Scene 1 Finally signing the deal.

DDTKID Jumps up at the ramp as fire works go off and Prayer of a Refugee plays on the P.A. The Camera Notices Terry Funk Sitting At a Desk in The ring Holding Up a Contract. DDTKID walks Around the ring Trying to get the Crowd involved. He Walks in The Ring as Terry Funk Claps in Acceptance. Dylan Shakes Hands with Terry Funk and Sits down across from Terry as few fans cheer but the rest give DDTKID a feeling like who is this guy. He signs the Contract after reading it over waves buy to the Crowd as he goes backstage.

Scene 2 Talking with the Funker

DDTKID walks backstage and sees Terry Funk. DDTKID) Terry Thanks again for giving me the oppurtunity To wrestle here and help me become a Wrestler I am a big fan. so again I mean you're the Hardcore I.... Terry Cut's him off (Terry) You don't need to praise me I saw and up and coming Star who I thought would make it someday I thank you for you're praise but I am always there to help so if you Need me just stop by I'm always available to Talk and talk about you're progress. Terry Says bye and they walk of in different Directions as DDTKID heads to the ring.

Scene 3 In ring Promo

DDTKID walks Into the ring with a mic and raises his Hands. DDT) I see all of you fans except the few of you who have seen me before are asking eachother who I am well ... The truth is I'm Nothing special and I won't try to Tell you I am. Sure I have been a champ before But what good is it being a champ of a no name wrestling promotion I must admit the old promotion was good but nowhere neer this caliber as This is my chance to shine in the big leagues I don't need the fancy stuff as for a locker room I would rather be with the other guys then by myself you see. This is my Big chance to prove my self so once again I must thank the trainers and the other wrestlers as I am ready to get in the ring during my first match whether win or loss for me it's a learning experience. I don't mind if you fans don't like me that's you're choice but I will still entertain every single one of you. I find my path is in you're hands as you fans cheer and reality are choosing who survives along with the wrestling. The blood sweat and tears I will leave in the ring will be for you guys, I can tell you all watch me as I will destroy the competition I don't think I will destroy the mI will give well over my limit... Does that mean I will win every Match of course Not. Now I'm rambling on so Lets get back to the action. Thanks and Enjoy the show.

Scene 4 Empty Locker Room/ Brother and Uncle

The Camera shows DDTKID's Family in a photo as He unpacks his bags for the Show tonight he notices the smeel of Mold and sweat in the room as he thinks to himself " The good old smell of Wrestling gotta love it" He sees A familiar Face peek around the Corner DDTKID's Brother Comes in and gives DDT a pat on the back. Brother " well bro you finally made it you dreamed of becoming a wrestler, and now you are Just don't do something stupid like you usually do... Thats why you where fired from a promotion once. I don't want to see anything happ..." DDTKID cut's him off (DDTKID) "hey bro you don't need to worry about me I learned from my mistakes from before I won't do anything stupid like that again. I promise I need you too take care of Mom well i'm Gone yeah I know you're older but just do this for me Ok and stay out of the big house. I want you to promise Me Bro." (DDTKIDs Brother) K But don't kill your self out there it's gonna be tough in this enviroment stay clear of the Backstabbing of this world and don't make enemies with the wrong people. I don't Want my Little Brother crippled or Killed from this. The whole Family is rooting for you and I want you to know we are always there for you, Don't forget we are you're family Don't forget who you are and where you came from. I Will see you some time soon, write if you can't call ok. oh and our Uncle is here to see you make me proud." DDT's Brother Leaves his Uncle Enters.

Uncle) " So Nephew how are you I remember when you where little you would always try and wrestle with me and Now it's what you do for a living not bad at all. I heard you also bought A house. so I got you a Drum set remember when I tought you to play em. Eh?" (DDT) I could never forget that. You were always my role model as you know I never saw my dad since I was 4 as he never wanted me born you were like my father figure and as For the house I bought it with some of my contract money but mostly from saved up funds as you know it's a start you should see it. (Uncle) "Well I would love to Stay and chat but I see you need to get ready for you're Match and I will be out there with you're bro Rooting for you OK Do you're best and don't Injure you're self out there. Good Luck." (DDT)" I will see you out there then see ya".