{ Incarnadine : adj. - Of A Blood-Red Color from the latin incarnato . . .
Icon : n. - One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol . . . }
- + x { I N T E R M I S S I O N } x + -
- + x { It was a regular rainy night as Kat sat leaned against the back of her chair, staring at the fire, a drink dangling delicately in clawed fingers. Her long hair sat in wet ringlets along her face, music playing softly in the background, that she seemed to nod her head to. The peace was soon to be disturbed, however, by the door bursting open, a tall lanky male figure sliding in from the rain, pulling off his long leather coat and fedora, setting them on a hook and walking towards Kat. The man, his face a mask of white and black, fell to his knees, his eyes gazing, bloodshot and adoring at the petite frame nearly engulfed in the black leather of the high wing backed chair. His hand stroked reverently against her knee, along her upper thigh, to take a slender ring-adorned hand to his thin lips, brushing their cracked texture across her raised knuckles. He smiled, the yellow of his teeth flashing alongside the silver of fangs, before his dreadlock-adorned head bowed in reverence. The woman seemed to smile, her eyes a swirled and glassy mix of green and aquamarine, their cold sharpness regarding the man simpering at her feet. A chuckle rose from her, soft as gossamer, as deadly as venom, echoing along the dim room’s walls and coming back as music to her ears. The scene was almost a pantomime of times long past, a knight in less-than-endearing armor, and a woman of ill-repute sitting on a mock throne taking suitors. It was perfectly perverse and twisted – just the way she liked it. After a moment, the gaunt man raised his head again, his head resting like a child’s against her thigh, her hand falling against his cheek, stroking a claw-nailed hand against the flesh covered in stage paint. He took a moment to find his voice that lingered among the depths of his swirling thoughts, his gravelly tone a low murmur behind the background of the night. } x + -
- [ The DEMONIC SHEPHERD Vampiro ] -My Tigress … My Huntress … word has come from your new hunting grounds. They wish you to arrive post-haste; you will be competing this week.
- + x { This seemed to make the woman smile all the wider, until it could be seen that her own mouth bared silver canines. She let a nail drag along the man’s exposed neck and wet her lips with her tongue. Kat grasped the paper that her toy had brought her, ripping it open fiendishly, then pausing, her eyes scanning the text, before a predator’s grin lit up the hollows of her face. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -Wait. You’re telling me they hired Lita into this federation? They really will let anybody and their wet, talentless scum friends in. Hmmm. I don’t recall this Tiffany person. I have no idea about them but really, does it matter?
- [ The DEMONIC SHEPHERD Vampiro ] -Of course not, my Mistress. You will overcome them as you do with any of them. You are the cruelest, most sadistic woman the wrestling world has ever seen. And I have faith in you …
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -Faith? You have –faith- in me? I don’t need faith, I have skill. I have forgotten more about the wrestling business than these women will ever learn. Go pack my things, we have a city to paint red.
- + x { Vampiro nodded and quickly stood up, all but running up the stairs and grabbing her clothes to pack them for travel. } x + -
- + x { I N T E R M I S S I O N } x + -
- + x { The scene opened within what looked like a hotel room, or at least a lavish looking holding tank for the psychopath that was known only as Kat. The woman sat, on what looked like a coffee table, leaning over a pile of papers on the floor. On closer inspection it appears as if someone had shredded several magazines, the photo content of the issues laying across the floor in a scattered fashion. As the camera panned in, her head shoots up, making her blonde ringlets bob backwards, her cold blue eyes staring threateningly in the camera. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -The time has come it seems to be, to talk of many things. Of Sluts and skanks and talentless hides that plague the infestation of a new world. Wherever you go, you cannot escape them, cannot run from them, you can only rip through their ranks and hope that your work stems the flow. I used to be one of them. Doing it all for the fans, flashing skin, being a whore for the people. But that day, like the days of biblical law and puritanical tyranny have abated, and have fallen to the dust. I am now far surpassed from that feeble beginning. I have truly surpassed the bound of the stereotypical diva. I am now a predator, stalking the night for someone to ruin and leave in my dust. And it seems to me, that in this new federation. This … global wrestling organization as it was, that I will have no only the honor but the privilege of consistently desecrating the sanctity that these women call their Knockout division. There are many women here that think like me – at least they suppose that they think like me, that they are these evil vindictive bitches that seek only to destroy the men around them. That is not true. While their intentions are noble, and truly I hope they really do become something to be desired. They are simply a façade, a charade of the darkness that truly can destroy. They wear the mask of evil, while I on the other hand revel in the SIN and darkness that comes with the insanity I reside in. They simply seek to destroy the body, while I? I seek to destroy the mind – nay the vary SOUL of a person, and leave them a lifeless husk, listless, wandering in their own bleak oblivion. And it comes to be that this week, the christening of this organization brings me two women to lay to waste. One I know, and remember vividly, the other that I have never heard of.
- + x { Kat stretched, popping her neck, and picking up a magazine, flipping to a photoshoot of Lita, tilting her head to one side. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -Now, Lita I could sit here all day and go on about your past, I could sit here and talk about your less than savory encounters. I could draw up that you too, were a valet just like me. But why bother? That is not who you are now, and why reside in the past. I have no idea how you are now, if you are the same as you were, I have no way to know because you as of yet have shown nothing of yourself. So I have nothing to judge, except that I can suggest that when it comes to carnage, you’re in a far lower league that you think to be. All I know, all I care to know is that I have no reason to spare you any justice or mercy when you step into that ring with me. While it’s true, we were close in the past. The past is long gone and now I see no one as my partner, only my adversary. When carnage reigns in, you shall find yourself at my mercy, and I have little to spare.
- + x { Kat rips the picture out of the magazine, and lays it on the stack before her. She smirks, and pulls out a metal object that she toys with between her palms as she continues after a short pause. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -And as for this… Tiffany? I have no idea who you are. The world was too busy showing me it’s mysteries for me to ever hear about you. Thus in my book you must be pretty damned unimpressive. You haven’t even had the sense to show your face around these halls, let alone say anything to prove your mere existence. I will give you one good piece of advice, however. Do not seek to cross me. Do not even begin to think you are at the caliber that I am. You will be taken, and destroyed if you believe otherwise.
- + x { Kat slowly stands up, and looks down at the pictures again, shaking her head, and shrugging easily. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -Do I care if I win? No, I really don’t. The only thing I care about is that when I’m done with these two … lesser pieces of intelligible slime they call divas in this federation that they remember to not mistake me for some … piece of forgotten nostalgia that they can just assume they know the truth about. The woman they knew at one time is far gone … buried under layers of madness and anger … threats and bile. The only thing left of the woman known as Miss Kitty, are photographs.
- + x { Kat smirks, lifting a picture of her from the past – the trademark blue wigs, slutty outfit, the adoring eyes she had for Jerry Lawler. She finally reveals the item in her hand – a metal Zippo. She flicks it open with a quick twitch of her hand, she rolls the flint, making the wick combust, the flame rising as she holds the lighter beneath the picture, setting it ablaze. The flames light her eyes in the dim room, as she laughs, and tosses it onto a pile of pictures in front of her – a bevy of random women, wrestlers, models, anything she had possibly gotten her hands on. She stood up, watching the flames rise out of control. She seemed to not care, as the fire caught the rug before her, and grew considerably. At this point, the fire alarm started to blare, as she simply laughed and shrugged. } x + -
- [ The INCARNADINE ICON The Kat ] -I’m not a problem solver. I’m just the person that screws everything up to entertain herself.
- + x { She chuckled, and opened the door, walking out of the room, as the camera hurriedly cuts to black. } x + -
Roleplay Info:
Title: IntroductionsWrestler Bio:
Name: 'The Kat' Stacy CarterTheme Music:
'Devilicious' by Angelspit
Okay, I made this layout. I doubt you'd have any reason to take it. Because I'm one of the only people that plays Kat this amazingly. So why would you need this layout? YOU DONT! So don't fucking take it. It's one of a damn kind. You don't need it. Leave it alone. Just appreciate the beauty.