2005 Results

Massacre 28:
-Chris Wylde d. Superstar with a roll up (Intercontinental Title)
-Akikuru d. Zakikuru with a wanton bomb
-Sean O'Mora & Armageddon fought to a no contest when Armageddon injured his knee.
-Kid d. Iceman with a tazzmission
-Ragin' Roberts d. Morbius Newcastle with a lariet (Extreme Title)
-Chris Ambros d. DVV by rolling him up while BDM distracted him.

Primal Intensity 2005:
-Hell Cat d. Akikuru with El Diablo
-Chris Ambros d. Ragin' Roberts with a piledriver
-Gangsta d. Sean O'Mora with a 187 Slam
-DVV & Kid d. Iceman & Thunder with a superkick (Tag Team Titles)
-Chris Wylde d. Enforcer, Predator with a dragon whip to Enforcer (Intercontinental Title)
-Chris Ambros d. Red Mystery with an armbar (United States Title)
-Mr.EO d. BDM with an RKO (World Title)

Massacre 29
-Kid d. Ragin' Roberts with a superkick (Extreme Title)
-BDM d. Chris Wylde with a sidewinder (Intercontinental Title)
-Hell Cat d. Sean O'Mora with a twisting senton in the first round of the Primetime Title Tournament
-Chris Ambros d. Kristian Newcastle with a Ki Krusher (United States Title)
-DVV d. Enforcer with a pounce in the first round of the Primetime Title Tournament
-Mr.EO & Red Mystery fought to a no contest when Chris Ambros, BDM & Kid all interfered.

Massacre 30
-Predator d. Morbius Newcastle with a powerbomb in the first round of the Primetime Title Tournament
-Kristian Newcastle d. Enforcer with a spin kick
-DVV d. Akikuru with a pedigree
-Superstar d. J Dawg with a rolling splash followed by a flipping senton to advance in the Primetime Title Tournament
-Kid d. Sean O'Mora with an evenflow DDT (Extreme Title)
-Red Mystery & Mercenary d. Chris Ambros & BDM when both men hit their finishers.

Massacre 31:
-Gangsta d. Akikuru in a hardcore match with the 187 slam
-Morbius Newcastle d. Enforcer with a school boy pin
-BDM d. Red Mystery with a splash (Intercontinental Title)
-Kid d. J Dawg with a superkick (Extreme Title)
-Chris Ambros & Mercenary fought to a no contest when Kid interfered in the match (United States Title)
-Superstar & Hell Cat d. Predator & DVV after DVV turned on Predator.

Total Chaos 2005:
-The Untouchables (Gangsta & J Dawg) d. The Plagues (Thunder & Iceman) with a sidewalk DDT (Tag Team Titles)
-DVV d. Predator with an elbow drop in the Semi-Finals of the Primetime Title Tournament
-Hell Cat d. Superstar with El Diablo in the Semi-Finals of the Primetime Title Tournament
-Morbius Newcastle & Red Mystery d. Enforcer & Ragin' Roberts with a roll up
-Chris Ambros d. Chris Wylde with a kogi clutch (United States Title)
-Kid and Mercenary ended in a draw when neither man could get up before the 10 count (Extreme Title)
-DVV d. Hell Cat with a razor's edge pedigree (Primetime Title)
-Red Mystery d. BDM, Ambros & Kid with a play of the day (World Title)*
*Mr.EO left the building because of something involving his mother.

Massacre 32:
*Mr.EO was granted an immediate rematch with Red Mystery upon learning that the Dark Carnival was behind him leaving at Total Chaos*
-Enforcer d. Ragin' Roberts with an inverted DDT
-DVV d. Creeper with a pedigree (Primetime Title)
-Chris Wylde & Mercenary d. Kid/BDM with a big elbow drop to BDM
-Mr.EO d. Red Mystery & Chris Ambros with an RKO (World Title)

Massacre 33:
-Chris Wylde d. Sean O'Mora with an elbow drop
-BDM d. J Dawg with a roll up (Intercontinental Title)
-DVV d. Mr.EO with a pedigree (Primetime Title)
-Chris Ambros d. Mercenary with a kogi clutch (United States Title)

Massacre 34:
-Predator & J Dawg fight to a no contest when Gangsta & Enforcer both interfere as well
-DVV d. BDM with a pedigree
-Chris Wylde d. Red Mystery with an elbow drop
-Hell Cat d. Chris Wylde with El Diablo
-Hell Cat d. Superstar with an inverted DDT
-Mr.EO & Kid d. Chris Ambros & Mercenary with an RKO

March Mayhem 2005:
-The Untouchables d. SWATT with a Devistation Device (Tag Team Titles)
-John Dwayne d. Sean O'Mora with a spear
-BDM wins the Intercontinental Title rumble with a frogsplash to Iceman* (Intercontinental Title)
*Order of Entry:
1. Iceman
2. Superstar
3. BDM
4. Chris Wylde
5. Red Mystery
-Kid d. Mercenary with an evenflow DDT to a ladder in a last man standing match (Extreme Title)
-DVV d. Demon with a pedigree into the casket during a casket match (Primetime Title)
-Chris Ambros d. Mr.EO with a ki krusher onto tacks during a ladder match (World Title)

Massacre 35:
-Superstar d Creeper via rockbottom
-Mr.Eo d DVV via front flip on DVVs bad leg for (primetime title)
-Pedro d BDM via styles clash (World)
-Kid d DVV and Demon via superkick on DVV

Massacre 36:
-Mr.Eo d Superstar via rko for (primetime title)
-Dwayne d Mike Jesse via Dimond cutter
-BDM d Red Mystery via frogsplash (Intercontinental Title) -Demon d Creeper and Akikuru via F5 on Creeper
-Pedro d Kid via DVV splashing Kid for (world title)

Massacre 37:
-Red Mystery d. Enforcer with a back suplex in a bull rope match
-Reaper d. Thunder & Akikuru with a tombstone
-John Dwayne d. Ragin' Roberts with a powerbomb & vertabreaker combination
-Kid d. Mr.EO with a superkick (Extreme Title)
-DVV d. Chris Ambros with a ki krusher (United States Title)

Downfall 2005:
-The Plagues d. SWATT with the End of Days (Tag Team Titles)
-Demon d. Reaper with an F5 off a ladder
-Red Mystery & John Dwayne d. Ragin' Roberts & Akikuru with a roll up
-Superstar d. Mr.EO in a ladder match (Primetime Title)
-Chris Ambros d. BDM with a war grip submission (World Title)
-DVV d. Kid by count out. (United States Title)

Massacre 38: Tag Title #1 Contender Tournament Round 1:
-SWATT d. Phaze & Creeper with a Predator Bomb
-Superstar & Chris Wylde d. John Dwayne & Red Mystery with an enziguri
-Demon & Reaper d. Akikuru & Thunder with double tombstones
-EO & Hell Cat d. Chris Ambros & DVV with an RKO

Massacre 39:
-Red Mystery d. Chris Wylde with a play of the day
-George Knapp d. Sean O'Mora with John Dwayne's help
-Mr.EO d. Reaper via DQ when Demon interfered
-Chris Ambros d. Predator with the War Grip submission (World Title)
-DVV d. Iceman with the That's Vicious (United States Title)

Reign of Terror 2:
-Mr.Eo and Hell Cat d SWATT via el rko
-Demon and Reaper d Superstar and Chirs Wylde via double tombstone
-Phaze d Akikuru and Creeper via razorsedge ddt on Creeper
-Mr.Eo and Hellcat d Demon and Reaper via front flips
-BDM d Morbius, Red Mystery and Roberts via cross face on Roberts for (IC title)
-Ambros d DVV and Kid in a street fight (World Title)

Massacre 40:
-Superstar d. Ragin' Roberts with an enziguri (Primetime Title)
-John Dwayne d. Chris Wylde with a powerbomb
-Creeper d. Enforcer with a roll up
-DVV d. BDM when BDM layed down (United States Title)
-DVV & BDM d. Kid & Chris Ambros with a pedigree

Massacre 41: Championship Gauntlet
-Chris Ambros d. Mr.EO with the war grip (World Title)
-Kid d. Chris Ambros with a superkick (World Title)
-Kid d. DVV with a superkick (World Title)

Massacre 42:
-John Dwayne d. Superstar with a dropkick (Primetime Title)
-The Plagues d. Mr.EO & Hell Cat with the End of Days splash (Tag Team Titles)
-DVV d. Demon with a pedigree (United States Title)
-Kid d. BDM, Chris Ambros, Reaper with a superkick (World Title)

Massacre 43:
-Predator d. Hell Cat with a powerbomb
-John Dwayne d. DVV with a diamond cutter
-Creeper d. Chris Ambros by DQ when Reaper interfered
-Mr.EO d. Armageddon with an RKO

EWF Reroute To Remain:
-Gangsta d Thug via elbow drop in a street fight
-Destroyer d Physcho via ddt
-Demon d Akikuru and Trash via F5
-Plauges d Keith Brooks and Giant via coldshoulder on giant onto kieth (tag)
-Mr.Eo and Mister Eo d Groovers via "450" and front flip
-DVV d BDM Pedro and Kid via vicious bomb to BDM off ladder

Hardcore Revolution 2005:
-George Knapp d. Chris Wylde with a spear
-Creeper d. Phaze with a black hole slam
-DVV d. Roberts & Akikuru with Vicious Bombs (United States Title)
-EO & Hell Cat d. Plagues, Predator & John Dwayne with an RKO (Tag Team Titles)
-Kid d. BDM with a stunner (World Title)

Massacre 44:
-Mercenary d. Creeper with a death drop
-John Dwayne d. BDM with a frogsplash
-Iceman d. Armageddon with a victory roll
-DVV d. Mr.EO with a Vicious Bomb (United States Title)
-Chris Ambros d. Reaper with a leg drop off a ladder

Massacre 45:
-Akikuru d. Demon with a tornado DDT
-DVV d. Creeper with a pedigree (United States Title)
-Predator d. Roberts with a powerbomb
-Kid d. Mr.EO with a superkick (World Title)

Massacre 46:
-Roberts d. Predator with an unprettier
-John Dwayne d. Iceman with a fishermans suplex (Primetime Title)
-Chris Ambros d. Mr.EO with a straightjacket piledriver
-BDM d. DVV with a pedigree (United States Title)

Massacre 47:
-Battle Royal for last entrant in rumble: -Iceman eliminated by Akikuru
-Destroyer eliminated by Dwayne
-Mr.Eo eliminated by Armageddon
-Predator eliminated by Dwayne
-Akikuru eliminated by Dwayne
-Dwayne = Winner
-Mercenary and Ambros d DVV and Kid

Deadly Game 2005:
-Mr.Eo and Dwayne d The Plagues via death sentance (tag titles) -Chris Ambros d Kid via sraight jacket piledriver in a street fight (World Title) -DVV Wins Royal Rumble for a World Title shot at WrestleFest 5:
[ Order of Entry ]
01. DVV
02. Double Gay
03. Trash
04. Roberts
05. Demon
06. Akikuru
07. Iceman
08. Predator
09. Kid
10. Mr.Eo
11. Mercenary
12. BDM
13. John Dwayne

[ Order of Elimination ]
01. Double Gay by DVV
02. Trash by DVV
03. Roberts by Iceman and Akikuru
04. Demon by DVV, Iceman, Akikuru
05. Akikuru by Iceman
06. Predator by DVV
07. Iceman by DVV
08. Dwayne by Kid
09. Mr.Eo by DVV and Kid
10. Kid by BDM
11. Mercenary by DVV
12. BDM by DVV

Massacre 48:
-Predator d. Akikuru with a roll up
-Kid d. BDM with a chair shot (Intercontinental Title)
-Mercenary d. Roberts with a flying headbut
-Mr.EO & John Dwayne d. DVV & Chris Ambros with an RKO (Tag)

Massacre 49:
-Reaper d Creeper via chokeslam
-Mr.Eo d Akikuru and Demon via RKO in a streetfight
-Dwayne d Predator via Dimond Cutter (Primetime Title)
-Ambros, DVV and Kid d BDM and Mercenary via DQ

Massacre 50:
-Demon d Creeper via chokeslam
-Akikuru and Mr.Eo d Predator and Gangsta via vanterminator and Aki bottom
-Iceman vs Roberts went to no contest when Kid came in and attacked both men
-Dwayne d DVV, Ambros, Mercenary, Kid and BDM via dimond cutter
-Ambros d Kid and DVV via koji clutch on kid tap out in a street fight (World Title)

WrestleFest 5:
-Demon d Reaper in devils den via putting him in casket
-Styles Clash Gauntlet:
-Pyscho d Keith Brooks via roll up
-BG d Keith Brooks via splash
-ref George Knapp d Thunder via ddt
-Trash eliminates himself
-BG d Chris Wylde via leg drop
-O'mora d BG via roll up
-O'mora d Creeper via throwing over top rope
-Superstar d O'mora via 360 splash
-Superstar d Red Mystery via back elbow
-Roberts d Superstar via unprettier
-Destroyer d Roberts via ddt
-Destroyer is winner
-Tag Team Turmoil for the Tag Team Titles
-Mr. Eo and Dwayne d Groovers via frog splash on sir get down a lot
-Mr.Eo and Dwayne d Akikuru and Zakikuru via vanterimnator on zaki's balls
-Mr. Eo and Dwayne d NWO via dq
-Mr. Eo and Dwayne d Untouchables via Dwayne splash off ladder
-Plagues d Mr.Eo and Dwayne via cold shoulder on eo
-Plauges d SWATT via roll up (Tag Titles)
-Kid d BDM and Mercenary in a submission match (BDM wins), last man standing match (Mercenary wins) and a ladder match - won by Kid (Intercontinental, United States, Extreme Titles) -DVV d Chris Ambros in an hour ironman match (World Title)

Appetite For Destruction: (August 2005)
-Sid Blade defeats Nutjob (Intercontinental Championship)
-GPK defeats Roberts (Hardcore Championship)
-EO defeats Trapp
-Sainitario and Creaper fight to a no contest
-EO defeats Sid Blade & GPK (TAW Championship)
ProcoreMania 1: (September 2005)
-Armageddon defeats Trapp & Nutjob
-Demon defeats Creaper
-Kid defeats Julio
-Sid Blade defeats BDM (Intercontinental Championship)
-John Dwayne defeats Jean
-Roberts defeats DVV (United States Championship) in a First Blood Match
-Chris Ambros defeats EO (TAW Championship)