Roleplay Information;
Passage: One
Record: 0 / 0 / 0
CEW Accomplishments;
Top Ten [1x]
Event: Exile
Date: 07 / ?? / 07
Match: ??
Title: None
Stipulation: None

Fell Before His Feet;

- Shane McMahon



[[ Fade in. ]]

[[ Cue the Cutting Edge Wrestling logo. ]]

[[ Mellow music can be heard. ]]

[[ The first thing we lay eyes on is the writing on the wall, we cannot understand what it says because it is written in Arabic. The floor is made of marble, the whole place is made of marble. The light is coming from flaming torches, all lined along the wall. ]]

[[ The music, it's more like moaning.. We cannot fathom out what is being said but, it leads us to believe we are inside some form of Temple. Footsteps can be heard, they are getting ever louder with each second which passes by. The camera turns around, that's when we see a man dressed in all white. He is slowly walking towards the camera, who he is isn't clear, Until.. ]]

[ Unknown ] PRAISE.. ALLAH!!

[[ The figure raises his hands and looks towards the ceiling. ]]

[ Unknown ] PRAISE.. ALLAH!!!

[[ Whoever this man is, he drops to his knees and he kisses the floor on which he just walked on. He does this two or three times, in which the music is still heard. ]]

[ Unknown ] I know now, what I must do.. It's.. become clear in my mind, that you set me a target.. ONE GOAL.. I will.. not.. let you down.

[[ He rises to his feet and that is when we see the identity of this man, it is Khosrow Daivari. He gets up to his feet and he stands smiling into the camera. ]]

[[ He walks past and into a separate room, when we see there is a statue situated right in the middle of the room. Daivari places a hand upon it, not saying a word. He just closes his eyes and bows his head, seemingly taking something from this certain statue. Eventually, he moves away and wipes his face. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I cannot allow it to go on.. anymore. I cannot allow Muhammad to.. do it all.. on his own.. I will battle those.. who continue.. to show prejudice towards us. It's always been this way.. American's fail to see.. we are just like them.. what makes us different?

[[ It seems that Daivari is getting more and more angry, we can sense it due to the tone of his voice. The more he continues, the more he thinks about the treatment he has received along with Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[[ He loosens his collar. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] No longer.. can people tell me.. that I am just imagining it. It happens every single.. place.. that I go, people look at me like I am an outcast.. like Muhammad is an outcast.. WE.. just like you.. are AMERICANS! We do more for this country.. than.. most people who CLAIM to be true American's. It's time for me.. to stand beside Muhammad.. TO FIGHT!

[[ What does this meant? Daivari doesn't seem to be making much sense, he is upset at something. We don't yet know what he is talking about. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Ever since.. September Eleventh.. Two Thousand One.. People have looked down upon.. not.. only me.. not only Muhammad but.. ALLAH! They want to blame him.. for everything that has happened.. they.. know nothing. How stupid can one nation.. possibly be? You think you.. know.. everything and that.. that.. is where you are wrong. I have had enough of the.. ignorance.. that people show.. it is now time.. to put everything into.. perspective.. I will be a soldier for Allah.. I will.. fight anyone.. who wants to get in our path.. in the path.. of.. The Jihad.

[[ The Jihad. ]]

[[ People will remember what happened before in other promotions, most notably Solid Gold Wrestling. These men cause havoc there and if we are to believe what Daivari has just said, what is in store for Cutting Edge Wrestling when these men are set loose? ]]

[[ Daivari brings his hands together in the praying position and looks up once again. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Insallah.

[[ Footsteps are heard once again, Daivari turns around with a rather worried expression upon his face. We watch as a shadow is cast, into the room walks a figure.. It's Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] It's time.

[[ Hassan is dressed in robes and we see Daivari nod his head slowly, a mix of excitement and fear in his facial expression. They both exit the room and enter the long corridor, Daivari looks at Hassan who is starting straight ahead not even taking notice. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Muhammad.. I am ready.

[[ A slight smirk comes across the face of Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] I know.

[[ With that, we watch as the two men walk up to the end of the long corridor and then disappear through another door as our scene fades. ]]

[[ Flashback. ]]

[[ Last week. ]]

[[ Cutting Edge Wrestling HQ. ]]

[[ We see the big revolving doors and many people go in and out, it's constant through the whole day. We see many wrestlers, just hopefuls looking to gain a contract but, are turned away. The sun is out and the day is looking fine, nothing can go wrong.. or so they thought. ]]

[[ A large shadow is visible against the wall followed by two much smaller shadows, slowly.. they come into the shot and we see that is The Jihad. They walk through the doors into the reception area, Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari are both wearing suits while Dalip Singh wears a black t-shirt with tan camouflage pants. They walk straight up to the desk and everyone turns to see what they are doing. ]]

[[ A look of sheer terror on the face of the poor woman behind the desk. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] We want to.. see the board of directors.. NOW!

[[ She doesn't know how to react and shakes her head but, Daivari slams his fist on the desk. ]]


[[ Muhammad Hassan steps in before Daivari goes crazy. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] It is in the interest of future proceedings in Cutting Edge Wrestling.. We must.. MUST.. Speak with them now.

[[ Once again, she shakes her head and now this seems to annoy Singh. He grabs her by the hair and literally, picks her out her chair. ]]

[ Dalip Singh ] IN...SALLLL..AHHHH!!

[[ He throws her back down with force and she hits her head against the wall, causing a dent to appear in the wall. The woman is unconscious and Daivari just smiles. He walks behind the desk and quickly looks through her computer, he nods his head and looks up to Muhammad. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Tenth floor Muhammad.. that's where we will find them.

[[ Hassan nods and they all head over to the elevator, they press the button for the tenth floor and when they arrive,  a man is waiting. He turns to them both and is about to say something, until Dalip Singh steps out and he thinks twice about it. They continue down to the end where a room is marked as " Board Room ". All three men stop outside, Daivari nods in the direction of Muhammad and they all enter. ]]

[[ A look of shock. ]]

[[ That's what every Director has upon their face as they see The Jihad burst into the room, it's Dalip Singh who they really do fear. All three men approach the long table, with three directors on the other side of it. None of them say a word, Muhammad Hassan clears his throat and steps closer to the table. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] You will all know who we are by now.. there is no need for introductions.

[[ They listen in silence. ]]

[[ Nobody is quite sure what to expect. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] We have come to request that Shane McMahon is fired.. banished from Cutting Edge Wrestling.. NEVER.. to return to the company again. It's been two weeks and as it stands.. we still haven't had a match in this company.. TWO WEEKS.. that is not acceptable and he must be punished.

[[ Daivari nods his head in agreement and Singh just folds his arms, as if to emphasize the fact he is one tough S.O.B. The Board Of Directors look at each other, none of them giving away too much. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] Since this company opened it's doors, Shane's focus has been purely on the New World Order.. He hasn't taken notice of us, he simply ignores us.. like we don't fit in to his plans. My question to you.. what have they got, that we do not? the answer is simple.. NOTHING.. they are not superior.. not even close to it.

[[ Singh grunts in the background, trying to intimidate the directors and he is doing a fucking good job. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] The silence.

[[ Muhammad closes his eyes as Daivari eyeballs every single one of the directors, a rage seemingly building up inside of him which could explode at any given moment. ]]

[[ Muhammad opens his eyes. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] I can sense from the silence.. you know exactly what I am talking about.. I am a clever man, I know what happens when I turn my back.. the things people say, it does not trouble me. The thing I cannot let pass, the ignorance of Shane McMahon.. he continues to give the New World Order more air time than anyone, he does not take The Jihad into consideration and this is something.. which gets under my skin and I want you to do something about it, before we do.

[[ None of them say a word and that is all Daivari could take as he lunges forward towards the table and screams at them all. ]]


[[ Daivari seems to be pissed. ]]


[[ He cracks his neck and steps back from the table and looks at Singh, who nods his head in approval. Muhammad Hassan takes his attention back to the directors. ]]

[ Muhammad Hassan ] You have heard what I have to say.. now, I want to know what you intend on doing with our little problem?

[[ Now, they all begin to talk amongst themselves as The Jihad look on. They seem to be arguing, none of them really sure on what to do about this problem. One thing is for sure, if they say no.. there could be trouble ahead for our directors. ]]

[[ Minutes pass and they stop talking, one man folds his arms and looks at Muhammad Hassan. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] What's it.. going to be?

[[ A director stands up, a balding man in his late fifties.. he looks at all of them one at a time and then he begins to speak to them. ]]

[ Director ] We have taken the case into careful consideration and we have come to a decision.

[[ Daivari is quick to respond once again. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] AND!?

[[ Our scene slowly fades away, which leaves us the question.. ]]

[[ What's the verdict going to be? ]]

[[ Aftermath to ceremony scene nigguh. ]]

[[ We are outside a bar. ]]

[[ A man is thrown outside of a bar and he falls onto the ground, he hits it hard and cuts his head open. He swears a few times and then staggers across the the road, it is clear to see he is drunk. He falls over once more, dropping a set of keys onto the road. He struggles to pick them up but, he eventually picks them up. He staggers towards a car and leans against it, he inserts the keys into the lock. ]]

[[ The door unlocks. ]]

[[ He sits in his seat and close the door, we cannot get a view of his face as it is just too dark. He starts the engine and it is clear this man is in no fit state to drive, he pulls away. He clips a few parked cars and takes a right, driving off down the road. Just then, beams hit the car and we see a van behind the car. The van is driving at full speed, chasing the car down.. the man puts his foot down on the accelerator. The van catches up quick and rams the car, it swerves around the round but, just stays on. Once again, the car is clipped and this time the man isn't so lucky. ]]

[[ The car flips over and goes down a ditch, there is no way this man could have possibly survived this crash. It was just horrific. We watch as men jump out the van and we see that one of them is Khosrow Daivari. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] INSALLAH! INSALLAH!!

[[ Four men wearing ski masks emerge and they walk down to the car, Daivari stands next to the van with a grin on his face. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] This is what happens.. when others.. decide to look down upon The Jihad.. THIS.. is what happens.. when your brother.. disrespects.. the dead.

[[ The men rip open the door, the smell of gasoline is in the air. ]]

[[ The men drag a body from the car and carry it up the ditch, they throw the body onto the floor. The man is still breathing, he doesn't seem to be too badly injured considering what happened. Daivari stands over the man and stamps on his head, he screams in pain. We see now who the man is, it's none other than " The Dog Faced Gremlin ".. Rick Steiner. ]]


[[ A slight snicker from Daivari, he is enjoying watching Rick Steiner scream with pain. It looks like his leg could be broken, Daivari doesn't care and stamps on it once again. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] You.. are going to kill.. me?

[[ Daivari looks to the men in the ski masks and they pick Rick up, they throw him inside the back of the van that they were driving and close the door. Daivari jumps back into the van, he still has that sick smile across his face.. who knows what he has planned for Rick Steiner. He speaks to himself.. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I hope he enjoys his.. last.. moments.

[[ The engine roars into life and the van drives away as our scene slowly fades away. ]]

[[ We can see a wall and it is covered with Arabic writing. ]]

[[ There isn't an inch spare from the writing, we don't know what it means of course but, one can only assume it's important. A man walks into the shot and we see that it is Khosrow Daivari, he wears a head dress now after being made an " equal " by Muhammad Hassan earlier. He has a huge grin upon his face. ]]

[[ He clasps his hands together and nods his head slowly, seemingly happy with how things have turned out. He strokes his chin for a moment, letting it all sink in and then he speaks.. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Now.. everything has all fallen into place.. I am complete, everything that happens to me from now on.. doesn't matter.

[[ He bows his head as he continues to speak. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I am now faced with a task.. along side Dalip, together we take on Scott Steiner.. and Buff Bagwell.. two men who think they can defeat us. They are fools.. take a look at me.. at Dalip.. do you THINK you are capable.. of defeating such a force?

[[ Daivari paces forward, slowly. He watches every footstep, letting things roll through his mind as he walks. ]]

[[ It seems we are looking at a much changed Daivari. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] INFIDELS!

[[ He stares directly into the camera. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] For too long, people.. they have seen me.. not as a wrestler, as someone who just stands around.. well, I will show everyone.. I will show each and.. every last one of you what I.. Khosrow Daivai.. am capable of inside the ring. Scott Steiner, you want to mock.. people who are dead.. you.. want to urinate on the GRAVE.. of the dead? I promise.. that act did not.. go un-noticed and the favour.. it will.. be returned.

[[ What is he talking about? ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I know things about.. you, and I can make things happen.. It doesn't matter about.. Buff, he is a non entity.. It is you and you alone.. that interests me. The career you have led.. it is nothing.. you should be ashamed Scott, really.. you should.. it has come to a point where.. nobody wants you.. and you won't be here much longer, if I have anything to do with it.

[[ He walks back to where he was just standing and he smirks. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] I find it funny.. how I have taken this path, to lead me to a better life.. I now find myself.. ridding this life, of a man who is a distraction.. a man who isn't needed.. a waste of space.. you are the type of man that.. America doesn't need.. that this world.. doesn't need.. I will cleanse this world of you.. not only you.. your brother too.

[[ We lose the feed and static appears on the screen. ]]

[[ We are at the graveyard where the body of Jill Jarrett is laid to rest. ]]

[[ We now hear the roaring of the engine once again and the van that ran Rick Steiner off the road comes into clear shot now as it screeches to a halt. We see the masked men jump out and open up the back of the van, as Khosrow Daivari steps out to look on. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] That's it.. BRING HIM TO ME!

[[ They pull Rick Steiner out and drag him along to where Daivari is standing, Rick Steiner looks at Daivari and then he spits at him. Daivari saw it coming and moved out the way, he didn't take it too kindly. ]]

[[ Boot to the face by Daivari. ]]


[[ Daivari stops himself in mid-sentence. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Actually, WHO am I kidding? You were ALWAYS nothing Rick.. NOTHING!!

[[ There is a wound on the head of Rick, from where he got rammed off the road and Daivari stamps his boot straight into it. Rick flops to the floor as Daivari nods to the masked men, they drag him up and out of shot so we cannot see what is being done. ]]


[[ Just then, out steps a monster of a man.. He must of been in the van the whole time, we see that it is Dalip Singh and he looks mad. He spits on the floor and is walking out of shot, where Rick Steiner was taken by the masked men. We then hear some sickening noises, the noise that is bones being snapped like they are something. Dalip Singh lets out a roar and we hear another crunch, this is fucking madness. ]]

[[ Dalip Singh then comes back into shot, with Rick Steiner under his right arm like he weighed no more than air. Singh looks directly at Daivari who nods his head with a smirk. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] It is time, let's do it.

[[ Dalip Singh walks to Jill Jarrett's grave and we can see the casket, we can see the nameplate which reads " Jill Jarrett ". Khosrow Daivari walks over and looks down, we can see the dirt that had been dug up earlier.. it is all around the side. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Your brother was quick to mock this.. grave.. now, he mocks not only her.. HE MOCKS YOU RICK! THIS IS ALL THE DOING.. OF YOUR OWN BROTHER.. SCOTT STEINER!!!

[[ Daivari gives the nod to Dalip Singh who now takes Rick up by both his hands and raises him.. right into the air and lets out a roar. ]]


[[ SMASH! ]]

[[ Holy fuck, Rick Steiner went through the casket.. he broke the fucking casket. Rick Steiner is on top of Jarrett's dead wife, we can see now that Rick Steiner isn't dead. They made sure he only had his leg's and arms broken, so he couldn't move. Fuck, Rick Steiner is just blinking.. staring up at the night sky, half-conscious. ]]


[[ The Masked Men now appear with shovels and begin filling the grave back up, the dirt hitting the face of Rick Steiner who is still blinking. ]]

[[ Moments later, we look back and the grave has been filled back up once again.. Rick Steiner has been buried alive and Daivari is holding a flower in his hand. He walks up to the grave, kneels down and throws the flower onto the dirt and whispers the word.. ]]

[ Khosrow Daivari ] Insallah.

[[ Our scene slowly fades away. ]]

[[ Promo part 2. ]]

[[ The Verdict scene. ]]

C.S Chalmers || xxTheDamnDealxx||
