"Heart to 'Heart'"

Nirvana wishes to talk to me like he knows me. Like he has a bond with me. That he somehow knows me. He talks as if he knows my mother. Because he holds her heart in his chest. He acts like because of it, that holds my mother's soul, as if it were stuck in purgetory within his body. He talks like he gets his strength from her, because of it. A nine ounce piece of flesh, now encased inside him, has given him the ability to know the thoughts of my mother.

But the truth is, he's talking out of his ass. Jeff, you know nothing of my mother. Nothing of how she feels, nothing of who she was. You do not have her soul, because you have her heart. Her heart does not contain her soul. The heart is just a organ. It is just a piece of machinery that beats until the it is time for it too stop. It stopped for my mother, and somehow you were able to make it start again for you. By that time any part of her that was in that nine ounce piece of flesh was gone. It doesn't matter, because who she was, was in her mind, something that can not be passed from one body too another.

You can talk about how much you think you have a piece of my mother. About what you think my mother feels, but you don't know any better then I do. Can I fight you, Jeff? Yes. Will I have any problem with it? No. Does it make me want to hurt you? No. Does it make me want to beat you? No more then before when this was just another step towards the goal at hand. When the blood spills, will I feel it is my mother's blood? No, it is your blood, pumped by her former heart.

And as for Sean, you have no idea what you are talking about. What kind of relationship me and Sean have is none of your business. He is my tag team partner, who has helpped me in some troubling times of my life. I owe him atleast my gratitude for having done such a thing. And that will not change weither we win this week or not. You think I have fallen in love with him? What do you know about me to indicate that? Nothing. Would I jepordize Sean for the chance too rip the heart out of your chest? Sorry Jeff, no I wouldn't. I wouldn't even rip it from your chest if I had the chance. Who am I too do such a thing. I'm sorry Jeff, but I can't take another life, not even yours. I'm better then you in that way. And would my mother disapprove of me being with Sean, if infact we were together as more then a tag team? Who knows, but the truth of the matter is, that she always had an open mind. Much more open then Will's. And that if you think she'd dissapprove, because you know that Will dissapproves, you don't have any clue as too the woman that she was. Face it King, that heart hasn't given you shit in terms of knowing me, or my mother.

Is my view of the world jaded? I know what the world is like. I've experience enough of it too know that it's more likely to break one's heart, then help achieve one's dreams. Sure, I haven't experienced as much of it as you have, but regaurdless, quit talking to me like I'm some lost child, who doesn't even realize you're hanging it over a boiling pot of water.

As for Kamikaze, what can I say about him that I haven't already said. I can already tell that it probably going to be more about Nirvana and me, then me Kamikaze. Which is a shame, because I did enjoy our last match.

Speaking of Sean though, has anyone seen him lately. Please let me know if you have, and tell him if you see him that Sara is looking for him.

The scene opens in Ozone Park, New York. Sara is seen pulling up the driveway of the house she grew up in. Kotomi is not with her at the moment, having already gone on to Atlanta to make preperations for herself and Sara. As she shuts her car off, she sees motion in the front window, knowing that it's probably her stepfather. She reaches in the front of her shirt, and pulls out the two necklaces she found at her home in Nome. She steps out of the car, and sees the front door open, Will Schorg standing on the otherside.

"Home so soon?" He asks.

"Not for long, in fact, I probably won't be coming inside," Sara tells him, "I just was hoping to talk to you a little bit."

"Yea, well I have a few questions too. Like what are you doing with your life?" He asks.

"I went back to the house in Alaska. I know mom intended for me to get it anyway at some point." Sara tells him, "I just have some questions about the things I found there."

"What did you find?"

"I found these." Sara says, taking off the two necklaces, and handing them to her step father, he looks at them. "Dad, was mom Jewish?"

Will looks at the star of David on the chain, and the locket with Becky's picture in it. He hands them back to Sara, "I don't know kid, we never really talked about it."

Sara has a stunned look on her face when she hears this, "What do you mean? How can you be married to someone that long without even once discussing something like this?"

Will shrugs his shoulders, "We weren't that into anything religious, you know that."

"Did she ever give any hints or clues?"

"What does it matter?"Will asks his stepdaughter, "She wasn't Jewish, you're not Jewish. Just because he had a necklace with a six point star charm on it..."

"...It was Grandma's before it was Mom's, Will. I have a feeling it has more significance then 'just a charm'."

Will just looks at his stepdaughter, and sighs.

"Just get the hell out of here. I don't know why you came back. Are you still wrestling?"

"I have a tag team match against Kamikaze, and Nirvana this week. Sean Starr is my partner."

"You're tagging with that nosey nig...."

But Will stops mid-sentence. Sara has a look of pure disgust on her face.

"Were you just about to call Sean a 'Nigger'?"

Will doesn't respond at first, he just stands there looking at his stepdaughter. He turns around and begins to walk back towards the house.

"And mom was Jewish, wasn't she? But you won't admit it. You're a bigot!"

"You're mother, was as Jewish as you are my daughter, which you aren't! I'm done! No more questions!" Will yells without even turning around, "Go throw your life away wrestling, and hanging around with some jigga-bo asshole. What do I care? You're not part of this family anymore."

"I don't need you, Will, or this family anymore. I have family of my own, that you don't even know."

Will turns arund smiling, "Yea? Who's that? The Pettises?"

"Yes, my cousin, Uncle Michael's daughter. From Japan. I told her when we meet that I wasn't a Pettis, that I was a Schorg. But anymore, I don't like the sound of that either."

Will just chuckles, and shakes his head in disbelief, "So you're mother was a Jew, your cousin is a nip, and you're boyfriend is a Nigger. Wow, I'm glad I'm not your father." Will says before turning around and walking back towards the front door, "Yes Sara, when I meet your mother, she was Jewish. Not as much so as your Grandmother, but Jewish none the less. I made her give up that crap. I wasn't going to be married to a Kike."

With those words, Will opens the front door, and goes back inside, leaving Sara standing outside, completely beside herself. She sees her older stp sister Jane step out of the front door, and start to walk towards her.

"Jane, don't even start to make an excuse for what he just said, he was completely out of line."

Jane just looks at Sara.

"Who the hell is he anyway, to disrespect everyone I care about like that?"

"He's my father Sara," Jane says, "Now, please go, and don't come back if your not going to respect him."

Sara is completely stunned by what her stepsister has just said to her.

"Jane, please, don't tell me you think he's right. Don't tell me you think like that too."

"It doesn't matter Sara," Jane tells her, "He's my father, and I'll respect him no matter what he thinks. Please leave Sara. Nothing good has, or will come by you staying around here."

Sara looks at her stepsister, and just shakes her head in disbelief, before getting back into her car. She starts it up, and backs out the driveway again, her eyes glued to Jane's. She begins to drive off, and Jane goes back into the house.

Weeks, thats all it takes to completely change your world. Just a few weeks ago, I was in school. I loved Will, Jane, and the twins. They were my family. All I cared about was graduation. And now that has come and gone, and with it, my old home, my old friends, and my old family. Now, I stand in awe of the people that I spent my life with. I stand in complete, and utter disgust of my step father, a man I loved more then my real father. I stand in complete and total awe of my mother, who gave up most of who she was, just to be with this man. I stand in awe of my Sister, yes my sister, thats how I've always known her, and the fact that she is standing up for him. My life has changed, but my goals remain the same.

Nirvana, I've said it before, and I'll say it again now. You do not know anything more about my mother now, then you did when she was alive. You two passed each other occasionally, and that is all. Everything you've said you feel of her, because of the heart, is in your head. In your sick, twisted, cannibalistic head. You Nirvana, are the scum of the Earth, something you seem all too proud of I guess, trying to liken yourself to the animals that will eat it's own kind for it's own survival. You ask if we're really better then the animals that walk on all fours. Yes, we are. Atleast, I know I am. An animal just wants to exsist, and keep on exsisting, and multiplying. Humans are more then that, atleast some of us are.

Kami, how do you get mixed up with a guy like this? What is it about this man that has drawn you into being his partner? Theres nothing about him that says compassion for anyone outside of Lucretia Black. Nothing that says he wouldn't take you out if it didn't mean his own survival. Thats what animals do you know. They will destroy each other just so that they can go on exsisting. But hey, I guess you have your reasons, just like Mom had her reasons to give up her faith for Will Schorg.