1. everyone must be a member of the clan wads..if you're not a member of the clan wads you shouldn't even know this exists.
2. every must use their DC2 name (so everyone knows who you are, lol)
3. everyone post a message introducing yourself, what you like to do and stuff, also include what you would like to do in the game...crafting or harvesting whatever.
4. no FLAME wars and no spam!!
5. i can't think up one for rule five but when i do it'll go here, lol.
4/08/07 12:42 AM
any three elders can veto a descision made by the leader.
4/08/07 1:57 AM
impeaching the leader
it takes a majority vote of all elders and members to impeach the leader
4/20/07 3:33 PM
ods Baltheus if i m not mistaken was promoted by me to elder ages ago and in likelyhood is as old an elder as any 1 depends on the day u oldies but goodies got promoted