Roleplay Information: Roleplay: Forty-One Record: 021 / 000 / 000 SGW Accmplishments: SGW World Heavyweight Champion; SGW World Tag Champion(6-Current); SGW Gimmick Champion (3); SGW Hall of Fame; SGW Top Matches(5); SGW Gold of the Week(9); 2001 and 2002 Pick Your Title Shot Tournament Winner; One of five people to win seven titles as one wrestler; Longest Tag title reign(Current); Second longest Tag title reign(67 days);Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4); Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days); Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes); Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes); Perfect 10 Roleplay Club Member(2); Double Champion(2); Retired Chavo Guerrero; 41 Match Winning Streak; Official E-Fed Hall of Famer(2002 Class-Top Vote Getter) Event: Total Destruction Date: 06 / 25 / 06 Match: vs. Christian Title: None Stipulation: None Welcomed to
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' My Time ' [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]] [[ The scene opens up as we're in the arena where Total Destruction will take place in Alabama. The arena is empty and silent. He and Stacy vacate two seats in the middle of the arena. Any sound echoes all through the area a few times before finally dying out. Edge leans foward, propping his elbows on his thighs, his head rests in the palms of his hands. He looks like he's in deep thought. He finally leans up and looks at the ring as he speaks. ]] Edge: Mistakes happen, Christian. They're made every day. And bro, you're about to make the biggest mistake of them all in just a matter of days when you show up to this arena, ready for Total Destruction, because..YOU WON'T BE READY! [[ He's rather mellow so far, still not making eye contact with the camera. ]] Edge: You know, you're talking a big game for a man who's not been wrestling consistently as of late...A real big game. You can try to rub that SGW World title reign of yours in my face, but you gotta' remember Christian..Who was the man that helped you time after time retain that title?..ME! I DID! [[ Edge breathes deeply, seemingly trying to relax himself. ]] Edge: And brother, you can say all you want about driving the nail in the coffin of the Edge and Christian dynasty and putting it to an end..I BEAT YOU TO IT! I DROVE THE NAIL IN THE COFFIN, KILLING OUR TAG TEAM WHEN I SMASHED YOUR FACE IN WITH A GOD DAMN CHAIR, CHRISTIAN! I am the only man in Solid Gold that has what it takes to take you to the limit..To the edge and back..I am the only man who has what it takes to beat you..And at Total Destruction, I'LL PROVE IT! [[ Edge finally turns to the camera. ]] Edge: When it's all said and done on Sunday night, when they're carrying your lifeless body out on a stretcher..The fans will know, your "peeps," and all the boys in the back who've looked up to you as their leader all this time..They'll all know that Edge, the Rated R Superstar, the greatest tag team wrestler in SGW history...Is also...The greatest overall wrestler in SGW history! Because I'm already the man who's achieved things people in this industry on DREAM of achieving..I don't need you to make my name like you think, Christian. I didn't dump your ass to make a name for myself. [[ Edge shakes his head 'no,' getting excited. ]] Edge: I just need the win over you to SOLIDIFY IT! [[ Edge reaches his hand up high, clamping his fist like he's grabbing something. ]] Edge: To me, you are not a stepping stone, you are merely a launching pad. I don't need you, I don't need you on my shoulders anymore. I'm doing just fine without you. I've defeated countless numbers of former SGW World Champions without you. I beat Randy Orton, hell I KILLED Randy Orton! I beat Val Venis within an inch of his life, stole his girlfriend, and destroyed his best friend's jaw! I've got wins over the Rock, Bret Hart, Goldberg, and all those other legends you want to brag about..I'VE DONE IT TOO! The only thing you can hang above my head are those World titles of yours. You have three of them. But I've been patiently waiting for the right time for me to make my move, to drop that dead weight and set my sights on the title..And to prove I earn a shot at the SGW World title..Beating another former champion is the way to go. [[ Edge strokes his chin and continues. ]] Edge: You're seemingly Superman to all the boys in the back, you're untouchable. But Christian, Sunday night..I'LL BE YOUR KRYPTONITE! You told me if I was going to use you as a stepping stone, that I'd better step hard huh? Well Christian, I'll step hard. I'll step so hard I'll CRUSH YOUR LEGACY LIKE A STINKIN' ANT! You can say you'll treat me like any other opponent, but you'd better treat me like the threat I am or I'll bust your balls, bro. [[ A very intense Edge pauses. ]] Edge: The question is Christian, when you're put into a situation like this, one you want no part of..How are you going to react? Is your winning streak, your legacy worth doing war with your big brother, your tag team partner? When the bell rings, will you make me strike first? Because if so..I will. I've started this war, and Christian, I WILL FINISH IT! [[ Edge points to himself with his thumb of his left hand. His eyes are covered by his glasses, but they're surely full of fire. ]] Edge: It'll be another historical night in the careers of Edge and Christian..The first and last battle between you and I..Only one man can walk away and survive. Only one of us can truly say that he is the better among us..And Christian, you have made your last mistake, little brother...Because the man who'll be laughing last when it's all said and done is me..Edge, the.. [[ After that, Edge smirks into the camera. The scene fades. ]] [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade out. ]] Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx |