.::. Begin "Proverbs 16:18" .::.
(November 9, 2008) 4:35PM EST
Cheat. Stolen. Dishonor. Corruption. An act of deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, and imposition. Employed with an unfair advantage, often at one man's own interest, and equally at the xpense of another. Cheating's most common venue lie in marriage and in sports. No, not just in steroids in baseball, but in breaking an implicit agreement existing among participants that they will play by the rules and eschew unfair measures to win. Cheaters violate, corrupt, and obliterate the very fabric, spirit, and letter of the rules of competition. Examples include, but are not solely limited to; Ben Johnson's disqualification for doping in the 1988 Summer Olympics, the admission of steroid use by Jose Canseco, Ken Caminiti, and Roger Clemens. Ok, Clemens never admitted it, but he might be the biggest cheater of all by not admitting to his own acts as a chiseler and inveigling his own self into believing already known falsehoods. But is cheating just about the foreign and illegal substances one instills into their body? What about when Diego Maradonna blatantly used his own hand to strike a ball past Peter Shilton in the 1986 World Cup? What of a baseball batter performing with a corked bat? Or a pitcher using a sort of tar on his hands to find better grip on the ball? And what of the Dallas Cowboys? Can they not be considered a monumental cheat just for being supported by a plethora of no minded redneck hicks? Can't the same go for the New England Patriots? But of all of these acts of trickery, swindle, and decoy, there is one that rises above the rest and will forever be regarded as the biggest steal in sports and entertainment history.
While nMw Anarchy may not have been the highest rated program on television late on Wednesday night, while the world may still be talking of the historic presidential election that has set in motion the path to right the United States of America as Barack Obama is slated to take over the Presidential Office in January. While this one deceptive act may not be getting the publicity of Barack Obama, which by the way is most definitely earned by Barack. While this trickery may pale in comparison in the minds of many, it is still commandeering itself in a solid number two role of news, propaganda, and notoriety. And this act can most simply be refrenced as the "November 2008 Joseph Johnson Screwjob." Here a man was pillaged, plundered, ransacked even of his birth right, of his right to call himself the nMw World Heavyweight Champion. In an act of pure depredation, the duo of Ripper and Cyrus robbed Joseph Johnson of th every fabric that compels all performers to ascend in sports-entertainment. With the match clearly at hand and with Ripper counting the sheep, Cyrus stepped in to take away one man's professional dreams. To take away what one man lives for. And does this unabashed cozener feel even some sort of shame for his actions? No... he takes pride in his ability to bend and break the rules to give himself an advantage. He adds more fuel to the fire and more bodies to the war. And make no error in judgment, this is a war between the dichotomy of good and of evil. A war of championships, of honor, and of dignity. He who stands dressed in pride now will soon find himself in turmoil, a broken man conquered by thee who stands dressed in humility. Because as the ancient Hebrews once warned... pride comes before the fall...
:. End Prelude .:
.:Joseph Johnson's Gym:.
(November 9, 2008) 5:35PM EST
( ( ( We open inside of an empty, dimly lit gym; a gym that looks as though it isn't used as much as it once was. Weight-lifting equipment occupies much of the right side of the room with virtually any machine you would need to build muscle on. But unlike most gyms, there is only one of each machine, signifying that this gym is most likely used by a fewer number of people in comparison to big city gym designed to fit the needs of the many. We pass over shadow after shadow of the machines before reaching a large padded area, most likely used for stretching and cardiovascular activities. We enter further into the dimly lit gym looking up from the ground to show ring skirts, displaying the name "Joseph Johnson" in green text. Gliding over the ring and through the lime green ring ropes, on the far side of the empty gym we see two individuals that we would not often see together. Sitting on the right is Joseph Johnson, dressed in baggy blue jeans with white Jordans, along with a black wife beater over a white sleeveless shirt. His dirty blonde hair is spiked out and up in the front and his eyes are hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses. To our left we see an nMw hired interviewer, Malori Drake. She's wearing a very short black skirt and a very lowcut and revealing biege top. It appears the two are conducting an interview, with Malori asking the questions, and Joey providing the answers. ) ) )
Malori Drake Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm Malori Drake and I'm joined here by 'The Amazing One' Joseph Johnson for this very special nMw conducted interview. Now Joseph, I know you want to talk about your match this week and your match last week as well, but I'd really like to start this off by asking more about your personal life, to give the fans of you and the nMw more insight into just why you became a wrestler. So tell me, was wrestling always a dream of yours or did you just kind of fall into it?
Joseph Johnson Well, Malori, to be honest it was a little bit of both. I was always into wrestling and football when I was younger. I actually started playing football long before I was wrestling. In fact, I didn't start with amateur wrestling until I was 13 years old, and that only lasted a year before I tore a muscle in my abdomen and I took a few years away from the mats. I didn't start again until I was 17 years old and a senior in high school, but I performed well enough to earn a scholarship to the University of Florida. But after a year of that I dropped wrestling entirely and focused on becoming a football star at Florida...
.:Inside the Mind:.
As a member of the Florida Gators football team, I was one of the greatest Corner Backs to ever play the game, finishing my four year career with 25 interceptions, three of which I returned for touchdowns, six forced fumbles, one fumble recovery, one safety, five sacks, and only 10 touchdown passes allowed, with only 4 of those coming in my final two years.
End .:Inside the Mind:.
Joseph Johnson I was so good at football, I would have been a first round pick in the NFL Draft, but as usual disaster struck. This time in the form of a torn quadriceps muscle in the Cotton Bowl. After that, I never could get myself back up to a 4.30 speed and had to give up my dreams of playing in the NFL. But my career as an athlete was not yet over. I went to Calgary and I met Bret Hart and he trained me to become a professional wrestler. He showed me how to become a technical mastermind and counter my own lack of great speed. And after Bret Hart, there was Kurt Angle. Two of the most gifted wrestlers in history, and they made me what I am today... the most gifted technical wrestler in the history of our business.
Malori Drake Well, if I was going to become a wrestler, I certainly couldn't think of two greater performers to be trained by. That's a who's who of wrestling history. Now to get more personal, how did Koryn fit into your life?
Joseph Johnson Before I met Koryn, I was with a real bitch. You can call her Victoria, I call her Slutzky. And after I left that mess behind I met Koryn, and she was unlike any woman I had ever seen before. She was gorgeous, but she wasn't one to flaunt her body or beauty. She wasn't a tease, she wasn't a slut, and she wasn't a royal pain in my ass. And four years later, here we are, still together. But things have been different since we lost the baby...
Malori Drake Well, these types of things are hard for us woman. Now, let's not keep dwelving into your personal life. You're an eight-time World Champion, and Ripper's bodyguard cost you your ninth World Title run on Wednesday night, just how upset were you, or are you after this?
Joseph Johnson To be honest, I could care less. See, what Ripper and Cyrus don't understand is that you can keep throwing these obstacles in front of me, but one by one I will smash their walls into the ground like the city of Troy. It doesn't matter what they do, I will leave no doubt in anyone's mind that I am the next nMw World Champion. I could feel Ripper's fear flowing out of his body as he was in the ring with me. I could sense that towering behemoth on the outside of the ring trying to find a way to turn the tide on me and give his man the win. But he didn't quite get that job done now did he? Because if he really was smart, he would have tossed Ripper into the ring and held me out. But now Ripper has lost his chance. His time card has been punched, there is no other opportunity for him now. You can fool all of the people some of the and some of the people all the time, but there's no fooling Joseph Johnson. I'm the greatest wrestler on the circuit today and when I get in the ring with Ripper again, it will be the last time I ever do. Because I plan on punishing him down to the core, I plan on ending any chance he ever has at becoming a champion. I'm going to bury him, and then I'm going to set my sights of Cyrus.
Malori Drake That's right, you are getting your rematch later this week on Anarchy. But Joseph, how can you be so sure of yourself after that last match?
Joseph Johnson Malori, you can only learn so much from watching tape on a man's habits in the ring. But now that I've actually been in that ring to witness them, feel them, and sense their arrival... I know every action that man is going to take. I know all about his Riptides, his Beasite Barrels, his Ripper-endum, his 'leave much to be desired' Rip-Off finisher. This is a man that has no real plan in the ring, and his moves show it. Look at what I do in that squared circle, I gameplan and I attack. I have no wasted motion. I wrestle a smooth and flwaless match, wearing my opponent down with high impact technical moves, with powerful suplexes that can turn the tide in any match, with a broad and wide-open move set that can tackle any foe down to his knees. Ripper is incapable of such a thing. Take away a Samoan Drop, a Brainbuster, take away his Piledriver, and he's left with a limited set of offensive manuevers. Is he really going to wear someone down with a drop toe hold? Can a Backslide really win you a match?
Malori Drake I wouldn't really know...
Joseph Johnson And even this guys trademark moves are questionable at best. The Ripper-Endum? Not only is that a brutal name, but a brutally weak move as well. And the Rip-Tide? I've already proven I can kick out of one of those. Hell, I think Brandon Thompson coudl kick out of that, and that's saying something. The Beastie Barrel is the only move he has that really seems like iti could be effective and even that is canceled out by the mere fact that no one is going to put me down long enough to scale the top-rope and deliver a move like that. And of all the moves he has, I think his finisher might be the worst. I've always wanted to see a move that inflicted less pain than 'The Worm' and now finally I've got it... the Rip-Off... a reverse Russian Leg Sweep.
Malori Drake To be honest, I think there are about four guys on the roster who use that as just a basic move.
Joseph Johnson That's right Malori, and all of them can do it more vexatiously than Ripper. But let's take a look at my move set, Malori. Every one of them is designed to punish and weaken the human body. And some of them have been solely thought up and performed by me... The Lapse Revolution, The Exclamation of Innovation, The Judgment Slam, The Enervation, The Viqualization, The Desensitizer, The Jurisdiction. But sadly, it seems every one and their sister is trying to rip off my Pandemonium submission hold. But the saddest part is even Brandon Thompson is trying to use it as well.
Malori Drake Brandon Thompson is one of the most pathetic athletes I've ever seen in my life.
Joseph Johnson I know, I know. It's a travesty. But I can only right so many wrongs at a time and first on my list is attaining the nMw World Heavyweight Championship. And after I beat Ripper, and after I take out his bodyguard, maybe I'll waste some time whipping the nMw Job Squad into shape. Well, honestly, it doesn't look like there will be much competition for me anyway. But like I said, one thing at a time. So Ripper, you get yourself ready. You go pat yourself on the back. In my eight year career, I've only had 13 matches that I haven't won, and one of those 13 is against you. But at the same time, which one of us was the worse for wear after that contest? Which one of us was knocked out, counting sheep on the sidelines? Which one of would have won if not for an outside circumstance? So yes, Ripper, pat yourself on the back for keeping your name off my Desensitized list... for the moment. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. But don't get too carried away because your ticket is about to get punched. It's a fact of life that every wrestler will eventually lose to the Amazing One. It's not something you can fight, nor can you worry, because losing to Joseph Johnson? That doesn't make you look bad, Ripper. It just makes you look like everyone else. Because as a great man once said... 'all things being equal, I'm greater.'
Malori Drake Wow... you are so hott when you talk like that...
( ( ( Having said all that he feels necessary, Joseph Johnson leans back in his chair and waits for Malori to wrap up the interview. But rather than sign off, Malori leans in closer to Joseph Johnson, and the scene slowly fades to black, leaving us with no real ending and only an imagination... ) ) )
.:Joseph Johnson's Bedroom:.
(November 10, 2008) 12:35AM EST
( ( ( We open in the home of Joseph Johnson and his girlfriend, Koryn. Joey and Koryn have just headed up to their bedroom, where of course... nothing is going to happen because Koryn has issues. While Koryn heads into the bathroom, Joey pulls out a bag from under the bed. It looks like a gift bag for Koryn. He hides it behind his back as she walks back into the bedroom.
) ) )
Johnson So, I've been thinking. Maybe I've been pushing you into tthis to much.
Koryn That's not a thought, that's a fact. If a girl doesn't want to do something, you can't make her. Didn't yoou learn that before?
Johnson I've never had a girl say no to me. And if she was did, it was nothing alcohol couldn't fix.
( ( ( Koryn never really thought of Joey with any other girls. She knew she wasn't the first, but in the first three and half years of their relationship things went so smoothly she just assumed Joey was one of the nicer guys.
) ) )
Koryn How girls have you slept with?
Koryn How many girls have you been with...?
Johnson Well, I've only slept with a few. Usually, I just sneak out of their house while they're sleeping.
Koryn You son of a bitch! You told me you had to go to the gym, you did that to me!
Johnson Do you see why I never brought this up? Huh? Why? Why, why, why, why!? Couldn't you just let it rest. So I've been with enough girls that I'm lucky I don't have herpes, I'm not freaking Pittsburghian, I can do what I want.
Koryn Would you stop with all of the Pittsburgh nonsense?!
Johnson But Pittsburgh created the Ripper!
Koryn I don't care! I'm more important than some stupid woman assualting, title screwing, would be jobber without Cyrus, son of a bitch!
Johnson That's true. That's why I got you a gift.
Koryn Huh? You did what now?
Johnson I got you a gift, I wanted to give it to you two minutes ago, but you started yelling and I know better than to argue with a woman when she's going through PMS.
Koryn Shut up! You make a nice gesture by getting me a gift and then ruin it with that snob comment. Now what did you get me?
Johnson I got you something that will be fun for both of us.
Koryn You got me the Notebook?!
( ( ( Johnson hands Koryn the bag. She pulls the first gift out of it, which turns out to be some very sexy lingerie. She doesn't quite know what to make of it and pulls out the next gift... a 12-pack box of condoms. Koryn looks down at the gifts and then looks at Joey and doesn't know what the hell to say.
) ) )
Koryn You... you know our anniversary isn't for another two weeks right? Did you forget again?
Johnson NO!... I just thought it woud be nice to get you something after all you've gone through the past few months.
Koryn You're a peculiar man Joey. When you do something nice you say something bad. When you give me something stupid, you say something nice. Can't you just be nice and nice for once?
Johnson What...? You don't like the gift?
Koryn It's just wrong on so many levels.
Johnson What do you mean?
Koryn Well, for one... you're allergic to condoms...
Johnson Oh... right... I forget things. Wait, we don't need condoms. Apparantly, we never used them before.
Koryn I still don't want to have sex.
Johnson But look at what I got for you to wear! How can you pass up such sexiness?
Koryn Yeah. This lingerie is actually pretty hott.
Johnson Eh, I think it's hotter without it, but I'll be happy either way.
Koryn I didn't say you're going to get any. And what is with these condoms? Extra-supersensitive? Does that mean they hang around and talk to me after you roll over and go to sleep?
Johnson I never once did that to you!
Koryn How would you know? You were too busy sleeping!
Koryn What do you expect? A week ago we finally make a break through and now you push us back two steps with these gifts.... You know, you'd get a lot further with all of this if you got jewelry or chocolates or flowers...
Johnson I'll be right back babe, hold that thought I need to go to the store...
Koryn Well it's not going to work now!
Johnson Don't ruin the moment!
( ( ( Joey grabs his car keys and cell phone and starts to run out of the room. He doesn't have any shoes or a shirt, but he could care less.
) ) )
Koryn Would you stop?! Can you just come back here and talk to me. let's just lie down in bed and talk for once.
Johnson But I need to get to the gas station and buy you flowers!
Koryn It's not going to work! Now come here and lie down.
( ( ( Johnson knows that tone of her and comes back to the bedroom and lies down with Koryn.
) ) )
Johnson I'm sorry.... Do you think I'm a worthy wrestler?
Koryn Do I think you're a worthy wrestler? Joey, you're my champion.
Johnson Really? We should make a Koryn Championship and I can wear it around the house!
Koryn Let's not and say we did. Now, why did you ask me that?
Johnson Because, you've been there for over half of my career and you've seen it all. You know I don't lose matches and I sure don't go to draws either. I'm better than that, I have to be better than that. If I'm not, I can kiss my career goodbye, those old has-beens of Explicit Content will give me flak about how my perfomance has dropped and I have no chance of exacting my revenge on Ripper this week.
Koryn I swear, you're all tough when it's anybody else, but when the old lazy has-beens say something you take it to heart way too much. Those guys are all on Shaun's dick, if he lost last week they wouldn't dare complain to him.
Johnson You're dirty. Can we turn off the lights now?
Koryn Yes! We can do that, now roll over and go to bed. Good night!
( ( (
Koryn turns off the light and goes to bed, leaving Joseph Johnson sitting up in bed in shock. He nudges Koryn a little, but she doesn't react to it, so he gves up and goes to bed as the scene ends rather abruptly...
) ) )
(November 10, 2008) 1:23AM EST
The time for talking is nearly at it's end. Once Wednesday night rolls around there will be no escaping destiny. Joseph Johnson will be the next nMw World Heavyweight Champion, and there is nothing that any one of us can do to stop this. Ask Fatalism. Ask Determinism. Ask Predestination. Joseph Johnson is the next nMw World Heavyweight Champion. It's time for the world to take notice, the nMw isn't going to be a Jobberfest anymore, it's evolution to a preeminent organization begins on Wednesday, when Explicit Content etches the first words into nMw lore. The record book is yet to be written, but when you awake on Thursday morning, expect to see the first chapter, sprawled across eight by 11 inch sheets of white paper, calligraphed in 12-point, black inked, Verdana font... with the big 36 point headline... "Joseph Johnson: First nMw Champion"
:. End Epilogue .:
.::. End "Proverbs 16:18" .::.