And May Contain:
Foul Language,
Excessive Violence
Strong Sexual Situations
SEVEN: One Flew Over The Raven’s Nest.
Fade in.
AWA Press Conference
Country Club Plaza, Kansas City.
Amidst the flashes of numerous cameras, and the hurray of the press we see the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Edge sitting at a table which has the AWA title belt positioned upright on a mantle for all to see. There are numerous microphones each bearing the AWA logo on them skewed across the table top. The champ sits smugly, proudly admiring his title belt, dressed in his usual “Sex and Violence” t-shirt and jeans. He runs a hand through his hair and chuckles to himself.
Coordinator: Next question please.
A series of hands shoot up from the rows of reporters. The coordinator singles one out with a nod.
Coordinator: Yes.
The man rises from his seat.
Reporter: Edge, what do you make of Raven’s recent accusation that you weren’t at AWA Fall Out this past week in Orlando, Florida because you were simply “running scared” in case he decided to cash in on his guaranteed AWA title shot?
Edge’s arrogant smugness evaporates into a distant look of annoyance.
Edge: Running scared? Hah.
Edge sneers in disdain.
Edge: Oh, so the Bird-Man of Alcatraz thinks that the reason I wasn’t at Fall Out last week was because I was “running scared”?
He shakes his head.
Edge: And you people seriously bought that crap? Next he’ll come out telling you idiots that pigs can actually fly and get this… this is the best bit, you’ll all waste half a day sitting around waiting on Porky taking off into the sky. No, see, the whole idea of the matter is ridiculous.
Edge draws the reporter a look of disgust.
Edge: You’d have to be a complete moron to actually believe that I could possibly be – even just a little bit – afraid of Raven. Running scared? Pfffft… please. Why should I be running scared of him? I mean what’s he ever done?
Reporter: He did win the Fight for the Right Rumble.
Looks like he’s got you there Edge.
Edge: Everybody knows that that doesn’t count.
Edge bites gently onto the top of his lip smug with his comeback.
Edge: I mean, after all I wasn’t in it. Yeah, as a matter of a fact, the only reason he won that rumble – and hey’ that ain’t that big of an achievement – was because the Rated R Superstar wasn’t one of the entrants. Had I have been in that rumble then it’d have been a whole different story. Only I didn’t need to be in that rumble in the first place. Why’s that again? Oh yeah, that’s right…
Edge takes great pride in gloating.
Edge: … I’m the champ! Not Raven… but me!
He taps the title’s face plate with an overly proud expression on his face.
Edge: So again, I ask you; what have I got to fear Raven for? What’s he ever done?
Reporter: He has held numerous world titles.
Edge: Oh yeah cause you can really count being the ECW champ an achievement.
The sarcasm oozes from Edge’s tone.
Edge: I mean being the ECW champ… well, it’s like having a criminal record. It’s not exactly something you want to be proud of, now is it?
He snorts arrogantly in laughter.
Edge: That’s another thing, ECW – being the big time major promotion that it is, tell me something, how’s it doing these days?
Edge’s sly smile cuts deep.
Edge: Sorry, I forgot, it went out of business… what, like ten years ago? It’s like the dinosaur of the wrestling world. Extinct! Only… only there’s a few people who actually gave a damn about the dinosaurs, hah. Let me enlighten you all, you wanna’ know why it went out of business? Why? Cause it had to rely on washed-up, used-up, drug addicted, worthless pieces of crap like Raven! But, wow! Whoop-de-doo! Raven held their World title – that’s impressive and all, but, it’s not exactly cutting edge. Raven might have held the ECW title but where did he go from there? NWA TNA, where he got his ass kicked week in week out. And, if that wasn’t humiliating enough – most of the time it was at the hands of our very own Southern Champion Jeff Jarrett… ya’ll!
Edge ends with his best goofy “hick” accent.
Edge: So that’s Raven… but what about me?
Edge pauses.
Edge: No pun intended.
He flashes a wry smirk.
Edge: Why should I fear Raven? Cause he won a match that I wasn’t in because I was TOO GOOD to meet the criteria needed to qualify as a participant? Or is it because he held the title belt of some Mickey-Mouse, second-rate, wrestling promotion up until Tommy Dreamer kicked his ass out of the place? I don’t fear him, far from it. You see, let me put it into terms you people can understand; I’m the AWA World Heavyweight Champion. Hey, believe it or not, I’m the champ for a reason. Not only am I the cream of the crop in this company but when Raven was floating around the little leagues getting his ass handed to him by Jeff Jarrett I was playing in the major leagues. ECW Champion? Pffttt… I’m a former two time – that’s right, count ‘em – two time WWE Champion. I’m the most watched champion of the last five years. I was the first ever Mr Money in the Bank. AND, if my memory serves me right, I haven’t lost a damn match since I came to this place! A record… a record that I intend to keep in tact this Monday Night at Wrestlebrawl when I beat Raven - one, two, three! The champ doesn’t run from anybody.
He snarled condescendingly.
Coordinator: Next question please.
Reporter: So why weren’t you at Fall Out?
Edge’s stare pierced through the reporter.
Edge: I don’t have to tell you why. I don’t have to answer to you. In fact, I don’t have answer to anybody. Let’s get one thing straight though – I wasn’t “running scared” from Raven, got that? Good! Next Question.
Edge seemed a little edgey.
Reporter: Were you prepared for Raven cashing in his title shot at Wrestebrawl?
Edge: Honestly, no. In fact, I didn’t think he’d ever cash in… well at least not while I was champ. Cause, well, lets face it - he’s not gonna’ beat me. Not ever. So yeah, it did take me by surprise a little but despite the fact I find myself completely unprepared for this match I’m still going to walk out of Kansas City something that Raven hasn’t been in like a whole decade… a champion.
Edge chuckles to himself.
Coordinator: Another question?
Reporter: Edge… Edge, were you the masked man who assaulted Raven at Fall Out?
Edge’s face drops.
Edge: What? What did you say?
Reporter: Are you the masked man who attacked Raven last Monday?
Edge looks upset and apprehensive. His back seems to shoot up in defence.
Edge: What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not gonna’ answer that! Oh I see… I see what you’re trying to do here. You’re trying to pin this on me. Well you know what? I’m sick of this. I am sick of all this crap. I’m sick of getting no respect around here. You people think its fair that I have to come out here and listen to this kind of allegations? No, no… it’s not fair. In fact, I’m genuinely hurt that you would even think that I would stoop so low as to do such a thing.
Because obviously it wouldn’t be like him. *Rolls eyes*.
Edge: You forget that I beat Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels on the same night – the same night! If I wanted to attack Raven, I wouldn’t need to wear a damn mask! It’s ridiculous… It couldn’t have been me, I wasn’t even in Florida last Monday Night! Just ask Lita, she’ll tell you. I was with her all night.
For the first time the camera pans across to show Lita sitting beside Edge at the table with a self assured smirk on her face. She raises her eyebrows and smiles teasingly.
Lita: All night long.
She said devilishly.
Edge: You people think I’m the masked man, huh? Well you wanna’ know what I think? I think this conference just ended!
Edge stands up, grabbing the AWA title from off the table and taking Lita by the hand.
Edge: Come on, Lita. Let’s get out of this dump. The quicker I beat Raven the quicker I can get the hell out of this city.
Fade in.
Hotel Lobby
Hyatt Regency Crown Center, Kansas City.
Edge and Lita sit cuddled up on a large comfy sofa the title belt in Edge’s lap. Lita tantalisingly rubs Edge’s chest with her hand under his t-shirt. Meanwhile Edge does his most revered Raven impersonation.
Edge: ‘Oh woe is me, oh sorrow. Quote me, oh quote me for I am so boring you won’t remember anything I just said. My life sucks and so do I.’ Pfffft… what a loser.
The duo laugh.
Edge: It’s ironic, don’t you think?
Lita: What is babe?
Edge: I mean, all these years Raven’s been moaning, and whingeing, and complaining – and this Monday Night, I’m gonna’ give him something to really cry about, hah!
Lita: Monday Night. It’s only a few days away.
Edge: I can’t wait.
Lita: I know.
Edge: Wrestlebrawl… the impending END to Raven’s career.
Lita: His time in AWA is, as he would say, nevermore.
Edge: ‘What about me? What about Raven?’ What about him? No-one gives a crap about Raven. He absolutely sucks. But hey, you might as well quote the Raven… while you still can.
Edge ponders while Lita giggles.
Edge: You know, I can’t think of a guy that I’d like to put the beatdown on more. You know what? I’m gonna’ help him. I’ll make him smile. I’ll make him happy. No, I’m not gonna’ let him become champ. Hah, no way is that gonna’ happen. No, you see, I’m gonna’ beat the depressive mood swings right out of him. And, while I’m at it, I think I might just make him realise that cashing in that title shot was probably the biggest mistake that he ever made.
Lita: Look on the bright side, it’ll be the last mistake he ever get the chance to make.
Edge: Oh, I like that.
Edge leans in and kisses Lita, however the moment of passion is soon cut short.
Randy Orton: Hey. Hey you two, why don’t you get a room already, hah?
The couple break the lip lock.
Lita: We did, they’re fixing the bed now.
Randy Orton: Fixing the bed?
Edge: Yea’ we kinda… broke it.
Randy Orton: Anyway man, good to see ya’. There’s somet’ I’ve been meaning to tell you.
Edge: Yeah me too. I got something that I want to say to you too, man.