Dan Stein in:
Rock You Like a Hurricane!
The scene begins in sunny... Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The fall has caused the leaves to fall on the ground, and the weather has gotten chilly, but Dan Stein still made the trip home to visit his mother for the first time since 'the accident'. Stein sat in his mother's rocking chair, out on her front porch. Through the window over his left shoulder, you could see the woman resting in another chair inside, presumably watching one of her favorite TV shows, Meerkat Manor, perhaps. Stein wore a black Iowa Hawkeyes hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans, and his Timberland boots thudded against the old wooden deck as he tapped his toes to the rhythm of the song playing on his iPod, tucked away into the front pocket of the sweatshirt. As Stein looked around, and his breath floated away in the air like a puff of smoke, he bundled closer to himself. As the camera focused back in on the chair, the woman was gone. Stein shifted around, trying to get comfortable as the woman opened the front door, just a few feet away from Dan.
She stepped out of the house, tapping Stein on the shoulder. Stein jumped, obviously not hearing her come out of the house.
Mrs. Stein: "Dan, dinner is done."
Stein quickly took the buds out of his ear. He looked at his mother dumbfounded.
Mrs. Stein: "Dinner is-"
Dan Stein: "Done. Okay, I'll be in in a second, Ma."
Stein sighs to himself, finally calming down from the scare. His mother ducked back inside of the house, and Stein turned to look at the camera.
Dan Stein: "So, Mr. Davis doesn't seem to have anything to say right now... probably working with his kid, or some excuse that he can muster. Much like the rest of the roster that hasn't said anything. Funny... anyone else realize that every single competitor in Ro-P-Dub has posted something about their opponents, while the rest of the roster is speechless? I guess it takes talent to beat talent..."
Stein laughed.
Dan Stein: "But that's not what Davis is going to say. He's going to say he had 'other things' to attend to. Like... family over the holidays, or... court hearings for the right to keep his kid from his worthless mother... or... anything but dealing with me because I'm going to be a 'push over'. Which we ALL know I wont be. We ALL know that Davis wont just toss me to the side and be done with me. We all know that I will be his most worthy competitor, to date."
Stein grinned.
Dan Stein: "And we all know that my talent will be the defeat of Mr. Adam Davis. See, Adam Davis has never seen a competitor like me. He may have fought me before, but he has never wrestled a man with the talent of myself. He's never even seen what I'm capable of. He's not seen what I've picked up in over two years of experience now, he's not seen what I've learned since our last battle... and he's never seen me so focused."
Stein stood up, walking towards the camera.
Dan Stein: "I will beat Adam Davis. I will be the first member of Raymond's OPW to strike it gold against a prominent name in OPW. It's my calling. It's why I'm here. It's why Raymond brought me to OPW, and you have to trust him. After all, he knows these things..."
Stein smirked.
Dan Stein: "I am in OPW, not to beat everyone senseless, or to within an inch of their lives. That's not why I'm here... I'm here to out wrestle, out game, out smart every man on the roster. And while Daddy Warbucks is tryin' to fight for his kid, I'm going to take this oportunity to expose the weakness in OPW, the Achilles heel. And that's an undedicated champion, Adam Davis."
Stein put an arm up on a pillar, looking at the camera still.
Dan Stein: "There is no talent in OPW, and few too many people care about that. Adam Davis, you're supposed to be the guy that's holding the OPW torch, you're supposed to be dedicating your every moment to OPW... but your mind is elsewhere. Your mind is... not even close to being with OPW. I mean, I would hope so, since you claim to be 'Superdad' and all. How can you even believe you'll be close to prepared for this match, when I've been waiting to kick your teeth down your throat since the last time I was here? How can you even begin to think that you'll be walking out of the Ba... Ba... Faux Battlegrounds with a victory?"
Stein stood up, putting his hands in his sweater.
Dan Stein: "You can't. That's why you haven't shown your face, that's why you haven't said a word about this match, to ANYONE. That's why you're missing in action."
Stein shook his head.
Dan Stein: "You're a bad champion, Adam Davis. You're a bad wrestler, and a bad champion. But more than that? You're a bad father. And for that, I'll show no regret when I rearrange your face with my boot and little Adam, Jr doesn't even want to be around the monster that his daddy turned into."
Stein sighed.
Dan Stein: "Where are you, Adam? To quote the Scorpions, 'Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane'. Show up, Davis. You owe the fans that much."
Stein looked at the camera, as his mother pushed the door open again.
Mrs. Stein: "Now, Dan."
Stein smirked, turning around.
Dan Stein: "Sorry, Ma. Just got done..."
Stein turned back to the camera, giving it a soft smile, almost half heartedly. He lowered his head and turned around, ducking into the house. The camera faded.
A deep breathe was heard
over the image of Dan Stein and his mother eating Thanksgiving dinner alone.
Then, a muffled voice, 'Beautiful...'
...Someone Will Pay...