Nickname: The Charismatic Enigma
Name: Jeff Hardy
Height: Six Foot One
Weight: Two Twenty-Five
Manager: None
Alignment: Face
Finisher: Reverse of Fate
Theme Song:
`No More Words` - Endeverafter
Record: 00-00-00

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RP Number 001
Event: n/a
Opponent: n/a
Stipulation: n/a

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Name: Craig Chalmers
Age: 22
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland.
AIM: xxTheDamnDealxx


The layout you are seeing before you, has been created by Ex. No one else is allowed to use this with out permission to do so. Any and all other users will be subject to probing. Thank you for reading, and enjoy this roleplay written by none other than, Name here!

-- THE EVER CHANGING RISK TAKER // Official Forward --

Through his entire career, Jeff Hardy has battled many problems. He has had problems outside of wrestling, problems that could have finished his career for good, even ended his life. He has battled through all those problems now, the real Jeff Hardy is back. The Jeff Hardy who the fans love to watch, the Jeff Hardy who pulls fans from across the globe. They all want to see him perform, they want to see him take the risks that he has become famous for. Jeff has always been a man who gives the fans what they want, if there were calling for it, he'd do his best to deliver. Now, he has signed a contract with International Wrestling Entertainment. This is a huge thing for the company, who have recently been in a bit of a slide. There can be no doubt that when Jeff finally makes his debut, great things are going to happen. We don't know what Jeff plans on doing, we don't know which title he is hoping to capture, if any. It's going to be good for everyone to see him back at his best once again, doing what he loves. There is a whole host of wrestlers waiting for him, Jeff will be hoping to take huge steps up that International Westling Entertainment ladder. He wants to be sitting at the top of the company, and he's going to have to work hard to do it. Jeff has never been a man to back down from a fight, this won't be any different. Whoever he faces, will know that they have been in a fight. A fight like nothing they have ever experienced before, anywhere. Jeff is ready to go, it's all a matter of waiting now. Question is, who is going to be first to step into the ring with Jeff Hardy? Guess we just have to wait to find out. 

-- THE CHARISMATIC ENIGMA // Addictions. --

Our scene awakens, we are staring at an empty chair in the middle of a room. There seems to be nobody around, we're confused as to why we have been taken here. We hear footsteps, then we see legs walking across the screen. A figure takes a seat in front of us, we can see that it's Jeff Hardy. He has multi coloured facepaint on, which glows up in the darkness of the room. He stares intently into the camera, he looks serious.

Jeff Hardy: I've had addictions.

Jeff bows his head.

Jeff Hardy: I've done many things that I can say I'm not proud of, I made mistakes. Too many.

He speals softly for now, still not lifting his head up.

Jeff Hardy: I ask you this question...

Now, he lifts his head up.

Jeff Hardy: Who hasn't?

He pauses for a moment, letting all of us think about what he has just said. He makes a good point, too.

Jeff Hardy: It's how you react to those addictions, it's how you pull yourself back up on your feet that really matters. This is why I am here now, sitting talking to you all, as the newest member of the International Wrestling Entertainment roster. The Jeff Hardy that everyone knows, is back in the flesh. Wrestling is now my only addiction. I'm here to perform, to please people, do what I do best. I've got to wait a while before a finally make my debut, it doesn't matter, I'll wait as long as I have to for this chance. It's up to me now, to come back, show everyone that I've rid myself of all problems. To prove to the fans who have always supported me, that I'm better than I ever was. I've been working harder, training harder, I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Jef runs his hands through his hair, moving it out of his eyes.

Jeff Hardy: It's why I do what I do, I want to entertain people. I want people going home after the show, talking about what they saw Jeff Hardy do. Win or lose, man. It's all the same to me. It's all about the performance for me, that is the business we are now in.

Jeff cracks a slight smile.

Jeff Hardy: I have never been a guy to talk himself up, I let what I do in the ring do most of my talking. I look forward to performing for all of you, putting my body on the line every single week. It's what I've always done best. I'll take every risk in the book, just to entertain you all, and get myself a victory. It's all worth it, every bit of it. I want to let everyone know, all the wrestlers in the back, I'll be waiting. Jeff Hardy is back, better than I ever was. You can all count on one thing though, things are going to be taken to the... EXTREME!

Jeff moves his face closer to the camera as our scene slowly fades away to static.