Roleplay Information: Roleplay: Thirty-Six Record: 019 / 000 / 000 SGW Accmplishments: SGW World Heavyweight Champion; SGW World Tag Champion(6-Current); SGW Gimmick Champion (3); SGW Hall of Fame; SGW Top Matches(5); SGW Gold of the Week(9); 2001 and 2002 Pick Your Title Shot Tournament Winner; One of five people to win seven titles as one wrestler; Longest Tag title reign(Current); Second longest Tag title reign(67 days);Most Tag title reigns as one tag team(4); Longest Gimmick title reign(76 days); Shortest Tag title reign(10 minutes); Shortest Gimmick title reign(10 minutes); Perfect 10 Roleplay Club Member(2); Double Champion(2); Retired Chavo Guerrero; 39 Match Winning Streak; Official E-Fed Hall of Famer(2002 Class-Top Vote Getter) Event: Saturday Stroke Date: 06 / 10 / 06 Match: vs. Chris Daniels Title: None Stipulation: None Welcomed to
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' Message Delivered ' [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade up the SGW logo. ]] [[ The scene opens up inside of a random arena on a Thursday night. SGW is running a house show in this arena, and it's about three-fourths of the way full. The fans inside are pumped up to witness SGW action live and in person. Gary Michael Cappetta is in the ring, getting ready to announce the next match. ]] Gary Michael Cappetta: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall! [[ Crowd pop. ]] Gary Michael Cappetta: And it is a non-title bout..Introducing first.. " YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME?! " [[ "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hits and the fans get on their feet and immediately start booing as Edge makes his way from the curtains, Stacy by his side. He's wearing a leather jacker and a black "Rated R Superstar" t-shirt, his SGW Tag Team title on his shoulder, for some reason he's still carrying it. Stacy is wearing a cut off Rated R t-shirt and a short, black skirt and long black boots. The heat from the fans hits Edge the second he's seen. He makes his way down to the ring to a thunderous amount of boos and chants. He doesn't look prepared to wrestle, but he and Stacy enter the ring and he takes the mic from Cappetta. ]] Edge: I hate to be the bearer of bad news..But no, I will not be wrestling for you fans tonight. [[ The fans boo loudly. "EDGE SUCKS!" is heard chanted in the arena. ]] Edge: Because it's like this..You guys are resorted to seeing the midcard guys, the guys with no futures in this business bust their ass in the ring night in night out for a payday, while people like me..Decorated champions...Hall of Fame members..While we sit back and enjoy the life. Enjoy the perks of this business. Enjoy knowing that we are the best this company has to offer. [[ Edge paces around the ring in a small circle as the fans give him up the road. ]] Edge: So, I think
you people need to be honored that the Rated R Superstar
is saving you from having to watch a match consisting of
Rob Conway taking on someone like Colt Cabana..And I'm
replacing it with a little bit of mic time. So yes, from
the bottom of my heart..You SGW fans are welcome. [[ They aren't thankful for Edge's gift. He looks around, nodding his head. He understands this is going to be the fans' reaction to him from now on. ]] Edge: Like me or not, I don't give a damn! You people are pissed off at me for what I did to Christian last week on Stroke, and that's fine. Because you people are just fans..You're just the people who pay your money to watch me do whatever I please! So in all reality, your booing me, it doesn't effect me. I only care for you fans, because your ticket and merchandising money pays my DAMN PAYCHECK! SO GO AHEAD! BOO ME! BOO ME RIGHT NOW! I DON'T CARE! I'LL SPEAR CHRISTIAN AGAIN! BOO ME, DAMMIT! [[ A huge "ASS..HOLE! ASS..HOLE!" chant starts up. Edge extends his arms out and soaks them up. He's loving every bit of the fans' hatred for him. ]] Edge: The main question you all are wondering..Do I regret doing what I did to my brother, my tag team partner, my best friend? Do I? No. I did what I had to do. I had to stop thinking about the fans...I had to stop thinking about my friends...I had to stop thinking about my own brother..I finally stopped, woke up and I realized...I realized I HAD TO LOOK OUT FOR NUMBER ONE! And from this day onward in Solid Gold..It's gonna' be all about the Rated R Superstar! [[ Edge looks around proudly. He looks angry and intense as he continues. ]] Edge: Another thing I got to touch on..Why am I still holding his SGW Tag Team title belt? Because you see, it's like this. Even though the five years that was the Edge and Christian Dynasty has come to a bloody end..If you check the SGW record books, I am still a holder of the Tag Team title. Last week, the mark was hit to where my fifth title reign has lasted longer than the SGW record of sixty-seven days...Which just happened to be held my ME! So right now, I'm only doing the right thing for me. I'm holding onto this title, extending the length of this reign as long as possible so that it'll never be touched again..So when SGW's dead and gone for good like APW, like PWO, like CWO, like all those companies that SGW's closed in the past...The Rated R Superstar will go down in its history books as the SINGLE MOST GREATEST SUPERSTAR IN ITS HISTORY! I DON'T NEED CHRISTIAN TO MAKE MY IMPACT ON THIS BUSINESS! I DON'T NEED TRISH STRATUS! JIM CORNETTE! TYSON TOMKO! I JUST NEED ME! [[ Stacy looks surprised and looks at Edge. ]] Edge: Stace, you know as well as the rest of these people know..You can be replaced any time I want you to be! You're lucky to be lasting this long. I only used you to go through with my plan of ruining Val Venis' career...So babe, do not make me drop you to the curb like last week's garbage. [[ Stacy looks sad and Edge grabs her by the chin. ]] Edge: The truth hurts, don't it? IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! [[ Edge points to himself with both hands while still holding onto the mic. He snarls and speaks. ]] Edge: Right now..Before I go any farther, before I touch Christopher Daniels and his death on Stroke Saturday night..It's come to my attention that I've been called out by someone..Someone named JBL. [[ Boos for the mention of JBL. ]] Edge: JBL..Mr. Ship Jumper from APW, wants to walk into my house..My damn company..And shoot on me and the way I conduct my promos? Is that right? Well, what JBL needs to realize is this. This is Solid Gold Wrestling. This is the home of the best wrestlers in this business today. This isn't a second-rate company like APW..Dorothy, YOU AREN'T IN KANSAS ANYMORE! You want to come in, win one damn match and try to bash the way I conduct my business? Well JBL, all I have to say..Opening match jobber, which is you..Doesn't compare to a HALL OF FAMER...Which is me. [[ Edge holds up a finger, shaking it side to side, shaking his head. ]] Edge: So Cowboy, until you've won thirty-nine straight matches..Beaten ALL the damn legends in this business..Overcame all the odss...And gotten your ass out of curtain jerking, then you can come and talk trash about me! About the rest of SGW! Because as of right now...Your future in SGW is as bright as Christopher Daniels'! You're garbage, JBL! You are a disgrace to this business!..You want to run your mouth, try to boost your self-esteem by dragging my name through the mud? Hey asshole..I'm the one who's actually WON SOMETHING IN THIS COMPANY! I'M THE ONE WHO'S BEEN HERE SINCE DAY ONE! I'M NOT SOME APW SHIP JUMPER! I'M HERE BECAUSE I WANT TO BE! NOT BECAUSE I...HAVE..TO BE! [[ This draws a large "FUCK APW! FUCK APW!" chant. ]] Edge: You're one to be criticizing the way I do promos..At least in mine, they're entertaining..In mine, I deliver a Rated R performance like no other man can! In yours..Once we figure out what language you're trying to speak...Once we overlook the spelling and grammatical errors you have in yours..WE TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! ARE YOU RETARDED, JBL?! YOU HAVE THE GRAMMAR OF A DAMN SECOND GRADER, YOU ASSHOLE! DON'T YOU TELL ME HOW TO DO MY PROMOS UNTIL YOU TALK LIKE AN INTELLIGENT MAN! DON'T TALK ABOUT HOW I DO BUSINESS UNTIL YOU'VE REACHED MY LEVEL, YOU...YOU...JOBBER! YOU STUPID JOBBER! [[ Edge just owned JBL with no effort. Edge walks around the ring, collecting his thoughts, trying to calm down. He adjusts his Tag title and continues. ]] Edge: Christian and his little group of idiots are getting their just desserts this week on Stroke..Along with Christopher Daniels. Mr. Unstoppable. Mr. Unbeatable. On Stroke this Saturday, a new Edge...A new Rated R Superstar will debut. One who wrestles with wreckless intent. One who has only one vision in his sight...The SGW World Heavyweight title. Christopher Daniels is going to be the first unlucky victim of the new and improved Edge..He will be made an example of what I can truly do when I'm not having the shadow of someone else's legacy held over my damn head. Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, I feel sorry for him. The Fallen Angel will be a DEAD ANGEL WHEN I GET DONE WITH HIM! I WILL KICK HIS HEAD OFF HIS SHOULDERS! [[ Edge yields a sadistic
look on his face. His face is turning red with anger. ]] Edge: And there's nothing anyone in Solid Gold can do about it to stop me. I am the man that killed Randy Orton in cold blood. I am the man who ruined Val Venis' career once and for all. I am the most decorated SGW Tag Team Champion of all time. I'm more than just a lackey..More than a manager...That I truly am a legitimate main eventer..And I will prove that starting this week against Christopher Daniels. Trying to stop me from getting what I want isn't a wise thing...And it isn't a safe thing to do. Anyone who steps in my way, will be REMOVED out of my way! ASK CHRISTIAN! I'LL DESTROY MY OWN FRIEND'S CAREER TO REACH MY DESTINY! CHRISTOPHER DANIELS WILL BEG FOR MERCY ON HIS KNEES ON STROKE! [[ The fans boo, but Edge brushes it off. They're wanting to see action, not the man they hate rant and rave about how good he is. Stacy reluctantly applauds Edge's comments, showing support for her man. ]] Edge: People are trying to tell me what I can and what I cannot do in SGW..THIS IS MY HOUSE! THIS IS MY DAMN COMPANY! I HAVE CARRIED IT ON MY SHOULDERS FOR YEARS! So right now, I'm going to let everybody know..The Rated R Superstar, he does WHAT HE WANTS...WHEN HE WANTS! And if you think you got what it takes to slow me down, then go ahead and test your luck against me!...But I have to warn you, it's not going to end up as the best idea you've ever had..After Stroke, you can ASK WHAT'S LEFT OF THE FALLEN ANGEL WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH ME! [[ "BORING! BORING!" chant. ]] Edge: THIS ISN'T BORING! THIS IS ME SPEAKING THE DAMN TRUTH! THE TRUTH! I'M SENDING A WARNING OUT TO SOLID GOLD WRESTLING! A WARNING THAT NEEDS TO BE HEARD AND TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF! YOU MESS WITH ME, YOU PAY THE DAMN PRICE! I'M ON MY WAY TO THE TOP OF SGW! NOBODY'S STOPPIN' ME! IT'S GONNA' START WITH CHRISTOPHER DANIELS IN THE RING ON STROKE! I'M GOING TO MAKE HIM BLEED LIKE I MADE CAPTAIN CHARISMA BLEED! [[ Edge is just going crazy. ]] Edge: When the smoke clears and the dust settles...Everyone fill fall to the feet of Edge, five-time SGW Tag Team champion..And the one and only.. [[ Edge drops the mic on the mat and raises his Tag title high in the air to a chorus of boos. Edge soaks them all in and he brings Stacy close to his side. "Metalingus" hits and Edge smiles sadistically, knowing he's sent a strong message to the rest of SGW. The scene fades as we catch one last glimpse of Edge holding his title high. ]] [[ Static. ]] [[ Fade out. ]] Scott Smith || xxscottxsmithxx |