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" True Memphis Wrestling"
Real Name: Reno Loire
Nick Name: Red Haired Devil
Date of Birth: January 9th, 19879
Hometown: New York City, New York
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 195 lbs.

Ring Information
Style: High Flyer with technical influence.
Theme Music: ‘Clint Eastwood’ by Gorillas.
Alignment: Face
Set-Up Move/Trademark: Devil’s Kick (Superkick)
Finisher: The Electric Rod (Shooting Star DDT)

Memphis Pro Information
Background: Older brother of Laguna and other half of Turks.
Personality: Cocky, cynical, and at times lazy. Good hearted though.
Feuds: vs. n/a.

Move Set
Common Spots: Arm Drag. Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Leg Lariat. Running Front Dropkick. Roundhouse Kick. Dragon Whip. Somersault Lariat. Bulldog. Bulldog Lariat. Flying Head Scissor.

Crowd Spots: Hurricarana. Standing Tornado DDT. Jawbreaker. Enzuigiri. Reverse DDT Leg Sweep. Fake Leg Cramp/Thumb to Eye. Springboard Roaring Elbow.

Big Spots: Reverse Frankensteiner. Moonsault. Diving Headscissor. Springboard DDT. Springboard Dropkick.

Submission Holds: Sleeper. Rolling Boston Crab. Headscissor Arm Bar. Octopus Stretch.
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