With Fall Classic: Desire Of One looming around the corner, what will it take for the power struggle between Mark Martel and Marcus Centofante to finally end?

Losing Streak Continues -
Scott Skills suffered his most recent loss at the hands of the retired Manic. How will this affect the grapplers confidence heading into one of the biggest events of the year for WZW?
Former Partners Now Bitter Rivals -
The Dream and Ryan Rebel are still gearing up for their match up at Fall Classic. What stipulation will the match be contested under and who will walk away with the last laugh?
What's Next For Centofante? -
After suffering a loss at the 9/27 show and being brutally attacked by Freakshow what will Marcus Centofante do to retaliate against the monsters actions? Stay tuned and see!
Will Doc Fight? -
Robby Roberts and Dr. Sexy have been having a very interesting back and forth verbal battle lately during WZW shows. The question on everyone's mind is will Doc wrestle Robby?