![]() Role-Play #: 3 Record: 01 - 00 - 00 Opponent: Christopher Daniels Episode #03: Championship TV Pure Wrestling Entertainment Achievements: Undefeated [1-0];Top Ten Rankings [2,7]; Legend Killed: Triple H [1]; Role-Play Title: " Come And See.. What Greatness Really Looks Like. "
[[ Fade ]] [[ Our scene awakens shortly after our last edition of Championship TV comes off the air and we are backstage with Rated RKO. We can see both Randy Orton and Edge, getting ready to head out of the arena. Both men happy with what they have done. ]] Randy Orton: Man, you know The Undertaker don't want none of us.. If he dares show his face, then we'll show him exactly what happens when you mess with us. Edge: Exactly, is he THAT stupid to show up next week when we call him out? Randy Orton: I don't know, maybe those chairs shots knocked some sense into him. Edge: Sense? Undertaker? Randy, we BOTH know those two don't go together.. This idiot has been running around for years, pretending that he is actually dead.. Do you think a couple of chair shots and help that? Randy Orton: Yeah, I guess your right.. It's all good, next week.. I move on into the second round of the World Heavyweight Title tournament, one step closer baby. Edge: Err, yeah.. awesome. [[ We sense that Edge isn't exactly best please that Orton is going to be going on, as he knows that Randy is the only man capable of stopping him winning the title. Randy feels the same way, we notice Randy smirk. ]] Randy Orton: We'll make it to the finals of that, then it's down to the better man.. At least, we know that ONE of us will be holding that World Heavyweight Title. Edge: Yeah, that's totally awesome.. That ONE of us will be holding that title, but.. That doesn't matter for now, the only thing that matters is that WE take down The Undertaker next week, that's what WE focus on. Randy Orton: Right, he won't know what has hit him when WE beat him to within one inch of his life.. Oh, he's dead already? Looks like we'll have to give him a real funeral. [[ There is some friction between both men and we notice it when they emphasize the world " WE " at any given moment. ]] Edge: Randy, did you SEE that beating I gave my brother? Randy Orton: Damn right I did, Christian's nothing but, a punk.. He doesn't DESERVE to step foot in the same company as Rated RKO, nobody does. Edge: The thing is, they all THINK that we are here for the hell of it.. Nobody takes us seriously, next week.. When we take out The Undertaker, they'll ALL be running from us. Randy Orton: I got a steel chair that The Undertaker should meet, like the one he met tonight.. This time, I am making sure that he DOESN'T get back up. Edge: Man, we'll make sure of that.. After, we hear what he's got to say for himself. Randy Orton: What? We have to actually listen to him? Edge: Look, I know The Undertaker could bore even a Librarian to death.. It' s gotta' be done, after that.. WHAM! lights out. Randy Orton: Got that right. [[ Orton nods his head in agreement with Edge, they both seem to be on the same page and that can be dangerous for the entire PWE locker room. ]] Randy Orton: You know, I'm sick of it.. People thinking that The Undertaker IS something, pfft.. We'll show them how to KILL a legend, for real. Edge: Exactly Randy, this week is going to be HUGE.. You'll get into the second round of the World Title Tournament and me, I'll beat the crap out of Kevin Nash. Randy Orton: He'll probably tear his quad walking down to the ring. Edge: Tearing his quad is going to be the LAST of his worries Randy, after I get through with him.. Tearing his quad would be like a godsend for Kevin Nash. Randy Orton: Man, do you know who Christopher Daniels is? I have no idea. Edge: He's probably one of those losers from TNA, you know that company that takes all the old has-been mid-carders and makes them main-eventers? Randy Orton: No. Edge: Well, whatever.. That's it. [[ Randy shrugs just as the door opens and Lita walks into the Locker room, Randy Orton has a wide smile across his face. ]] Lita: You ready yet baby? Edge: Yeah, just give me a minute. [[ Orton nods his head looking at Lita and Edge notices this. ]] Edge: Randy, don't even think about it. Randy Orton: What? Edge: You know. [[ Orton laughs as Edge grabs his bag and puts it over his shoulder, he walks over to the door and puts his arm over Lita. ]] Edge: We'll catch you later Randy, me and Lita have some celebrating to do. Randy Orton: Alright man, I'll catch you up later. [[ Orton waves to Lita as they both walk out of the door and Randy is alone with a smile still on his face. ]] Randy Orton: Only a matter of time. [[ Orton zips up his bag and goes to leave the locker room as our scene slowly fades away to static. ]]
| [[ Our scene opens back up once again and we can see that we are inside the TNA arena, Randy Orton is standing inside of the six-sided ring. He is wearing the finest suit that money can buy and he has a rather puzzled look upon his face. ]] Randy Orton: I am DYING for someone to tell me, what the hell this is all about? [[ Orton walks over to each corner of the ring and cannot get over the fact there seems to be six sides to the ring. He walks back to the centre and shakes his head. ]] Randy Orton: Now, correct me if I'm wrong.. A ring has FOUR sides to it, why the hell does this ring have SIX? Really, I just can't figure it out. [[ He rubs his chin for a moment, trying to come to terms with it all. ]] Randy Orton: No matter how hard I try, I can't begin to imagine why anyone would wrestle inside of a ring that has six sides.. Hey, maybe that is how you " indy " wrestlers roll.. You need to realize that when your in with the big boys, you don't get pieces of crap like this. [[ He removes his suit jacket and places it on the turnbuckle and he turns to the camera. ]] Randy Orton: Christopher Daniels, that very name was a mystery to me till only a short time ago.. It seems this was one of the many " small " promotions that you worked for, you were a busy man.. It is clear to me that you weren't good enough for anywhere else, the WWE was the one place you couldn't cut it.. We know now what the PREMIER wrestling is, PWE.. I've seen your matches and let me tell you, it's going to be fun beating the crap out of you. [[ Orton rolls up one sleeve and stairs into the camera still while doing so. ]] Randy Orton: I know how your types roll, you think that along with Abyss.. That he will INTIMIDATE me, put my mind on other things.. Please, don't be fooled.. Abyss is another case of a man who plays the " Oh, I am monster " routine, along with his mouthpiece.. The Undertaker can't scare me so how in the hell, do you expect Abyss to scare me.. Listen here, didn't you WATCH what I done to Triple H last week? I made sure that everyone knows who the BEST is in this company.. This is your big chance, that one moment of greatness awaits you.. All you have to do is beat me, simple right? [[ He slowly rolls up his other sleeve and he shakes his head, with a smirk across his face. ]] Randy Orton: It's impossible, there is no way that you are denying me what is rightfully MINE.. That World Heavyweight Championship belongs around MY waist, nobody else's.. I find it funny that you are in this match with me, what were you again? Oh, that's right.. SEVENTH.. Do you honestly think that you have what it takes to beat me? Last week, I didn't even try and STILL I impressed more than you.. That tells you something, it tells you how GREAT I really am.. It's natural, when your a THIRD generation superstar.. Greatness just flows from my body, everyone knows it and they are only too afraid to admit it. [[ Orton seems confident as he un-buttons his shirt a little bit and shakes his head around. He rubs his chin with a smirk across his face and spreads his arms. ]] Randy Orton: I trust you saw me hit The Undertaker TWICE last week, with a steel chair.. Let me tell you that, is NOTHING compared to what I have in mind for you. [[ Orton means business and we can tell that by the tone of his voice. ]] Randy Orton: Please, bring everyone down to that ring Daniels.. It doesn't matter to me who you want to bring with you, the end result will be the same for you.. This is where it all begins, my path to the World Heavyweight Championship.. I WILL NOT BE DENIED, there isn't anyone who can do a DAMN thing about it.. Paul Heyman doesn't have an idea of what to do, he knows that myself along with Edge control everything that happens in PWE.. It's isn't his company, it belongs to Rated RKO.. Without us, this company wouldn't even EXIST.. Tonight, I KILL YOUR CAREER.. I finish you off and NEVER will you return to this company, TONIGHT.. You will learn what GREATNESS really looks like.. TONIGHT! Your hopes and dreams END, courtesy of ME.. [[ Orton begins to nod his head. ]] Randy Orton: RANDY ORTON.. [[ He strikes the "HEY!" pose. ]] Randy Orton: LEGEND KILLER! [[ Our scene slowly fades away with a shot of Randy Orton standing in the middle of the ring with a wide smile across his face. ]] |