WCW Role-play #:
Record: Won:
00 Lost:
00 Drawn:
Achievements: Soon To Come..
Our scene awakens with a WCW backdrop. The logo is clearly visible for all to see as a figure steps into view.. Bret Hart. He wears his black leather jacket, and trademark sunglasses. There's not a smile on his face.. it seems he is more angry than anything. We know that Bret has been back for over a week now.. could this be where his anger is coming from?
Hart: I was
told to come out here, cut a promo.
Yeah, it's
clear to see his annoyed at something.
Bret Hart: Bischoff wanted me to hype my return to everyone but, that's
not what's going to happen. You know, for years, I done exactly what I was
told to do. I may not have liked it but, I done it. That's what you should
do as a professional wrestler, do exactly as you're told. Well, let me
fill you all in on something. I was promised when I signed that contract,
that I would have big things ahead. Bischoff told me all kinds of things,
just what I wanted to hear. Looking back, I should've seen this one coming
a mile off.
He pauses for a moment to
collect his thoughts.
Hart: I can see now that it isn't
the done thing, to walk around backstage being nice. I've seen nothing
but, attitude since I got here. Everyone in the back seems to think that
they're the future, that they should be getting the title shots. Still,
it's guys like me, who have to take a back seat. I need to sit, and watch
those punks go out to that ring to put on a terrible match. Bischoff tells
me that I just need to wait, that it's all going to be fine. One more
week, Bret.
He holds one finger
Hart: Just one more, that's all.
Bret shakes his
Hart: You know, I don't even have
to try, and be nice about these guys.. I know I'm better than all of them.
I know that in a one on one match, when it all comes down to it, I'll beat
anyone who is thrown into that ring with me. It's not me being cocky, a
big head, it's just how it is. I know that I'll have to wait, there's
nothing I can do about that. When the time comes, I'll be ready. A word of
warning: Watch Out. It could be you who is about to be excellently..
Bret walks off leaving us with
a shot of the WCW logo.
Defeated List: