'Cool' Stevie Nash |
Real Name: Stephen Nash
Nick Name: 'Cool' Stevie
Date of Birth: February 2nd, 1983.
Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 212 lbs.
Ring Information
Style: Technical, high-flyer.
Theme Music: ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ Guns n’ Roses
Alignment: Heel
Set-Up Move/Trademark: Ray Gun (Running Neckbreaker)
Finisher: Stevie DDT (Springboard Moonsault DDT)
Memphis Pro Information
Background: Taken from a local wrestling school, Nash has potential but shows that he still needs work. Comes from money.
Personality: He’s a cocky jock, just looking for a good time. He’s flashy and abrasive. Only cares about looking good for the camera.
Feuds: vs. n/a.
Move Set
Common Spots: Jawbreaker. Jumping Armbreaker. Headbutt. Knee Strike. Mat Slam. Vertical Suplex. Eye Rake. Arm Drag. Hip Toss. Snapmare. Arm Drag Leg Drop. Small Package.
Crowd Spots: Half Nelson Face Buster. Reverse Neck Breaker. Reverse Face Plant (Stevie O’ Matic). Russian Leg Sweep. DDT.
Big Spots: Standing Whiplash Neckbreaker (Pepsi Twist). Tornado DDT. Inverted Facelock Backbreaker (Stevie Breaker).
Submission Holds: Hammerlock. Armbar. Surfboard. Boston Crab.
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