“It’s warm in here”.
“Does that surprise you? Red door and all?”
“I guess it shouldn’t. It wouldn’t if I could see some source of the heat, instead of just… this”.
“Would you like a fire?”
“Umm… okay?”
“ARRRRRRRGH! Put it out! Put it out! Please!”
“What did you expect, sweetheart. Fucking around like you did. Did you really think you’d escape it without catching some burning itch?”
“You’re a monster!”
“Oh relax, would you? There, the fire’s out. And would you look at that? Just as tempting as ever, my darling siren. Is there not another poor soul you should be leaching the life out of?”
“What’s gotten into you?’
“As if you don’t know, succubus-whore. Everything traces back to you. All my life could’ve been so much easier if you had just decided to keep your fucking pants on. I wonder what life would be like had I tossed your gutter-tramp ass to the curb where you belong, after I wrecked that shit for the first time”.
“Did I say you could talk? Where are my fucking eggs?”
“Bite me”.
“Watch your fucking mouth!”
“Y-you hit me?”
“Women these days, no respect for their place in the world. Well let me tell you a tale, mon cher, about a fellow named Adam. Couldn’t meet a nicer guy than he. Adam absolutely adored nature, and loved life more than one could possibly imagine. Religious fellow, but I won’t hold that against him. Then, one day, he met some slag named Eve. She seemed nice enough on the surface, but that was all a part of her plan to sucker Adam in. And being the naďve, trusting person that he was, generous to a fault, Adam fell for the skank’s allure. Adam had lived his life following but one rule – don’t eat from a particular tree. As soon as Eve got up in the mix, that rule got thrown out the window, the tree was eaten from, and the perfect life that lay before Adam was ruined forever. With that, came misery. With that, came suffering. With that, came anger! Pandora’s Box! That is, depending on what mythology you want to ascribe to. There’s a running theme here. If it wasn’t for you, the coquettish reptile, I’d still be living in perfect bliss. Thanks a bunch. You burnt down my Garden of Eden”.
“Oh, so now you decide to keep your mouth closed? Now you decide to follow orders? Now you take your rightful place at the bottom of the pyramid with the rest of criminals and scum? Too little, too late, poptart. I’m pleased that you’re willing to accept your punishment, but that’s not going to prevent it from actually happening. I can only hope that this newfound acceptance will lead to a change in attitude once the repentance is complete”
“It... it wasn’t…”
“Guess I was wrong. Maybe I should sew that mouth shut? But then I couldn’t get my deep throat on! Talk about a dilemma!”
“Quit saying my name, will you? You make it sounds so filthy. I wonder… how many other names have you said just like that. ‘Oh Lee! Oh Sam! Oh Bob! Oh Rupert the One-Eyed Rastafarian! Stick it in my ass!’ That’s just fucking gross”.
“It wasn’t my fault!”
“What was that? I couldn’t hear over the roaring flames and the smell of your flesh sizzling away. Let’s just turn that off momentarily so you can repeat yourself”.
“Don’t try to put it all on me, Lee. Don’t try to pass the blame. Accept responsibility for yourself”.
“Yawn. I think I’m being punished enough just listening to you make excuses for yourself”.
“Fine. You want to be like that? I’ll take my lickings and walk away from here for good, because clearly I’m not wanted. But there’s a little something your forgetting”.
“Oh, I am fascinated. Pray, do tell”.
“Your father”.
“Oh, hey Bruce. Long time no see”.
“How are you doing, Shelly?”
“I’ve been better, to be perfectly honest”.
“It sounds like there’s a ‘but’ to come?”
“But… I’m figuring everything out finally”.
“That’s good to hear. Is Lee around?”
“He won’t be long. Will you Lee?”
“Hey son”.
“Don’t call me that, Bruce”
“Oh, right. I forgot about how much you don’t like being reminded that I’m your dad”.
“Shut up”.
“I understand your frustration”.
“I said shut up”.
“Just let me expl…”
“Shut up, you useless sack of shit! You’re not worth the air you breathe! You’re not worth the oxygen it would take to burn you alive! You’re not worth the water to incase you in ice!”
“That’s… excessive”.
“Shelly was right. It all stems from you”.
“That’s why I’m here”.
“I’m going to shove your head so far up your ass you’ll be wearing yourself as a hat”.
“I know. Gah!”
“That was for mum”.
“That was for Stan”.
“That was for me”.
“That was for mum again”.
“That was for me again”.
“That was for all the people you dragged down the drain with your fucking terrorist shit”.
“That was for me again”.
“So was that”.
“Heh… heh…”
“What’s so funny?”
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit selfish?”
“That’s the fucking point! This is all about me! This is my redemption, not yours! Mine!”
“Redemption? Punishing others doesn’t constitute redemption, numbnuts. This is all just playing into your goddamn ego. ‘Oh look at me, I’m Lee Stone, I’m the fucking man! I’ve been through so much, and yet still I keep trucking. I get to stand on my pedestal and look down on everybody in judgement, just because I’ve known a couple of assholes who have screwed me over’. Newsflash, big guy, that’s not the way the world works”.
“You speak pretty well for a guy missing his front teeth. Got more to say, or should I start work on the molars now?”
“I’m sure Cherie would be so proud of you right now”.
“Don’t say her name. You lost that right”.
“Animals don’t have any rights, so what does that say about the way you’re behaving? If you’re not careful, you’re going to have another regret to mope about over”.
“Why did you even come here?”
“This is your world Lee. You tell me”.
“Not now Shelly”.
“Lee, I want to leave”.
“Not until I’m finished!”
“You said you were doing this for me, Lee. I’ve seen all I want to see here”.
“Listen to the pretty lady, son. She’s at least half-sane, which these days is something to be proud of”.