Access granted.
User identified: Leroy Bruce Stone.
Security level 10 granted.
Access to all files granted.
Opening folder: Security Level 10.
Opening program: Prototype international security database.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Current program status: Incomplete.
Opening file: OO:00000LS:LF:110408.
File opened.
File OO:00000LS:LF:110408.
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand.
Dated: Friday, April 11, 2008.
I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that I feel like I’m in some sort of time paradox. It seems as if there’s nothing that I can do to prevent myself from falling back into the same old hole, then scratching and clawing to pull myself out, only to fall back in again.
Am I condemned to this fate? Can I do nothing to change it?
Is this really who I am?
You would think, given my usual stubborn refusal to allow anything to get the better of me, that I would be willing to throw every single cent I have, every resource, at conquering this little obstacle of mine. So why aren’t I doing that? Why am I instead choosing to seemingly embrace my downfall?
If I’m to be perfectly honest with myself (and that’s a big ‘if’), I think it’s because it’s easier this way. Make no mistake about it, I am a coward. I can stand against twenty people on my own, and keep on fighting, but the moment I’m forced to make a decision that could potentially change my life for the better or worse, one that I can fail in and have it be completely my fault, then I begin to falter. And the more I think about it, the more I begin to slip up, because the more I think, the more I begin to realize just how big of a mountain I’m facing. It feels like I’m staring at Mount Everest, and the only thing I have in common with Sir Edmund Hilary is our country of origin. I am no working class hero. I am no hero at all. I am just Leroy Bruce Stone, professional wrestler, entrepreneur, alcoholic.
Thus I sit with my glass of Scotch in one hand, and a look of defeat upon my face. I stare out from the balcony of my monolith that rises above the centre of Hamilton City. I’m on the top floor – number 15 – of the largest building in the sprawled out city. Here, people tend to move outwards rather than building upwards. It’s the same philosophy that has led to Auckland, this country’s largest city, to contain approximately one sixth the population of London, but spread out over an area of roughly the same size. This makes public transport quite expensive.
The nights are getting colder, and so I take comfort in the drink burning my throat as it flows down it. Below me, I see the hustle and bustle of the city’s nightlife. The clock reads 10:56pm, and so now the town will begin to come alive, with my structure serving as the mega-hub for almost all activities. There are still bars which I don’t own, most of which are along the main street north-bound from my building, but their business is nowhere near what it once was. The primary concentration of clubs now, falls under my banner, and thus it is much more accessible to stay within these walls I provide people. Couple that with the McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway, and various other fast food joints within my tower, it just makes sense for people to chose The World’s Greatest as their home for the night. And besides, ever since I laid claim to the city centre, the number of people coming out each night, particularly Friday’s, has increased dramatically. When once Friday took a back seat to both Saturday and Thursday nights in relation to customer numbers, it now rivals them both. You have to give me credit there, even if you think that I’m further encouraging a binge drinking culture amongst the youth of today. Misery loves company.
My building is glowing with light beaming out of every possible window. Most of the clubs are fairly windowless themselves, but once you step out into the primary shopping area, you are hit with an intense white light, and it’s this light that shines onto the street below.
I finish my drink now, leaving a few small, half-melted cubes of ice in the bottom of the glass. I place it on the ground next to my chair and rise, heading inside. I drop down onto the very first piece of furniture I ever bought myself, a bright red ‘loveseat’ couch. My pure white Air Force Ones are on the ground in front of me, so I slip them on, strapping them up in the process (yes, they have straps, they’re old school). I pause for a moment, once again spying the little envelope on the coffee table, that I’ve been carrying everywhere that I go. It’s the entire reason I’m back in the country, although the moment that I touched down, I immediately regretted returning. I’m not ready to deal with this. Not yet. Not when I still have so many other things to take care of.
I rise now, my eyes still locked on the envelope, but my body beginning to move away. I finally break my vision, and begin to walk towards the door. Bypassing the fridge, I open it, and chug back a beer in record time before I actually leave the lounge, and enter my hallway. I reach the elevator and it opens for me. This is a private lift, the only access to my three private levels of this building. There are stairs that act as a fire escape, but only I know where they are, so as to avoid any possible security threats. I’m very paranoid like that.
The door opens for me, and I enter the small elevator.
“Fifth floor,” .I say, and the elevator’s doors close.
“Going down,” a recorded message says, with a British woman’s voice and I feel the lift begin to move down the shaft. There is no elevator music in any of the lifts in this building. All you hear is the quiet cranking of the shaft itself. This gives me time to momentarily zone out, before hearing the voice once again. “Stopping. Fifth floor.”
With a ding, the doors open for me, and I step out into the same sea of light that I previously mentioned. Few people even notice me coming out of a door with a sign that reads ‘Danger, High Voltage’. Nobody ever bothers to question those signs.
I look around now, my eyes slightly glossy, but not enough to cause me to stumble. It’s the state of drunkenness that isn’t outwardly noticeable, so you keep it kind of quiet. Rest assured though, given who I am, it shouldn’t be long now before that changes.
Opening folder: Security Level 1.
Opening program: Public wrestling promotions.
Add promo? No.
View Promo? Yes.
No access code required.
Opening file: WX:18577RF:PR:130408.
File information:
One complementary file found.
Open file WX:18577RF:BI at end of original file? Yes.
File opened.
File WX:18577RF:PR:130408.
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
Dated: Sunday, April 13, 2008
“When you’re the best at what you do, as I am, sometimes things can get a little monotonous. A loss every now and then can be a good thing. It puts everything in perspective. That’s why, in a way, I’m constantly searching for somebody who can beat me. I want to find somebody who can give me a challenge. I thrive off it. Looking at the roster right now, there is only one man who I can see that would truly give me a challenge. He is the number one contender for the Universal Title. He is one half of the Tag Team Champions. He is one third of the Stable Champions. He is Christian Connolly, and this week, like so many times in the past, he’s on my side of the ring. That does not bode well for anybody, let alone two men who go by the names Heavy D and Reggie Fresh respectively.
I mean, how exactly are they supposed to be threatening to us? I don’t think they even fully understand what they’re getting themselves into, given their reluctance to speak up against us. But then… what would they say? Many people try to get into the heads of The Vigilantes, but fail miserably because they simply don’t know how to come at us. Individually we are the two best wrestlers on the roster, bar none. Daniel Malcolm, John Gambino, Zach Rizza… none of them are able to bring the best out of Lee Stone like Christian Connolly can, and vice versa. As a team, we’re even stronger. If I’m too cocky, Christian keeps us grounded. If Christian hasn’t got eyes on the back of his head, it doesn’t matter because I’ve got eyes everywhere. We are not the strongest, nor are we the fastest. But we’re the smartest. We’re the most technically sound. We’re the most intense. And above all, we are recognized.
Do you know what that means, Donald? Reginald? It means that the only people who will tell you that you’re going to be able to take the XWF Tag Team Titles from us, are your little ‘Partners in Crime’. And even then, I wouldn’t count on it. The Vigilantes walk through the locker room and green eyes follow them everywhere they go.
Green for envy, fellas.
The very moment Christian and I returned, everybody knew that their position on the roster was no longer safe. We arrived, and everybody got bumped down a couple of spots. Within a month, we’re now the two men in line for the Universal Title, and the Universal Champion, Daniel Malcolm, is not considered the best on the roster, even by himself, because he, like everybody else, knows that he has to go through us before he can be that good.
Donald, I heard you say that both you and Reginald have faced bigger odds than this before. Well I ask you now, to name them. Name those obstacles that you think were more imposing than stepping into the ring with The Legend and The Legacy, The Past, Present and Future… The Vigilantes, in our domain – the main event, with championship gold on the line. If you’re talking about your respective careers, then I know for a fact that you’ve never gotten past any odds quite like this. Reggie is a former TV and True Expert champion… big ‘who cares?’ The TV Title, which I’m not sure why is called True Violence now, used to be known as the I.D.I.O.T. Title… idiot. Why would anybody be proud of that? And didn’t you beat Black Death to be the True Expert champion? The same Black Death who was supposed to be the champion of ‘The Experts’ coalition of companies, but struggled to make it past the middle of the pack here? Way to go Reggie! Way to go! And you Donald, you somehow beat Shawn Christopher for the World Title, only to have Brady Anderson take it from you, and then in your chance to redeem yourself, you ran into The Momentum Killer himself, Lee Stone. And you simply could not overcome that.
Hell, Don, you’ve already been in the ring with Lee Stone and Christian Connolly as a team. You’ve seen how we operate, as we dismantled you and Bigg Rigg. Do you really believe that Reggie Fresh is better than Rigg, and therefore, able to make any sort of difference when your opponents are the same people that Rigg couldn’t help you beat? Reggie Fresh is no Bigg Rigg, and Bigg Rigg is no problem, so what does that make Reggie?
Face it guys, as far as your careers are concerned, this is going to be the biggest night of your life. And personally, well, I don’t know what you’ve been through, so I don’t know if there’s anything that can compare. But when you’re coming from the world that I’ve come from, you’re ready for anything. And I doubt anything in your lives compares to my own. Thus, you are not ready for this. And me… I don’t need to be.
I’m not going to stand here and tell you that because you’re name isn’t Christian Connolly, or Steve Jason, or Jem Williams, that you can’t go toe-to-toe with me. If you think that, then you are quite mistaken. You can’t go toe-to-toe with me, because you’re not Lee Stone. You’re nothing like me. And that’s the problem. I see similarities between myself and people like Christian, Stevie J, Jem and even T Money and Cyren. The biggest thing we all have in common – is greatness. You two are distinctly lacking in that department. If you think you can prove me wrong, then by all means, go ahead and try. But when your mediocrity comes back to bite you in the ass, don’t say that The Vigilantes didn’t warn you.
Peace crackas…”
Opening folder: Security Level 10.
Opening program: Prototype international security database.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Current program status: Incomplete.
Opening file: OO:00000LS:LF:120408.
File opened.
File information:
See file OO:00000LS:LF:110408 for background information.
File OO:00000LS:LF:120408.
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand.
Dated: Saturday, April 12, 2008.
Note: The following is written from vague memories, and is not an accurate recording.
“Why can't we not be sober?
I just want to start this over
And why can't we drink forever?
I just want to start this over”
It must be about two-thirty, or somewhere in that vicinity at least, and I sit, perched at a table in my favorite club in the entirety of my building: aXces. Despite what you’d think, given who I am, this is a rock-only bar, and was the first property I bought in the district. The cover band on stage, Magic Eye, has just hit the chorus on Tool’s song “Sober” and I feel a little bit disturbed just listening to the lyrics.
I get up to move towards the bar once more. Stumbling a little down the three steps that lead to the main floor, I push my way through the mass of moshing people who have been steadily increasing as the night goes on. Reaching the bar, the staff members all immediately recognize me, and so a small blonde girl approaches me rapidly, in order to get me a drink.
“Waikato,” I slur. She nods and grabs a glass, filling it up from the Waikato Draught on tap.
“There you go Mr. Stone,” she says, smiling, as she slides the glass towards me.
“Th…thanksss,” I try to say back. I take the glass in hand and attempt to make my way back to the table I was at. A little bit of beer spills onto the ground, as I’m bumped by a tall, skinny guy with long hair. I mumble to myself. “Fucking bogans.”
“What?” he responds. Apparently I wasn’t as quiet as I thought.
“Nothing,” I say, with a goofy grin plastered on my face. I turn my back on him, and struggle up the steps, until I can safely place the glass on the table again, and I then fall down into the chair.
The final note is played, and the usual ‘rock on’ signals are thrown into the air by most of the crowd. My glass is already half empty. That’s a little sad, isn’t it?
I begin eying the crowd, knowing that in Hamilton, the clubs close at three o’clock. I’ve been trying to change that, but it turns out I don’t have that much power, yet. With the closing time drawing close, it means that unless I want to go home alone tonight, I better make a move soon. I know that I could have gone to one of the other clubs to improve my chances, but I hate the places where you can’t even move. The dance floor (not that I’m often up there) just becomes a mass shuffling of feet, barely even to the beat. Chaotic moshing is always entertaining though. Plus, chicks here are feisty. I like that. Sluts who know how to work a dick are one thing, but when the chick would punch you in the face if she didn’t like your moves, that’s a whole different story. And when these girls are keen… all I can say is ‘damn’.
I spy one girl, bouncing around from guy to guy, her black hair moving in circles around her face. I power back the last of my beer and head towards the steps once more. In mid-flight across the floor, I all of a sudden find myself being picked up by one of the largest men that I’ve ever seen, and I’m a professional wrestler, so that’s saying something! When I say ‘being picked up’, I literally mean it. This guy is so huge, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder like I’m a sack of potatoes.
“You’ve had enough for one night Mr. Stone.” The voice sounds familiar, maybe I hired him to stop me making an ass of myself. Would I have done that? Am I so smashed that I don’t even remember? I don’t have time to ask any questions, as I fall asleep over his shoulder. Or perhaps I just passed out… either way, I’m going wherever the fuck this giant is taking me.
Resuming file: WX:18577RF:PR:130408,
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America.
Dated: Sunday, April 13, 2008.
“Bitches and gentlefucks, we, Christian Connolly and Lee Stone, fly the banner of The Vigilantes because we tend to work to our own loose principles, rather than those of anybody else. We don’t fall into the ‘Pro-XWF’ Steve Jason camp, that counts Andy Cortinovis and Daniel Malcolm as members. Nor do we follow the ‘Anti-XWF’ way that guys like Jon Page and Shane Carver have adhered to in the past. More or less, we tend not to like being led, and instead we make our own choices in regards to our actions.
Take this latest edition of Monday Night Massacre as an example. Fran Damage tried to tear away at the fabric of The Vigilantes. In some respects, Fran’s move was pure genius. He threw the two greatest in the company, the two most competitive, into the main event and told them that the winner would be the number one contender for the Universal Title. Brilliant move. Christian and I would have put on a clinic for the world to see – a guaranteed ratings-grabber and a sure-fire money-maker – if the stipulation had remained at just that. Fran made a fatal mistake in throwing my World Title into the picture. Why, oh why Fran, would you hang two briefcases above the ring, when even morons like Heavy D and Reggie Fresh would be able to figure out that all they had to do was climb up the ladder and take one briefcase each. Christian and I were willing to take whatever we got in our respective briefcase, and be on our way. We put on a little show for the fans who no doubt wanted to see us go at it in a five-star classic like the last time we faced, way back at Last Breath. But the ending was always going to be pre-determined, simply because Fran Damage is a giant douchefag, and I think that’s the one thing that everyone on the roster can agree on.
But then, along came Bigg Rigg and Zach Rizza, with that cocksmoker Thomas Davis in the rafters. Just so we’re clear, you guys are aware of what you’ve done, aren’t you? You’ve willingly put yourself in the firing line. Lee Stone and Christian Connolly were leaving you be, we were content to destroy Daniel Malcolm and then re-assess the situations. Right now though, as much as Christian and I both want to take the Universal Title from that assclown, and he did screw me out of a match and shot at my belt, he’s the lesser of three evils. As far as I’m concerned, Fran Damage is primary target number one, and the three of you share second place.
I hope you understand that I’m not holding Zach Rizza for being solely responsible for holding my title, and I doubt that Christian will solely blame Rigg for holding the Universal Title contract. Either of us, could have retrieved either of those briefcases in that match. Therefore, we’re both pissed at both of you. You have what belongs to us, The Vigilantes, as a collective unit. That’s a big no-no.
I don’t understand why you’d bring this upon yourself though. Surely, there could have been more democratic paths that you could have chosen to follow, in order to get the outcome that I can only presume you each wanted: Zach with a World Title shot and John with a Universal shot. Zach in particular, could have just tried asking. I’d have been more than happy to oblige, provided I was the one who pulled the World Title briefcase down. But now you’ve gone and gotten on my nerves, and that’s just not smart.
As for Thomas Davis, as an accomplice in this, or perhaps I should describe you as a pawn, you’ve fallen into the most unfortunate situation of all. You’re the lowest of the low. You’re doing the dirty work for no reward. Is it benevolence that compels you Thomas, or sheer stupidity? Do you really think hiding behind John Gambino, Donald Johnson, and Reginald with no last name, is enough to keep Lee Stone and Christian Connolly at bay? I hope you have some other plan dude, for your sake. Because while I’m quick to remind everyone that this is supposed to be about wrestling, and we’re not trying to kill each other here… I can always make exceptions. Don’t be that exception Thomas, because as you will see this week, when we dash the hopes and dreams of two of your playmates, we’re hard enough to handle when we don’t care about you. Imagine what we’re like when we’re pissed off.
And Dan… Fran… don’t think you’re getting let off the hook. You have both played with fire, and statistics say, if you play with fire you’re going to get burnt. And that right there, to coin a now overused catchphrase… is undeniable.
Have a bad day.”
Close file? Yes.
File closed.
File WX:18577RF:BI.
Name: Reginald. Surname unknown. Further research required.
Base of Operations: Gainesville, Florida, United States of America
Occupation: Professional Wrestler under the alias Reggie Fresh
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 305lbs
Security level 5 required for general biography.
Proceed? Yes.
Unable to process request.
Skip? Yes.
Security level 8 required for security and threat overviews.
Proceed? Yes.
Enter access code: **************
Access granted.
Personal security level: 1
Description: Non-employee. No predicted reason to change security level in future.
Security threat level: 1
Description: No current reason to believe would provide a security threat. Limited contact to structured combat environment. Pay relative attention to activities outside professional wrestling, but no need for caution yet. Further explore connection with man named “Mr. Liles”.
Physical threat level: 5
Description: Potential is there, but desire to achieve full extent is questionable. Unknown motivation. As of yet, no real threat individually, however, when competing with subject Donald Johnson (see WX:85122DJ:BI), both increase in threat. Minimal threat in unstructured combat, mostly due to there being no reason for it to occur.
Security level 9 required for detailed biography.
Proceed? No.
Security level 10 required for extensive summary notes.
Proceed? No.
Close File? Yes.
File Closed.
Log Off? Yes.
Logging off.
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