(The scene begins inside the
Hybrid Gym. Stein is walking towards Eric Flaherty and Mikhail, the
Russian powerhouse. Flaherty isn't exactly in gym clothes, as he's wearing
a pair of blue jeans and a polo t-shirt. Stein walks closer, looking him
up and down.)
Dan Stein: "Where you going, Handsome?" (Flaherty about gags at the homoeroticism. Stein chuckles to himself.) Eric Flaherty: "Mikhail and I are going back the mother land for a while. Says his little brother has some talent I might want to look into. You going to be cool with the gym?" (Stein nods, looking around the place.) Dan Stein: "You've got Jun coming in for a week, right? I know I can't handle the entire group myself." Eric Flaherty: "Yeah, I hear Jun's going to need some extra training anyways. Old federation poppin' up again." Dan Stein: "Again? Jesus H. Kast." (Stein smirks. Flaherty barely cracks a grin.) Eric Flaherty: "Yeah, yeah. You never know who might show up. Anyways, bro. Our flight leaves in about an hour. I'll catch up with you when I touch down. How're things with Jamie?" Dan Stein: "Permanent." Eric Flaherty: "And OP-Dub?" Dan Stein: "You know how I am. Never let an opportunity slip through my grasp." Eric Flaherty: "Atta boy. Give the ol' rebel a nice DDT for me." (Stein leans into Flaherty and over exaggerates wraps his arm around him.) Dan Stein: "I'm gonna miss ya!" (As he lets go, he feigns wiping a tear away.) Eric Flaherty: "Yeah, whatever." (Flaherty smirks as he walks past Stein, Stein turning to the camera with a grin.) Eric Flaherty: "This can't be good..." *** (The camera fades back, Stein standing in front of all the members of the gym, walking up and down the path with a black hat over his face. A stern look as he shakes his head.) Dan Stein: "You know what I see when I look at you, sitting out there, smirking your toothless smiles?" (Stein stops, turning to them sharply.) Dan Stein: "I see retards. I see morons. I see pillow biting ass pirates." (The last comment strikes a key in everyone, and they begin to laugh. Stein turns to them, a fake anger sliding across his face. As their laughter continues, Stein's face turns beet red as he tries not to laugh himself. However, the general gives in.) Dan Stein: "Listen guys... listen listen listen. I know what you're thinking, 'Dan's in charge, it's all fun and games now'. Right?" (A collective 'Right' is let out from the group.) Dan Stein: "Eh... that's somewhat right. See, half you guys sitting here have been training longer than I have. And the other half... well, we still got to get the goat around here, your initiation hasn't been completed." (A chuckle escapes some of their mouths. Stein just grins.) Dan Stein: "Heh, but the fact of the matter is simple - You've all paid my salary in one way, shape or form, to help you get better. Everyone knows that I'm more laid back than Flaherty, especially as of late, and we'll have our fun, I guaranty that. BUT... we're still going to work just as, if not harder, than if Eric was here." (A slight moan is let out.) Dan Stein: "Oh, c'mon, you pansies. How are you going to get better?" Group: "Work!" Dan Stein: "How are you going to do something with your lives?!" Group: "Work!" Dan Stein: "How are you going to show the ladies your rock hard bodies?" Group: "Work!" Dan Stein: "Bullshit, I can't hear you. Sound of like you got a pair, faggots. How are you going to get rock hard abs?!" Group: "Work!" Member of the gym: "How are you going to beat Stanton?" (Stein turns to the member, knowing exactly who it was. Stein walks over to him, standing in front of him, his face emotionless as if angry he was called out. He stands there for a second, before cracking a grin.) Dan Stein: "Work." (The guys in the gym stand up, clapping. Stein puts out a fist, and the unknown member of the gym hits it.) Dan Stein: "You're my partner the rest of the week. Get ready." (Stein grins as the camera fades away.) *** THE LIGHTS: "And here we are again, Marc. The last couple days before the hottest match in Under Siege title history, and the first man-on-man match between The Celtic Rebel and The Lights. No Mason Bishop to stink up the Battlegrounds with his untalented ass struggling for a last hoorah with his last breath. No Dan Stein looking for retribution for what Bishop did to his mom, none of that stuff. This is simply a wrestling match." (Stein smirks.) THE LIGHTS: "This is simply... beautiful. It's a beautiful thing, really. Though, I wish it were with you at 100%, and not nursin' that limb. Marc Stanton versus Dan Stein (the revived, Sky High Cup II winning, make people shit their pants with amazement Dan Stein), in the squared circle, putting on a show for the fans to see... and for gold." (Stein sits inside the office at Hybrid Gym, his blonde hair gelled up and his polo t-shirt nicely pressed. Looks as though he plans on going out later.) THE LIGHTS: "Not just any gold. The same gold belt forged from the gold of the belt that I never got a rematch for. Forged from a belt that cost me my mother... " (Stein chuckled a little.) THE LIGHTS: "That's bullshit, right there. The belt didn't cost me my mother, wrestling didn't cost me my mother. Nor did wrestling cost me my father. I could blame their deaths on myself, sure. But that'd be ridiculous. Shit happens, man. Shit happens. So my mom gets 'accidentally' shot by some punk redneck kids, out breaking the law already. So she doesn't come back from the medically induced coma. Sure I spend week after week at her bedside until she finally succumbs to the damage. But when I sat back on my couch, sipping those Guinness bottles like a teething toddler... I realized that shit happens. Life happens. And I can't sit around and mope about it. I can't place blame on anyone... well, except from those inbred fuck heads... but we all saw what I did to them." (Stein grimaces for a second, then continues on.) THE LIGHTS: "The point is, Marc, I'm not grieving. I'm not looking for justice. This isn't me against the world. This isn't me against Southern America. This isn't Dan Stein against Greyson Blade, or OPW. Or anyone. This is Dan Stein being the REAL Dan Stein. Not Ed Raymond's Superstar, or Prototype-X. The same Dan Stein that ran over Cade Sydal, the same Dan Stein that Greyson Blade took into battle against Downward Spiral, the boy that Greyson Blade had confidence in... now a man. More talented, a more complete arsenal. More sound. More exciting. More... determined." (Stein's trademark, make-the-ladies-swoon smirk comes back to him.) THE LIGHTS: "I'm tired of being looked at as the most overrated wrestler on the roster. People said that 2007 was going to be my break out year. What have I done worth anything in OPW? The Light Heavyweight title? Where is it? It's an after thought in people's minds. I haven't done anything remarkable. No matches of the year - which I'm PRAYING this match will be - no huge amazing spots like a Generation Gap from the top of the cage, nothing. I am just... Dan Stein, OPW wrestler. Not for very long, Stanton." (Stein stands up, walking around in front of the desk, still smirking at the camera.) THE LIGHTS: "I defeated Vangelus Olsig on his way down. I defeated Devastation on his way back to the top. And I hope to all things holy I'll beat you while you're at your top. Not because I hate you, not because I don't think you deserve the title, but because of who you are. Because of what you could mean to my career. Former DIWF/OPW nut job turned Marc-Out champion? That's marketability. That's stuff people remember. That Generation Gap from the top of the cage? That's OPW folklore. Me beating you, regardless of whether or not you've got that cast on? That's... well, that's a start." (Stein grins to himself.) THE LIGHTS: "Now, now. Don't get upset about that little comment, that's nothing disrespectful. In fact, that's just the opposite. Anybody can have a 'bad night', right? I mean, that's just what you said. So me beating you isn't going to be the best thing that's happened to me. It's IF I beat you what I do with the ball that's going to make me remarkable. Because who knows, maybe you club me over the head with that battering ram when the ref is distracted by Kris 'My gimmick changes more than Cronos Diamante' Taylor. Maybe you just simply out wrestle my 21 year old ass because your experience is worth more than my speed, technical ability, drive and health combined. Maybe you're just better than me. Maybe you hit the Generation Gap on me. Maybe you overpower me with one arm, I have seen a blind man wrestle in BadStar Khan, I'll be seeing Stan Erichson strap on the boots, I've seen OutKast give Dave Hawkins' wife an in-ring abortion, I have seen funnier things in the wrestling ring than just you, a one armed pill popping spot monkey, beating me, a completely healthy, determined, trained, talented, speedy, agile, DAMN SEXY mother fucker, with more talent in my little finger than Kris Taylor has in his entire entity." (Stein smiles.) THE LIGHTS: "After all of the bullshit we spew, after we talk ourselves up, after we get done having a pissing contest, it comes down to the ring. And regardless of the outcome, I'll be expecting that handshake. The best man will win, and his actions will speak louder than his wor-" (Stein stops mid sentence as the office door swings open. Walking in is Jamie, Stein's new girlfriend. Stein turns to the camera, smirking.) THE LIGHTS: "Lights... out." |