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" True Memphis Wrestling"
Real Name: Trent Populi
Nick Name: Bastion
Date of Birth: May 4th, 1980
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 291 lbs.

Ring Information
Style: Powerhouse
Theme Music: ‘Killing in the Name of’ by Rage Against the Machine
Alignment: Heel
Set-Up Move/Trademark: One Handed Spinebuster.
Finisher: Midnight’s Prayer (Kneeling Powerbomb)

Memphis Pro Information
Background: Formerly a jobber of Memphis Pro, Trent is renamed by Jimmy Davis and given new purpose.
Personality: Impressionable. Strong-willed.
Role: Third tag team, Jobber tag team.
Feuds: vs. n/a.

Move Set
Common Spots: Sidewalk Slam. Strong Clothesline. Shoulder Block. Vertical Splash. Yakuza Kick. Avalanche. Atomic Drop. Backbreaker. Gordbuster.

Crowd Spots: Walking Powerslam. STO. Gutbuster. Toss. Oklahoma Slam. Military Slam. Suplex to Front Slam.

Big Spots: Spear. T-Bone Suplex. Jumping Piledriver. Back & Neckbreaker.

Submission Holds: Two-Handed Choke Lift. Bearhug. Abdominal Stretch. Choke.
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