Ave Satani blasts across the sound system as Starseed and Bill Barnhart walk out onto the ramp. Barnhart has his tag title around his waist while Starseed has the tag team title on his right shoulder and the Asylum Title on his left. They walk down into the ring. Each of them climbs to a top turnbuckle and raises their arms as the fans boo them.
Stormy Canyon: The following match is a non-title tag team match. Introducing first representing the Kings Templar. They are the AWA Tag Team Champions….Starseed and Bill Barnhart!
Duff: I can’t believe Starseed has brought out the Asylum title, he is just taunting Eric Corrayo.
Tex: Well we saw earlier Corrayo isn’t here, so Starseed might as well enjoy the title before he has to deal with him.
Lights go to pitch black as gray lights begin flickering in the arena, suddenly "El Jefe" by Daddy Yankee blasts throughout the arena as the lights continue flickering. Shaun Cabalar then walks out from behind the curtains with a hoody covering his head, he then begins to walk down the ramp making his way to the ring taunting the crowd around him; Shaun then walks over to the steel steps nearest to him, walks into the ring and waits for his partner.
Stormy Canyon: And their opponents, introducing first from Brooklyn, New York Shaun Cabalar!
Tex: Cabalar had quite a battle with Chris Shipman last week.
Duff: There has been some talk that he and his Explicit Content partner, Joseph Johnson have not been getting a long lately. I hope they can keep it together for this match.
“The Only” by Static X begins to play. Joseph Johnson walks out onto the ramp, he is in street clothes. Behind him are two stage hands who place a chair at the top of the ramp. Johnson takes a microphone out from his back pocket as the music fades out.
Joseph Johnson: Now I know even after everything that was said this week you fans wanted your first taste of what Explicit Content looks like teaming together. And I would love to give you that. However; I am just not feeling very well today. I’m a little warm and I’ve been having a stomach ache all day. So I went to Goth and he agreed I am in no shape to compete against the AWA Tag Team Champions. But I always like to make the best out of a situation. So in talking with our Co-Owner he agreed this would be a perfect opportunity to let Shaun show what an impact player he can be. So Shaun show them what you can do because now it is officially….a one on two handicap match.
Johnson puts his hand over his stomach as he slowly sits down.
Tex: What a great idea Duff. He has taken a possible forfeit and turned it into an opportunity for his friend.
Duff: Are you kidding me? This is him throwing his friend to the damn wolves, I don’t think he is even sick. This is some sick game between them and I can’t believe he is doing this to his own stablemate.
Shaun can’t believe it and he is yelling something at Johnson. Then from behind both Barnhart and Starseed level Cabalar with forearms to the back and back of the head. They beat Cabalar down to the canvas and start stomping his back and legs. Barnhart brings Cabalar back to his feet and shoots him into the ropes. As he bounces back the smash him into the canvas with a double flapjack. Barnhart drops two quick elbows to the back of Cabalar’s head before locking him in a crossface. Cabalar yells in pain as he tries to reach for the ropes. But Starseed stomps his out stretched hand. Barnhart rears back further and Starseed continues stomping Cabalar’s lowerback. Finally Barnhart lets the crossface go, Cabalar is writhing in pain on the canvas as Starseed and Barnhart both pose to the crowd. Starseed brings Cabalar to his feet but only to give him a huge backbreaker. Cabalar’s screams are echoing through the arena. At the top of the ramp Johnson sits in his chair and it is laughing at everything that is going on. Barnhart quickly picks Cabalar back up and lifts him in the air for a choke slam.
Tex: You gotta love how the Kings Templar are working together. They are the picture of tag team wrestling.
Duff: How can you be enjoying this? A man is being destroyed while his long time friend sits at the top of the ramp laughing about it. They need to end this now before any serious damage is done to Shaun Cabalar.
Starseed makes the cover and the referee counts 1…2…Starseed pulls up and breaks the pin. He laughs as he brings Cabalar back to his feet. Cabalar can barely stand on his own. Starseed kicks Cabalar in the gut and then sets and drives him into the matt with a cradle piledriver. Before Starseed could even get to his feet Barnhart brought an almost unconscious Cabalar back to his feet only to drive him on his head again with a big brainbuster. The referee stands over Cabalar and raises his arm once, it falls limp to the ground. He raises the arm a second time and again it falls limp to the mat. Before the referee can do it a third time Starseed grabs Cabalar up and puts Cabalar’s head between his legs. He signals for it to be over and he then delivers a Canadian destroyer.
Duff: That is three major shots to Cabalar’s skull. This needs to end now before Cabalar has major brain damage.
Tex: How could you tell the difference?
Barnhart puts one foot on Cabalar’s chest and points up to Johnson who is still smiling in his chair. The referee counts 1..2..3. The bell rings and Starseed is already rolling into the ring with all the belts. He hands Bill his tag titles. They raise the tag belts in celebration. But before they can celebrate too much the crowd erupts as Eric Corrayo sprints down the ramp. As he slides into the ring Barnhart and Starseed get out just in time as Corrayo almost grabs one of them. They back away through the fans as Corrayo screams from the ring at Starseed that he is lucky. As medical staff slowly move Cabalar out of the ring and onto a stretcher Corrayo is stomping around the ring pissed off. Then he realizes the crowd has started chanting “Cor-Ray-Yo” They are actually cheering him. His music begins to blare as Corrayo continues to yell as Barnhart and Starseed continue making their way through the crowd.
Duff: I don’t know what the bigger surprise is; the fact that Eric Corrayo is actually here tonight. Or the reaction he has gotten from these fans.
Tex: No matter how arrogant he may be the fans recognize what he has done in the last month. And in the scope of things Crazy J is the worse of two evils.
Duff: Either way it is still a weird sight to see.
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Shaun Cabalar
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