Access granted.
User identified: Leroy Bruce Stone.
Security level 10 granted.
Access to all files granted.
Opening folder: Security Level 10.
Opening program: Prototype international security database.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Current program status: Incomplete.
Opening file: SG:85125HC:RC:110308
File information:
File also found under FX:38139CC:LF:110308.
Two complementary files found.
Open file SG:85125HC:BI at end of original file? Yes.
File opened.
Open file FX:38139CC:BI at end of original file? No.
File not opened.
File SG85125HC:RC:110308/FX:38139CC:LF:110308.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Dated: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Quite literally, it rules our lives. Every thing we do is controlled by what some jackass in a suit decides, as he or she sits in a little office, completely segregated from the very same people who those decisions affect. Either that, or some old twat made up a rule or law hundreds of years ago, and while their bodies get devoured by decomposing bacteria in the ground, their rules still constrict our actions as if nothing has changed since the time of their death. It’s like a fucking Darth Vader chokehold. The more we struggle, the worse it gets.
Don’t get me wrong here, I understand fully just why it is that some sense of authority is needed in life. If there was nobody that we had to answer to, then everything would be anarchy. I could walk up the little path into whatever rundown, piece of shit shack that you call ‘home’, throw you on the ground, sodomise you until you bleed, chop off every single one of your fingers, every one of your toes, shoot you in the back of the head, rip your heart out of your chest and eat it, and then I could turn and walk away without ever having to answer for my crimes. Fucked up, I know, but there are people out there who would do exactly that, and as long as those people exist then we need some sort of order. If you can get rid of those people, then maybe I could try to put together a sound case in regards to the destruction of all authority positions. Funnily enough, the same very laws that would be destroyed are the ones that prevent us from lynch mobbing the sickos and sending them to the aforementioned decomposing bacteria.
Coincidence? I think not.
Every system of authority has one thing engrained into it from the get-go. Without this one thing, the system would never take off. Every single civilization, or hierarchal structure, will first and foremost, try to preserve itself. The rich want to stay rich, the powerful want to stay powerful, and the poor or the weak, they get no say.
Democracy? I think not.
Am I any different though? While my name can be considered that of a Titan, I am but a mere mortal. I am human. Thus I share the same biological desire as the rest of my race to be at the top of the pecking order; the king of the mountain; I wish to be the authority who all others listen to. It is in my nature, just as it is in the nature of every human on the planet, even in the nature of whatever person is permitted to read through these documents in the event that something – unfortunate – happens to me. At the time of writing this transcript, I know for certain Randall Webber will lay eyes on this piece. If they so chose to, I would permit my brother Stanley, my brother in arms Christian, and my mother Cherie to also view the documents. It would comfort me to know that they are finally let into the entirety of my world.
Given my understanding of the way the human mind works, is it any surprise that I feel the need to reject the opportunity to become the authority figure in anybody’s life? The role of a leader is not for me I’m afraid. I like to think of myself more as an accommodator. I have no wish to tell people what they can and cannot do, as I feel that no matter the situation, doing so will impede on the individual’s freedom which is established as one of, if not the most important of a human’s rights. I would not wish that upon myself, and therefore will not bestow it upon others. But I cannot stand idly by as others do what I believe to be wrong. In these situations, I am placed in quite a conundrum for there is only one thing that I believe in more than fairness and equality: myself. So I must reach a compromise. I must place one in a position where the only choice he or she can make is the right one. It is always hard to find that middle point where everything balances out, after all, each case where the philosophy is applied is entirely different, but I’d like to think that I’ve developed quite a talent for it. I have to. It’s my job.
Unfortunately for today’s XWF, the middle point of compromise is found at an extreme that the roster will be none to comfortable about. I cannot rightfully attempt a hostile takeover as so many people have tried to do before me. I will not control them. So in order to grant them their freedom, I must destroy them. I, along with Christian Connolly, must scorch the very ring they stand in, and all it’s foundations. Those who survive will be ignited in passion and fury, those who do not – eliminated. The choice is not ours to make, for we, The Vigilantes, will continue with our operation no matter the outcome. The choice for freedom comes from each individual’s own actions, rise up, or stay down.
We are not saviours. Save yourself.
We are not martyrs. Sacrifice yourself.
We are not authority. Do what you want.
We are… here.
However, as the busy man that I am, I also find myself at another extreme. When confronted with so-called ‘authority figures’ who wish to tell me what to do, I cannot help but to respond with what they can do. Usually my answer involves them performing some act of sexual deviance towards an odd animal, for example:
“Go suck off an ostrich!” I yell into my cell phone, much to the chagrin of the hospital staff. They don’t even want me to have this thing on.
“Excuse me?” comes the flabbergasted response over the phone. “You don’t speak to me like that.”
“And just why not?” I bark back. “You seem to take great pride in talking down to me, and so fair is fair Mrs. Clark.”
“I’m your Prime Minister!” she warns me sternly. Who would have thought that when my mum moved me and my brother away from the city where our dad abandoned us when I was just two-years-old, that twenty-eight years later I’d be on the phone abusing Helen Clark, the Prime freaking Minister of New Zealand.
“My Prime Minister?” I scoff. “I haven’t voted for the Labour Party over the past decade, I’m afraid. Plus I spend enough time outside of the country that I might as well call George W. Bush my President, but I sure as fuck didn’t vote for him – I can’t after all, seeing as how it’s impossible to have dual citizenship in both New Zealand and the United States. But here’s the deal, you can boom your distinctly masculine sounding voice at me all you like, while you sit in your luxury penthouse or wherever the fuck you live, looking at the one skirt that you actually own, and thinking that strangely enough it’d look a lot better on your husband, but none of that is going to help me get this shit completed. Your people aren’t giving my people any help, so I’ve been forced to put this little program into action, when it’s not in the slightest bit completed. I’m just trying to make this thing work. You should be doing the same fucking thing so that we can get this ball rolling, and you can get all cozy with George W. Bush, Gordon Brown, Kevin Rudd or whichever one of those strapping old men you want to beat your meat. I’m helping this country become an integral part of the running of the entire fucking world and you’re trying to tell me what to do? Newsflash bitch, it’s election year! How would it look for you if I happened to publicly support the National party? I try to stay out of all this crap, but you know damn well that I’d sway votes. And regardless of whether or not you stay in control, I’m going to be in the same exact position that I’m in now, so I’m going to go ahead and think that maybe you need to watch your mouth when you talk to me.”
“I want this thing completed!” she demands still, seemingly ignoring everything I just said.
“Then give me access to your resources,” I say, much more calmly than my recent outburst. “Fair is fair, after all, we’ve already been over that. You give me what I want, and I can give you what you want. Plus, I will even be able to give you an accurate reading on how well this thing will actually work in practice.”
“Yes, I heard about your little adventure back into the wrestling ring,” she says gravely. “Your information couldn’t predict that you were going to have an attempt on your life?”
“My information is not flawed,” I sternly respond. “It told me exactly what would happen, and I let it.”
“You let somebody try to kill you?” she asks skeptically. I smile, and it translates over into my tone of voice.
“Perhaps it’s your information that is flawed,” I say. “Nobody tried to kill me.”
”Do you have any other way to explain it?”
“Yes… but that’s not for your ears.” Dismissing a request by my prime minister… nobody can doubt the size of my grapefruits. “Are we done?”
“Get it done.” She doesn’t even say goodbye as I hear her end of the phone click off. Shrugging, I flip my phone onto itself and place it upon the dresser next to me. I look around the room now. Christian Connolly sits in a corner in an armchair, looking towards me fairly at ease. He doesn’t seem to be worried one bit about any implications of the conversation I just had, or the after effects of Massacre. I guess he knows me by now. He knows what to expect and when to be shocked. That’s the kind of guy I need by my side in a fight. He knows when I’m in real trouble.
Standing at the end of the bed that I’m sitting upright in, is a doctor. I can’t even remember his name. That shows how little time he’s spent with me. Further reason why Christian isn’t worried about me. He’s just here like a friend should be.
“Mr. Stone,” the doctor begins, “We asked you not to use your phone.”
“And I asked you if I could go home,” I retort. “I don’t seem to be getting what I want, so why should you? That’s just selfish.”
“No, you look!” I apply the same tactics as I did with the Prime Minister. If I speak, I always demand that people listen, no matter how important they think they are. It’s my way of trying to regulate this world. Nobody is too important to not have to listen to another human. I’ve already heard everything that this clown, the Prime Minister, and damn near every other human being has to say. Very little surprises me. But me, I’ve always got something new to say. That’s why I’m better than all of you. “Aside from a gash in my throat, is there anything seriously wrong with me?”
“No, but…”
“Did any major veins or arteries get sliced?”
“No, but…”
“And what about my asophageous, is that damaged?”
“No, but…”
“No ‘buts’,” I growl. “Just slap a fucking bandage on me and send me on my way. If anything goes wrong, I have my own private doctors that can deal with the issue. They’re not completely incompetent like you are.”
I see the insecurities in this man welling up. He mumbles something inaudibly, before turning and leaving. I shake my head at disgust and then look up to Christian.
“Dude, can you pass me one of those bandages on the bench next to you?” Christian looks to his right and sure enough, sees a stack of bandages. How convenient. He picks one up and plays with it in his hands.
“You’re just going to slap it on yourself?” he asks.
“If these morons aren’t going to, then I might as well,” I admit my plan. “You think it’s a dumb idea?”
“You had chicken wire wrapped around your throat,” he says emphatically. “If anyone knows what the consequences of that would be, surely it’d be a doctor.”
“Or a chicken farmer,” I remark.
“Right,” he agrees. “And you are neither. Cyren pretty much tried to kill you, and you’re just shrugging it off. What is wrong with you?”
“Me?” I question. “What’s wrong with me? I want to know what’s wrong with you. What’s wrong with everybody? What’s the big fucking deal? I’ve had ‘beatdowns’ a hell of a lot worse than that before. I’ve been killed, you remember that don’t you? You were there!”
“You’re shrugging this off because T Money put you into cardiac arrest?” He looks on at me disapprovingly. “You’re not Superman you know.”
“Nah,” I grin at him. “You’re supposed to be, remember Mr. Suntan Superman?”
“And just like you’re not a doctor or a chicken farmer, you’re not me,” he says, with a slight smirk on his face.
“I’m like that Doomsday character though that killed Superman in the comic books, so just toss me a freaking bandage!” Christian hesitates, but soon gives in and sends a bandage flying across the room. I catch it effortlessly, and soon enough it’s slapped onto my throat over the primary concentration of wounds at the front of my neck. “Let’s go.”
“We’re just walking out?” he asks me.
“Well we could climb out the window, but that just seems a little unnecessary.” He doesn’t look convinced as I leap off the bed. They didn’t have me wearing one of those silly robes, so unfortunately for all of you commoners, you don’t get to see my secondary cheeky grin. “Besides, I’ve got the money to make this sort of thing happen. I’ll just donate some dollars or something. Now let’s go!”
Close file? Yes.
File closed.
File SG:85125HC:BI.
Name: Helen Clark
Information classified.
Security level 9 required to proceed.
Proceed? Yes.
Enter access code: **************
Base of Operations: Wellington, New Zealand.
Occupation: Prime Minister of New Zealand
Height: Not yet measured
Weight: Not yet measured
General biography.
Proceed? Yes.
Helen Elizabeth Clark (born February 26, 1950) is the 37th and current Prime Minister of New Zealand. She is New Zealand's second female Prime Minister and has been in office since December 1999, entering her third successive term in 2005. In 2007 Forbes magazine ranked her as the 38th most powerful woman in the world.
Security and threat overviews.
Proceed? Yes.
Personal security level: 9
Description: In trade for opening secret service databases to the use of The World’s Greatest Inc. to complete this more extensive database, she will be granted near limitless access to this information once the prototype is completed. She will be unable however, to access level 10 summary notes, and will have to make her own conclusions.
Security threat level: 1
Description: Is a collaborator on this project, and stands to lost too much if she were divulge any critical information.
Physical threat level: 1
Description: Non-combatant. Extremely unlikely to ever need to engage in physical combat.
Detailed biography.
Proceed? No.
Security level 10 required for extensive summary notes.
Proceed? No.
Close File? Yes.
File Closed.
Opening folder: Security Level 1.
Opening program: Public wrestling promotions.
Add promo? No.
View Promo? Yes.
No access code required.
Opening file: WX:41149DM:PR:140308
File information:
File also found under WX:22914VJ:PR:140308
Two complementary files found.
Open file WX:41149DM:BI at end of original file? Yes.
File opened.
Open file WX:22914VJ:BI at end of original file? Yes.
File opened.
File WX:41149DM:PR:140308/WX:22914VJ:PR:140308
Location: Newark, New Jersey, United States of America
Dated: Saturday, March 15, 2008
“Bitches and gentlefucks, please allow me to welcome you back to the reality from which Daniel Malcolm clearly leaves behind every time he opens his mouth. Welcome back to the world as it should be, with Lee Stone at the top of the food chain, and Danny Boy scratching and clawing at the legs of my table, hoping to catch any scrap that I toss away.
Daniel, I’m going to do you a favour right now. I’m letting you know that you need to be in this reality with me, if you want any chance of coming out of this match with your head held high. You need to fully understand what it is that you’re in for. You name drop Dynamic Dynamite and Miyoko Kawashima, The Savior and MC Terrible, and you actually have the ‘nads to compare Lee Stone and Christian Connolly to them. Let me set you straight: this ain’t no ‘dream team’ as you called us, because this isn’t a dream. This is Lee Stone. This is Christian Connolly. This is us standing here, sending a shiver up your fucking spine without even moving.
This is reality.
I’m surprised in you Dan, and I’m not sure if it’s a good surprise or not yet. Lee Stone hears everything, and I heard you talking last week. Honestly, before Christian and I enacted this operation, I had speculated on who would rise up against us in the way Cyren did. Two names came to my mind, Cyren wasn’t one of them. The names were John Gambino and Daniel Malcolm. You surprised me by not rising up Daniel. I suppose in hindsight I shouldn’t be surprised at all. After all, no matter how much you try to be him, you’re not Steve Jason.
I can picture you now, the very mention of his name sends a tingling sensation throughout your entire body, not unlike the mention of my name. You have spent the greater part of your XWF career being lectured by him and getting your ass whipped by me. We are what you’ve always wanted to be, and perhaps you have actually risen to our level. But unfortunately for you, we – or at least I – have moved on further still. You will never catch up to me because you and I are in completely different races. We don’t play in the same league… in my league, we don’t play. Period.
Try as you might Daniel, but you’re not going to drive a wedge between Lee Stone and Christian Connolly. It’s impossible. You and Vinnie Jamison have been a team for what, a few months? Me and Christian have never been a team, we’ve been friends for years. Your understanding of our history is a little misguided. Last week you mentioned that Christian and I had a bond from The Vigilantes, but where do you think The Vigilantes came from? Chris Cage, Alex Cutwright and the already established alliance of Lee Stone and Christian Connolly. We are two people who may have shared an XWF ring more than any other two men, because we’ve been on either side of each other – opponents or partners – literally countless times. You can’t break that. When Christian was under your Legacy banner, and I took the White Order route, I stayed my hand against Christian. Against him, I took a diplomatic path that I like to think contributed to his revelation and rejection of you. I know how he thinks, so I know how to appeal to his much more, levelheaded as you put it, approach to life. I’m in his head, and I’m willing to be that he can do the same to me. We know what the other man wants, and this week, you’re in possession of what Christian Connolly and Lee Stone want.
Forget about the Universal Title, Dan, ‘cause John is gonna kick your ass anyway. You need to focus on the here and the now. Don’t start telling Christian that he should be in the World Title match with me, I mean, that doesn’t even make any freaking sense! He’s in the Universal Title hunt! Are you scared of him? You want him fighting me, because when he beats Outsider Stone he’s coming after “your” Universal Title? You talk about me getting more praise than Christian, when I’m going after the title that’s one notch below the title that he’s in the hunt for. Oh Daniel, you’re such a silly sausage. Use your big boy brains next time.
And what’s all this talk about Jonathyn? Newsflash cupcake, we don’t care about Jonathyn! Hell, it turns out the only people in this entire company that still gave a rats ass what state Ol’ Brown Eye is in after his seven-hundred-and-sixty-second coma, are John Gambino and Daniel Malcolm. If you want to talk about him so much, then go talk to him. He’s in a fucking coma, so it’s not like you’ll have to worry about him talking back. And then, you can pour out all your feelings about why he never hugged you enough, while the rest of us no longer have to listen to the same old drivel coming from your mouth. Seriously dude, go find a dictionary and look up the word ‘originality’. While you’re at it, look up ‘wooden personality’, you may need to break that one up into it’s two words, but then you’ll have an accurate description of yourself. ‘Two dimensional’ might help in that department as well.
What I’m trying to say, is that we get it. You don’t like Jon. But why do you like Smitty so much? For all my self-professed greatness, I can’t figure that one out. How many title shots did he give you on Massacre? When it came down to the Winner Takes All competition, how come he didn’t come to his loyal subject Daniel Malcolm? Dude… the answers to these questions is the same answer to the question ‘why are Dan and Vinnie not going to beat Christian and Lee’? It’s the same as ‘exactly why was it that Jon stopped giving Dan chances’?
You’re not worthy.
You had your chances and you proved that you’re nowhere near as good as you think you are.
You’re mediocre.
Not bad, not good.
I mean come on dude, technically you were the Universal Champion, but you didn’t win that belt. You’ve never won a Universal Title match, I should know, since I’ve won a couple of the, where you were involved. I know what you’re gonna say Dan, so don’t even bother. I was monkeying about on the official XWF website and happened to stumble upon this little gem:
Check it out, that’s how your reign began. Raziel didn’t show up, so you got given the title by default. Congratulations on your astounding accomplishment.
That’s why you’ve contributed to the Universal Title being a joke. You, along with Raziel’s part in it, my friend Andrew Gibson’s, and also Jon and Smitty both retiring the title at different times.
How’s that for putting your greatest failures on display for the whole world to see?
Here’s a novel idea though, maybe you should be hung out to dry, and exposed as the fraud you are. Maybe it’ll make you fucking listen! Maybe it’ll make you change.
Get the idea out of your head that you’re some sort of hero. Stop thinking that you’re a locker room leader. Start thinking that you still need to earn it all. That’s what got you noticed in the first place, and when there’s people like Lee Stone, Christian Connolly, hell even Bigg Rigg and Cyren, on the roster, the people who really have seen it all, heard it all, done it all before, you just can’t compete with them and their game. This is what we do because it’s who we are. You’re not that guy. You’re not me. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend what it’s like to be me, living in my world.
Speaking of which, you haven’t upset my world dude. You haven’t so much as caused a fucking ripple by pinning me, two years ago in the Multi Man Metal Mayhem match. I was a little preoccupied at the time, what with being a suicidal alcoholic who attempted to end his own life in that match. But I’m sure acknowledging that would destroy one of your favourite things to say: ‘I beat Lee Stone!’ Yeah, I hear you saying that pretty much every week. Hell, you even dropped it over in The Experts Invitational, which makes no damn sense to me. But dude, never mind the fact that you did physically cover me for the three count, and never mind the fact that any other time we’ve been in the ring it’s been you knocked out (literally), you didn’t even win the Metal Mayhem match! So tell me, why the fuck are you so proud of that match? You’ve built an entire career off pinning me in a match which you didn’t win. I guess I underestimate my own legacy. That’s odd – it sounds like the exact opposite of what I’d do. Now sure Dan, you walked away with a title from that match, but you lost the World Title. And who did you lose it to?
Steve Jason.
I’m sure Christian can fill you in on the details if you’re going into one of your little convenient memory blanks though, after all, he’s the reason you lost.
At least you’re not alone in your kookiness though. Vincent Jamison, come on down and take a bow! You haven’t even opened your mouth, and you know what, save it. I definitely know what you’re going to say, because Dan said it too and if you’re dumb enough to be spooning him each night, then you’re definitely dumb enough to repeat what he says.
‘I beat Lee Stone’.
That was it, wasn’t it Vinnie? That was what you were going to say, wasn’t it? At least you have a hell of a lot more credibility behind your claim than Daniel does. Sure, I kicked my partner’s ass, causing him to get eliminated and me down to a two-on-one situation against you and Shadow. Sure, I then won that situation by eliminating Shadow. But then Vincent, you showed your true colous. You showed what so many of us had hoped would come from Daniel Malcolm at some point, but just never did. You rose to the occasion and you managed to stop the juggernaut that I am. For that Vincent, I salute you. For that, hell – I almost respect you. I probably could have dropped that ‘almost’ if you weren’t galavanting around with a character of such little respectability in his own right. His patheticness is like a disease. It’s contagious, and I’m afraid that you’ve been exposed to it for far too long. Never fear though, there is a cure:
Lee Stone.
Out of charity, I now feel compelled to do something for you Vince. I’m going to give you the reasons why in this tag team match, the same thing won’t happen as last time. I only need one reason:
Christian Connolly.
Christian Connolly is not Justin ‘Raziel’ Jones. He’s a hell of a lot better. And together, we’re the greatest tag team on the planet, no questions asked. It’s not a matter of if we are going to beat you, it’s a matter of how long will you last?
Honestly, I almost feel like I’ll be doing you a favour by taking your titles Vincent. Without them, you’ll be free to turn and walk away from Daniel Malcolm. I doubt you will, but what am I if I cannot hope? You see Vince, Dan has already tried to divide Christian and I by claiming that we are not equals as the two of you are, but then as I rewatched a couple of your promos against Zach Rizza and Legion, and I began to wonder just how equal you are. So Vince, why don’t you tell me? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like Daniel’s the leader and you’re the filthy working class that he gets to order around. Same old Daniel, different sheep being led astray.
He chose you? Is that how you described it to Rizza? He ‘chose’ you instead of Zach? Wow, feel special, kid? Well guess what, I’m choosing you too. I’m choosing you just as I chose Christian Connolly from The Legacy. I’m choosing you as the voice of reason within your team. I’m choosing you as the man who will think before he acts. I’m choosing you as the guy who gets told different things to what Dan says to the rest of us.
Did I chose right?
I’ll be honest Vince, I don’t completely hate you. Now don’t get me wrong, we are by no means friends. But before you jumped on Dan’s sinking ship, as he gasps for air – struggling to keep his head above the rising water, I wouldn’t have been completely opposed to having to eat lunch at the same table as you. It wouldn’t be ideal, but it could be a hell of a lot worse. So tell me, are you really willing to lose the respect of a man who commands so much of the other wrestlers’ opinions, just so you can have Daniel’s respect? Maybe you are… maybe you don’t even care about my respect. I can deal with that actually. All it means is that you get destroyed just as he will. Not a problem at all, in fact, if that’s the case, I think you’ll find me more than accommodating. But if there’s a part of you that questions your decision, then listen to that part. Listen, and know, that Lee Stone has given you the antibodies to fight off the infection of Daniel Malcolm. Know that you can fight him.
Know that you can win.
Hell, you beat me, didn’t you?
Until you make that decision, it’ll always be Daniel Malcolm and Mr. Amazing, never the other way round. But if you look at the Massacre card, you see it written Christian Connolly and Lee Stone, because it’s interchangeable for us. For you it’s just the law.
Law’s can be changed though.
So in conclusion ladies, I know that Christian and I aren’t going to just walk in and walk out with the belts – we might have to run, but I guarantee you this, we are leaving as the Tag Team Champions.
The Legend and The Legacy.
It’s as simple as that.
Have a bad day.”
Close file? Yes.
File closed.
File WX:41149DM:BI
Name: Daniel Malcolm
Base of Operations: Watertown, New York, United States of America
Occupation: Professional Wrestler, MI-5 Operative
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 240lbs
Security level 5 required for general biography.
Proceed? Yes.
Unable to process request.
Skip? Yes.
Security level 8 required for security and threat overviews.
Proceed? Yes.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Personal security level: 1
Description: Non-employee awarded no privileges. Ideal for future employment, but unlikely due to affiliation with MI-5 and tendency to become hostile when feeling insecure. Lacking essential element of subtlety.
Security threat level: 6
Description: Sustained hostility is a concern. Resources and contacts could prove to be dangerous if the situation arose where conflict spilled outside of organized competition. Watch with care and understand exact role in MI-5.
Physical threat level: 7
Description: Training both as wrestler, and for unstructured combat. Lacking experience in the latter. As a wrestler, threat varies depending on motivation and confidence. Note that subject is more dangerous when lacking confidence and momentum. Change threat level accordingly.
Security level 9 required for detailed biography.
Proceed? No.
Security level 10 required for extensive summary notes.
Proceed? No.
Close File? Yes.
File Closed.
File WX:22914VJ:BI
Name: Vincent Jamison
Base of Operations: New York City, New York, United States of America
Occupation: Professional Wrestler
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 260lbs
Security level 5 required for general biography.
Proceed? Yes.
Unable to process request.
Skip? Yes.
Security level 8 required for security and threat overviews.
Proceed? Yes.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Personal security level: 1
Description: Non-employee awarded no privileges. Slim potential for future employment.
Security threat level: 2
Description: Largely inactive on security front. Relationships are a cause for mild concern. See file WX:41149DM:BI for more information.
Physical threat level: 6
Description: Current displayed ability not accurate in relation to the full extent of abilities. Upper limits not yet shown, but would near certainly require a rise in threat level. Potential for even a level 8 threat. Watch closely.
Security level 9 required for detailed biography.
Proceed? No.
Security level 10 required for extensive summary notes.
Proceed? No.
Close File? Yes.
File Closed.
Log Off? Yes.
Logging off.
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