The Rated R Superstar

SGW Accomplishments:
- SGW World Heavyweight Champion
- SGW World Tag Champion(6)
- SGW Gimmick Champion (3)
SGW Hall of Fame
- SGW Top Matches(5)
- SGW Gold of the Week(11)
- Won 2001 & 2002 Pick Your Title Shot Tourney
- One of five w/ seven title wins as one wrestler
- Longest Tag title reign(92 days);
- Second longest Tag title reign(67 days)
- Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4)
- Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days);
- Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes)
Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes)
- Two spots in the SGW Perfect 10 Roleplay Club
- SGW Double Champion(2)
- Retired Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
- Retired Christian
- 46 Match Winning Streak as EnC
- E-Fed Hall of Famer('02 Class Top Vote Getter)
- ACW World Heavyweight Champion(3-c)

Highly Overrated:

- Triple H
- Stevie Richards
- Blue Meanie
- Vampiro
- Val Venis(2)
- Amy Love
- Rob Van Dam
- Chris Benoit(2)
- Dean Malenko
- Kevin Nash(2)
- Steve Austin
- Shawn Michaels(3)
- Ken Kennedy/ Big Show
- Chavo Guerrero Jr.
- Maria
- The Undertaker
- Spirit Squad
- Senshi
Randy Orton
- Full Blooded Italians
- Christopher Daniels
- Booker T.
- Christian
- Chris Kanyon
- Rhyno
-The Island Boys


Roleplay Number:

Current Match: Roleplay Title:

026 - 001 - 000

#051 vs. Lance Storm ' Pointless Struggles '

Wrestlebrawl 2 is the night the entire wrestling world has been waiting for since May when it was first announced. The biggest pay-per-view of them all, the biggest stage of them all, the biggest matches of them all. Nothing means more to the wrestling world and everyone involved than this night. This is one man's shot at fulfilling his destiny he's been aiming for since day one of joining Solid Gold. Many will say he was intentionally screwed over his first shot, and should already have one title reign under his belt. But that's fine. The years of being held back, told he'd never amount to that of his brother Christian, they're all behind him. Edge is focused. He's undefeated. Holding pinfalls over Val Venis, Randy Orton, Christian, and Lance Storm a few weeks back, Edge has proven he has what it takes to pin a former SGW World Champion. This is the one match he's been waiting his entire life for. This is his one shot at winning the SGW World Heavyweight title. The one title's that eluded him his entire career. History rides on this match, as does pride, glory, honor. Edge decided to pursue his championship dream when he turned on his brother. He wanted to prove he was better, more deserving of the praise and the honor. Everything Edge has worked for his entire career all boils down to winning the World title from Lance Storm in Boston, Massachusetts on July 30th, 2006.

This is Edge's chance to achieve his long-awaited destiny in Solid Gold.
This is Lance Storm's toughest challenge.
This is what it's all about..
This is..


[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]]

[[ A hospital hallway flashes onto the screen. It looks like it's right off an episode of "ER." It's a very busy hospital, doctors and nurses go every which way. Some to the emergency room for surgery, others into various patient rooms to tend to the sick vacating the beds. We see a set of elevators open and out of them casually walk Edge, Trish Stratus, and Tyson Tomko. Edge leads the pack with the ACW World Heavyweight title resting comfortably on his left shoulder, wearing a "Sex and Violence" t-shirt, jeans with holes in the knees, and black shoes. His brown tinted sunglasses rest on top of his Rated R beanie hat. Trish is wearing a brown spaghetti strap shirt and tight blue jeans. Tomko stays true to his usual ensemble of the black tank top and pants. Edge looks around, curling his lip, disgusted.  ]]

Edge: This is ridiculous.

Trish Stratus: Edge, don't touch anything. This has to be SGW management's way of getting you to get too sick to win the World title. They don't want you winning the gold from their favorite wrestler this week, it's obvious by this stunt!

Edge: Visiting a sick, dying, kid at a hospital.

[[ He scoffs. ]]

Edge: We really should've just went to the Dungeon and made fun of Lance Storm. Because this is the oldest, most cliché garbage in wrestling.

[[ Tomko quickly backs Edge up. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Edge: They probably want me to catch some virus, some disease or something, and make me miss the biggest pay-per-view of all time Sunday night.. They don't want me to achieve my destiny! They don't want me to hold that SGW World Heavyweight title high in the air as my own! Just like four years ago when I first won the Pick Your Title Shot Tournament, I was screwed out of that shot by management! I WILL NOT BE SCREWED AGAIN!

Trish Stratus: This is your time. This is your week!

[[ Edge stomps his foot and agrees quickly. ]]

Edge: You're damn right it is!

Trish Stratus: It is!


[[ He grabs the ACW World title and switches shoulders with it. ]]

Edge: If I catch a virus from touching something in this place.. Contract AIDS by drinking the water.. I'll be pissed.

[[ Tomko cocks his right eyebrow. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..AIDS?

Edge: Yeah, you know.. The disease Magic Johnson caught but couldn't throw back?

Trish Stratus: Can you catch AIDS by drinking water?

[[ He thinks for a second. ]]

Edge: I'm not sure.

[[ Edge shakes it off, defending his claim with a defensive reply. ]]

Edge: But.. I probably could! I'm unlike everybody else! I'm the damn champion! This isn't gonna' be a good visit for the kid! It could be fatal for us.. It's not going to do me and favors being here.

[[ Edge smacks his gum, still examining his surroundings. ]]

Edge: What good is visiting some kid who's going to die going to do me?

[[ Trish puts her finger to her lip, thinking it over. ]]

Trish Stratus: It'll make you happy you don't have cancer.. And you're still alive.

[[ She thinks harder. ]]

Trish Stratus: And you'll strive to be a better person.

Edge: A better person?

[[ He stares at Trish like she let one rip in the middle of a church service. ]]

Edge: A better person, Trish? How does the only true undefeated man in Solid Gold Wrestling do that? How does a man who's won the Tag Titles five times, broken records out the ass, beaten legends.. Become.. A better.. Person?

[[ She goes to speak, he cuts her off. ]]

Edge: They fill in the final piece of the puzzle. They win the World title. THAT's how the best becomes a better person, Trish. That's all I have left to do to make myself better. I am the greatest SGW superstar to never have won the World title. I've beaten them all, Trish. And on the biggest stage of them all, Wrestlebrawl 2, Lance Storm is going to be another name added to that list of those I've beaten..

[[ He smirks and takes a deep breath. He smiles a huge smile just thinking about Wrestlebrawl.  ]]

Edge: And his title, another addition to my trophy cabinet.

Trish Stratus: I can't wait. Wrestlebrawl's going to be great.

Edge: You bet your ass it will. It'll be the greatest night of my life, hell, it'll be the greatest night for all three of our lives! It'll be a miserable night for Solid Gold Wrestling as a whole, especially Lance Storm. I mean, it will be his ass getting kicked, bloodied, and pinned for the one, two, three.. Again.

[[ They talk about a wrestling match in the middle of a hospital. That's why he's the Rated R Superstar. ]]

Edge: Poor Lance Storm and SGW. We really did hit a spurt of midcarders rising up, breaking that glass ceiling, and capturing the big one. Too bad after I ruin Lance Storm's world Sunday night, nobody else will ever hold the SGW World title. Well.. Maybe you two.

Tyson Tomko: ..Me?

[[ Tomko points to himself, curious. Edge shakes his head, pointing to Tomko. ]]

Edge: Yes.. You.

[[ He thinks it over. ]]

Edge: Nah. Maybe you can carry the ACW title for me. I only need one. That way, I can be like Lance Storm and give my tall bodyguard a meaningless World title. You know, if I wasn't mistaken, when Lance does promos, it's like I'm watching a Mike Awesome promo and not a Lance Storm one. While he's dropping f-bombs like his fingers are covered in butter, pledging his allegiance to the Ku Klux Klan by throwing racial slurs around like they're going out of style, I'm sure Lance is trying to send a good, strong positive message to wrestling that he is their savior.

Tyson Tomko: ..Nah.

[[ Edge fans his hand across his face, dismissing the claim. ]]

Edge: Of course not. Nobody watches Lance Storm for him, they watch the promos to see what slur Awesome spits out next at Elix Skipper. They're seeing if this is the promo where Elix admits he's contracted AIDS or HIV by staying true to his roots and boning a monkey. They don't give a damn if Lance Storm can perform a thousand moves or holds the World title. Pff, some champion. I'm going to fix that problem come Sunday.

[[ Edge turns serious for a moment. ]]

Edge: Lance Storm is going to have to come up on my level, that one step above where he's at right now on the SGW Mountain, and he's going to have to try to show he can run with the biggest dog in the yard.. And when I get done with him, he'll be wishing Vince McMahon was re-opening APW.. That way he can go there and look like something special like he used to.. Because this week, the cries of Lance Storm being the best wrestler in this industry.. Comes to an end! A quick, brutal, end.

Trish Stratus: Lance Storm is fighting a losing battle. It's sad really. Sad like looking around at all these people in here, without a real hope left in life, slowly dieing, just barely holding on.

Edge: Yeah. Anyway, let's see this kid, try not to catch what he has so I'm one-hundred percent come Sunday, and get the hell out of here. I have a World title to prepare to win, a champion to expose as vulnerable.. Not a life-ending disease to catch here in a stinkin' hospital, visiting some kid who's not old enough to understand what it's truly like to be the Rated R Superstar.. Sitting, watching my promos, watching us have sex, asking his mother what the R logos are covering on your body.

[[ They kiss. Edge pulls back to maintain some sort of seriousness in this whole ordeal. ]]

Edge: Alright, let's get this over with.. I've got other stuff to do.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Edge grabs Trish by the hand and they start walking as the scene fades. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ March 26, 2001. ]]

[[ We're at a press conference like setting. Very small gathering. We see the SGW logo behind a small podium. Arn Anderson slowly makes his way up to the podium. On his right side is a table. Sitting at the table is a very young looking Edge and Christian. Arn clears his throat and speaks. ]]

Arn Anderson: Thank you all for coming out today. I have a big announcement I'd like to make at this time.

[[ Arn adjusts his notes, looks the members of the media over, and then continues. ]]

Arn Anderson: Today, Solid Gold Wrestling would like to announce the newest acquisition to the tag team roster. SGW have come to terms with the former seven-time World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian. They will begin to compete in the company in the next two weeks.

[[ Flashbulbs go off all at once. Everyone taking pictures of a smiling Edge and Christian. ]]

Arn Anderson: At this time, I'm going to let the guys come up and say a few words, maybe answer some questions. My final comment on this signing, is that the sky is the limit for these two.

[[ Applause is heard as Edge and Christian stand up and walk over to Arn. He shakes hands with each of the two as they step up to the podium. ]]

Christian: First off, I'd like to thank Arn Anderson for the opportunity to join Solid Gold. There's been a lot of noise being made about the resurrection of the tag team division and how Mr. Anderson's been looking for the right team to be the focal point of the division. Well, the search is over.

Reporter: What's the main goals to achieve in Solid Gold Wrestling?

[[ Christian steps to the side as Edge takes over. ]]

Edge: Our main goal upon entering the company is of course challenging Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett for the SGW Tag Team titles. Future long term goals though, of course the Hall of Fame is one. That alone lets you know you've made it in the biggest company of them all.

[[ Christian agrees and adds on. ]]

Christian: Breaking the record for most reigns, longest Tag title reign. Those would be really special.

Edge: And I also think winning the SGW World Heavyweight title is something I want to do before it's all said and done in Solid Gold for Edge and Christian.

Christian: One of us, let alone both of us, winning that title.. Man, that'd be awesome.

Edge: But I think it's something we're going to end up doing.

Reporter: Can it be done?

[[ Edge thinks it over. ]]

Edge: Yeah, without question.

[[ The reporter sits down. Edge leans back into the mic. ]]

Edge: And it WILL be done.

[[ The next question is asked to the two new comers as we cut. ]]

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ Current time. Hospital. ]]

[[ We come back to current time. We see Edge walks up to the nurse's desk, putting on his best face, smile and everything. A middle-aged woman, very short and chunky, with thick glasses and silver rims, smiles and waits on him. She speaks softly, full of compassion and good spirit. ]]

Nurse: Yes sir, can I help you?

Edge: Probably. I'm Edge, I've been sent by Solid Gold Wrestling.

[[ She nods like she knows fully what Edge is talking about. ]]

Nurse: Of course, of course. You're here to see Mark.

Edge: Whatever his name is. The Make-a-Wish kid.

[[ She nods, searching for his file. ]]

Nurse: Alright, he'll be glad to see you. He loves wrestling. He's down the hall on the children's side of this floor. Room three fifteen. He suffers from cancer. It's spread. He has a very, very slim chance of surviving.

[[ Edge nods, showing some compassion and understanding. ]]

Edge: Unfortunate.

Nurse: Yes, it is. He's fighting it with all he has though. But in the end, it'll be sad to see him go. So he needs all the cheer he can get. He needs to enjoy what time he does have left to the fullest.

Edge: Sounds like someone else I know.

[[ The nurse looks to Edge concerned. ]]

Nurse: Already visited one other person today?

[[ He shakes his head. In a casual response, he speaks. ]]

Edge: Oh, no.. The person I was talking about.. I'll see him Sunday night.

[[ The nurse looks saddened, not knowing Edge was talking about Lance Storm and not a sick patient. ]]

Nurse: Such a shame.

[[ He looks at the nurse, very seriously speaks. ]]

Edge: Yeah. They say after what he goes through Sunday.. He'll never be the same again.

[[ The nurse looks down and out. Edge slaps his hands together, totally changing his tone in a on-hundred eighty degree turn at the tip of a hat. ]]

Edge: Anyway, let's go cheer someone up.

Trish Stratus: This will be the best thing to ever happen to the kid.

Edge: It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for 'em.

[[ The nurse points the direction to which Edge, Trish, and Tomko are supposed to go to get to the children's section. We catch a back shot of them walking off from the desk as the scene slowly fades. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ November 25, 2001. ]]

[[ Immediately following Total Destruction 2001, where Edge and Christian tied the record for most SGW Tag Team title reigns, we cut from the ring to the backstage interview area. Michael Cole stands by. ]]

Michael Cole: Edge, Christian, congratulations on a hard fought ladder match tonight to become the undisputed three-time SGW World Tag Team Champions! With the win tonight, you two have tied the Dudley Boyz for most reigns by a single tag team, and you Edge.. You are now the leader for most Tag title wins by one superstar.

[[ The two are sweating, looking dead after a hard fought battle. They're sucking wind into their lungs at a rapid pace. ]]

Christian: If we've said it once, Coleslaw.. We'll say it a thousand times. This is the era of Awesomeness! This is the greatest tag team in the HISTORY of Solid Gold!

[[ Edge wipes the hair out of his eyes as Christian continues. ]]

Christian: And like the old saying, "the third time's the charm." Well, Cole..

[[ Christian catches his breath, he cracks a huge smile. ]]

Christian: They're totally right!

Edge: Coleslaw, we went out there tonight, and we've accomplished a goal we said we were going to accomplish six months ago when we first were signed by SGW. When SGW is closed forever, we'll go down in history as the greatest tag team ever!

[[ Edge and Christian high-five enthusiastically. ]]

Edge: This is just the beginning. There's still two things we've not done yet.

Michael Cole: What's that, Edge?

Edge: Winning the SGW World Heavyweight title. Then and only then will people truly open their eyes and realize Edge and Christian totally.. REEK OF AWESOMENESS!

Christian: Sh-yeah! Double gold totally rules!

[[ Edge and Christian high-five again and walk off. ]]

Michael Cole: Well, there you have it. The new Tag Team champions in Solid Gold Wrestling have stated their desire on each winning the SGW World Heavyweight title!

[[ The scene fades with Cole smiling to the SGW camera. ]]

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ Current time. Hospital. ]]

[[ Fade up a brightly painted hallway. Clouds, suns, flowers with smiley faces all over them cover every inch of the wall. There's not one dull color, one sight of unhappiness anywhere in sight. We're in the children's section of the hospital now. It's nice and quiet, nothing's moving around in the halls. You hear kids playing in the play area with one another, that one thing a day they get to do to take their minds off their problems. ]]

[[ Edge, Trish, and Tomko turn the corner, coming into view. Edge struts down the hallway like a man on a mission. He looks around at each side, seeing the sick kids fighting for their lives. It has no effect on his stone cold heart. Edge sees the room he's supposed to visit and stops outside the door. ]]

Edge: Three-fifteen.

[[ He looks the door over. ]]

Edge: This is the room I guess.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Edge: Time to make a kid's day.

Trish Stratus: Wait.

[[ She looks at Edge, confused. ]]

Trish Stratus: You're actually going to be nice to this kid?

[[ Edge shrugs, then readjusts the ACW World title on his shoulder. ]]

Edge: Well, why not?

Trish Stratus: Well, because.. You're a cocky, arrogant, non-sensitive, murdering, cold-hearted, mean-spirited.. PRICK! You're not a nice guy by any means!

[[ Edge smiles. ]]

Trish Stratus: You're everything that's wrong with the world today. You push the envelope, you do whatever it takes to get under people's skin.

[[ He doesn't argue that. ]]

Edge: I know. But this, Trish.. This is a special occasion.

Trish Stratus: And now.. The Rated R Superstar's going to go into this kid's room and turn into a Rated G Sap? Like a character from a stupid Disney movie!

[[ He takes offense to this. ]]

Edge: Chill.

[[ He looks at her sternly, letting her know how it's going to be. ]]

Edge: Just because I'm going to go into this room and show some compassion for someone for once doesn't mean I am a lesser than because of it. I am the Rated R Superstar! I do whatever I want, whenever the hell I want to do it! Don't you dare forget that! I am the same man who left my brother in a puddle of his own blood at Total Destruction a month ago. I am the same man who will take Lance Storm's World title, making him look like the biggest fraud of a champion since Randy Orton!

[[ Trish is silenced. ]]

Edge: Everything I do, I do for a reason. Don't even think about questioning the integrity of the next SGW World Heavyweight champion, Trish. Don't.. Even.. Think.. About it.

Trish Stratus: Alright.

Edge: Because I'd hate to have this conversation go dull with this kid and have to resort to making you show him your tits to bring him back to full health.. Because I WILL! I'LL DO IT IN A HEARTBEAT!

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Edge puts his back to the door, looking at his associates. ]]

Edge: Now, we're fixing to go in here, and we're going to get this done and get it over with. We have other stuff to do than see someone in the same condition as Lance Storm's World title reign.

[[ A brief pause. ]]

Edge: ..Near death.

[[ He smiles. ]]

Edge: Just ready to be ended whenever the better man sees fit.

[[ Pause. ]]

Edge: God will end this kid's life whenever he sees fit.. And me, I'm the better man in the Lance Storm World champion situation. I knew I'd end that reign whenever I decided it was the right time. I decided to wait to the biggest night of them all. I decided Wrestlebrawl 2 was the perfect night to take care of business.. To achieve my destiny! I didn't feel like winning a rumble to get a shot when all I had to do was just spear that APW piece of garbage!

[[ Edge slaps his belt. ]]

Edge: And now that I've taken matters into my own hands, my ACW World title's about to have some company after Sunday night.

[[ He kisses the belt. ]]

Edge: Alright, here's the deal.

[[ He turns to Trish, grabbing her hand. ]]

Edge: Trish, don't be your usual self to the kid. Tomko, do my a favor big man.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yo.

Edge: Keep the sarcastic replies to a minimum.

[[ He nods. ]]

Edge: And remember the plan Trish.

Trish Stratus: I know, I know.

[[ She sighs. ]]

Trish Stratus: Conversation goes dull, there's an awkward silence, I show him my goods.

Edge: Yep.

[[ Edge grabs the handle on the door and takes a deep breath. ]]

Edge: Here goes nothing.

[[ Edge knocks three times on the door as the scene slowly fades. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ Late 2002. ]]

[[ We're backstage at an SGW Stroke. Michael Cole is standing by with Edge and Christian. ]]

Michael Cole: Edge, Christian, tonight you two just defeated SGW legends, former SGW World Champions The Rock and Bill Goldberg in a tag team match. How's that feel?

Edge: It's like this. From day one, we've said we're totally the best team in Solid Gold. Three-times the Tag champions, the Hall of Fame recently opened their doors for us. Anything from here on out is only adding to our legacy.

Christian: Totally!

Edge: Tonight, Goldberg and the Rock got their traps shut by the Masters of Awesomeness. We've proven we can run with the best in the entire history of Solid Gold. We proved we can handle World champions just as easy as we've handled tag team wrestlers in our career.

[[ Pause. ]]

Edge: It's about time Christian and I stop being denied our chance to excel in the singles division. I mean, when there's teams like the FBI in the tag division, it's not a matter of TRYING to win the titles back.. We need a real challenge. And guys like the FBI's so not a challenge.

[[ Edge removes the hair out of his eyes. ]]

Edge: I won the 2001 Pick Your Title Shot tournament, and I was screwed out of my rightful shot. Christian won it this year, and Arn Anderson won't give him a shot, because he knows if he does, Christian's leaving the match as SGW World Champion!

Christian: Got that right!

Edge: Tonight, we beat two more legends, adding to our total. Name a legend and Edge and Christian's taken them out.

Christian: Bret Hart, The Rock, Goldberg..

Edge: Beaten.

Christian: Chris Kanyon.

Edge: Turned on, beaten. Turned on AGAIN, and beaten.. AGAIN.

[[ Christian laughs. ]]

Christian: Some chunktoid legends they are.

Edge: Yeah. Cole, it's just in the cards for the Edge and Christian Connection in Solid Gold..

[[ Edge looks into the camera. ]]

Edge: As God as my witness.. Before it's all said and done, Coleslaw..

[[ He catches his breath. ]]

Edge: The greatest Tag Team champions ever.. Will go down in history as two of the best WORLD Champions in SGW's history. Because we totally..

[[ Pause. ]]


[[ Edge and Christian walk off. ]]

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ Current time. Hospital. ]]

[[ We're now inside the room of the sick kid, Mark. His room is brightly lit. The room is filled up by his parents, Edge, Tomko, and Trish Stratus. The television is on, he's watching an old episode of XWF Fight Night. He's not really paying attention, almost asleep, because well, there's not a lot to pay attention to when there's only six wrestlers on a two hour television show, and one of them is really dead and grunts. Anyway, Edge is sitting at the end of the bed, preparing to talk to the kid. ]]

Mother: Mark, someone's here to see you.

[[ He comes to and sees Edge. He freaks out at who's in his room. ]]

Edge: Hey buddy.

Mark: WOW! EDGE!

[[ The kid scoots up in his bed out of his laying down position. He's all focused on Edge. ]]

Mark: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be focusing on facing Lance Storm?

[[ He chuckles. ]]

Edge: Seriously, you think Lance Storm can give me, the only undefeated superstar in SGW a run for my money and retain his title?

Mark: Don't guess so.

Edge: Good, because he won't. So with that being the case, of course I have tons of time to come visit my fans. Especially the die-hard ones like you.

[[ The kid smiles. Trish, in the background, puts her finger in the mouth, trying to gag herself. She looks to Tomko and whispers. ]]

Trish Stratus: Give me a break. This is pathetic.

[[ Edge hears it vaguely and turns to Trish, staring a hole right through her. ]]

Edge: Anyway my man, how are you feeling?

Mark: Well, I'm not feeling so well today.

[[ Edge looks concerned. ]]

Edge: Really, what's wrong?

[[ Trish shakes her head in disgust. ]]

Trish Stratus: He's the Rated G Sap!

Tyson Tomko: ..Lame.

[[ Before he can answer, you hear a grunt of something on television. Edge looks up and sees the XWF show. ]]

Edge: This XWF?

Mark: Yeah.

[[ Edge looks on, totally disgusted with the garbage that his eyes is taking in. ]]

Edge: That the Zombie?

Mark: Yeah. Boring show.

Edge: No kiddin', it's XWF, kid.

[[ Edge takes the channel changer and turns the television off. ]]

Edge: That could be your problem right there.

[[ He throws the remote back down. ]]

Edge: Feel better now?

Mark: I guess so.

Edge: They say watching television is bad for you, but that's not the case.. Watching BAD television.. Now that'll do a number on you.

[[ Edge feels better about himself, helping the kid feel better. ]]

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ February 12, 2006. ]]

[[ Moments after Christian defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the SGW World Heavyweight title, we see him sitting alone in the locker room. The SGW title in his hands, he's staring at it. We hear a ring from his jeans. He picks out his cell phone and answers. ]]

Christian: Hello?

[[ A voice overtakes the static on the other line. ]]

Edge: Hey bro.

Christian: Hey man.

Edge: Congratulations on winning the title.

[[ Christian leans back in the chair. He's exhausted emotionally, and physically I guess after powerbombing a man through a stage and pinning him. ]]

Christian: Thanks.

Edge: I'm proud of ya', man.

[[ Christian smiles. ]]

Edge: One down, one to go I guess huh?

Christian: Yeah, man. Your turn next.

[[ They both laugh. ]]

Edge: That'd mean I'd have to come get it from you.

Christian: More than welcome to, we all know Val Venis won't ever win it from me.. Or anyone.

[[ At the same time.. ]]

Edge and Christian: Idiot.

Edge: But nah man, I'll get my shot one day when you're gone and forgotten.

Christian: Heh.. Yeah.

Edge: I'll just wait and get it then.

[[ Christian rubs the faceplate of the belt slowly. ]]

Edge: But I guess you got some celebrating to do, so I'll talk to you later.

Christian: Thanks for calling, bro.

Edge: Yeah. Save the company, I want my shot at the belt.

Christian: Will do.

Edge: C'ya, bro.

Christian: Yeah.

[[ Click. ]]

[[ He hangs up the phone and continues staring at the title he fought his entire career to win. ]]

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ Current time. Hospital. ]]

[[ We fade back up inside the room and pan around. We see the small child hooked up to a vast array of machines, all working in one shape, form, or fashion to help keep him alive and kicking. He's holding the ACW World Heavyweight title in his hands as Edge looks on. ]]

Edge: And that's the story of how I stole Val Venis' girlfriend, busted up his best friend, and then beat him up.. All in the same week.

Mark: COOL!

Edge: But you know what else is cool, Mike?

Mark: My name's Mark.

[[ Edge looks around and back at the kid. ]]

Edge: You sure?

[[ He nods. ]]

Edge: Hmm..

[[ Silence in the entire room. Trish throws her arms in the air. ]]

Trish Stratus: Great.. Just great.

[[ She grabs the bottom of her shirt, preparing to pull it up. ]]

Trish Stratus: A promise is a promise.

Tyson Tomko: ..Boom.

[[ She gets it about halfway up and then Edge starts talking, saving her from spicing up the conversation and ending the silence. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Damn.

Edge: Well, anyway. What else is cool, is that come Sunday, I'll have another one of those titles you're holding in your hand when I beat the boring, fraud, no-talented, Lance Storm and humiliate him in front of those boneheads in Boston.

Mark: I wish I could be there.

[[ He frowns. ]]

Edge: Don't worry little Billy..

Mark: Mark.

[[ The name mix-up really is getting to Edge to the point of him not caring anymore. ]]

Edge: Whatever. Just don't sweat it. I can go ahead and spoil the entire card for you right now.

[[ Edge rubs his hands together and goes to work. ]]

Edge: At Wrestlebrawl 2 this Sunday night, the ACW and SGW World titles will be unified by one man.. Me.

[[ He snatches the belt from the kid's hands and holds it high. ]]

Edge: That's a gimme, obviously.

[[ No argument there. ]]

Edge: Another gimme is this match outcome..

[[ Here it comes.. ]]

Edge: Rob Conway will NOT win the Intercontinental title.

Mark: Duh. I thought you were spoiling something for me.

Edge: Good point.

Mark: The cancer's taken my hair and a lung, not my brains.

Edge: Got me there.

[[ The kid rolls his eyes and Edge shrugs as the scene fades. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ June 4, 2006. ]]

[[ The day after Edge brutally and viciously turned on his brother, Christian. Edge is in a radio show studio on the air the next morning being interviewed. The radio station is 103.3, WEUP, a hard rock station. The DJ gets the cue that the song has ended and he speaks. ]]

DJ: Alright we are back. That was "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge.. And speaking of Alter Bridge, that song of theirs is the theme music to our guest in the studio right now, Edge. Edge, welcome to the show.

[[ He acknowledges the welcome and smiles. ]]

Edge: It's great to be here.

DJ: Now last night was a big night for you, as you turned on your brother, ending the Tag Team title reign of yours. You also stole his girlfriend. Why did you do what you did?

[[ He strokes the stubble on his chin and replies. ]]

Edge: Because.. I can.

[[ Plain and simple. ]]

Edge: That's cutting it to the chase and getting it over with. I did it because I have other things on my radar screen than carrying around a guy on my back, winning titles of a division that died, R.I.P., four damns years ago!

DJ: So what's next for Edge?

Edge: The SGW World Heavyweight championship.

[[ Edge doesn't so much as get it out of his mouth as he continues on. ]]

Edge: Oh yeah, THAT is what's next for me! The one title I've never been given a fair shot of winning in Solid Gold. I've been here since 2001. I've fought the wars against other promotions. I've turned down deals to leave SGW to go to nEw, PWO, CWO, all those other companies. I stayed true to my roots, and what do I get out of it? Five lousy Tag Team titles and a Gimmick title reign? Jesus Christ, it doesn't get any better does it?

[[ He kills the sarcasm. ]]

Edge: I did what I did to my brother because I was sick and tired of sitting idle, waiting for the booking committee to decide it was my time. So that's why I took matters into my own hands. I went against the grain, proved that the Rated R Superstar truly does do whatever he wants. I turned on Christian to get my name noticed.. To get my hat thrown into the contention for that one last missing piece to my puzzle..

[[ Pause. ]]

Edge: To get my hands on the SGW World Heavyweight title, by hook or by crook! I WILL one day very soon claim that title as my very own. No matter who's the champion when the time comes.. Be it Steve Austin, Lance Storm, Rob Conway.. Yeah right.. But really, whoever it is.. That title will be coming home to poppa.

[[ He looks off, like he's imagining winning it right then and there. Very smugly he says. ]]

Edge: ..Bank on that.

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ Current time. Hospital. ]]

[[ Back in the room where we last left off. Edge has just finished spoiling the entire card to Mark. ]]

Edge: There, that's how Wrestlebrawl is going to pan out. You're all set if you kick the bucket before Sunday night and miss the show.

[[ Everyone in the room but Edge gasps. Trish leans in to Tomko, cupping her mouth with her hand. ]]

Trish Stratus: Tell me he didn't just say that.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Trish Stratus: Christ.

[[ Edge pats the kid on the back. ]]

Edge: But Mick, don't you worry. I WILL deliver like only I can in big match situations. I've defeated legends, over-hyped wrestlers. I've won titles in every organization I've been in. I am the reigning ACW World Champion. Name the last time I've been defeated fair and squarely in a match.

Mark: It's Mark..

[[ Edge rubs his chin, trying to pick his words wisely. ]]

Edge: We've been through this already, I don't know your god damn name.

Mark: Anyway, your last loss was in 2001.

Edge: That's right. December 23, 2001. And you know what, Mitch?

Mark: Mark.

Edge: Seriously, cut it out, I don't care.. I'm not laying down for Lance Storm and his pure wrestling bullshit. I am everything that's wrong for wrestling today. I am the flag bearer of sports entertainment, the genre that is nothing more than profanity to Lance Storm's ears. And on Sunday night, I will show him how things are done in SGW. Just because he's holding the company I've helped carry for five years' title belt doesn't mean he's a big deal.. He's not. He's an over-hyped piece of trash who should be hanging out in the APW garbage truck with Carlito and RVD.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Edge: My destiny is becoming the SGW World Heavyweight Champion! I was robbed out of the title in 2001, then at Wrestlebrawl One in 2002 in the rumble.. And like the saying goes, "the third time is the charm," and dammit, it WILL BE THE CHARM! WRESTLEBRAWL II, MY THIRD CHANCE AT THE WORLD TITLE WILL BE THE CHARM! IT'LL BE THE NIGHT THE RATED R SUPERSTAR..TAKES.. WHAT'S.. HIS!

[[ Edge is practically foaming at the mouth for the day to be here. Veins in his neck are about to explode. ]]

Mark: I think the match will be really close. I think anyone will win.

[[ This just takes Edge back. His jaw's on the ground, just in a total state of shock. ]]

Edge: I think you're a god damn fool! You're a fool with cancer who will DIE! YOU'LL LIVE TO SEE AUGUST BEFORE I LOSE TO LANCE STORM, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE KID!

[[ Edge has been set off big time. He stands up after hopping off the bed, yelling in the kid's face. The parents don't know what's going on, Tomko and Trish are standing back in awe as well. ]]

Edge: I am the man who killed Randy Orton! I have left men shells of their former selves.. Escorting wrestlers out of this company and this business! Val Venis, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., and Christian have all been beaten by me and FORGOT ABOUT!

[[ Edge is breathing heavily, he's fuming. ]]

Edge: I'm sick and tired of playing this charade like I give a crap about you. I don't! I don't care about anyone but ME! ME! IT'S ALL ABOUT ME AND MY QUEST FOR DESTINY!

[[ Edge points right in the kid's face. ]]

Edge: This match, this World title match will not be close by no means! I've been waiting for my shot for five years, and I'll be damned if I'm screwed over again. That title is mine. That title should've been mine a long time ago had it not been for Arn Anderson and his backstage politicking SHIT! I'm more focused for any match of my entire life. I have a destiny to fulfill.. I've gone too far, fought too hard, and overcome too many obstacles in my career to be denied on the biggest stage of them all!

Father: I think we've seen enough out of of your visit.


[[ The dad backs away. Edge takes a few steps back, turning his attention to anyone who can hear him. ]]

Edge: Feast your eyes on the greatest wrestler in the history of Solid Gold Wrestling! You're looking at greatness! You're looking at the next SGW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! I am a cancer of SGW, I've been called that for years! I admit, I HOLD PEOPLE BACK! I RUIN CAREERS! I'M SLOWLY RUINING SGW! And when I win the World title, unifying it with my beauty right here on my shoulder..

[[ He slaps the title three times and goes right back to business. ]]

Edge: The cancer that is the Rated R Superstar will do to the company and the legacy SGW possesses.. Just like the cancer inside your body.. I'm going to devour the entire company, and KILL IT! I'M GOING TO RUIN LANCE STORM AND SOLID GOLD WRESTLING LIKE YOUR CANCER IS RUINING YOUR BODY! THIS CANCER WILL PUT SGW IN THE GROUND LIKE THE CANCER IS GOING TO DO YOU!

[[ The dad is absolutely furious. ]]

Father: I've had enough.


[[ Tomko grabs the man by the arms, holding him back from doing anything. Mark is in tears, his world is being shattered all around him. Edge bends down and looks him right in the face. Edge is the devil personified right now. ]]

Edge: You and Lance Storm have a lot in common.

[[ His eyes never leave the kid. ]]

Edge: Both fighting losing battles. Both fighting in pointless struggles when the outcomes are so obviously dangling in front of your faces.

[[ Edge speaks very softly, very nonchalant. The yelling is gone. ]]

Edge: You're not beating the cancer you have.. Lance Storm is about to succumb to the ultimate cancer in wrestling. You're going to lose your cherished life.. He's going to lose his prized SGW World title. It's plain as day. It's no mystery, no Da Vinci Code controversy here. So, the real question for both of you is this..

[[ Edge paces around in a small circle in front of the kid. He stops, hands his title to Trish, and bends back down in the kid's face. ]]

Edge: Why bother? Huh? Why are you bothering with the pointless struggle? Why are you trying to think positive in a situation where you KNOW deep down inside you're going to lose the battle? What's the use? Why do you wake up every morning, happy to be alive instead of wishing that a nurse accidentally unplugged the god damn respirator in the middle of the stinkin' night and took care of all of your problems?

[[ Edge doesn't even give the kid time to respond. ]]

Edge: You and Lance Storm, people like you make me SICK in the very pit of my stomach! Ignorant, stubborn people who don't know when to just throw in the towel! People who have to fight like idiots against a cause they CANNOT OVERCOME!

[[ Edge is just stepping over all sorts of boundaries. ]]

Edge: I hope Lance Storm's your hero. Because it'll make me feel even better Sunday night when I hold his World title in my hands as I watch his bloody body lay on the mat.. Knowing I just killed a little piece of you the cancer hasn't already taken from you. Lance Storm knows deep inside he can't beat me. The people know he can't. His fun bags manager, his nig-nog jigaboo, and his mullet-fronting sidekick.. They know he can't do it. He cannot and WILL NOT BEAT ME AT WRESTLEBRAWL!

[[ Edge stares down the kid, he's in tears. How can this ordeal still be going on? ]]

Edge: But, it's fine. Let Lance enjoy the rest of the time left as champion. I'll do him a favor Steve Austin couldn't do. I'll put Lance Storm, that prune for a personality, second-rate wrestler, last-rate champion goofball OUT OF HIS MISERY! He's enduring a pointless struggle just like you. The outcome of leaving Boston without the SGW title doesn't make-up for the sacrifice of his career and his life he's making by defending the belt. He could just take the easy way out, the smart way out..

[[ You are becoming more disgusted with Edge by the second. ]]

Edge: But when it's all said and done.. The comparisons of you and Lance Storm will stay true. You'll be defeated by the cancer you have.. Lance Storm will lose his title to the cancer who's NEVER BEEN BEATEN! And just like you.. He too will wish when it's over with, that he'd taken the easy way out.. And just.. Pulled the plug on the respirator and not even.. Bothered.

[[ Cold, serious pause. His words echo in your mind. ]]

Edge: It's a harsh reality, but it's just that.. Reality. I am the next SGW World Heavyweight Champion. I am achieving the final part of my destiny in Solid Gold Wrestling Sunday night.. I won't be denied of that title. I'm going to run through Lance Storm like I've ran through everybody else. Just like I did to Christian, all the way to the Island Boys.

[[ He straightens himself up, no longer staring the kid down. ]]

Edge: Because I am the best! I am awesome! Lance Storm fails to measure up to me in any way! Because I am the..

[[ Edge raises his arms in the air in victory. ]]

Edge: The cancer SGW and Lance Storm CANNOT OVERCOME!

[[ The kid is just broken down in tears, big tears. The mother rushes over to her son to console him. Tomko lets the dad go, he too runs over there. ]]


[[ Edge is taking in all of this. He shows no compassion. He's laughing everything he's done off. He casually replies. ]]

Edge: Nope. I don't give a damn about anyone.. Or anything.. But me..

[[ He motions to his World title. ]]

Edge: And winning the SGW World Heavyweight title.


[[ Edge can do nothing but laugh at the destruction he's caused. ]]

Edge: Fine by me.

[[ He turns to Tomko and Trish. ]]

Edge: Let's get out of here.

Tyson Tomko: ..Good.

Edge: Oh yeah, I almost forgot..Ain't life a bitch sometimes?

[[ Before Edge walks out the door, he stops and pulls out an eight by ten picture and tosses it at the kid's feet. ]]

Edge: Adios.

[[ The three walk out the door as we fade in on the autograph picture. It's disturbing message is the last thing we see. It's neatly written on the eight by ten photo, right across Edge's chest. ]]

" ..To my number one fan. Just give it up, it's not worth the fight.
Survive if the cancer lets you, but why would it?

Your pal,
The Rated R Super*
EDGE... "

[[ The scene fades away from the picture. What a new monster Edge has become ever since setting his sights on the SGW World Heavyweight title. ]]

[[ Fade out. ]]

[[ Static. ]]

[[ A Rated R Moment. ]]

[[ July 1, 2006. ]]

[[ The first Stroke after Total Destruction. ]]

[[ Steve Austin and Lance Storm had a cage match on Stroke. Lance Storm defended his newly won title against his long-time nemesis, the former World Heavyweight champion, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. The match was a draw and the two men share words as Austin goes up the ramp. We cut in from footage of that night.. ]]

[[ Lance Storm climbs back down from the last one and begins to strap the title around his waist.. He turns around to-- SPEAR!! Lance Storm goes down in a heap.. Edge kneels over him, smiling.. The fans immediately begin booing loudly.. The fans begin chanting "AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN!" Edge looks up at the ramp.. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is standing on the stage, staring down the ramp at what's occurring in the ring.. Edge stands up, motioning for Austin to come on down.. The fans are buzzing with anticipation.. Austin then takes a couple steps forward to a huge pop.. And then stops dead in his tracks.. Austin smirks.. And then flips the double bird toward the ring! What the fuck!? Austin slowly turns and walks to the back.. Edge laughs and then drops down next to Storm.. And begins punching him in the head, causing more blood to flow from the wounds Austin gave him.. Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko enter the ring.. Trish has the All-Star Championship Wrestling world title over her shoulder.. Edge calls for a microphone and hands it to Trish Stratus.. In turn, he takes the ACW World title and holds it in the air.. Trish begins speaking in her best game show host voice.. ]]

Trish Stratus: Edge.. Last week, you defeated your brother.. A man no one in this company could even come CLOSE to beating! Among your prizes... You got the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.. Your own personal problem solver, Tyson Tomko...... And hot, torrid sex.. With yours truly!

[[ Edge leans into the microphone.. ]]

Edge: You're right.. I DID GET THE SEX!! HA HA HA!!

[[ The fans begin booing loudly. ]]


[[ He smiles mischievously.. ]]


[[ Trish laughs, biting the tip of her finger.. ]]

Trish Stratus:  Edge... After all of that.. What are you going to do next?

[[ Edge shrugs.. Reaches down and picks up Storm's SGW World Title.. He raises both championship belts in the air and leans down into Trish's microphone.. He shouts.. ]]


[[ Boos.. ]]

[[ Close in on Edge clutching both titles and fade. ]]

[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade out and away. ]]

SGW World title and ACW World title Unification
July 30
, 2006

Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx