The Rated R Superstar

SGW Accomplishments:
- SGW World Heavyweight Champion
- SGW World Tag Champion(6)
- SGW Gimmick Champion (3)
SGW Hall of Fame
- SGW Top Matches(5)
- SGW Gold of the Week(10)
- Won 2001 & 2002 Pick Your Title Shot Tourney
- One of five w/ seven title wins as one wrestler
- Longest Tag title reign(92 days);
- Second longest Tag title reign(67 days)
- Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4)
- Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days);
- Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes)
Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes)
Second longest title reign in history(92 days)
- Two spots in the SGW Perfect 10 Roleplay Club
- SGW Double Champion(2)
- Retired Chavo Guerrero
- Retired Christian
- 42 Match Winning Streak as EnC
- E-Fed Hall of Famer('02 Class Top Vote Getter)
- ACW World Champion(3-c)

Highly Overrated:

- Triple H
- Stevie Richards
- Blue Meanie
- Vampiro
- Val Venis(2)
- Amy Love
- Rob Van Dam
- Chris Benoit(2)
- Dean Malenko
- Kevin Nash(2)
- Steve Austin
- Shawn Michaels(2)
- Ken Kennedy/ Big Show
- Chavo Guerrero Jr
- Maria
- The Undertaker
- Spirit Squad
- Senshi
Randy Orton
- Full Blooded Italians
- Christopher Daniels
- Booker T.
- Christian


Roleplay Number:

Current Match: Roleplay Title:

022 - 001 - 000

#044 vs. Chris Kanyon ' Setting Examples '

[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]]

[[ The scene opens up where our last one left off, inside the hotel room of Edge and Trish. It's the next morning, and we see Trish and Edge, asleep on the bed, looking like they destroyed the bed and one another in their night of celebration. We pan around the room to survery the damage, and we notice Tyson Tomko asleep in a chair. He's wearing a blindfold covering his eyes and fluffy earmuffs covering his ears. His arms are crossed and he's out of it. ]]

[[ Out of a deep slumber awakens Edge. He looks around the room, then to his left at Trish. He smiles a huge smile, as any many would waking up beside a near-nude Trish Stratus. He takes a deep breath, breathing in the morning after. He gets out of the bed with his boxer shorts on and he walks over to Tomko. ]]

Edge: Tomko, wake up.

[[ Edge is unsatisfied with the lack of response from Tomko, so he peels back the blindfold, Tomko is staring back at him. Edge jumps back, freaked out. ]]

Edge: Christ Tomko, you scared the hell out of me!

Tyson Tomko: ..Hmm?

Edge: I said..Wait a second..

[[ Edge removes Tomko's earmuffs. ]]

Edge: There. I said you scared me. What were you doing with the blindfold on and your eyes open?

Tyson Tomko: ..Sleeping.

[[ Edge is puzzled. ]]

Edge: With your eyes wide open?

[[ He nods. ]]

Edge: That's weird. I'd love to find another way to put it, but that's just awkward, Tomko.

[[ Tomko shrugs. ]]

Edge: But hey, whatever.

[[ Edge snaps his finger like he remembered something. ]]

Edge: Tomko, man, you got to hear this story from last night.

[[ Tomko takes the blindfold off and throws it on the ground. ]]

Edge: Last night, I did something I've never imagined I'd do.

[[ Tomko points to Trish looking confused. ]]

Edge: No, not that! I said something I've never imagined I'd do...Actually, it was more like, somewhere I never imagined I'd..Put it.

[[ Tomko's eyes grow wide. Edge smiles. ]]

Edge: That's right, Tomko..I took being Rated R to a new level last night in my celebration..I stuck it right in her..

[[ Edge leans in and whispers it to Tomko. Tomko coughs like he's choking. Edge takes a few steps back, laughing like he's king of the world. ]]


[[ Edge's proclamation wakes Trish up. She smiles, she knows what Edge told Tomko. ]]

Trish Stratus: Well, you just got lucky last night was a special night, and I let you emulate Kanyon on a nightly basis for once.

Tyson Tomko: ..Ugh.

Trish Stratus: It was the least I could do. I mean, since Edge can never be like Kanyon in the ring.

Edge: Yeah, because I don't spend my time in the ring ON MY BACK GETTING PINNED!

[[ Edge smirks and walks over to Trish, who is still in the bed. ]]

Edge: I only lay down on my back..In the sack!

[[ Edge and Trish go to Trish but Edge stops Trish at the last second. ]]

Edge: Whoa, hold up. I know where that mouth went last night! Go brush your teeth, use some Scope mouth wash, THEN come back and try that one again.

[[ Trish smiles and gets up and walks to the bathroom in her black bra and panties. She takes a few steps before Edge slaps her on the ass rather hard. Edge starts to shuffle through his bag, pulling out a clean Sex and Violence t-shirt, and he puts it on. He then pulls out a pair of dark jeans and slides them on. He looks ready for the day ahead of him. Tomko grabs the remote and turns on the television. ]]

Edge: So Tomko, tell me, and be honest, do you miss Christian?

[[ Tomko strokes his long goatee in deep though as we cut to a dream sequence. ]]

[[ We fade up to a blurry sequence, like we're watching this through clouds. "So Happy Together" plays in the background, everything's almost like it's in slow motion. We see Christian slapping Tomko on the chest with a huge smile on his face. ]]

Me and you, you and me..
No matter how they toss the dice, it's gotta' be..

Christian: T-Squared, I'm fixing to go bang Trish, wanna' watch?

[[ Flash to Tomko and Jim Cornette peeping through a crack in a door, watching Christian do his deed. From there it fades to Tomko driving and Christian in the front seat of a car, the two eating small Krystal hamburgers, sipping drinks, happy as ever. ]]

Christian: Tomko, this is the life.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Flash to Tomko stepping between Christian and various opponents he's trashed talked for protection. Christian peaking behind Tomko's shoulder every time. ]]

The only one for me is you, and you for me....

Christian: Yeah Batista! Say something now!

[[ Now cue up scenes of past experiences where the four, Cortnette, Christian, Trish, and Tomko all in a vehicle. Christian looks confident. ]]

So happy together...

Christian: Us four, we're taking over this business. Trish, the best valet in the business..Cornette, the manager of champions..Me, the best wrestler ever..And Tomko, the Problem Solver!

[[ Tomko and Christian high-five, looking like best friends forever. A picture of Christian flashes on the screen and freezes. The song finishes out and then the sequence ends. ]]

[[ Back to reality.. ]]

Edge: TOMKO!

[[ Tomko snaps out of it. ]]

Edge: I said do you miss Christian?

[[ Tomko shakes off the cobwebs. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Nope.

Edge: I knew it. Good call you made, Tomko. Good call.

[[ Edge slaps Tomko on the back. ]]

Edge: It'll be worth it in the end, when I achieve my destiny. When I bring prestige to the SGW World title, giving it a holder who's actually worth a damn! But this week, this is when it all starts, Tomko. I'm a new man with a fresh start. Finally, all eyes will be on me for doing more than having sex with a random blonde and putting it in a promo! I'll be recognized as the BEST IN THIS BUSINESS! And you'll be right there along side me! You'll be at ringside to witness me RUIN Kanyon's life firsthand!

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Edge: And then..When he's laying there, bloodied, near death in the ring..Lance Storm or Steve Austin, the SGW fans, Jeff Jarrett, they'll ALL KNOW I'M THE MAN! I'M THE DAMN CHAMPION! I'm putting more prestege in the ACW World title right now than Lance Storm or Steve Austin will EVER put in the SGW title!

[[ Edge picks up the ACW title and puts it on his shoulder. ]]

Edge: Tomko, Stroke's going to be awesome. Kicking Kanyon's head off his shoulders, and then waking everyone up..Turning their heads in the direction of true greatness. This ACW title was Christian's way of being the best. This started his career. Last week at Total Destruction, he said if I wanted to have his career, I'd start by taking his title..AND I DID!

[[ He slaps the belt a few times. ]]

Edge: And now, I'm taking Christian golden filled career..AND ADDING TO IT! Because I am the ACW World Heavyweight Champion..I do WHAT I WANT, WHENEVER THE HELL I WANT! And what I'm going to do on Stroke is hand Kanyon the beating of his life and send him back to Fag Town! He's en route to a vicious beating at the hands of the..

[[ The scene fades. ]]

[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade out. ]]

Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx