Name/Date | Message |
Steve 1/15/05 1:05 PM |
Open Board Welcome to the Double Helix Wrestling Insider Board where you are welcome to do pretty much whatever you want. I created this board so that we could converse about promos and Don could post plans and he could take promo and match ideas from us and incorpetate them into the show. Youa re welcome to script promos and we all know that in todays prowrestling promos and match buildups are just as important as the wrestling itself. So feel free to post a couple of times a week or better yet just post a couple times a week because you have to. Don will post times for shows crowd listings and all kinds of crap including plans for the shows so we can all read them and have a better idea of what we are doing before we get to the basement or Don's house or whatever. It will hopefully help us improve our skills and keep up imformed uping the quality of our stuff and we all know how to roleplay so posting promos shouldn't be a problem. Oh and post spots if you want anything and I mean anything. Except naked pictures of Willow. cough cough Warren. Peace Out Steve Oh and if anyone wants a GMAIL account I have seven invites. |