Roleplay Information:
Record: 017 / 000 / 000
SGW Accmplishments:
SGW World Heavyweight Champion; SGW World Tag Champion(6-Current); SGW Gimmick Champion (3); SGW Hall of Fame; SGW Top Matches(5); SGW GOTW(9); 2001 and 2002 PYTS Tournament Winner; One of five people to win seven titles as one wrestler; Longest Tag title reign(67 days); Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4); Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days); Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes); Thirty-three match win streak; Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes); Perfect 10 Roleplay Club Member; Double Champion(2); Retired Chavo Guerrero; Official E-Fed Hall of Famer(2002 Class-Top Vote Getter)

Event: Body Count
Date: 05 / 21 / 06
Match: vs. Randy Orton
Title: None
Stipulation: Street Fight

Welcomed to Main Event:

- Triple H
- Stevie Richards
- Blue Meanie
- Vampiro
- Val Venis(2)
- Amy Love
- Rob Van Dam
- Chris Benoit(2)
- Dean Malenko
- Kevin Nash(2)
- Steve Austin
- Shawn Michaels(2)
- Ken Kennedy/ Big Show
- Chavo Guerrero Jr
- Maria
- The Undertaker
- Spirit Squad
- Senshi
- Randy Orton

' Revenge Starts Now '

[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]]

[[ The scene opens up inside of the hospital that we've come to get to know so well over the past few weeks. We're inside of a room, Christian's to be exact. Christian is laying in his hospital bed, looking more functional and well than he's been known to look like in the previous weeks thanks to attacks. Around his bed surrounding him is Edge, Stacy, Trish, Tomko, and Cornette. ]]


[[ Christian looks less than thrilled to see and hear Cornette coming in. ]]

Christian: And just when I thought I was getting silence.

James E. Cornette: Look at who's lookin' all nice and pretty nowdays!

[[ Stacy smiles and looks herself over. ]]

Stacy Keibler: Well thanks, Jim.

[[ Edge puts a finger to her lips shaking his head, and as always in this situation, he says.. ]]

Edge: No more.

Christian: So Jim, that sling and those bruises from your match with Senshi?

[[ Cornette rubs his right arm in a sling. ]]

James E. Cornette: Hell yeah. That little shit kicked and kicked and kicked. This is wrestlin', not kickboxin'! But I finally got tired of it and just decided to fight back.

Christian: Oh yeah?

James E. Cornette: Yeah. I started Cornette'in' up, like Hulkin' up ya' know..I kicked that shit in the balls and gave him the Cornette Bottom...Like the Rock Bottom, but better.

[[ Christian doesn't believe a bit of this bullshit. ]]

Christian: Really, I must have missed it.

James E. Cornette: That's a shame...A shame.

Christian: Because I watched the entire show and the only thing I saw was you get kicked and Edge hit the spear for you to win.

[[ And for the first time, Jim Cornette in speechless. ]]

James E. Cornette: Dammit...GOD DAMMIT!

[[ Cornette grunts in anger, he looks to Christian. ]]

James E. Cornette: Well..It was worth a shot ya' know?

Christian: I know. I wish you'd Cornette Bottomed Senshi, but you were too busy getting kicked.

James E. Cornette: I know..I know.

[[ Embarrassed, Cornette steps back and lets Trish talk. ]]

Trish Stratus: You been missing us?

Christian: I've missed faking being passed out so I can get away with laying on your boobs.

Trish Stratus: ...

[[ Christian smiles and shrugs. ]]

Christian: Hey, I'm on medication, don't hate me.

Trish Stratus: It's good seeing you got your humor and your truth back.

[[ Tomko walks up to the bed of Christian's and they shake. ]]

Christian: Tomko...

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

Christian: I've missed you, man.

[[ Tomko stays strong. ]]

Christian: The goatee is looking good.

Tyson Tomko: ...New razor.

Christian: I can tell, looks great.

[[ Tomko nods and strokes his goatee twice. ]]

Stacy Keibler: Edge and I haven't had sex since your critical injury.

[[ For a lack of better response. ]]

Christian: Cool.

Stacy Keibler: Crazy huh?

[[ Christian just wants this conversation to be over. ]]

Christian: Very..

[[ Edge shakes it off and changes the subject. ]]

Edge: But anyway, APW's dead.

[[ Christian's shocked. ]]

Christian: Really now?

[[ Edge, with a smile, nods his head. ]]

Edge: Yeah, half the roster got fired.

Christian: Why, because APW managment woke up one day and realized, "holy crap, they ARE dead?"

Edge: Most likely.

Trish Stratus: Bound to happen sometime. They got to start smelling after a while.

James E. Cornette: Definitely.

Christian: Dead people can't wrestle..We've been preaching it for ages.

James E. Cornette: Damn right they can't.

[[ Christian does an old school tempter tantrum in the bed looking pissed. ]]

Christian: Dammit, this really ruins our promos now. Val's dead, he's out..Now APW and the dead wrestlers are gone..What do we have left?

[[ Silence until Tomko saves the day. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Celebrities.

[[ Christian looks reassured. ]]

Christian: Good..Anyone but Tom Cruise.

[[ Cornette shows a fist. ]]

James E. Cornette: Mother fuck that faggot Tom Cruise! If I ever saw him again, I'd punch him right in the god damn mouth!

[[ Christian sulks. ]]

Christian: ..Idiot.

[[ Edge has to change the subject before Christian breaks out into tears, he looks down at his brother. ]]

Edge: So, how are you feeling?

[[ Christian looks himself over and thinks for a second. ]]

Christian: Well, with that I've gone through, I can't complain much more than I already have.

[[ Trish brushes Christian's hair back and looks him over. ]]

Trish Stratus: You're looking better though.

Christian: Baby, you can't stop the Captain.

[[ Slaps chest. ]]

Trish Stratus: Of course not.

Christian: 'Cause that's how I roll...God I've not said that in a while.

James E. Cornette: And god dammit I've missed it!

[[ Cornette looks like he's going to break down. ]]

James E. Cornette: I'm a wreck without ya'.

[[ Edge grabs Cornette and escourts him away from the bed. Cornette, tears in his eyes, looks at Edge. ]]

James E. Cornette: I'm a wreck..A god damn wreck!

Edge: We know, Jim. We know full and well.

Christian: But yeah, I feel better, but what's going to make me feel even better than I do now, is watching Edge destroy what's left of Randy Orton at Body Count on Sunday. Getting that one bit of revenge on Orton, and working the way back up to getting it on every single person who's crossed our path..That's going to be great.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Nods all around. ]]

James E. Cornette: God damn right revenge is gonna' be sweet! This match is what we've been waitin' all month for! Edge finally gettin' his hands on that worthless, no-talent, snot nosed piece of garbage Randy Orton! Now..I ain't a man who likes to resort to violence..

Trish Stratus: Yeah right.

Tyson Tomko: ..Whatever.

[[ This comment draws stares, we all know Cornette's past. ]]

James E. Cornette: Just 'cause I've beaten a few students up before don't mean they didn't do somethin' to deserve it! You gotta' be afraid of the Boogeyman, dammit!

[[ Everyone rolls their eyes, Tomko speaks for everyone. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Yeah.

Trish Stratus: Of course.

[[ Cornette shakes it off. ]]

James E. Cornette: But anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted...I ain't a man who resorts to violence, but in this situation, Randy Orton's ass kickin', no matter the severity of it, is gonna' fail in comparison to what he and that entire Golden Rule stable, even if it's more dead than Taz..Deserves. Edge is gonna' replace you, Christian, with Orton's body come Sunday!

Christian: I can't wait.

[[ Edge quickly replies. ]]

Edge: No I won't..

Christian: What?

[[ Edge slowly shakes his head. ]]

Edge: I won't be putting Orton in the hospital.

Trish Stratus: This goes beyond a simple emergency room visit.

Edge: Because as I've been saying since DAY ONE...DAY DAMN ONE...I've told Jarrett and his crew straight up, looked them in the eyes and told them..You put one of ours in the hospital..

[[ Edge pauses, he's breathing heavily because he's so full of intensity. ]]

Edge: We'll put yours..

[[ Edge snarls sadistically. ]]


[[ Edge moves his index finger around pointing. ]]

Edge: Randy Orton will be on his knees, a bloody mess..Looking up at me..

[[ Edge sports an evil grin and he puts his hands together in a praying motion. ]]

Edge: Randy Orton will be BEGGING ME, to let him just escape with a trip to the hospital to get some stitches and an ice pack..But when I'm done with Orton..The "Legend Killer," at Body Count Sunday night...He'll fully pay for everything he's ever done to Christian..Trish..Us as a whole..

James E. Cornette: I had to fight that Senshi bastard!

[[ Edge slaps Cornette on the back. ]]

James E. Cornette: I got kicked.

Edge: And you too, Jim.

[[ Edge licks his teeth. ]]

Edge: Ol' Randy Orton will wish he and Taz had traded places that faithful night when he murdered Taz. He'll wish he was the one getting stuffed in the casket instead of Val Venis.

[[ Christian raises an eyebrow. ]]

Christian: Who?

Edge: Val Venis..

Trish Stratus: You know, Val. The God ender.

James E. Cornette: Worst World champion ever.

[[ Christian thinks it over. ]]

Christian: OH! The jobber.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Christian's concussion is seemingly better. ]]

Edge: Christian, you and I have been known for years as being men of our word. We always have backed up our claims..And I swear to God, come Body Count..RANDY ORTON WILL DIE IN MY HANDS!

[[ Edge is a crazed beast. ]]

Edge: And as I said before..Jarrett and crew have sent us to the hospital, each to our own injury..And on Sunday night in the fight, not the match, the fight with Randy Orton..I'LL SEND HIM TO THE MORGUE! RANDY ORTON WILL REGRET THE DAY HE EVER...EVER SOLD OUT TO JEFF JARRETT FOR AN EASY RIDE TO THE TOP!

[[ Edge points to he and Christian. ]]


James E. Cornette: I can't wait for Sunday!

[[ Cornette rubs his hands together. ]]

James E. Cornette: It's gonna' be GREAT!

Edge: We've overcame every obstacle that's been placed in our way. Cornette, you've won two matches, you and Trish defended our Tag titles. I've beaten people Jeff didn't want us to beat. And now it all comes down to Sunday night at Body Count..Edge versus Randy Orton, the man who helped cause all our problems.

[[ Edge slams his right hand into his fist. ]]

Edge: And now, Body Count..It's gonna' be R RATED!

Christian: I'll be at Body Count.

Tyson Tomko: ..Hmm?

[[ Everyone seems shocked. ]]

Trish Stratus: What? How?

Christian: For the past few weeks, you guys have been backing me up out there as I've been here...And now, it's time I returned the favor to you guys..When it means the most.

[[ Edge looks at his brother, shaking his hand. ]]

Christian: I may not be to much use just yet. I just want to be there first-hand.

Edge: Don't risk it little brother. I can handle Orton.

Christian: I know you can and I know you WILL handle Randy Orton in the street fight, Edge..Trust me, I'll be fine..I'll be at Body Count to watch it with my own eyes. I HAVE to be there.

[[ Edge is thinking it over. ]]

Edge: Well..Nothing's ever stopped you before, why should it now?

Christian: Exactly. I want to be there and watch Randy Orton DIE!

[[ Edge nods, knowing he has no other choice. ]]

Edge: Alright.

Christian: And then after that, we got some Tag titles, some more records, and some bones to break.

Trish Stratus: Yeah, me and Jim are tired of defending them for you two.

James E. Cornette: Goddamn right!

[[ Edge smiles. ]]

Christian: You're not getting rid of me that easily.

Edge: Good.

[[ They shake hands one more time. The scene fades. ]]

[[ Fade up with Edge pacing back and forth behind an awkward background setting. Standing with him is Tomko, Trish, Stacy, and Cornette. They stand on either side of him still as he does the pacing. Edge finally stops pacing and turns to the camera looking pissed off, which is nothing new. ]]

Edge: So this is where the battle lines are drawn..This is how the scene is going to be set, huh?

[[ Edge inhales and breathes out slowly. ]]

Edge: Works for me.

[[ Edge rubs his chin and goes back to laying the law down. ]]

Edge: Randy Orton, since day one in SGW, you've been the golden child of Jeff Jarrett's. You've had the easy road to the top of Solid Gold, only a couple of losses to your name. And just because you had a couple of Television titles handed to you, and you beat Val Venis for the World title..Now...Now you Randy Orton, you're a big deal huh?

[[ Edge nods like he's hearing Orton say it himself. ]]

Edge: That's fine and dandy Orton, but you see, what you've failed to realize on your road to the 'top,' is who was there to BEGIN with. Christian and Edge, the greatest team in not only SGW history, but professional wrestling history PERIOD. Solid Gold is our home, it made us into the people we are today. We hoisted that company onto our shoulders time and time and time again. We fought tooth and nail against Jarrett's political backstage power for years to finally EARN our spot at the top.

[[ Deep look into the camera. ]]

Edge: And now, as we get back to continuing our dominance, Jeff gets tired of us going and taking what's ours, and he gets all pissed that he got outsmarted by the students after all these years..And so, he decides to flex his muscle a little bit and try to make all our lives hell..He tries putting us in matches, in situations, doing things to each of us that he thinks we can't overcome...

[[ Edge pauses for a brief second. The others look sternly behind him. ]]

Edge: But the thing he's forgot..Is that Christian and I have made a career of PROVING PEOPLE WRONG TIME AND TIME AGAIN! AND AT BODY COUNT! AT BODY COUNT IT WILL BE NO DIFFERENT! NO DIFFERENT ORTON!

James E. Cornette: The time for playin' games is over, son! Playtime's over! It's gonna' be time to put up or shut up, and by God Orton, you're gonna' be shut the hell up!

Edge: Oh yeah, oh yeah you will Orton! You're a pawn in Jeff Jarrett's quest for dominance in SGW again. He's used you, and he's helped you commit career suicide! He's loaded that gun, he's removed the safety and cocked the hammer back...But Orton, he's not done the deed for you..

[[ Trish and Tomko shake their head in the background. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Nope.

Edge: You'll finish your suicide once and for all by stepping into that ring on Sunday night expecting to "kill" the legend of the Rated R Superstar. You think you're some big deal since you killed Taz, since you ended Val Venis' World title reign? THAT's your career highlights?

[[ He seems shocked. ]]

Trish Stratus: Orton babe, that ain't nothing we've not already done.

Edge: Orton, Christian and I made a career of ruining the life of Val Venis. I mean, hell, I started it off..I stole his girlfriend.

Stacy Keibler: Idiot.

[[ Edge brings Stacy close, they kiss passionately. ]]

Edge: I then kicked his ass the next week. You just opened the lid to the jar I loosened. And Taz? You think it's an achievement to kill a man who hadn't seen the main event spotlight since before the new MILLENIUM? Go right ahead Orton. Get the big head, talk that game you're not going to back up...We saw how you handled facing a former legend in Chavo Guerrero, who I kicked out of this damn company last month...

James E. Cornette: We ain't seen 'em since! 'Cause he's hidin' his head in SHAME!

Edge: But Randy Orton, it's obvious you crack under pressure. We saw you have an even worse title reign than Val Venis did. His reign was one we thought no one could top in terms of bad. You were the only man Chavo Guerrero beat in his storied "comeback." You HAVEN'T KILLED ANY REAL LEGENDS, ORTON! CHRISTIAN'S ALIVE! TRISH IS HERE! I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE, LOOKING YOU IN THE EYES ORTON! I'M READY AND WAITING TO RUIN...YOUR...LIFE!

[[ Edge has gone crazy, just crazy. ]]

Edge: Randy Orton, on Sunday night, you'll have your first REAL brush with greatness. I'm ready and waiting to see what you have to offer. You've not killed any legend, and if you want to go back in time in the SGW history books, you'll see that Edge and Christian were the original legend killers.

James E. Cornette: Shane Douglas, Stroke announcer, got his ass kicked! Bret Hart, first SGDubya champion, BEAT! Bill Goldberg, never lost the World title, RAN OUT OF SOLID GOLD FOR GOOD!

[[ The list continues. ]]

Trish Stratus: The Rock, the Outsiders..

Edge: Chris Kanyon, turned on him, beat him, and ran him out of Solid Gold. Val Venis, beat him more times than a twelve year old beats his meat! Chavo, gone. Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, name someone Orton and I'VE RAN RIGHT THROUGH THEM! I'm the original legend killer, and on Sunday night in that ring, the entire world will witness the DEATH OF THE 'LEGEND' OF THE FASTEST RISING SUPERSTAR IN SOLID GOLD WRESTLING HISTORY!

[[ The scene fades as Edge's face turns a dark red color. ]]

[[ Fade back up at the hospital room right where we last left off. Edge and Christian release their hand shake. ]]

Christian: Hey Edge..Thanks again for having my back.

Edge: No prob. It'll be worth it in the long run.

[[ Trish walks up and kisses Christian on the forehead. ]]

Trish Stratus: Bye babe. I'll see ya' again in a few days.

Christian: Bye Trish.

[[ She walks out as Cornette and Tomko walk up. Cornette slaps Christian on the shoulder. ]]

James E. Cornette: Stay strong, champ. Stay strong.

Christian: Don't worry about me.

[[ Cornette grabs Christian by the shoulders. ]]

James E. Cornette: I miss your scent, dammit.

[[ Confused. ]]

Christian: ...Ok?

James E. Cornette: Dammit, fuck Randy Orton! Fuck Jarrett! Why did this have to happen?!

Edge: That's why I'm making up for it Sunday night.

[[ The group grabs Cornette and drags him away. ]]

Christian: Thanks, Cornette.

[[ He finally leaves. ]]

Christian: ..I think.

[[ With a little bit of emotion. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ...Goodbye.

[[ Christian smiles at his problem solver, what a touching moment. ]]

Christian: Adios T-Square. Hold down the fort for me, alright?

[[ Tomko nods. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ...Yeah.

Christian: You're the man, Tomko.

Tyson Tomko: ..No.

[[ Pause. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..You.

[[ How sweet. ]]

[[ Cornette and Tomko walk out of the room. Tomko stops at the door and turns back for one last glimpse at his sidekick Christian. Edge approaches Christian being the last one left in the room. ]]

Christian: Body Count's going to be awesome. I can't wait to finally get out of here and get back into the swing of things. Randy Orton's going to pay.

Edge: Yeah, Body Count's going to be something we'll both never forget.

Christian: You're just the beginning for Orton. What's left belongs to me.

Edge: There's not going to be any need for an Orton versus Christian. I'm going to see to that.

[[ Edge shakes Christian's hand again and walks out of the room, but before he's gone, Christian yells for him to come back. ]]

Christian: Hey Edge...

Edge: Yeah?

Christian: Get 'er done.

[[ Edge rolls his eyes. ]]

Edge: You know how much I hate Larry the Cable Guy.

Christian: I've not told a joke in weeks.

Edge: I can tell.

[[ Edge walks out of the room leaving us to wonder why that was even thrown in there. The scene fades. ]]

[[ The scene now opens inside of a car a little bit after the crew left Christian's hospital room. Tomko is driving, Trish in the front with him. Cornette and Edge vacate the door seats, and Stacy rides in the middle cuddled up with Edge under his left arm. The mood feel awkward, silence overtakes the vehicle. ]]

Stacy Keibler: Well, Christian's in good spirits.

[[ Stacy breaks the silence, cuts right through it like a knife. ]]

Trish Stratus: For what he's gone through, he's looking like he's on the road to recovery.

James E. Cornette: Christian watchin' Edge kill Orton in person's gonna' be great! This is our pay-per-view! This is gonna' be the night we turn the tables and take Solid Gold Wrestlin' back over for good!

[[ Edge looks out the window, remaining silent. ]]

James E. Cornette: Orton may have been the man behind killin' Taz, he may have beaten Orton...Who cares? I know I don't give a shit! He ain't gonna' win a damn thing, but a first-class ticket to the morgue! Edge is gonna' rip him apart!

[[ Cornette looks back at Edge. ]]

James E. Cornette: Right Edge?

[[ No response. ]]

James E. Cornette: ...Edge?

[[ No reply again. Stacy finally nudges Edge and gets his attention. ]]

Stacy Keibler: Edge, babe..

Edge: What?

Stacy Keibler: Jim was talking to you.

[[ Edge rubs his right hand down his face from his eyebrows to his chin. ]]

Edge: My bad Corny, I was kinda' out of it.

James E. Cornette: Good, good. Thinkin' about the beatin' Orton's gonna' get!

[[ Edge smirks. ]]

Edge: Yeah, that was it. I was in my own little world.

James E. Cornette: Goddamn it sucks to be Randy Orton. He's always been a man of destiny..But I bet he sure as hell didn't think it was gonna' be his damn destiny to get his career ended by Edge!

[[ Reluctantly Edge responds. ]]

Edge: I'm sure he didn't.

Trish Stratus: For the past few months, Edge has been put on the backburner here in SGW, and by beating ANOTHER former SGW World Champion, this has to open the eyes of the roster..Let them know Edge is still the man here in Solid Gold.

Edge: Yeah..But this week Trish, it's not about World titles. It's not about past or present achievements. Who I've beaten, the wars I've been in, the wars Orton's been in..None of that means a damn thing to anyone.

[[ Cornette and Stacy shake their heads no. ]]

Edge: The only thing that matters this week...Is Randy Orton, the "legend" killer getting what he deserves.

[[ A cocky smirk. ]]

Edge: My fist shoved down his stinkin' THROAT! Watching his teeth fall to the floor like chicklets! Him bleeding POOLS OF BLOOD! REGRETTING THE DAY HE THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA' BE A GOOD IDEA TO MESS WITH EDGE AND THE CHRISTIAN COALITION!

[[ Edge grips his fists tightly. ]]

James E. Cornette: I've seen a lot of ass-kickin's in my day, but this one is one I can't wait for!

Trish Stratus: Me either.

Edge: Trust me, it'll be a night that SGW NEVER forgets...And neither will our buddy Randy Orton.

[[ Cornette chuckles. ]]

James E. Cornette: Orton, what a stupid asshole.

Tyson Tomko: ..Yep.

[[ Tomko puts the vehicle in reverse and pulls out of the parking spot. The scene fades. ]]

[[ Cue up back to Edge and the group behind the weird background. Edge starts off where we last left off. ]]

Edge: You think you know what's coming your way on Sunday night, but honestly Orton..You have no idea.

[[ Tomko, arms crossed, shakes his head. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Nope.

Edge: For the past weeks, you've been trying to get yourself to the next level. Trying to get yourself up at the top of the moutain where I've been sitting for years. And well, I give you credit, going after Christian and I was the way to go..But then again, you got to step back and think about all the other greats in this business who thought they too had what it took to surpass us. But you know what, Orton?

[[ Edge flashes a confident smirk. ]]

Edge: They didn't get the job done. The same goes for you. You can try and try again, like the little engine that could..But when it's all said and done on Sunday, you'll be like the Goldbergs, the Rocks, and the Val Venis' of the wrestling world..Like your buddy Taz said, Orton, you're gonna' end up being just another victim of the Rated R Superstar!

James E. Cornette: Son, you can run your god damn mouth all you want. That's good exercise, 'cause all you're doin' is runnin' your trap, 'cause you sure as hell ain't convincin' nobody that you got a snowball's chance in hell of beatin' Edge at Body Count! There's some givens in life..

[[ Cornette starts counting on his fingers. ]]

James E. Cornette: The sky's blue, the grass is green..I ain't never gonna' get laid without payin', Tomko ain't never gonna' speak more than two damn words at a time..APDubya ain't never gonna' realize Curt Hennig's fuckin' dead..And RANDY ORTON AIN'T EVER BEATIN' EDGE...SO STOP THINKIN' YOU'RE GOING TO!

[[ Cornette adds the cherry on top. ]]


Tyson Tomko: ..Game over.

James E. Cornette: So go ahead big boy, talk that game of yours. But you gotta remember somethin', Edge is the original. Edge has been here since day one. He ain't lost a match in almost FIVE YEARS, son! He knows what it takes to go to the top and STAY THERE, and if you think for one damn second Orton, that Edge's mind is gonna' be somewhere else come Body Count, you're a god damn IDIOT!

Edge: It's all about revenge. Usually the role is reserved for me. Usually it's my opponent looking for the revenge against me for something I did. And now, now it's my turn to chase after that revenge, to right a wrong. Orton, I've got a whole hell of a lot of wrongs to make right come Sunday night, and trust me..IT WILL HAPPEN..And there's just two things you can do about it.

[[ Edge pauses and licks his teeth, he knows he's got Orton in the palm of his hands. ]]


[[ Edge looks like a rabid animal, ready to tear into something. He's so serious and confident. ]]

Edge: And as cheesy as it sounds, Randy Orton, you will be pushed OVER THE EDGE!

Trish Stratus: We would so not want to be you, Randy.

Edge: Just a few more days left, Randy. Just a few more days until you reach your end. That rope, we gave you just enough because we knew with just enough rope, you'd hang your ownself..And that's just what you've done. At Body Count, it's not going to be a technically sound wrestling match...It's a street fight for a reason. It's going to be a DAMN MASSACRE!

James E. Cornette: And that's no good.

Edge: Randy Orton, you've modeled your career after me. You've wanted to be the type of superstar I am, but what you're going to find out pretty fast on Sunday...Is that there's only ONE RATED R SUPERSTAR! And this Rated R Superstar will RUIN YOUR LIFE ON SUNDAY NIGHT!

[[ He breaths heavily. ]]

Edge: And that Orton...That's something you can realize and you can just...BANK ON IT..That's a guarantee straight from the..

[[ Edge's face becomes that of stone. He finishes everything off with one simple word. ]]

Edge: ..Bitch.

James E. Cornette: Randy Orton, son, you've done gone and messed up, boy! This is a mess your daddy ain't gonna' be able to get ya' out of now!

[[ Edge stares sternly right into the camera, he's breathing heavily..You are too after that emotionally charged interview. You do not want to be in Randy Orton's shoes right now. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Boom.

[[ The scene slowly fades to black as we see nothing but Edge's face in the camera snarling at us, ready to attack at any second. ]]

[[ The scene fades to black. ]]

[[ Static. ]]

[[ Fade out. ]]

Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx