and gentlemen, good evening The camera opened up on the emerald green waters, where seagulls passed over the gulf and thousands (and thousands...) of tourists swam happily, never thinking about the dangers that swim with them - sharks, jellyfish, and more importantly... Dan Stein. The camera zoomed in on one of the swimmers, a chiseled and toned masterpiece of a man. As the camera zoomed in closer, the man was paddling on a yellow long board, waiting for the next wave to break. The camera zoomed in even closer, and faded away as the man stood on the board. When the camera faded back, the man was being swept under by the wave. As the wave passed, and the man's head re-emerged from the sea, a smirk slid across his face. Dan 'The Lights' Stein's head bobbed up and down in the water as he remounted the board and paddled safely back to shore. Man: 'Nice wipeout, Danny.' Stein's smirk never left his mouth. The Lights: 'Hey, I can't be perfect at everything. I'll leave the surfing for you, I'm fine being in the ring.' Man: 'So I can count on seeing you tomorrow?' The Lights: 'Nah, broham. I've got to get back up north and take care of a few things. Thanks for the lessons, though.' As Stein went to hand the board back to the man in front of him, two brunettes passed between them, both scantily clad in their beach bikinis. Stein raised an eyebrow as his head turned to follow the girls. As they walked away, Stein returned his attention to the man. The Lights: 'On second thought... Nah, dudenheimer. As much as I wish I could stick around, I've got a washed up hack of a professional trying to threaten me with a baseball bat, in two championship matches, and still wondering what the hell is going on with my contract with ALBATROSS.' Man: 'What? Rain still dickin' you around?' The Lights: 'Yeah, you'd think the dude would grow some nuts and pay his ONLY heavyweight champion, regardless of the company being closed down. But Fucknuts McGee thinks that since he's not making any money, I shouldn't get the rest of my contract money. Oh, well... I've got a guy talkin' to him. Just need to get up to New York and finalize things.' Stein hands the board to the guy in front of him, grinning. The Lights: 'Listen, Brao, if you're ever in the Midwest, or the Carolinas, give me a call. We'll definitely hit up a club or two. I'll see ya' around.' Stein and his friend 'pound it', and shake hands. Man: 'Will do, compadre. Catch you on the flip side.' As Stein trods off, the man walks back into the gulf with the board. Stein's eyes gaze over the women, never too obvious, but never too stealthy - just enough to make the girls blush. Stein continues forward, shaking his head as he passes under the camera... We fade back to Stein standing inside of what appears to be a beach house, two gold titles in glass cases on either side of him. One of them says 'ALBATROSS' in bold letters, while the other says 'SUBMISSIONS' in the same gold font, both are Mixed Martial Arts belts. The Lights: 'So... my first match here didn't go - quite - as planned. I mean, I did knock out Castleberry, and he was looking up at The Lights after our match, I can guaranty that... I just didn't win. And really, that's okay. I still made an impact, people still saw what I did. People still saw me choke the life out of Castleberry, they still saw me wrestle him, they still saw me work him to the breaking point, wear him down enough so that he was in position to be choked out... and I capitalized. He just happened to get the win.' Stein smiled big as he continued on. The Lights: 'Obviously it got underneath his skin... obviously being humiliated on his big night back made an impact in his life, and obviously he wont forget my name anytime soon... just like I told him he wouldn't. Right now, Mikey's wondering if everything I said wasn't right, wondering if he isn't old... washed up... still not in shape to be a professional wrestler. I mean, he himself is the one that has to rely on baseball bats and steel chairs to maim his opponents, while I just used my bare hands and ended his night early. He's the one that's got something to prove now, he's the one trying to right what I wronged in his world. I've got nothing to lose, and Mike Castleberry is putting everything he's got on this match. What everyone knows, Mike, is that no matter how hard you try, how much you want it, how many tricks and how many behind-the-refs-back moves you pull, it still wont amount to a win.' Stein started to laugh, but quickly controlled his humor and looked back at the camera. The Lights: 'The thing that humored me the most, though, Mike? Was the fact that you flat out TOLD ME what you were going to do to me. Stalk my every move. Make my life a living hell. You'll be in the shadows, you'll be over my shoulder, you'll watch me at the stalls in the bathroom, you'll jerk off to me having sex with my girlfriend... oh, sorry. Didn't mean to push the envelope, don't want you to blow an artery, Old Man. So, when you decide to face reality, when you decide to step back and realize, 'OMG! This kid is the real thing!' You'll get over your loss. You'll see it a great thing. You'll forever be known as 'the guy that gave Stein his launching pad' here in The NAFW (even though we both know that my career was launched on my skills, and your lack thereof). See? Doesn't that just sound WONDERFUL?' Stein slid black sunglasses over his eyes, which matched his black NAFW shirt. As the two brunettes from before walked in front of him, Stein shivered. He sighed as he turned back to the camera. The Lights: 'Talk, talk, talk, talk and talk some more. Talk yourself up. Give yourself a reason to get up every morning and prepare for this match. Make yourself look good - in your head. Your reputation has all ready been ruined. After all, you were the one that said "work it out amongst yourselves which lamb get's led to the slaughter, because this time, at the next Annihilation, the first of many will take their last breath." Wasn't that you, Mike? I could've sworn you said that on the last Annihilation before Last Rites; After all, that's why I cut MY promo at Last Rites. Keep talking, Mikey. Keep running your mouth and looking like an idiot. I really don't care, honestly. I just hope you stop, soon. It's getting annoying. Listening to a 27 year old bitch and moan about his hips and how he got gyped the last time around, how he never gets the spotlight and then fails to produce anything when he gets the chance.' Stein grinned from ear to ear. The Lights: 'Threaten me harm. Does things to me that I'll 'never be able to cope with'. Everything you're whacking off to, envisioning doing to me - do it. I fucking dare you. Because, sooner or later, you'll realize that everything you and your baseball bat inflict on me will NEVER amount to the damage that I do to your career after I beat you at the next Annihilation. I'm a submission's MASTER. I'm a B-J-J CHAMPION. I am a mixed martial arts EXPERT. I'm quicker, more agile, definitely more talented, and, Mike, SMARTER, than you'll ever hope to be in the wrestling ring. No Holds Barred doesn't just mean for you - prepare for a bloodbath.' Stein smirks. The Lights: 'This pretty boy likes to fight, and after you're down for the 10 count - you'll realize that.' As Stein walks away, the camera zooms in on the two championship belts, Stein's proof behind his words. The camera fades as Stein's voice can be heard surrounded by giggling. |