Captain Charisma Highly
Overrated: |
-[[ Static. ]]- -[[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]]- Christian: Why was I a part of the biggest swerve in the history of SGW? That's easy. Because that's who I am. That's what makes a true swerve great. The entire world thought Edge and Christian was done for good, but that wasn't the case at all. In fact, it was just us going in a new direction. -[[ Christian fades up with a big smile on his face in a dimly lit setting. ]]- Christian: Who cares? Boo hoo-hoo, SGW's closed. Get over it. It's not my fault wrestling doesn't exist unless Edge, Jeff Jarrett, and myself say so. -[[ He chuckles. ]]- Christian: Oh yeah, we ran Vince McMahon and those other terrible owners out of town time after time.. Well, I guess it is our fault. -[[ A smug smile overtakes Christian's face. ]]- Christian: You'll get over it though. If not, that's where One Night Stand comes in. The final hurrah for Solid Gold Wrestling. The night rivalries come to an end for good, the night people get to prove their worth one last time. Edge and Christian's going to make the best of One Night Stand to right a wrong from almost five whole years ago. -[[ December 23, 2001 - Holiday Hell ]]- -[[ Christian and Credible begin brawling in one corner while Edge and the Sandman take off in another!! Credible begins wailing away on Christian with various kicks and punches, and Edge puts Sandman to the mat with a series of hard forearms!! Edge clotheslines the Sandman out of the ring and Christian whips Credible to the ropes.... Credible ducks a clothesline and SIDEKICKS Christian out of the ring!! Christian and Credible brawl towards Edge and Sandman and they begin fighting up the ramp!! Sandman suplexes Edge on the ramp as the fans sit in shock at the fact that Sandman did a wrestling move!! Christian slams Credible hard into the guard rail!! Edge and Sandman brawl farther up the ramp and into the backstage area, and Credible drags Christian by the hair up the ramp, following them.... They brawl into the locker room area and the Sandman whips Edge hard into a row of lockers!!! Officials and other wrestlers scatter to avoid the carnage... Christian kicks Credible in the gut and DDTs him on the concrete!! Credible is out long enough for Christian to jump Sandman from behind!! Edge and Christian both whip Sandman into the lockers and Credible gets back up.. He grabs a chair and swings it, but he hits nothing but air, and Edge begins taking it to him!! Sandman begins kicking and stomping at Christian and they brawl all the way to the back door of the arena.... Sandman kicks Christian in the gut and POWERBOMBS HIM THROUGH THE DOOR!! Christian lays on the cold unforgiving concrete of the parking lot and Sandman follows him out!! Edge whips Christian into the wall and goes for a SPEAR but Credible moves and Edge hits the wall!! Credible tosses Edge out the door and now all four men are in the parking lot!! Sandman and Christian brawl and Sandman delivers a stiff kick to Christian's gut... He picks him up and powerbombs him onto the hood of a car!! Sandman looks up and notices a ladder set up nearby and he drags it towards the car... Sandman climbs the ladder, and he's going to jump on Christian ON THE CAR!! Edge whips Credible INTO THE LADDER!!! Sandman staggers a bit and he FALLS!!! Sandman goes through the top of the car!! Credible knows he's fucked up and he just stares in awe... Edge suddenly flies toward Credible for a SPEAR!!! Credible moves and EDGE HITS THE CAR DOOR!!!! Edge is OUT!! Credible covers...1....2.....3!!!!!! CREDIBLE AND SANDMAN ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!! Credible drags Sandman off of the car and helps him into the building where they claim their titles!!! ]]- -[[ Fade back to Christian. He looks very irritated. ]]- Christian: The last time a loss was endured by Edge and I against, of all people, the Sandman and Justin Credible. That match is one that haunts me every time I close my eyes and go to sleep at night. If not for that match, I cannot remember the last time I endured defeat in the ring. -[[ Brief pause. ]]- Christian: That match is nothing but a nightmare. -[[ Christian shakes his head, trying to get the thought out of his mind. ]]- Christian: But Sunday night, it's confirmed. Sandman and Justin Credible, the Hardcore Icons, are coming to One Night Stand. Well, just so happens Edge and Christian are too. -[[ Christian cracks a half-smile. ]]- Christian: And at One Night Stand, you're going to witness the last match of the Sandman and Justin Credible's careers. Your going to witness me and Edge doing to them what should've happened to them a long time ago. Their win over us shouldn't even count.. Because as soon as they won those titles from us, they left SGW the next day. They handed the titles over to Shane McMahon and said they didn't want to let us use our rematch clause.. Because they knew they got lucky once, and they couldn't get lucky against us again. -[[ Christian turns from a profile angle to looking us right in the face. ]]- Christian: October 22, their luck runs out. They've not had a match since then, Edge and I have done nothing but reach our primes and become more deadly than we were back then. They don't know what they're getting themselves into if they show up to One Night Stand. We're not the same duo that drank sodas and did promos full of jokes.. We're changed men totally. A complete one-eighty was done in our careers. Tag titles, those were nice when we had nothing else going.. But for Edge and Christian, we've already solidified ourselves as the greatest tag team in the world.. We just added onto it with our three SGW World title wins, and our three ACW World title wins. -[[ Cut to footage of Edge and Christian winning various World titles in ACW and SGW. After that shows, we cut back to Christian. ]]- Christian: I guarantee, at One Night Stand, Edge and Christian WILL get their win back from the Hardcore "Icons." -[[ He's stern in his delivery. ]]- Christian: Cabana versus Angle? Jarrett versus Raven? Who cares? The only match with any real historical meaning to SGW is Edge and Christian versus The Hardcore Icons. It's the only match people should care about, because it's sure as hell the only match I care about.. I care about it more than anything in this world. -[[ You can tell Christian really feels strongly about the win. ]]- Christian: And when the time comes, Edge and Christian will get their forty-ninth straight win.. Against the team that never should've beaten us in the first place. I'll see to it that I single-handedly make it to where Sandman and Credible are never seen again.. Because that..
-[[ Christian slaps his chest slowly, sporting a smug look on his face. He really means business about his match at One Night Stand. ]]- -[[ Fade out. ]]- Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx |