'The Blood Prince' Vampiro: What kind of message was this supposed to send? I know who this snake belongs to, this is why I have kept it alive for so long. Do you really want to help, Justin? I know who you are, I know why Justin needs you. He isn't capable of finishing this on his own, that much was obvious to everyone. He wants to use you to help him, he wants to palm this off on you. Do you want that? Do you need this at your age? Over the last few weeks, I've shown what I am capable of. When I get involved, there is only ever going to be one winner. It's all in my mind. I see everything unfold as it should. This is why I've drawn Justin into this war, this is why I have always been one step ahead of him. Justin Credible is weak, he's a man who thinks that he is much better than he really is. Delusional. This is what Justin Credible really is. He's a hardcore icon in his own mind, nobody else even acknowledges this. The time drawing ever closer, for Justin to finally meet his maker. You want to take about hell, Justin? I'll take you there very soon. Very, very soon.
He still holds the snake up in the air, not even paying attention to the fact he is holding it. It doesn't even faze him in the slightest.
'The Blood Prince' Vampiro: Tonight, a brave soul will step into the ring to face me. A man that I know well from World Championship Wrestling, a man who I almost finished. Sting, why do you want this? Did throwing you off that set not damage you enough? Your time has come, and it's truly past. I do applaud you, though. You defeated Justin Credible, for that, I say well done. I'm a different man than I was back then, Sting. I'm more dangerous now, I'm capable of anything. You want to know how far you can push me, Sting? You want to see my limits? Well, I have no limits. I look forward to this, I was disappointed when I heard you were still able to wrestle after falling from that set. I thought that might have gotten rid of you, for good this time. You keep coming back time, and time again. You're like a bad smell, Sting. You hang around, never wanting to leave. I must make sure that this time you never come back, I want to end your career, Sting. No more will people have to bare your pathetic claims, how you can be at the top once again. You had your time, it past you by many years ago, Sting. I know that you must want to capture this once again, it's never going to happen though. I don't want to hear your reasons, Sting. I don't care. All that matters is that this match is now official, there is no backing out of this match. This is going to happen, whether you like it or not.
Vampiro throws the snake onto the floor, pressing his boot on the back of it's head.
'The Blood Prince' Vampiro: It made me smile when you accepted my challenge, Sting. So many people want to duck out of matches against me, all of them too scared of what they cannot understand. That's something I give you, you've never been a man to back down from a challenge. It's just unfortunate for you that this is one challenge that you cannot conquer, this is one mountain too many. I'm going to show you up for what you really are, Sting. Nobody cares about you. Nobody cares about me. The difference between us both? People have to watch me. Regardless of what they think, they cannot take their eyes off The Macabre Jester. They want to see what I'm going to do next, they are amazed by things which they do not understand. They have seen it all before with you, Sting. You bring out your bat, am I supposed to be afraid of your bat, Sting? That looks like a children's toy compared to what I can bring to the ring. I want you to bring the bat, Sting. I want you to bring everything that you can possibly carry, it doesn't matter to me. I'll always come out on top against you, time after time. No matter how you want to play this out, Sting. There is nothing that you can spring on me that I haven't seen before. I assure you that I'm ready for this match, I've never been more ready before in my life. I'm going to make an example out of you, I'll make you look out of place. You will wish that you never accepted this challenge, I promise you.
The camera slowly moves away for a second. We hear all sorts of sounds, then we see the body of the snake fly across the room. We turn back to Vampiro who has blood all around his mouth, the head of the snake is on the floor.
'The Blood Prince' Vampiro: I couldn't have wished for a better opponent, you are exactly what I wanted. You seem to believe that you're on some sort of streak, you seem to think that you can defeat anyone who you step into the ring against. This is where you're going wrong, Sting. You can't beat me. You never could. I was always one step ahead, you tried to play games with me. I saw everything coming, just like I will see it coming tonight at Thunder. I know what you can do, this is something that you seem to forget. All those words mean nothing to me, you cannot fool me. You can tell the rest of the world that you're back, that you're going to dominate. I know the truth. You do, too. I feel the fear which you're feeling now, I can smell the sweat running from your forehead. The Painted Warrior. This is what they once called you. People believed you were going places. It's obvious to me that, really, you achieved nothing. I laugh inside, knowing that you're a failure Sting. You wish that you had what I have, what I have made of myself. I make things happen, if you haven't noticed. I'm going to be the person who really closes the book on your career, no more comeback matches. You won't want to come back by the end of this match, Sting. You'll leave Global Wrestling Federation, just like you should.
Vampiro smiles.
'The Blood Prince' Vampiro: There is no turning back. You've made your mistake, now you will pay. I'm going to put the final nail.. IN YOUR COFFIN!
Vampiro smirks as our scene fades away.