{ Incarnadine : adj. - Of A Blood-Red Color from the latin incarnato . . . - + x { Act One - Scene One; 'The Bells . . . they toll for Thee'
Icon : n. - One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol . . . }
{A lone bell tolled the hour, thunder rolling along the outside of stone walls, candlelight flickering from an open window, a balcony, upon which a lone figure stood. The rain poured just near their face, dampening blonde locks, the young woman tilted her head back, letting the drips from the awning hit her face, opening her mouth, letting her pale lips take in the drops of cold liquid, to quench her throat and her thirst, as her hands rested on the stone banister, lengthy nails scraping it’s mossy coating, spiders running over pale, catlike fingers, her body standing calm. The view changed, coming to her profile, her lips curving into a dark smirk, sardonic in it’s simple curvature, before turning towards the view, green eyes flashing open with their own glowing inner-light. A chuckle, so faint, so much like a heavy breath, as she rolled her neck to a sickening pop, then looked out over the landscape again.}
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : To think … that they think so low of the women in this federation that they send two people to do one woman’s job. I tell you now it would take every woman in this federation at once to take me down. There is no recourse, for the women that dare to step into my path. It’s funny. Usually, I figuratively bury careers and sanity in the wayside, but this time, not only do I get to bury their pride … but their fragile bodies as well. I get to do what comes naturally. And for once, my two lucky opponents will know the beauty of the grave, before their time. They will feel the weight of the earth coming down upon their bodies as I toss the ground upon them, to feel what it is like to have death embrace you from the ground, and take you into it’s cold, eternal arms. To feel, what it is like to have someone you hate, smiling as they put you to rest, not only your body, but your soul, and your pride, and your career. All of it taken away from you by someone you could come to despise. I will gratefully be that woman, to take their bodies and put them to the earth, to take from them, to rip from their minds their boastful natures, and their pride, and leave victorious over those that would seek to rebuke me and treat me as less than I am. I will have no other recourse than to destroy these two souls and send them to the god that made them … I will have no other choice, than to shine in the light as they bathe and drown in the darkness that will be the earth when they are covered in six feet of cold, unforgiving, life-taking earth, and I stand above the graves, and spit upon them, giving them a last salute before I take my chances as Champion once more.
{Her blonde hair dripped in wet ringlets over her face, covering her eyes as she stared out into the darkness. She seemed to be pondering something, putting her head down for a moment, her hair dripping along the railing until she clicked her tongue, and continued.}
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Jenna Jameson … once a name so famous that every boy over the age of sixteen knew everything about you - the size of your hips, your breasts, how many men you could screw at once … it was all catalogued and detailed by perverts that had nothing better to do with their time but to make their own little forms of you, to take your likenesses because the world was not theirs. Noble, but sickening that you could so literally sell your body - at least in silicone and cyber skin form - to make little lonely sex fiends the world over content to screw silicone and rubber. How … utterly, disgustingly noble. Now you take the wrestling world, and sell your image to the world, thankfully for the rest of us now with your clothes on, and you seek what? Respect? A Name? You could never have respect. You have sold yourself too low, and I doubt anyone - even yourself - could have respect for the whore you still are. I’m sure if Playboy came running to your door you’d leap at the chance to go back into that line of work again. But you’ve gotten sicklier now, much the skeleton of your former self, and I doubt that even a necrophilia addict could find pleasures in your skeletal slanting curves and silicone chest. I doubt an airbrush artist could cake enough clay onto you to make you look like a woman again, but I will help you. I will give you a way out. I will bury you so that maybe the leeches and rats can bloat your corpse enough to make your body at least appeasing enough to be a half-decent shell of your former self. Such A Shame ...
{She seemed to shake her head in shame, and then roll her shoulders in a non-chalant shrug, letting out a huff of a breath. She looked out over the scene again, up at the pale crescent moon, that gave just enough of a glow to see the streets below. She seemed to be watching the drops hit the ground for a moment, before turning her body, to lean back against the railing, and look straight ahead, grinning once more, her eyes seeming to burn with hatred. The words next came out like the hiss of a serpent.}
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Then there is miss Trish Stratus. A woman renowned for being ‘innovative’ and surpassing her original stints in the wrestling world to become something better. How sweet. But it’s all been done before. She’s tried to be good, she’s tried to be bad, yet no one seems to really care. She’s tried to put a crack into the world, but in the end she’s failed. You see, to get these people to remember your name, you have to be feared … respected … and known as a killer. A Monster … and that I am. Trish … you have become as egotistical and pathetic as those around you. You have fallen into the pit of deceit and untalented mass that is this women’s division. But I have come to aid you. From the crypt I put myself in I have come back to haunt you, and to take from you the chance to shine in the limelight. I have come to show you the endless darkness that will be your home. For there is only room for one angel such as myself. One crimson stained god, that could only be me. The only one who can redeem all of your wrongdoings and take over this federation once again, by blood, and by beatings, I shall claw back to my glory, and leave you staring up as if to the gods. And by my hand, you will see all of this as I bury you alive, to contemplate your misfortunes. Rest well, to the both of you. For soon, you shall sleep forever ….
{Kat snaps the hair out of her eyes, and grins, starting to laugh again as she walks past the camera back towards the safety of the room, leaving the camera to watch only the cold rain that falls across the stones until it fades away ….}
- + x { Act One - Scene Two; 'Old Friends . . . Not Yet To The Grave' } x + -
{Hearing the knock on the door, the young redhead’s eyes bugged out, as she started stashing all of her things, until she heard a familiar laugh, and ‘it’s just me you ditz!’ the woman calmed down and went to open the door, giving a sigh of relief. }
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : God fucken dammit Kat! Gotta warn me next time! I thought it was the five o on my ass again! Wait a second … where the hell have you been the past year or two? I don’t hear from you in ages now you just show up?
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : For lack of a better word … I’ve been dead.
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : WHAT?!?! What the hell do you mean you’ve been dead what the fuck?
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Let me in … and I’ll explain little one.
{Tai rolled her eyes and let the woman in, closing and barring the door behind her, settling down onto two cloth covered couches around a large hookah. }
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : Now … spill. What do you mean you’ve been DEAD?
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Well, I’ve been … gone, stuck in a fog of my own mind. I’ve been sleeping for so long. I’ve let UPW come to ruin without me. And now, I come back, and it’s not the same. There’s so much more idiocy. And there’s no respect. It’s been so long, I wonder why I even came back. I wonder why I don’t just sleep forever and let dust collect on my grave.
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : What? Because you’re the motherfuckin’ Kat! You are the best woman wrestler I’ve known! You came from being a valet to being one of the most feared women in major competition today! You’ve gone through hell and back and now your talking of giving up before you retake your place? Screw that! I’m going to help you … just like you helped me back in the day. You’re going to beat these women and take over once more and I’m gonna be celebrating with ya with the biggest joint I can roll! Come on Kat this is your chance to show that you ARE immortal! You’ve been convincing people for years that you are the best now go out there and prove it!
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Youd … really want to be by my side again my little stoner? Even though you can’t wrestle anymore you’d be willing to stay around this time?
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : Hell yeah! I might get to beat up a few of those dumb bimbos myself! Come on! Now sit down and smoke with me … we gotta celebrate!
{The scene fades the the sound of a lighter flicking, and the two women laughing.}
- + x { I N T E R M I S S I O N } x + -
- + x { Act Two - Scene One; 'Meat Market' } x + -
{Two figures pushed open the door into the smoky room, one, a blonde, slid off a long jacket as she looked around, the other, a redhead simply standing behind her. They took in the scene of the dank pit that they called in this area, The Shark Lounge. Before them stood a large stage with a pole, miniature, sickly looking sharks swimming about in a tank beneath the dancing stage. Uncomfortable leather seats ringed the stage like a cage, with tables behind. A large taxidermy shark hung over the bar, haunting and dusty. The two walked in among the meager throng of older, disturbing looking perverted men that would call this place respite. The two women, so out of place in this bleak desolation look at one another, the redhead turning up her nose in disgust. The two finally settle, the younger redhead looking like she would be ill.}
{Kat sits against one of the tables in the seedy club, the redhead sitting next to her in a pair of leather chaps and a corset, arms crossed over her arms.}
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : God Damn boss why we in this damned nasty ass strip club? I mean come on … I can’t tell if the fishy smell is from the tank or the chicks!
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Both … it’s from both. We’re here to see some friends in their second jobs … Moonlighting as Dancers in this nasty ass club.
{A skeleton of a waitress brings them a bottle of bourbon and two glasses, as the lights go down, Kat rolls her eyes and laughs at Tai’s eyes widening as she sees what looks like …}
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : Oh my god! Is that really Jenna Jameson?
{Tai points at the blonde woman in blue fishnet sprawling against the stage, and Kat lets out a hearty laugh.}
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Good Eye! Yes, it is our beautiful ex-porn star Jenna Jameson making a rare appearance at the Lounge! Look … you can tell she REALLY knows how to wrestle the way she has to fight to keep her weak body up on that pole … I mean can you tell this woman used to be a porn star? Look at how she molests that pole! You’d think it was about to pay her! Really now … how can you deny that she’s so going to beat me in this match when she can’t even get a guy to beat off on her!
{Kat slams back a shot of the bourbon, laughing, as she tosses a dollar coin at the girl, hitting her right in the back, making her stop and look at the woman and glare. The people around Kat are looking at her like she’s insane. But Kat simply laughs, and kicks her legs up on the table, sitting back and yawning.}
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : You know … I believe it! I bet … I bet … that this is how she intends to beat you! She’s going to boob you to death and make you so sick to your stomach that you HAVE to forfeit?
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Probably … but I have quite the iron stomach. I mean come on, I used to be Married to Jerry Lawler … if I could deal with that fat sack of lard and perversion I can certainly get past Jenna showing me her enhancements, and still make sure her face needs reconstruction when I’m done with her.
{The two girls look at each other, then at the girl as she finishes her set, Kat flips her hair back, taking a few more shots as they reset until another woman comes on to stage, and Kat nearly spits out her drink.}
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Oh my god this is too easy! I didn’t know Trish had a sister! And she’s as big as a house? What is she pregnant?
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : I think I’m going to Gag …. Why did you come here? This … this is bad Kat … I mean … dear god the humanity! And we paid ten bucks tog et in here? God they should have paid US to come in here!
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : I know right … we’re the two best looking girls in here and we aren’t even on stage! Hey … we’ll go after this I promise … I’ll take you down the street to a real club. I know you got a thing for that Kimaira chick at the club down the street.
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : HEY! Just because she’s my ex-girlfriend … shut up! Let’s just finish this up.
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : God … this is truly sad I mean. I keep trying to see Trish as this great person .. .then I see this and think they are one in the same! I mean truly I wonder how many wrestlers back in the arena get head shots from miss trash between matches? I know I walked in on her doing something with one of the crew guys to fix her pyro before Kane’s … but this is just plain sad. Is this how they train female wrestlers these days? Send them to the crappiest strip club in town so they learn how to hustle for money and make fools of themselves?
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : Guess so boss. I mean really, this is just pathetic. I could do better drunk and stoned off my ass then these girls could do stone dead sober!
-x{ the INCARNADINE icon -:- The Kat }x- : Lets get out of here Tai, we got two sluts to disinfect…. And I think I need a shower after being in this nasty place.
-x{ the STONED OUT icon -:- Tai Weed }x- : I’m with ya on that, lets get back to the hotel and forget we even came here.
{Kat tosses a quarter at the chick on stage, and lays down a twenty to take the bottle of liquor home with her, but ends up smashing it on the edge of the stage as she walks out, getting an indignant squawk from the waif on the stage as she walks out, into the cool night air again.}
- + x { Act Two - Scene Two; 'My Apologies' } x + -
Roleplay Info:
Title: Cheating DeathNext Match:
Wrestler Bio:
Name: 'The Kat' Stacy CarterTheme Music:
Oh high noon dead moon; A hangin all over you yeah; DEVIL MAN yes I can cut A Little Piece Of You, yeah Hunger! inside you Hunger! Hunger! destroy you Hunger! Swift might DEAD NIGHT; That’s all right for you yeah; VOODOO MAN yes I can Tear It All Down For You, yeah She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Spookshow baby! She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Yeah spookshow baby! Red rain, NO PAIN; Fallin’ down over you yeah; WICKED MAN yes I can A Walkin’ All Over You, yeah Hunger! inside you Hunger! Hunger! destroy you Hunger! She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Spookshow baby! She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Yeah spookshow baby! Bright glove, MAD LOVE; A movin all over you yeah; PSYCHO MAN yes I can Do It All Over For You, yeah She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Spookshow baby! She’s a killer! She’s a thriller! Yeah spookshow baby!
Okay, I made this layout. I doubt you'd have any reason to take it. Because I'm one of the only people that plays Kat this amazingly. So why would you need this layout? YOU DONT! So don't fucking take it. It's one of a damn kind. You don't need it. Leave it alone. Just appreciate the beauty.