"Taking Back Whats Mine"
The scene opens in Brooklyn, New York. At the CCWA&ICE, Nathan Gust's wrestling academy. The glass door opens, and in walks Shawn Walsh, wearing a $1,200 dollar grey suit, and $500 pair of sunglasses. Accompanying him is Jayden his assistant. He stands at the door, with Jayden standing next to him.
"Ahem," Walsh says.
"What?" Jayden asks.
"Glasses." Walsh responds.
Jayden sighs, and takes Walsh's glasses off his face. He blinks while his eyes adjust to the change in light.
"Not so fast next time, slut. Now, pocket."
Jayden sighs again as she folds back the arms of the glasses, and slides them into Shawn's breast pocket.
"Thank you whore, next time I shouldn't have to tell you." he tells her.
Walsh looks around the small facility. Most of it is taken up by the three rings, two four sided, and one six sided. The rest of the space is occupied by weight lifting equipment and sparring mats. Walsh sniffs his nose, and notices the obvious funk of sweat.
"I hate working out in groups." he says, looking at all of the young rookies on the equipment, and in the ring. Two of the rookies sparring in one of the four sided rings look up, and see Walsh standing at the doorway.
"Hey, you're Shawn Walsh." one says.
"Yes, I am, but next time, bow when you say my name, peasant!" Walsh responds.
The rookie looks back at his partner, and they laugh, before the one that called Shawn spits at the floor infront of him.
"Thats the closest to a bow you're ever going to get from me asshole." he tells Shawn.
"You little motherfucker... I demand to know who runs this dump!" Walsh yells, "Scum like you should not be allowed to leave the house let alone come to a public place!"
"Why are you here if you don't know who runs it?" the other asks.
Shawn gets a confused look on his face. He looks at Jayden.
"Answer the pissant, whore." he tells her.
"You said you wanted to talk to that one rookie in RWA. Sara Pettis."
"Why would I want to do that?" Shawn asks.
"I don't know, I think you where high or something." she tells him.
"What did I say about things I say when I'm high?"
"Not to take them seriously, unless you're being serious." Jayden responds.
"Why didn't we do that this time?" Walsh asks.
"Because you said 'I'm being serious' when you said it." Jayden tells him.
Walsh looks at Jayden, and he just smiles and says, "Just because I'm not fucking your twat anymore, doesn't mean I can't fuck your life, fall in, now."
Jayden just looks away, Walsh looks back at the two rookies leaning on the ropes.
"Why the fuck are you two still looking at me?" Walsh asks.
"If you want Sara, she's got her own little office thingy in the back, next to Nathan Gust's?"
"Gust is here?" Walsh says, "Fucking failed abortion."
"He owns this place." one of the rookies tells him.
"Yea, this place does look like a dumpster his momma might have left him in after he was born. Alright, I guess I should go visit Pettis' little skank niece while I'm here, since I do have some things to get off my chest as far as she's concerned."
Walsh sneers at the two rookies as he and Jayden walk around the rings and towards the back
of the building. He finally reaches his destination. He stands there looking back and forth
between Gust's and Sara's offices. He raises an eyebrow and is about to go into Gust's for a
little visit but Jayden clears her throat, drawing his attention. Shawn turns back to her.
"Yes?" he asks as if he really doesn't care.
"Sara's office is over here..." she starts to say.
"I don't pay you to think." Walsh cuts her off.
Walsh sighs as he turns and opens the door to Sara's office. He sees her sitting behind her
desk wearing an XCW t-shirt. She gives a surprised look - caught off guard. Walsh raises an eyebrow and points at her. "You."
After the intial shock wears off, Sara just sighs and goes back to what she was doing at the time before calmly stating, "Didn't anyone ever teach you how to knock?"
Walsh scoffs, "Show some respect for the future Universal Champion."
Sara doesn't even look up at him, she just keeps crunching numbers on a calculator in front of her. Walsh starts to get miffed by this, and slams his hand down at the desk where Sara is working.
"Hey! Failed SFT test tube baby, I'm talking to you!" he yells at her.
Sara just looks up at him, "Listen, I'm trying to do some expense stuff for this place. You don't really think it stays open being run by Dan, Nate, and Rico Smith without some help, do you?"
"Your running of this shithole does not concern me. I do not care. You are beneath me. I just came to inform you of one thing..." He takes a few steps towards her, "Last week was nothing. You're luck is about to run out. You're nothing more than a passing fad, famous in the first place only for your last name."
Sara looks up, but not at Walsh. She looks over at Jayden, who is just off to the side.
"Hey, do you want a new job?" Sara asks.
Jayden is surprised, and isn't sure how to respond.
"It's not the best money in the world, but this place could really use someone who could do this kind of stuff full time while I'm on the road with Nate."
Jayden stumbles over her words, and Walsh starts to snarl.
"Hey, this bitch is mine! Ok? She belongs to me, and only I can say who she works for, and what not!" He yells at Sara.
Jayden looks back and forth between Sara and Shawn for a moment, thinking deeply. Walsh taps his foot briefly then snaps his fingers.
"Back to the limo, peon," he snaps.
Jayden frowns, then looks over at Sara. With a loud sigh and a shake of her head, she turns around and heads out of the office. Walsh grunts at Sara.
"Why are you not showering me with love like the rest of your kind?" Walsh asks.
"My kind?" Sara asks.
"You know... The class of people beneath me - Everyone."
"Sorry Shawn, fact of the matter is, I've never really had a thing for...you know...assholes." she responds.
"Getting a little 'big for your britches' aren't you? Do you know who I am? Do you know what I've done? Hell just recently I accomplished something that you just could not achieve."
Sara just stares blankly at Walsh, then shakes her head like she's just snapped out of a trance, "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening...just kinda trailed off while you were talking there."
Walsh clenches his fist and grits his teeth. He mutters, "I am so... angry..." then has to remind himself, "Beating a sixteen year old is
bad for business..."
Sara just leans back in her seat, "Careful Shawn, looks like you might blow a cork, you don't want to do something you might regret later."
Walsh scoffs at her, "Listen, I just came to give you a warning. Don't show up on Tuesday. It's in your best interest. You seem like a sweet girl. Sit home and listen to your Britney Spears records. You're not ready for the big time. This thing with me, Lucretia, and Havoc is about to blow up... and trust me, should you be caught in the crossfire you will be hurt."
"Yea, yea, I've heard it before Shawn. I'll keep it in mind." Sara says.
Walsh's face grows red with anger. He raises a finger and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out but incoherent mumbles. His upper lip twitches as he snarls and finally says, "...Oh you're fucked." turns and walks out of the office.
Sara goes back to her work at hand, just sighing, as if what just happened is completely normal. A few seconds later theres a knock on the door, its her Uncle Nate.
"Sara, why was Shawn Walsh here?"
"Don't worry about it, Uncle Nate. He just felt like being an asshole. Thats all. I took care of it."
Nathan nods, trusting his niece can handle herself, and walks away from the office.
I'm sure you all thought I was going to be depressed. And dissapointed, and burnt out. I tried to do too much last week, and it bit me, I know that. But I feel like I had to try it anyway. Oh well, I've got a lot of time to go after the RWA Title, so maybe not qualifying for the Devil's Dance isn't as devistating as I had thought.
If there was one thing I want back though. It's the T.V. Title. Thats my title. When Foley made that title defended every week, I showed up every week, and put forth an effort that most people would be bitching and crying for a week off after. I did it every week since Crushed Dreams. I did it against Dameon, TYO, Nate, and Lucretia. But I guess it just wasn't quite enough against Lucretia.
But fuck it. Devil's Dance is history for me now. Who cares. You think I give a shit that this match is between the 6 attempted DD Qualifiers? Not really. I just see that my T.V. Title is on the line again. Call me selfish if you want, but I want that title back damn it. If I hadn't been the one to have held that title when the stipulation was added to it, we'd have had a different champion every week for the past month! Who wants to have to update that title history on the RWA Website that often? No, before I held that title, it was nothing. How long was it held by Amy Jo, and not defended? Thats not a shot at AJ. But the title was nothing before me. And now, since I've held it. It's become a coveted piece of wrestling history. People are seeking out the RWA T.V. Title now. And you all can thank me for that. I was an ambassador of the T.V. Title division. I've set the standard, and I want it back, before Lucretia fucks up that standard again.
Lucretia is in the Devil's Dance. So she's only going to be thinking about the Unversial Championship. And we're going to see one of two things happen. The T.V. Title is either going to A) fade back into oblivion, or B) start to get passed around more then a doobie at Chris Salem's house. Oh, you know what I'm talking about, we've all been to Chris' after show parties.
No one else is probably even going to care that the RWA T.V. Title is on the line in this match. But I do. I want that gold back so bad. I miss it. It was so cool to carry it around, and the fact that people knew what it was, and who I was when I carried it, made it just alittle bit better. The only person, in this match, who's main focus is going to be on the T.V. Title, is me. TB doesn't care about it. He only has the U.S. Title, a title that has taken the place of the T.V. Title in the obscurity catagory. Ask people who the RWA U.S. Champion this past month has been, you get blank stares. Because Tony never defended the thing it seemed. Now, ask someone who the RWA T.V. Champion was this past month, and BOOM, Sara Pettis.
And Shawn. He's just jealous of the fact that he's not the center of the RWA universe anymore. It all used to be about Shawn. Everyone wanted to be Shawn's friend, everyone wanted to do stuff with Shawn, everyone wanted a match with Shawn. And now, it's me they want to work with. Me they want to be friends with. Me that they want to face. He's in the Lethal Lottery, and aside from his little group of Egomanical twits, no one wants to play with Shawn anymore. Oh, boo hoo Shawn. You're time is up. You're a shell of the man you once were, and the fact that you've been replaced by a 18 year old girl makes you sick doesn't it? Face it Shawn. You're not the prettiest ballerina at the ball anymore...I am, teehee.
And Lucretia. What can I say. You beat me, kudos to you. But you're not going to keep ahold of that title for very long. Thats the title I want right now, and I'm going to get it back damn it. But I doubt you'd care, you got what you want. You're in the DD. So when I pin whoever in this match, and get the T.V. Title, everyone can be happy. You can go on to DD against Havoc, and Shawn, and Amy Jo if she still has the title. And I can go back to defending the T.V. Title, week in, and week out. It's a win win situation, and I know you have to consider it. I mean, why would you want to have to go through all of those pesky title defenses every week, leading up to the biggest match of the year? Do yourself a favor, don't let anyone break my pins. This is a stupid six-person tag with no benifits of you winning, what so ever. Atleast do the noble thing, and make sure the deserving T.V. Champion leaves the ring that night. Not someone who is just likely to hand it off to someone else the next week.
Lucretia, Shawn, and Tony...
Good luck...
I'm taking back whats mine.