[ Giants Stadium ] East Rutherford, New Jersey

TAPED: Jul. 17, 2007
AIRED: Aug. 01, 2007
PPV: WrestleSTOCK 07: Day Two
THOMAS: “Thanks guys and it is indeed time to decide the…..”
(FADEIN: Black. CUE: Music. The bass thumps, your ears bump. Hips sway, all night - all day. It's your boy; T - R – E on the T-R-O-N)
THOMAS: “Ah hell…”
Tre Day
(The melodic notes of new-wave gangster rap signal his highness' arrival. Following closely behind? A large, ominiferous cloud of questionable smoke passes before the camera. Panning down - that's right. He is hyped. He is electric. He is ... not at the arena. The camera pans back to find Tre standing before an EPW backdrop. His posture is awkward, clearly still nursing injuries he tries too desperately to hide. Dressed in NY Giants Blue, Red, and White, Tre smirked as Tre does.)
ICE TRE: “You know how we do. 2007. The Empire, doin' it. The New ERA, doin' it. WrestleSTOCK Style. No quit to this game, son. Goin' WILD in this piece! You know that The Tre would be remiss in his dutifications as EPW's own K'ang of the Streetz if he were to ignore - quite possibly - the greatest stage this promotion has ever known. A cross-promotional cooperative effort the likes of which -- the MAGNIFITUDE of which -- has not yet been seen before in the history of this sport DEMANDS that I, Ice Tre - Mack of the Year; 2001, 2, *AND* 4 - lay it down as only I can. And since I have NOT been cleared by doctor's to compete at WrestleSTOCK—”
(The viewing audience at the arena boo's noticeably, but Tre continues on screen.)
ICE TRE: “--I'mma have to lay it down like this.”
(He clears his throat. His hat is cocked to the side. His cross gleams a tad too glaringly; the word "bling" doesn't come close. His jersey is pressed, surface lint-free. Our boy looks CRISP.)
ICE TRE: “Sean Stevenz. I ain't at Da Stadium tonight. I ain't even in Jersey. I'm doin' my thang back in Cali. Healin' up, son. Yeah. You done me good. You hurt me, but you didn't kill me. And that's what you gon' have to do. Take me out, T. I'm not asking. I'm AXEIN'. I'm BEGGIN'. This ain't a challenge ... it's a DEMAND.”
(He spits on the ground, disgusted. Tough. Ish.)
ICE TRE: “EPW Russian Roulette be rollin' out round the bend. You and Me. 'Triple X' Sean Stevens and Ice to the GOT'dayum TRE --- Last Man Standing. No excuses. No medics on scene. Just you and me, toe to toe - one on one. One More Time.”
(He brushed off a shoulder.)
ICE TRE: “I don't care that you walked out last night as the so-called KING OF THE CAGE.”
(And the other.)
ICE TRE: “I don't care if you've got a World Title Match signed for Roulette by the end of Dub'stock or WHAT! The Tre has got your ass, LAST MAN STANDING. No QUESTION. Russian Roulette is the ULTIMATE GAMBLE, Triple! Put it all on the line. All or NATHAN! No risk, no reward. Insert cliche HERE, yo! Don't even bother ACCEPTIN' what I'm throwin' at you, Stevenz. Foregone conclusion, an' shit. Gon' ahead and consider this shit SIGNED.”
(He tossed up a series of rudimentary gang signs. Awww, how cute. )
ICE TRE: “Ain't no fadin' me. I can'tst be faded. Ungh. What.”
(The crowd continues to buzz as a chant breaks out…”ICE TRE! ICE TRE! ICE TRE!!”)
Empire Pro
World Tag Team Championship
The Proletariat vs. The Cameron Cruise Project (c)
THOMAS: (sigh) “Let’s just go up to the ring….”
(“Break the Silence” by Killswitch Engage hits the PA. The crowd begins to BOO extensively.)
FATORA: “Ladies and gentlemen… our next match for the event will be a tag team contest for the EMPIRE PRO WRESTLING TAG TEAM TITLES!! Introducing first… weighing in at a combined weight of 554 pounds… here are the challengers… THE PROLETARIAT!!!!”
(C.P. Nero and C.E. Augustus hit the stage to a WAVE of boos! Side by side, they make their way down to the ring.)
THOMAS: “The Proletariat have finally worked their way into a position to compete for the highly esteemed tag team titles, now that Blitz have taken an indefinite leave of absence from Empire Pro…”
NEELY: “Not that it matters. I mean, yeah… this team’s got talent. But this is the legendary CAMERON CRUISE PROJECT we’re talking about.”
MATTHEWS: “Let’s just hope Melton showed up this time around…”
(As the Proletariat stand ready and waiting in the ring, “Headstrong” by Trapt comes over the PA. The audience gives off a generally mixed but DEAFENING reaction!)
FATORA: “And their opponents… weighing in at a combined weight of 459 pounds… they are the EPW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… THEY ARE… THE CAMERON CRUISE PROJECT!!”
(Cameron Cruise comes out onto the stage… followed by Joey Melton. The two of them display their Tag Titles for the audience to see as they come to the ring.)
NEELY: “Ha, I KNEW he’d be here! You owe me fifty bucks, Dean!”
MATTHEWS: “…we didn’t bet on anything, Mike.”
THOMAS: “The Tag Team Champions are without a doubt the most decorated and successful team in Empire Pro history… but is their CURRENT title reign as successful as their last?”
NEELY: “Do you have to ask?”
THOMAS: “I can only wonder after Joey Melton’s absence during their LAST title defense, which resulted in their forfeiting the titles. Of course, they got them back the following week at Aggression… but do they have the chops to be champions once again?”
NEELY: “DDDUUUUUUHHH, Thomas! Melton’s here now, so just sit back and enjoy the show!”
(Melton and Cruise hit the ring and show off their titles once again. Nero and Augustus have a brief conversation, and after a few moments, Augustus goes to the outside. Cruise turns to Melton to discuss who goes in first, but Melton is already standing on the apron.)
THOMAS: “Looks like C.P. Nero is going to start things off for the Proletariat, while Melton appears to elect an unwilling Cameron Cruise to act first on behalf of CCP…”
NEELY: “He still needs to rest up.”
MATTHEWS: “…he hasn’t done anything in MONTHS! What does he need to rest up on?”
NEELY: “His MIND, Dean! You wouldn’t understand what it means to be a GREAT wrestler, since you obviously never WERE one…”
MATTHEWS: “Yeah… how about I put YOU in an armbar so tight it will make you scream for your momma, and ask yourself again if I’m not as “great” as you seem to think…”
THOMAS: “Nero and Cruise come together with a collar and elbow tie-up… Cruise gets the upper hand and slaps a headlock onto Nero… and Nero goes into the ropes and shoves him off! Cruise hits the other set of ropes… and gets put to the mat with a Shoulder Block from C.P. Nero!”
MATTHEWS: “Nero keeps the momentum going by going off the ropes… Cruise rolls onto his belly and Nero hops over him on his way to the other side of the ring… Cruise back on his feet and bends over for a back-body drop, but NERO REVERSES IT into a Sunset Flip!”
THOMAS: “There’s the cover!
Cameron Cruise kicks out!”
MATTHEWS: “The Proletariat is looking good to start things off. It sure looks like they mean business tonight.”
NEELY: “Yeah, just wait until Melton hits that ring, and the tides will be turning.”
THOMAS: “Nero begins to bring Cruise back to his feet, but Cruise catches him off guard with a poke to the eye! Cruise takes him by the arm and wrenches it around, and delivers an ELBOW to the shoulder that puts Nero to his knees!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise gets Nero back to his feet and sets him up for a DDT—but Nero catches him around the waist and hits him with a RELEASED NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!”
THOMAS: “Cruise back to his feet… and Nero drops him with a Drop Toe Hold! Nero bounces back to his feet and NAILS CRUISE with a Standing Somersault Legdrop!! And there’s the tag to the monstrous C.E. Augustus!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise is in a really bad position now…”
NEELY: “Yeah, he is considerably the weaker link.”
THOMAS: “Augustus meets Cruise as he’s getting to his feet and PUTS HIM DOWN with a Scoop Slam! He drops a KNEE across the sternum for extra effect! And now Augustus gets him to his feet again… takes him by the arm… and there’s the whip to the ropes!!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise returns and DUCKS a Clothesline attempt from Augustus! Cruise hits the other ropes as Augustus spins around, and goes for a CROSS-BODY BLOCK—BUT AUGUSTUS COUNTERS WITH A FALLAWAY SLAM!!”
THOMAS: “C.E. Augustus goes for the pin!
And Cruise kicks out!!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise is staying alive, but how much longer can he hold out? He needs to make a tag.”
NEELY: “Of course he does. Unless he’s a moron, he should know perfectly well by now the secret to his team’s success…”
THOMAS: “Augustus brings Cruise back to his feet… sets him up into a Fireman’s Carry—but Cruise hooks his arms and rolls him over for a CRUCIFIX PIN!
NO! Augustus POWERS OUT! He comes back to his feet, but Cruise catches him in the face with a DROPKICK!!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise rolls to his corner and tags in Joey Melton!”
NEELY: “HERE we go!”
THOMAS: “Melton hits the ring and goes after Augustus… but C.E. Augustus comes back with a RUNNING FOREARM to the face that puts Joey Melton to the mat!”
THOMAS: “Augustus makes the tag to Nero, and now he’s setting Joey Melton onto his shoulders while his tag partner goes to the top rope! Melton is up, and Nero leaps off for the DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!”
NEELY: “MY GOD, what the hell is HAPPENING!? Why doesn’t Cameron Cruise do something about this double-teaming?!”
THOMAS: “Nero hooks the leg for a cover!
NO!! Cameron Cruise runs in and makes the save! There you go, Mike.”
NEELY: “It’s about freakin’ time he started doing something useful!”
THOMAS: “Nero’s up and calling Cruise back into the ring… but that gives Melton the perfect opportunity to slip up behind him and nail him with a BULLDOG!!”
MATTHEWS: “Melton took good advantage of that distraction, and now he hooks C.P. Nero into a standard STF!! But Nero fights the hold and scrambles his way to the bottom rope before Melton can keep him pinned down! Melton releases…”
THOMAS: “But Melton stays in control as he brings C.P. Nero back to his feet and DRILLS HIM WITH A BRAINBUSTER SUPLEX!! He hooks the leg for a cover!
But AUGUSTUS hits the ring and makes the save!”
MATTHEWS: “The ref removes Augustus and Melton gets Nero back to his feet… there’s the whip to the ropes! Nero LEAP FROGS over a back-body drop attempt… hits the other set of ropes… and returns with a LEG LARIAT that took Joey Melton right off his feet!”
NEELY: “Aw, COME ON!! That idiot Cruise is screwing things up!”
MATTHEWS: “...how is that Cruise’s fault, Mike? He’s just standing there on the apron.”
THOMAS: “Nero slowly getting to his feet, as well as Melton… Nero tags in Augustus, and Melton slaps the hand of Cameron Cruise! Both men in the ring, and C.E. Augustus catches Cruise by lifting onto his shoulder—but CRUISE SLIPS DOWN BEHIND HIM!!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise goes for a DROPKICK to the back of Augustus’ knees, knocking him down a few inches… he hits the ropes, and NAILS AUGUSTUS with a Flip-Over Stunner!”
THOMAS: “Cruise is bouncing with energy as he gets to his feet again and waits for Augustus to stand! Augustus up… turns around… and walks STRAIGHT INTO THE REALITY CHECK FROM CAMERON CRUISE!! He goes for the cover!
THR—OH NO, C.P. NERO breaks it up with a diving hammerblow over Cruise’s head over the last second!”
MATTHEWS: “Nero back up… but Joey Melton comes TEARING OUT OF THE CORNER and nails Nero over the neck with a clothesline that sends the BOTH OF THEM over the ropes and to the outside!”
THOMAS: “Cruise, meanwhile, gets C.E. Augustus back to his feet, and whips him to the corner. Augustus CONNECTS… and Cruise comes RUNNING IN—but Augustus DIVES out of the way at the last second, and Cruise goes SHOULDER FIRST into the steel ring post!”
MATTHEWS: “Augustus looking whipped, but he keeps the momentum going by pulling Cameron Cruise out of the corner… hooks him, and BLASTS HIM WITH A SIDE SLAM in the middle of the ring!”
THOMAS: “Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, Joey Melton takes out C.P. Nero with a BACKBREAKER, and now he’s climbing the apron… but Augustus catches sight of him, and takes him out with a RUNNING ELBOW that knocks him into the barricade!”
NEELY: “Dammnit, that was TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR!!”
THOMAS: “Augustus has Cameron Cruise back onto his feet, and whips him into the ropes… Cruise returns, and gets PUMPED INTO THE AIR with a Gorilla Press Drop! Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, C.P. Nero is getting his revenge on Joey Melton with a RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP AGAINST THE BARRICADE!!”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise is in a bad situation now… C.E. Augustus brings him to his feet again and hooks him from behind… PUMP HANDLE SLAM!! Augustus goes for the cover!”
THOMAS: “This could be IT!!
THREE—OH NO, Cameron Cruise KICKS OUT!!”
NEELY: “Phew…”
THOMAS: “Augustus argues with the ref about the count, who assures him it was only two…”
MATTHEWS: “Cruise isn’t looking good. He needs to make a tag and rest up.”
THOMAS: “Augustus has Cruise back up… he goes for a standing leg-scissor headlock and hooks both arms! But Cruise MUSCLES OUT with a back body drop! And now he’s GOT to a make a tag… but where is JOEY MELON?!”
MATTHEWS: “C.P. Nero has him in a BLATANT CHOKEHOLD outside the ring! The Proletariat is keeping the two tag partners separated so they can keep wearing down on the weaker man!”
NEELY: “The OBVIOUSLY weaker man! Shouldn’t the ref be doing something about that?”
THOMAS: “Cruise is back on his feet, but he’s got NO PARTNER to tag in! And he turns around… only to see Augustus spring up from his knees and LEVELS him with a clothesline!!”
MATTHEWS: “Augustus brings Cruise back to his feet… hooks him around the waist… and NAILS HIM WITH THE K-14!!!”
(Crowd POPS!!)
THOMAS: “OH MY GOD, this COULD BE IT!! Melton can’t make the save in his current position, and C.E. Augustus makes the COVER…
FATORA: “The winners of this match… and your NEW Empire Pro Tag Team Champions… THE PROLETARIAT!!”
(C.P. Nero rolls back into the ring and celebrates with his victorious tag partner as the referee raises their arms and the timekeeper hands them the EPW Tag Team titles. Outside the ring, Melton, getting to his feet, looks DUMBSTRUCK!)
NEELY: “What a freakin’ ROBBERY!! This match was GARBAGE!!”
THOMAS: “Quite an upset for the Cameron Cruise Project… although you have to hand it to the Proletariat. They came out, they showed superior tag team skills, and in the end, it paid off pretty well.”
Calling You Out
(“10001110101” by Clutch hits the PA as the spotlight comes onto the stage. The crowd POPS WILDLY as “THE ESCAPE ARTIST” ERIK BLACK and “THE RAGING RUSSIAN” IVAN DALKICHEV appear from the entry-way, looking back into the ring with skeptical expressions at the new tag team champions. Black raises a mic.)
BLACK: “IVAN, old buddy, old pal… do my eyes deceive me? Or do I see a pair of RIP-OFFS there in the ring holding onto OUR titles!”
DALKICHEV: “Look like rip-offs to me!”
BLACK: “No kidding… I mean, it’s one thing to RECYCLE a tag team gimmick that’s already been used by the BEST FREAKIN’ TEAM to ever GRACE Empire Pro’s tag division… but come on, you guys don’t even have a REAL RUSSIAN in your ranks!”
(The duo throw their heads back in mock woe, much to the crowd’s amusement.)
BLACK: “Well, I guess you guys can stick with it considering ‘Van and I are beyond that whole Commie image… and we have to say, we’re VERY impressed with your victory tonight. Congrats on your first Tag Title reign.”
(Erik and Ivan politely applaud, and the crowd follows suit.)
BLACK: “But don’t get comfortable, fellas. You see, we just got back from Irish Red’s office. And we come bringing bad news…”
(The two exchange a glance, nod, reach into their back pockets, and pull out two brand spanking new CONTRACTS that they hold high over their heads for everyone to see.)
BLACK: “The former Crimson Calling have officially been SIGNED back to Empire Pro’s active tag team roster!!”
(BIG crowd pop!)
DALKICHEV: “This is not direct challenge… but simple warning. Enjoy meaningless win. Go home, drink up! Go back to hotel room and VJORK HOOKERS IN ASS if makes you feel better!”
BLACK: “Savor your title reign while you can… cause over the next few weeks, ‘Van and I will be working our way up to your level until the challenge is finally made. When that happens, it will be all over for you. And Empire Pro will see the SECOND reign of it’s greatest tag team EVER: THE CHRONIC COLLIZION!!”
DALKICHEV: “Formerly Crimson Calling.”
(Both men drop their mics and leave through the entry way as the Proletariat beckons them into the ring, holding their newly won tag team titles high into the air.)
THOMAS: “The CHRONIC COLLIZION have called out the new Tag Team champions! It may very well be Communists vs. ex-Communists for the titles in due time!”
NEELY: “Don’t bet on it. Those “Cracked-Out Colliders” won’t even get there. Joey Melton will find a new tag partner and reclaim HIS tag team titles all in due time!”
THOMAS: “We’ll see how these events unfold on the next Aggression… until then, we got more action coming your way on this second night of Wrestlestock as we head over for the NEW Television Championship!”
( continued... )