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" True Memphis Wrestling"
Real Name: Alexander Black
Nick Name: Black Dragon
Date of Birth: December 23rd, 1980
Hometown: Alberta, Canada.
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 225 lbs.

Ring Information
Style: Brawler
Theme Music: 'One'by Metallica
Alignment: Heel
Set-Up Move/Trademark: the Shot (Sudden Kick to Gut)
Finisher: Black Dragon DDT (Cross Arm Vertical DDT)

Memphis Pro Information
Background: Despite only having a few brief appearances in places such as WIW, PCW, and others, Darson felt strongly enough about Ein to give him a shot.
Personality: Dark and withdrawn. Brooding.
Feuds: vs. n/a.

Move Set
Common Spots: Clothesline. Forearm Smash. Yakuza Kick. Hook. Jab. Axe Handle Smash. Dropkick. Dropkick to Knee. Sweep. Haymaker. Leg Lariat. Kitchen Sink.

Crowd Spots: Dragon Whip. Enzuigiri. Pele Kick. Double Arm DDT. Swinging Neckbreaker.

Big Spots: Elbow Drop. Thrust Kick. Shuffle Side Kick. Pump Handle Piledriver (Black Hole Sun)

Submission Holds: Sleeper. Side Headlock. Front Headlock. Inverted Headlock. Hammerlock.
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