The Rated R
Superstar Highly
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[[ Static. ]] [[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]] [[ The scene opens up in a dimly lit room, and all we see in this room is a white bath tub. A large figure occupies the tub, enjoyin a bubble bath. Instantly, you think and hope to God it's Trish Stratus relaxing in the tub, but as the camera pans around and zooms in closer..You see Edge in the tub, having a bubble bath, wearing a red, white, and blue Uncle Sam style hat. This is..Awkward. Edge's junk is covered up by huge piles of bubbles, so no worries there. Edge stretches out, looking like he's king of the world, the ACW World title in his right hand, a lit sparkler in his left. ]] Edge: Independence Day, the biggest day of the year for the United States of America, is coming up Tuesday. On that day two-hundred and thirty years ago, this country declared its independence from Britain, and from there, it went on to bigger and better things..Like being the most dominant country in the world, fighting wars it can't win, and being the host-country of the greatest promotion ever, Solid Gold Wrestling. [[ The sparkler is still throwing sparks everywhere surprisingly. ]] Edge: And Total Destruction, that was the day I decided I wasn't taking any more of Christian's tyranny, his shadow overcasting my future. So I did something about it. I DECLARED MY INDEPENDENCE FROM CHRISTIAN! And this week, my independence has been won. I'm my own man..I'm a BRAND NEW MAN! I DON'T NEED ANYBODY BUT ME! ME! ME, THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER TO THE SGW WORLD TITLE! [[ The sparkler is still lit, best sparkler ever. ]] Edge: Yes, this sparkler will NEVER GO OUT! THE RATED R SUPERSTAR BUYS THE GOOD ONES! SUCH FIREWORKS YOU CAN'T LEGALLY BUY! ONLY I CAN, BECAUSE I'M THE DAMN CHAMP! [[ He laughs at his awesomeness. ]] Edge: And now that I've declared my independence from Christian, I've set my sights on the one prize that I should've already added to my trophy cabinet..The SGW World Heavyweight title. Christian got his reign, and now IT'S MY TIME! What I did on Stroke, was the shot heard 'round the world..It was me showing my declaration from Christian, from SGW. I don't NEED SGW, I don't NEED the SGW World title..I just...WANT the SGW World title! [[ He throws the sparkler down and shows us more of the ACW World title. ]] Edge: Because I've already got one World title of Christian's..And well, to continue proving that I am superior to Christian in every way, that it should have been me getting the admiration and love from the people all these years..I'm going to take the other World title he never lost! And at Wrestlebrawl, I'll have a chip to get off my shoulder that was placed there at the last one..And July 30, Wrestlebrawl, it'll be the BOSTON MASSACRE FOR LANCE STORM IN MY REVOLUTIONARY WAR! [[ Edge moves around in the tub, getting comfortable. ]] Edge: I did what I had to do last night. Because if I sat back and didn't do anything, I'd be in another midcard feud with someone like Randy Orton, having to beat the entire roster in a battle royal to get myself a title shot..Well, I took matters into my own hands! I won't be denied my chance anymore! Lance Storm can have his big feud with Steve Austin, they can respect one another and be friends, but me..Oh no, I don't want to be anyone's friend! I just want make name in the history book WHERE IT BELONGS! [[ Edge's expression has gone from laid back to intense. ]] Edge: I destroyed Christian and put him on the shelf for good! I started Val Venis' rapid decline! I am responsible for ruining Randy Orton's career far more than he did himself! ME! ME, I DID ALL THESE THINGS! And last night on Stroke, I faced Chris Kanyon..And like I said, I made his SGW tenure ONE AND DONE! I KICKED HIS STINKIN' ASS! And now this week, Rhyno can expect the same treatnment. [[ Edge slaps the hat off his head. ]] Edge: Because now people are saying I don't deserve a World title shot. The people want to deny me of getting something that is rightfully mine, something I've EARNED. I've pinned Val Venis, Randy Orton, and Christian, half of the World champions this incarnation of SGW, Chavo Guerrero Jr., a two-time champion, on four-straight pay-per-view appearances by me! I've beaten SGW World Champions! It's my turn to get a title shot! I said it once, and I will say it again...I WILL BEAT WHOEVER GETS IN MY WAY OF DESTINY! [[ It's so hard to take these words seriously, since he is in a bath tub and all. ]] Edge: Rhyno, you and I have gone through a lot in our careers. We started out together, went through the Hell Trips together..But you know what? That doesn't mean a thing to me! Our previous friendship doesn't mean a DAMN THING! I've climbed the ladder to greatness, to a level you or anyone else will NEVER REACH! I don't care about the past, because if I did, I'd not of killed my own brother two weeks ago! But I did, and now it's your turn! [[ Edge points sternly at the camera, talking to Rhyno personally. ]] Edge: Last week, I made an example out of Kanyon. I kicked his head off his shoulders and threw him out of Solid Gold Wrestling forever! I've wiped out every person who's ever stepped in my way! And Rhyno, you may be the "Man Beast" right now, but when I'm done with you on Stroke, you'll be the "MAN BITCH!" HA! HA! I'm going to continue my quest for the SGW World title by eliminating the competition, proving my worth..And Rhyno.. [[ He smirks. ]] Edge: It's your turn, buddy. [[ Edge leans back in the bubbles, he slaps the ACW title faceplate. ]] Edge: What I'll do to you in the ring will make the bloodbaths I've given Christian and Kanyon look elementary. What I'll do to you will solidify myself as the only bad ass in SGW...As the only true contender to the SGW World title. Screw Steve Austin! Screw Raven! This is all about me now! I am the Rated R Superstar! [[ He throws his hands out, still gripping the title. ]] Edge: I'm the only superstar in SGW that matters! [[ Edge laughs, he's oozing confidence. ]] Edge: I do whatever I want..WHEN I want! And on Stroke, I want to prove to the entire company and the fans that I am the only man suitable to take the belt off Lance Storm, proving myself to be the better wrestler than my brother Christian! Rhyno, be prepared to have your life end in my hands on Stroke! [[ He has a crazed look, a blood-thirsty look on his face. ]] Edge: And on Stroke..I WILL do just that! Because I am the.. [[ Trish walks into the picture, wearing only a white robe. Her back is to the camera. ]] Trish Stratus: Room for..One more? Edge: IT'S GREAT BEING THE CHAMPION! [[ Trish chuckles. ]] Trish Stratus: It's time for us to make some fireworks of our own. [[ The robe hits the floor. We see Trish's bare back. Edge's eyes go wide, he's licking his lips. ]] Edge: OH SAY CAN YOU SEE! [[ The scene fades. ]] [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade out. ]] Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx |