(FADEIN: The front of the Greensboro Coliseum as a voice over begins.)
VOICE/OVER: “Greensboro is the home of wrestling in North Carolina.”
(CUTTO: Superimposed shots of Jonathan Marx, Peter File, Larry Tact and El Arco Iris.)
V/O: “Where sweat, blood, and dreams become reality.”
(CUTTO: A picture of the New ERA World Heavyweight Championship.)
V/O: “Where champions are crowned.”
(CUTTO: Pictures of John Doe in action.)
V/O: “Where superstars are made..”
(CUTTO: Pictures of Jean Rabesque in action.)
V/O: “Where legends reign..”
(CUTTO: A picture of the New ERA Television Championship.)
V/O: “Where history is made.”
(FADETO: Black. From the bottom of the screen moving slowly to the top of the screen are the following words.)
The Dreams of Many Stars…
Are about to be laid to rest!
(Fading from the black background and slowly coming up behind the words is the RAUCOUS logo. As it fades closer and closer, it transcends the words and they disintegrate as the logo takes precedence on the screen.)
(FADEIN: Inside the Greensboro Coliseum, which is decorated to the nines for the title-crowning RAUCOUS. Fans are screaming, and signs flood the camera’s view. Some of them say “LARRY TACT ‘NEW’ WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!” while others say “PETER FILE HAD MY BABY’S DADDY!” The camera does a close up on a fan who is sitting in the front row wearing a very noticeable shirt. The camera does a closeup on the white shirt.)

(CUTTO: To the announcer’s table as Tom Gheorghe and Nick Jive are sitting down. Jive is holding his ears.)
GHEORGHE: “Welcome everyone to GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA as we broadcast LIVE from the historic GREENSBORO COLISEUM!”
JIVE: “You think these people would be voiceless by now!”
GHEORGHE: “This is true. Ladies and gentlemen, in case you don’t know, Greensboro is a hot spot for professional wrestling in the South. There have been 2 other shows in this very Coliseum in the past month! New ERA is proud however to bring you our title-crowning edition from Greensboro!”
JIVE: “And what a night its going to be! Peter File is going to walk out of that ring, not only with the respect and admiration of all these people, but also with the World Heavyweight Championship!”
GHEORGHE: “File is going to have his work set out for him though, because he not only has to face one man, but THREE, in the Fatal Fourway Battle Royal! And I think you’re underestimating El Arco Iris. Iris has so much heart, so much love to give .. and I think that may very well put him over the top here tonight.”
JIVE: “Iris may have heart, Tom, but he doesn’t have the physique to take as much beating as he’s going to get.”
GHEORGHE: “Iris and File are going to be in the ring tonight with ‘Gentleman’ Jonathan Marx and Larry Tact, two fantastic technical wrestlers who may have an edge over their opponents.”
JIVE: “Maybe on Iris, but not File.”
GHEORGHE: “What makes you say that Iris is on the short end of the stick?”
JIVE: “Iris is a flyer, Tom. If he does too much of that flying through the air stuff, he may very well find himself flying over the top rope and to the floor.”
GHEORGHE: “Those four men have been waiting for what must seem like ages to step into the ring with each other for the chance to become the first New ERA World Heavyweight Champion.”
JIVE: “They can’t train for a battle royal like any normal match, because anything can go wrong in the blink of an eye. All that you worked for throughout the Battle Bowl Tag matches could end like THAT.”
GHEORGHE: “I’m sure they know each other pretty well and can predict how their opponents will react in the match. But that isn’t all we have in store for tonight, folks. Not only will we crown our first World Heavyweight champion, but the Television Championship will be rewarded to either John Doe or Jean Rabesque as well in Greensboro!”
JIVE: “I’ve read a lot of BS on the net this past week saying that this is going to be an extremely easy victory for Jean Rabesque tonight, but I don’t believe that for one second. John Doe has come into New ERA with a fire in his eyes … he’s plowed through everyone he has been given, and here tonight, he’s going to send Jean Rabesque back to Canada with his frilly little tail between his legs.”
GHEORGHE: “John Doe has shown a lot of potential since coming into the Television Championship tournament in place of Doc Silver, and Jean Rabesque has proven that he’s no wash either.”
JIVE: “That fan over there has it right, Tom.”
(CUTTO: The fan wearing the anti-Rabesque shirt.)

JIVE: “The only way Rabesque can’t beat Doe tonight is if he makes him fall asleep in the ring by cutting a promo beforehand and THEN pinning him.”
GHEORGHE: “Jean Rabesque is by far one of the great technicians of this sport, Nick. Calling him boring is a disservice to every mat technician around.”
JIVE: “The truth hurts, don’t it.”
GHEORGHE: “Jean Rabesque defeated The Renaissance Man last edition of RAUCOUS, while John Doe had a field day with Jared Wells, who looked uncharacteristically off his game.”
JIVE: “Unfortunately.”
GHEORGHE: “John Doe has gone through Trevor Cane, Nick Savage, and Jared Wells to make it to the finals, while Jean Rabesque has had to take on ‘the Southern Beast’ Brody Hansen and The Renaissance Man.”
JIVE: “John Doe is ready to shock the world, and send Rabesque packing into retirement where he belongs.”
GHEORGHE: “We’ve also got three great matches to lead up to the big events tonight as Suicide, who shocked the wrestling world last edition of RAUCOUS by making an appearance and challenging both Chris McMillan and Nick Savage to a 2 on 1 encounter, will be taking on not only Trevor Cane, but also Brody Hansen!”
JIVE: “I feel bad for Suicide.”
GHEORGHE: “Let me guess…”
JIVE: “Hey, you do enough talking already, let me get a word in edgewise for once. Not only does Suicide’s debut get spoiled by ‘the Messenger,’ but then he has to come back out later in the evening to get clobbered by Hansen. No wonder Brody Hansen had a huge smile on his face last RAUCOUS … he knew that he was going to get a weak and battered Suicide!”
GHEORGHE: “Suicide made it abundantly clear that he’s ready for both matches tonight, and there is no doubt in my mind that he knows what he is doing.”
JIVE: “Well, then he needs to get his head checked out. Maybe that mask is cutting off air circulation.”
GHEORGHE: “Ladies and gentlemen the other match we have scheduled here tonight is between Jared Wells and Ice. Ice is a former member of the Natural Born Killers, and from what I’ve heard, can really do wonders in the ring.”
JIVE: “Bah! I hope they both knock each other silly.”
GHEORGHE: “Ladies and gentlemen. We are just moments away from beginning this INCREDIBLE moment. We’ve got to take a quick commercial break .. but when we come back …. IT’S THE TITLE CROWNING EDITION OF RAUCOUS …. LIVE FROM GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA!”