If you've already set up an account, log into Your Free Basic site here. GUIDELINES Any site related to fantasy wrestling is acceptable: league sites, individual wrestler sites, etc. FWrestling.com has the right to terminate any account for any reason at any time. Sites should not be used to hotlink images or files. Additional terms and conditions are listed in the application for free hosting. By filling out an application, you agree to abide by those terms and conditions. HOSTING TYPES BASIC HOSTING is ideal for feds that are currently hosted on Angelfire, Geocities, etc. A built-in file manager allows you to upload and manage files as needed. Best of all, there are currently NO ADVERTISEMENTS and there is NO WAIT to sign up these accounts. You have our promise that no pop-up ads will ever be added to your account. Simply fill out the application, and you will be e-mailed IMMEDIATELY with your account information. Basic hosting accounts receive an initial limit of 12MB of storage, although this can be expanded as your site grows. It is also possible to add space to your account for free, as your account grows over time. A WWWBoard and Guestbook are all included in each basic hosting account, and are customizable. (Note: the Formmail currently included with the accounts is buggy.) A forum has been set up on FW Central where you can ask questions about your account, and discuss account features and additions with other Basic Hosting users. To apply for a Basic Hosting Account and get started RIGHT AWAY: CLICK HERE. Be sure that the username you select is your league name or the account name you want. Your new site will be at: http://fwrestling.com/host/accountname. Once you fill out the form, you will be e-mailed automatically with your acceptance and all the information you need to log-in. |