Saints Haven
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Week of December 29nd, 2008


December 29- Saints Haven has added a graduate of the Saints Haven Wrestling Academy to its roster. The young Jay Encina from West Covina, California will be joining the other roster members here in the Haven. Saints Haven hopes to have a full roster of 8 participants by the coming New Year and to run its first show the first week of 2009.


Week of December 22nd, 2008


December 22- HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Saints Haven! The Haven has entered contract negotiations with several talented independent wrestlers. There are also rumors that Isaac Bronco has been approached by wrestling superstar, Lee Best, regarding a joint venture between Saints Haven and High Octane Wrestling. More details to come over the next few days.


Week of December 15th, 2008


December 18 - New talent signed! The Haven welcomes: Ben and Jackson Hanson. The Hansons are a tag team from Akron, Ohio known as Splendid Isolation. The Haven also welcomes Darnell "Big Smoke" Jackson, an all-around talent from Queens, New York.

December 15 - Are the rumors true? Is Saints Haven returning? A mysterious countdown found in the Saints Haven website ticks down toward 12 midnight of January 1st, 2009... What does it mean?