Destined is just around the corner for Universal Championship Wrestling. On Saturday May 31st the second Free For View of the year will happen. All three championships are on the line and what will the new Commissioner Alex Cross have in store for everyone?
Next Exceptional Effort Champion? -
At Massacre 98 Reaper was on the losing end in his match with Chris Ambros. As per Commissioner Cross' stipulation, Reaper will open Destined with a shot at Sid Blade's E. Effort title. Will Reaper finish the neck injury he started or will he be cut short?
A Fluke Victory. -
Sean O'Mora and his partner Robby Roberts have been visibly shaken up by the recent reappearences of Armageddon and Iceman, better known as The Plagues. Will the legendary team be at Destined when Brains N Brawn defend the titles? Only time will tell.
Centofante Not Wrestling -
Marcus Centofante will not be wrestling at the next UCW free for view! He has been ordered to serve as special guest referee for the Universal Championship match. Will Centofante call it right down the middle or will he help Ambros win?
Two Titles, Two Matches -
Sid Blade has his work cut out for him at Destined. Not only is he defending the Universal Title against one of his biggest rivals Chris Ambros but he has to wrestle the monster Reaper again, just a few shows after Reaper hurt the champs neck.