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" True Memphis Wrestling"
Joel Alvereze
Real Name: Joel Alvereze
Nick Name: King of Queens
Date of Birth: November 30th, 1983
Hometown: Queens, New York.
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 183 lbs.

Ring Information
Style: All-round.
Theme Music: ‘Weak and Powerless’ by a Perfect Circle.
Alignment: Face
Set-Up Move/Trademark: Dethroned (Modified Jawbreaker)
Finisher: Flying King (Shooting Star Press)
Twisted Royalty (450 Splash)

Memphis Pro Information
Background: Alvereze was picked up off the local Kentucky wrestling company where he was working as an undercarder. Memphis Pro is his first major promotion.
Personality: Fan-friendly and super energetic.
Feuds: vs. n/a.

Move Set
Common Spots: Dropsault. Arm Drag. Snapmare. Small Package. Hip Toss. Arm Drag Leg Drop. Mat Slam. Vertical Suplex. Jumping Armbreaker.

Crowd Spots: Standing Shooting Star Press. Mushroom Stomp. Running Enzuigiri. Full-Nelson Face Buster. DDT. Running Neckbreaker. Back Suplex. Bulldog.

Big Spots: Leg Sweep DDT. Superkick. Dragon Suplex. Somersault Plancha.

Submission Holds: Armbar. Headlock. Hammer Lock. Sleeper. Surfboard. Boston Crab.
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