Memory problems
Difficulty concentrating
Attention Difficulties
Easily Distracted
Misplacing or difficulty tracking things
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty solving problems
Difficulty understanding spoken instructions
Difficulty understanding written instructions
Difficulty finding words
Difficulty communicating thoughts / feelings
Stuttering or stammering
Difficulties doing simple math
Impaired abstraction or literalness
Deficits in processing information
Deficits in sequencing information
Difficulty executing or doing things
Difficulty starting or initiating things
Difficulty handling work requirements
Difficulty handling school requirements
Having to check and re-check what you do
Disoriented by slight changes in daily routine
Unsure about things that you know well
Difficulty learning new things
Doing things slowly to insure correctness
Impaired ability to appreciate details
Impaired sense of self
Fear of loss of control
Easily agitated or irritated
Easily startled
Feelings of depression
Feelings of shame or guilt
Persistent anxiety
Anxiousness or feelings of fear and dread
Feelings of discouragement
Withdrawal or social isolation
Feeling others not appreciating your difficulties
Feeling everything is an effort
Feeling inept or worthless
Laughing or crying without apparent cause
Worrisome thoughts won't leave your mind
Making up explanations for things
Diminished insight
Mood swings
Having urges to beat, injure or harm someone
Shouting or throwing things
Temper outbursts that you could not control
Heart pounding or racing
Rapid pulse
Headaches or head pains
Increased blood pressure
Increased sensitivity to touch
Ringing in ears
Easily fatigued
Weakness or loss of strength
Feeling tense or keyed up
Restlessness, unable to sit still
Lessened ability to perform physically
Appetite disturbances
Trouble falling asleep
Awakening during the night
Sleep that is restless or disturbed
Passivity, or submissiveness
Overly sensitive
Discouragement or demoralization
Increased emotional distress
Chronic frustration
Excessively talkative
Compulsive writing
Overly responsible
Increased sexual activity
Increased shame or guilt
Sense of observing your self from afar
Altered consciousness
Slowed reaction time
Making up explanations for things
Sensitivity to temperature shifts
Seeing dark spots before your eyes
Blurred vision, especially when fatigued
Double vision especially when fatigued
Difficulty relaxing
Sensitivity to sound or noise
Sensitivity to light