOC Note: None

the disclaimer;
I have no affilation with Randy Orton Brad coded the layout and the graphic came from ADKINS I would say don't steal....but take it if you want I don't care.