Watching all the insects march along
Seem to know just right where they belong
Smears a face reflecting in the chrome
Hiding in the crowd, I'm all alone
Some people have patterns that never seem to be broken no matter how hard you wish they could break them. If only there were a way to make them see that life could be so much better by following an honest path.
The lies, while seemingly innocent to them at the time, overshadow all of the good things that they have accomplished. Those that care about them can only keep the faith for so long when this continues to happen.
Trust is a major base for any relationship. How can they be trusted when they continue to purposely hurt the ones that they love just because they are scared to be themselves?
It is extremely painful for the ones that love them so deeply. The one that loves them is willing to accept the lack of trust, just to have that person in their life, regardless of their head telling them that they should not.
You can see that they want to be honest, yet they just can not follow through, out of fear of rejection. They swear they will give you the truth, and it all comes up as another empty promise..... again. Pattern repeated.
What is so wrong that they would rather be rejected by standing behind a lie, than to take a chance at pure happiness with the truth? Especially when they have experienced what that happiness could be like and they crave it.
Empty promises will get them nowhere.
No one's heard a single word I've said
They don't sound as good outside my head
It looks as though the past is here to stay
I've become a million miles away
I have lost, I have returned from said last matches and I have not been the same Nate Static I always was.
Sure I’ve been stuck in ruts, and sometimes the choice to return was not my own, but something of necessity. But it always made me out to be wrong.
To be a liar or just to be false.
I am not the one who does it out of spite, but my circumstances change and I find myself trapped by obligations outside the ring, that turn my promises to ambidexterity.
There is one truth that never changed, throughout wins and losses, retirements & returns. I have always been Nate Static, and therefore that makes me the best in the God damn industry.
Go ahead and doubt, it makes it all the better when your the one making all of the empty promises.
Rest assured ladies and gentlemen, Nate “FUCKING” Static is back and this time it’s real. No gimmicks, no nick names, just the man and the myth coincided to make this thing your eyes perceive as no longer a threat.
You will learn, or you will suffer blindly at my hands.
Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
I am the man who supports the industry on his back and walks with his head high.
I am the man, who they mock out of fear.
I am the man who was once the King of the FUCKING World; I was once the Last Man Standing, The Original Icon, The Ape of God, and The Saturday Night Baron.
Now that the list of gimmicks and nicknames is out of the way maybe these out to lunch fuck heads can refrain from letting there fucking tongues lash them out, in their defence, because quite frankly, it’s getting old.
So the starts where it just left off.
Nate Static is forced to face the same fucking idiots he beat the week beforehand. No matter, I’m sure Nicholas James has a lot of hype to live up to as the probably theory of “decision maker” in this match. I don’t care; I’ll walk in, and walk out, another pay check richer and another victory up the ladder. It’s fact, ladies. Get used to it.
For the truth shall set you free.
Nicholas James; Now before you even fucking think about bringing it up, Yes I am well aware we’ve met before. Aren’t you the guy that planted on my head in a match with Mike Omen, to help that fucking snake pull a victory out of his ass? ‘Cause you see my head isn’t as good as it used to be, I lose track of things, maybe it’s old age... or maybe it’s the amount of hits I’ve taken clean on the head. Either way, I’d know your stench anywhere, and guess what buddy... you’re already stinking up the match before it’s even started.
Yes I’m aware, of your previous wins and loses, blah blah blah. Sorry, DON’T GIVE A SHIT! What matters is the here and now, and well what’s here is Nate Static, what’s now is well... now... that doesn’t change but the concept you hold so dear to your chest Nick, Can I call you Nick by the way? Don’t worry I will, is that you are the one is surely... and undeniably not up to par, HOLD ON A SECOND! Before you go jumping down my throat for mocking your catchphrase, it isn’t mockery when it’s true.
You are out of your league. You were out of your league as soon as I was announced in this match. Cold hard facts son, and that cheating swine Rupp just makes the odds more stacked in the Rapture favour. This isn’t about pride of the show for me... by all means no. This is about my pride, and as I leave your pride and your hollow shell in the ring when I’m through with you and those two idiots you have teaming with you. I will wash my hands clean of you and this Brand vs. Brand bullshit, and ride my high horse right back to the top of this company and industry.
You have made the mistake of entering this match; it’s time you learned from that one mistake. Don’t bother speaking to the camera, your words will fall on deaf ears. I don’t listen to the doubters or the incompetent, which are you? That and your voice sounds like a stegosaurus with it’s ass on fire. Please keep my name from your tongue, and we shall have no future quarrel.
Diamond Silverbomb; you know princess; you make me want to wretch. Really, you do, congratulations. Not only was your tired little speech pathetic and barely coherent, but you also had the idiotic notion to drag my name down... AGAIN.
You know you think you would have learned from last week, sure say it was luck I don’t care, when you lost to me. Sure, it was a dark match and not everyone seen it or cared enough to watch the highlights, except when they seen that flicker of hope at the end with my arm raised in victory.
When I step in front of the camera’s I’ll choke? Sorry sweetheart but what you fail to realise is that I am a twelve year veteran in this industry. Cameras don’t scare me, nor do high profile matches. So go ahead say I’ll choke in front of the cameras... what you don’t count on is it will be you I’m fucking choking you fucking peon.
Oh I’m sorry choking is what I do when I achieve something these days huh? You go retire for a year, and then we’ll see how good you are you uncultivated fuck. Yes, retirement fucks with your brain, because as soon as you return, you fear the ring, it’s true. It’s a fear that goes when you’re comfortable in your position once again, and I just bought myself a Lay-z boy.
My star faded along time ago? Well I’m just going to cry fucking cry and retire again shall I? Not a fat chance. What you see in front of you now is Nate Static, as God himself incarnate. The fucking depression is over kids, Nate “FUCKING” Static is back. You don’t need stars when you don’t work in McDonald’s sunshine.
I will take no advice from anyone who looks like a horse in a man costume.
I’d happily let the more talented individuals take my spot... If I could find any. What? Were you really thinking you were better than me? Sorry honey bunch, but your not. I’ll make it clear to you; I am the best the industry has to offer. I built this fucking industry, and to have some snot nosed kid throw it in my face to try and get me to step aside? No, no, no. If I have to sit and watch another one of your promo’s I will personally go find your mother and slap her senseless – not for raising you the way she did, I’m sure she did the best she could, not for giving you life, but for making me sit through the fucking drivel that comes out of your mouth.
Remember it retard, it’s what they’ll chisel on your VWA tombstone right next to ‘beaten by’, and I’ll shine your shoes for your open casket.
Glad you could make it, although I'm sure I didn't see the Sunshine Coach outside when I came in.
Connor McCloud; Thank you Connor, Thank you for not subjecting me to another one of your tirade’s about me being better than you. Can’t thank you enough really, I’m glad you took my advice and got that lobotomy, It’ll work out well for you in the future, trust me.
Oh but of course, you’ll make your appearance soon, spouting some diatribe about how your chaos team is gonna win and all that shit, of course you will, It’s not ego and all that shit. You know, people like me leave a mark on the world, you? You’ll be lucky if you make a stain.
Still nothing white win can’t get out.
Of course, there’s always the possibility you’ll mount a personal attack on me... Oh well, Shit scared, as you can see, terrified. No Connor, your “cat got your tongue” stand point of now, doesn’t keep you safe, it’s making me want to rip your face clean off.
I mean seriously, I’m glad you haven’t spoken by now, I would only need to rip those words to shreds, but now I’m stumped for what to say about you... Really, cause quite frankly no one cared enough about you to be able to give me an accurate biography. I’m not bothered really; I’m just upset that you never thought highly enough to speak to me this week, when last week you were so eager to jump the gun.
I’m thankful because now I don’t need to stop playing ‘Who do I kill first’ in my head and just go with what feels natural, I was gonna start with me then it was the rest of you piss ants.
You know what you are? You're a beard with an idiot hanging off it.
Well, this day was a total waste of make-up.
Babylon Fading
All the jagged edges disappear
Colors all are brighter when you're near
The stars are all afire in the sky