Roleplay Information: Roleplay: Thirty-Five Record: 019 / 000 / 000 SGW Accmplishments: SGW World Heavyweight Champion; SGW World Tag Champion(6-Current); SGW Gimmick Champion (3); SGW Hall of Fame; SGW Top Matches(5); SGW Gold of the Week(9); 2001 and 2002 Pick Your Title Shot Tournament Winner; One of five people to win seven titles as one wrestler; Longest Tag title reign(Current); Second longest Tag title reign(67 days);Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4); Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days); Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes); Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes); Perfect 10 Roleplay Club Member(2); Double Champion(2); Retired Chavo Guerrero; 39 Match Winning Streak; Official E-Fed Hall of Famer(2002 Class-Top Vote Getter) Event: Saturday Stroke Date: 06 / 10 / 06 Match: vs. Chris Daniels Title: None Stipulation: None Welcomed to
Main Event: |
' New Beginning' [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]] [[ The scene opens up immediately after Stroke's gone off the air. The fans are still in total shock of what's transpired. We're in the ring, medics are assisting a brutally battered and beaten Jim Cornette, and a bloodied Christian. Trish is crying in Tomko's arms and the fans are totally silent. Blood, a dented chair, and a broken Tag title is all that's left in the ring. Christian is being helped to the back by EMTs, and Cornette's been strolled away on a stretcher. You can hear the fans slowly start a chant. ]] " FUCK YOU EDGE! FUCK YOU EDGE! FUCK YOU EDGE! " Trish Stratus: Christian..Talk to me! EMT: You okay Christian? [[ A bloodied Christian breathes heavily. ]] Christian: I don't know...I don't..Know. EMT: Just stay calm, we're getting you to the back and getting you cleaned up. [[ The ring clears and the fans haven't even left. They become more vocal.. ]] " FUCK YOU EDGE! FUCK YOU EDGE! FUCK YOU EDGE! " [[ We fade up in the backstage locker room area. The medics are working on Cornette and Christian. Tomko takes his arm from around Trish and strokes his goatee looking focused. ]] Trish Stratus: Where are you going? [[ Tomko looks at her sternly. ]] Tyson Tomko: ..Edge. [[ Trish wipes her eyes and nods. ]] Trish Stratus: Get him, Tomko. [[ Tomko walks off as the scene fades. ]] [[ We now open in Edge's locker room. He's quickly packing all of his gear, breathing heavily. He knows he's got to get out of the arena as quickly as he possibly can to avoid the backlash of what just happened. He just throws stuff in the bag as Stacy stands beside him crying, yelling at him. ]] Stacy Keibler: WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! WHY ADAM?! [[ Edge ignores her, packing his stuff quickly. ]] Stacy Keibler: DON'T IGNORE ME! THAT WAS YOUR BROTHER! [[ Edge zips up his bag and looks at his SGW Tag title. He slams it down on the ground and spits on it. ]] Edge: ENOUGH FROM YOU, STACY! ENOUGH! NOW LET'S GO! Stacy Keibler: ANSWER ME! Edge: DAMMIT! I SAID LET'S GO! Stacy Keibler: NOT UNTIL I GET AN ANSWER! [[ Edge, noticeably pissed, runs his hands through his hair and then grabs Stacy by the neck. ]] Edge: I SAID..LET'S GO...BITCH! [[ Stacy tries resisting but Edge grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the door. Edge is in almost a running motion heading out of the arena. He's pushing people out of the way. ]] Edge: GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY! MOVE! [[ Road agents and crew members and going down like flies as Edge and Stacy scurry to the exit. Edge is about three feet to the exit when the door is covered by TYSON TOMKO! Edge backtracks a few feet and puts Stacy in front of him. Tomko stands there with his arms crossed, staring Edge down. ]] Edge: Tomko, buddy... Tyson Tomko: ..Party's over. [[ Edge is scared out of his mind now. ]] Edge: Look, I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident, believe me, Tomko...Believe me. Tyson Tomko: ..No. Edge: Just let me leave, Tomko..We can fix all of this later. I just got to get out of here. Or hey, you can come with us..C'mon, side with me, Tomko. We can take over the fed like Christian never could do for you. You'll get the respect you deserve instead of being a measley problem solver. [[ Tomko thinks it over. ]] Edge: C'mon big man, you and me..Dominating SGW. Tomko and the Rated R Superstar! [[ Edge is begging this works. ]] Edge: So Tomko, what do you say? [[ Tomko shakes his head. ]] Tyson Tomko: ..No. [[ EDGE THROWS STACY AT TOMKO AND RUNS THROUGH THE EXIT OUT THE DOOR AND OUT OF THE ARENA! EDGE LEFT STACY BEHIND! Edge is now out in the parking lot, looking for his car. Shane Douglas exits out of a black Miata with a microphone. He runs over to Edge as Edge is trying to escape. ]] Shane Douglas: THE FUCKIN' FRANCHISE HAS BEEN WAITIN' IN THE FUCKIN' MIATA FOR THIRTY MINUTES TO GET THE SCOOP, EDGE! Edge: LEAVE DOUGLAS, LEAVE! [[ Douglas jogs with Edge trying to get the scoop. ]] Shane Douglas: THE FUCKIN' FRANCHISE WISHES YOU'D STOP RUNNIN' SO I COULD CATCH MY BREATH AND GET THE SCOOP..THE GOD DAMN SCOOP! Edge: YOU WANT YOUR SCOOP? HUH?! THE SCOOP ON EDGE AND CHRISTIAN?! SHANE DOUGLAS...EDGE AND CHRISTIAN IS NO MORE! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PLAYING SECOND-FIDDLE TO A BROKEN DOWN HAS-BEEN! SHANE DOUGLAS, WHAT I DID TONIGHT WAS FOUR YEARS IN THE DAMN MAKING! [[ Edge stops in the parking lot, looking around for his car. ]] Edge: Everybody knows the Rated R Superstar always has been, and always will be the superior wrestler to Christian. I've sat back in the spotlight LONG ENOUGH! NO MORE, DOUGLAS, NO DAMN MORE! [[ Douglas nods rubbing his goatee frantically. ]] Shane Douglas: WHERE'S STACY?! WHERE'S YOUR PUSSY, EDGE?! Edge: I threw her in the way of Tomko to get out..It's time for stop worrying about everyone else! IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! ME! ME! SGW'S FIXING TO START REVOLVING AROUND EDGE! Shane Douglas: YOU IDIOT! YOU FUCKIN' IDIOT, RATED R SUPERSTAR! [[ Edge stares at Douglas. ]] Edge: What? Shane Douglas: GO FUCK YOURSELF! Edge: What did you say, Franchise? Shane Douglas: THE FRANCHISE DIDN'T FUCKIN' STUTTER! I'M NOT MATT MORGAN! GO FUCK YOURSELF, EDGE! THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GONNA' HAVE TO DO TONIGHT, MAN! YOU THREW YOUR PUSSY OUT LIKE IT WAS GARBAGE! IT WAS A CUM DUMSTER, EDGE! NOT A REAL DUMPSTER! YOU'RE GONNA' HAVE TO RESORT TO JACKIN' OFF TO GIRLS GONE WILD VIDEOS TONIGHT BECAUSE YOU THREW YOUR PIECE OF ASS TO THE CURB! YOU IDIOT! [[ Edge immediately regrets wasting his time staying for this interview. ]] Edge: Screw off Franchise. You want her so bad, go take her. Go get my sloppy seconds. And while you're at it, you can have my tag team partner and his stupid managers. I don't need them! I DON'T NEED ANYBODY BUT ME! Shane Douglas: FANTASTIC FUCKIN' IDEA, EDGE! Edge: IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! Shane Douglas: HAHAHA! NO! THAT'S THE WORST IDEA EVER! I WAS SAYIN' GOOD IDEA TO ME HITTIN' STACY! SHE AIN'T NEVER BEEN FUCKED THE WAY THE FUCKIN' FRANCHISE FUCKIN' FUCKS! [[ Douglas rubs his goatee and a red sports car pulls into the picture and stops. Edge's eyes go wide. ]] Edge: MY CAR! [[ The window rolls down on it..TRISH STRATUS! Edge shakes his head. ]] Trish Stratus: Looking for this, babe? Edge: THAT'S MY CAR! Trish Stratus: I know..It sure is nice. But, since it's all about you now, Edge..You don't need anyone..Or your car. [[ Douglas stops in his tracks and runs back to the scene. ]] Shane Douglas: THE FRANCHISE IS BACK FOR THE NEW SCOOP! Trish Stratus: So yeah, Edge..You always wanted to be the leader of a group, the man in charge..Looks like you got your wish. Good luck with you and your one man army. Edge: GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CAR, YOU BITCH! Trish Stratus: WHAT? [[ She cups her ear. ]] Trish Stratus: I can't hear you, Edge...I got your car's radio blasting in my ear! [[ She cranks up the volumn and speeds off in his car. Edge screams at her as she leaves. ]] Trish Stratus: Karma is a bitch, isn't it Edge? Edge: I'LL GET YOU, TRISH! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS STUNT! THIS IS NOT OVER! [[ Trish speeds off, burning rubber and leaving Edge there with the Franchise. ]] Shane Douglas: STUPID ASS WOMEN! IF IT WASN'T FOR THEIR TITTES AND PUSSIES, THEY'D BE WORTHLESS! Edge: Dammit.. [[ Awkward silence as Edge tries figuring out what he's going to do. The Franchise holds the mic up to Edge's mouth. ]] Shane Douglas: YOUR SHIT GOT RUINED, EDGE! ANY THOUGHTS? Edge: Go get Stacy and drop us off at the hotel. Shane Douglas: IS THE FUCKIN' TRAIN GETTIN' RAN TONIGHT?! [[ With no motivation to live. ]] Edge: Fine. Shane Douglas: FUCK YEAH! THE FRANCHISE WILL RETURN WITH YOUR CUM DUMPSTER! CHOO-CHOO MOTHER FUCKER! CHOO-CHOO! [[ Douglas runs off to the arena as Edge kicks his bags in anger. The scene fades. ]] [[ The next day. ]] [[ Edge and Stacy are seen asleep in a large bed in their hotel. The sun shines into the window beside the bed and Edge comes to. He looks to his right and sees Stacy asleep. He gets out of the bed in his boxers and looks down at the foot of the bed. There's Shane Douglas curled into a small ball, asleep, snoring. Edge shakes his head and kicks Douglas in the ribs. ]] Shane Douglas: Damn right I broke your neck Gary Wolfe! [[ Douglas opens his eyes and realizes Edge is standing above him. ]] Shane Douglas: I MEAN! HAHAHAHA! GOD DAMN RIGHT I BROKE YOUR FUCKIN' NECK, YOU FUCKIN' PITBULL! Edge: Alright Franchise, it's time to go. [[ Douglas sits up and rubs his eyes. ]] Edge: You gave us a ride, you got Stacy for all of twenty seconds..End of the line for you. Now, out. [[ Douglas gets up and looks down at Stacy. ]] Shane Douglas: THE FRANCHISE FUCKIN' FRANCHISED YOUR PUSSY! YOU WHORE! YOU SLUT! Edge: Out. [[ Douglas doesn't resist and walks out of the door. Stacy awakens and looks at Edge. ]] Stacy Keibler: Hey Edge.. Edge: What? Stacy Keibler: It may just be the craziness of the night..But was Shane Douglas here, or was that just you rubbing your goatee and laughing like a coke-head? Edge: Don't worry about it. [[ Stacy rolls her eyes. ]] Stacy Keibler: I had sex with Shane Douglas last night, didn't I? [[ Edge nods. ]] Edge: Yeah..You did. But it was to get a ride here. Trish stole my car. Stacy Keibler: Speaking of last night, thanks for throwing me at Tomko to escape. Edge: What did he do to you? Stacy Keibler: Smelt my hair and then Shane Douglas came in and got me, screaming "Choo-Choo!" and pumping his fist like a train conductor. Edge: Don't worry, Stace. It was all for the cause. [[ Stacy gets out of bed and walks over to Edge and stares him down. ]] Stacy Keibler: Alright..Explain yourself then so I know what's going on. You really outdid yourself last night. Edge: Well, thank you Stacy. I was full of energy and emotion and it really was brought out last night. Glad you noticed. Stacy Keibler: Oh, evidently you've forgotten about spearing your brother, bashing his face in with a chair..And then killing Jim Cornette. Edge: That's because it wasn't that big of a deal. Sure, it seems like it was because of the timing, the situation, and who it involved..But Stacy, you know as well as I do that I'm the better wrestler, the biggest draw between Christian and I. I sat back and let him have the fame, the glory, the titles..Not anymore. Not after his little stunt he pulled when he came back from injury after I DEFENDED HIS ASS AGAINST ALL ODDS! ME! [[ Edge puts on some black jeans and a black Metallica t-shirt and walks back over to Stacy. ]] Edge: Because Stacy..You see, when Christian came back and he slapped me in the face by acting like he had nothing to owe me..Like it was just like the old times, like he was there all along, fighting, being punished..No, no more, Stacy. I refuse to sit back and watch Christian have a free ride back in SGW after his little vacation 'injury' as all of us were forced to suffer for his ideas. Stacy Keibler: But that's what friends are for. Edge: Stacy, stop talking like you're right out of an episode of Barney and Friends! WE SUFFERED FOR CHRISTIAN'S WORLD TITLE DREAMS! TRISH GOT HER NOSE BROKE! CORNETTE FOUGHT SENSHI! WE ALL GOT BEATEN UP AND PUT INTO TOUGH SITUATIONS THANKS TO CHRISTIAN! [[ Edge is breathingy heavily and staring Stacy down, who is in fear. ]] Edge: NO DAMN MORE, STACY! IT'S ALL ABOUT EDGE! ALL ABOUT ME NOW! MY TITLE DREAMS! MY SGW DOMINANCE! I'M GOING TO KILL CHRISTOPHER DANIELS ON STROKE THIS WEEK LIKE I KILLED CAPTAIN CHARISMA! Stacy Keibler: What are we going to do about a car to get to the airport? [[ Edge shrugs. ]] Edge: Not a big deal when you have Christian's personal limousine coming to pick you up. You see Stace, I wasn't joking. Christian is DEAD to me! What Trish and Tomko tried doing after Stroke last night, was their last attempt at a hoorah! I'm always going to be the better wrestler, the smarter man, and the more dominant member of the FORMER SGW Tag Team Champions. Christian needs to remember while bragging about those achievements and records..HE WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT ME! I MADE CHRISTIAN! ME! [[ You can feel Edge's bitterness. ]] Edge: And now I'm on my own, something I was wanting to do four years ago in SGW, but told not to, told we would make more money..It's all about me and my dreams to become SGW World Heavyweight Champion. I'm the one that's been doing the beating and the winning as of late..And Christopher Daniels won't be a Fallen Angel after Stroke...He'll be a DEAD ONE! [[ The scene fades. ]] [[ Cue up Edge looking right into the camera. He's wearing a black knitted hat and sunglasses. All we see is his face and it's full of intensity. ]] Edge: Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, look at me right now..You will have NO IDEA what you're getting yourself into on Stroke this week. This is my week of independence..Saturday, June 3, was my day of Independence for being held back, from playing second-fiddle to people I know I'm better than...I'm a new man, a more dangerous monster now that I have no one holding me back, trying to overshadow my abilities! [[ Edge gives a crazy stare, staying close to the camera, not showing us any more than the crazed look in his eyes. ]] Edge: I will be a
new monster that nobody thought they ever would see from
me on Saturday night, Daniels. I will do things to you
that you thought you'd ever have done. [[ Edge licks his teeth, letting out a small chuckle. ]] Edge: What happened last week, me doing what I did to my own brother, my tag partner ever since we were kids..Will fail in comparison to what I do you Daniels. I'm a motivated man now. I'm off to a fresh start in Solid Gold. Christian's spent the past four years bragging about everything he's accomplished, being in all these Halls of Fame, winning these titles..When it seems that now, people's forgotten, I'M IN ALL THOSE HALLS OF FAME TOO, DAMMIT! I'VE WON TITLES! I'VE BEATEN LEGENDS! I'M AS GOOD OF A DAMN WRESTLER AS CHRISTIAN, IF NOT BETTER! CHRISTOPHER DANIELS WILL BE THE FIRST VICTIM OF THE NEW EDGE! THE NEW RATED R SUPERSTAR! THE NEXT SOLID GOLD WRESTLING WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! AND DAMMIT, THERE'S NOTHING NOBODY CAN DO ABOUT IT! NOTHING! [[ Edge pauses for a few seconds, his last comments still echoing in our ears. ]] Edge: I will not stop until I am recognized as the true dominant SGW superstar that I truly am. I will run through everyone who gets in my way, just like I did while carrying Christian on my shoulders. On Stroke this week, the people won't know who that man in the ring is, kicking the Fallen Angel's ass. I'm going to make an example of Daniels and let Christian know that this whole ordeal isn't over by a long shot! One attack isn't going to end the war in my eyes. I have four years of frustration, four years of being held back, four years of being cast to the side, being told to "have my back, Edge!" Well, NO MORE! I'M ONLY WATCHING MY BACK NOW! [[ Edge pauses and stares into the camera. You feel like he's calling you out personally. ]] Edge: Christopher Daniels, you are entering a world of pain on Stroke at the hands of the Rated R Superstar. I will take no prisoners and show no mercy. I'm here to open the eyes of each and every SGW superstar..I'm going to let them know that I am a threat to their careers...Let them know that the Rated R Superstar is more than just a damn lackey to Christian! I'm more than just "the other half of the Tag champs.." I am the best damn superstar in Solid Gold Wrestling. I am the best thing to ever happen to this company..And on Stroke Saturday night, Christopher Daniels will have his world destroyed like he's never had it destroyed before! [[ Edge removes his sunglasses, staring deep into the camera. ]] Edge: When I get done with Christopher Daniels, he'll be able to tell everyone that I am for real. And after Daniels is out of the way, cast to the side in a bloody pulp like I left Christian last week..It'll be back to my quest for greatness in Solid Gold. I will not be denied what I have EARNED! When Stroke is all said and done this week, Solid Gold Wrestling will recognize me as the true most dominant superstar...As the man who will eliminate ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY! [[ Pause. ]] Edge: Courtesy of the new and improved.. [[ Edge licks his teeth and smirks devilishly as the scene fades. ]] [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade out. ]]
Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx |